To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)

Asriel felt all the blood leave his face. He didn't want to lie, but then again Frisk said not tell anyone. Then again Frisk said that if he asked Papyrus not to say anything he wouldn't. But just the fact that he would just come out and ask so boldly. " No, I'm not. I know I said something the other day. But I just felt bad for your brother. So I, you know, went for the 'shock and awe'." He gave a little jazz hands. "I'm, sorry if I upset you. I heard you good friends with him?" Truth no one told him, but that was because he knew first hand. Asriel felt the weight of his guilt get heavier. And the way Papyrus smiled at him so trusting and innocent. It hurt his soul. Asriel was supposed to be making things right. Not weave a web of lies. He wanted to look to, but he didn't. Just kept his eyes on Papyrus.
"Oh.. That's ok.." Papyrus looked a little let down, he looked away and thought for a moment. He was a little disapointed "I guess that makes sense! That's what I thought, Flowey was a really good friend! I liked him a lot!!" He smiled so innocently " Even after the whole... trying to kill all of us thing! He deserves a second chance! After frisk saved us.. I was hoping I could talk to him, change his mind about the whole. Genocide thing! Nyeh heh heh heh!! He was so shy! Constantly hiding from people and getting grumpy! Now that we we're heading to the surface I thought I might be able to help him make friends!" He smiled even wider and looked around with his hand above his eyes to block out light. "hmm.. Maybe? would you help me look for him!?" Papyrus jumped and smiled wider "I know you might be busy! But this is important!! He could be in trouble if no one has seen him!"
Asriel's body started to tremble, he has always been so dishonest to Papyrus, and he still was. Right now he didn't feel any better than flowey He was going to make this right this time. Not start a friendship on lies like before. He knew what Frisk said. But he trusted Papyrus, and he was going to do right by his this time. " Gah! I cant do this!" He took ahold of Papyrus arm pull him off behind a building. " You don't need to go looking for him, just forget about Flowey. Trust me, he is safe and he is happy. And most of all he feels really, REALLY bad for what he did." He sighed letting go of Papyrus arm, groaning as he rubbed his face with his paws.
Papyrus got pulled quickly and he looked a little shocked. "gah!" then being behind the building Asriel started talking kind of fast, Papyrus wasn't sure how to react to this.. He was acting strange. Papyrus put his hand gently on Asriels forearm, in a reassuring way. "Are.. you ok Asriel? If there's something wrong with Flowey then you can tell me.. I can handle it! And have you seen Flowey? He feels bad? Why can't I see him? Is he hurt? did he get away?" Papyrus started asking a bunch of questions, mostly out of curiosity and feeling bad for Flowey. "Is he hiding with you, cause he thinks people won't forgive him for what he did??" Papyrus scratched his chin and then looked around, he held onto Asriels arm. He kind of knew something was wrong, and then started slowing down with his questioning. Not wanting to feel like he was cornering Asriel. He waited a moment and smiled "Whats wrong.. You can tell me. I promise!"
Asriel groaned louder this time, trying to gather his thoughts thinking real hard on if this was a good idea. This was something that had to be said. He looked to Papyrus, taking a deep breath. Maybe if he could be honest with Papyrus from the start, it will show Sans that he was not like that anymore. " Okay, look. First, I'm sorry. Second, this stays between you, and me. Just for now." He didn't wait for him to agree before Asriel continued. " I know all this because, what I said the other day was true. But what I never told you, is that I was this, before I was that." He stopped to make sure Papyrus was following him. As much as he cared for this monster, he was not always bright. " Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"
Papyrus's face lights up and he quickly pushes himself into Asriel hugging him and putting his head up against his neck. "Flowey! I knew it was you!!" He hugged a bit tighter and then let go putting his hands on his hips. "It makes so much sense now! You where Asriel all along! That would make sense why you never told me where you came from even when I asked! Or why you where so shy! Why you never wanted to go to the castle!! Or many of the other reasons why you where grumpy and easy to anger!! I'd be angry too if I was a flower!" he laughed a little bit. Grabbing Asriels face and pinching his cheeks a bit, pulling them, not hard enough to hurt him just looking at him. "But now you're back!! Its a Miracle! You're fully grown too! You must be so happy to be back in your old form!!" Papyrus lifted one of Asriels ears and felt his fur chuckling a bit. Getting a bit carried away from his own excitement.
That answered Asriel's question. Next thing her knew he was getting manhandled but the tall skeleton. Everything happening so fast he couldn't make heads or tails of what was happening. But he felt some weight lifted. The good thing is he already knew he could trust Papyrus. Asriel almost yelped when Papyrus started pulling on his cheeks. But never once got angry with his dear friend. Luckly he stopped before Asriel could ask. He chuckled a little, it tickling he a little as messed with his ears. "Shhh, keep it down. Remember, between you and me." It filled his soul with joy seeing Papyrus so happy. "Well, there is more. I guess the main reason I was so...grumpy was because I didn't have a soul. So I didn't feel much or anything. Well, nothing good to be honest. And I'm sorry I lied. I promise, ask me anything and I will tell you the truth. No matter how painful it is. How about that?" Asriel smiled kindly to him. Feeling good that he could make an honest friend to Papyrus. The kind he deserved from the start.
Papyrus laughed along side Asriel as he was laughing, letting go of his ear and just letting it flop back down. "Oops! sorry. I'll be as quiet as a Whimson! Promise, I won't tell anyone! Thank you so much for trusting me with this delicate information!" He let go of Asriel completely, looking him up and down. Seeing just how much he changed and smiling. "You're so cute now! well.. you where cute before! Of course you where! A cute little flower! But now you're a cute fluffy goat!" Papyrus smiled closing his eyes and chuckling. Then he told him about how he couldn't feel and papyrus looked very sad and shocked. "oh no! Nothing? are you ok now? Do you feel happy now?? Please! Let me take care of you!! Show you how to be happy! It must have been horrible! Not being able to feel good.. No wonder you where so grumpy all of the time.." Papyrus frowned a little more, feeling even worse for Asriel.
"C-cute?!" Asriel could feel his cheeks get warm, suddenly feeling a little bashful. " Yeah, I guess so" He said shyly rubbing the back of his head. "I feel fine, I really do. I mean I feel happy now. Knowing how happy you are. And felt sad and guilty a little bit ago when I lied and I saw how sad you were." He looked up at Papyrus giving him a coy smile. "You were always my favorite." He said giving him a small shrug, looking around making sure they were still a lone. "Hey can I ask you something? Where is everyone?"
Papyrus saw asriel blush and gave him a coy smile, then he said that papyrus was his favorite and this only made Papyrus extremely bashful as well. His cheeks getting a light pink and his eyes widening, he chuckled and looked away a little shy and very flattered. That look Asriel gave him made his head feel light for some reason "w-well.. Of course i'm y-your favorite! I am the great Papyrus! Nyeh.. Neyh heh heh.." he rubbed the back of his neck the same way Asriel did and closed his mouth. Then he looked around, "Good question. I was thinking the exact same thing actually.. I was stretching and no one was up!... Maybe they're still mourning? or.. I'm not sure. There's no curfew! Or anything like that"
Asriel cleared his throat and took a step back from Papyrus. To be in such a cold area, he was feeling a little hot all of a sudden. This was a new feeling, it was almost as if he wanted to throw up, but in a happy way. It was really odd. He took note to maybe ask Frisk about this later. " Yes you are, the greatest." Hearing that Papyrus was also worried made Asriel more concerned. It was almost reminding him of other time lines. " Did you, want some help making sure everything is okay?" The fear Sans might see him with his brother was there. But he knew that Sans wouldn't do anything while Papyrus was around. Plus he wanted to show Papyrus that he can be a real friend, not like before.
Papyrus felt a bit, uneasy. His head felt light and his hands where a bit shaky like he was scared, but he felt very comfortable. Not sure what brought this on, he chuckled nervously and looked around the corner of the building they where behind. "Well.. even the guards seem sluggish today. That would be excelent! Maybe the good Monsters of Snowdin just need some cheering up! I can't think of anyone better to cheer them up than their new Prince" He smiled wide and looked back at him, his eyes meeting Asriels. For some reason looking into those.. eyes.. they made his hands shake worse, he got flustered and looked upwards. "so.. y-yeah! That would be great!" His eyes looking anywhere but towards asriel, making him feel odd. He chuckled again nervously.
As Papyrus looked down at him he couldn't help but think how he never noticed how adorable he was. " Right like always Papyrus!" Asriel smiled widely at him. Just as Papyrus looked up, Asriel looked down, his body feeling warmer still. Maybe he was getting sick. Though it has been awhile since he was. " So, yeah..."Asriel repeating him. " Great. Lets, go." He said walking from behind the building, now out in the open he found it a little easier to breath. He looked around for Frisk, realizing he hasn't seen or heard from her in awhile. " I'll just follow your lead, since you have a better idea about how to go about these things."
Papyrus had the feeling that he was constantly clearing his throat, maybe too often.. probably too often. Seeing out of the corner of his eye Asriel leaving, Papyrus followed and scratched his head. "o-Of course! I will take the lead! I mean, I'm sure you'd be good at taking the lead too! Being prince and all! you're probably amazing at all of this too! Maybe e-even as amazing as me?" he said all of this very quickly in an almost high pitched tone. Clearing his throat and coughing again he grabbed his throat. "sorry.. I must be catching something. My throat feels so.. Dry!" Papyrus looked down at Asriel and remembered him as flowey, how adorable and often times nice he was. He smiled looking away again, blushing more. Even if he didn't realize it. "sure. We should go to the Inn! It could be a good fist stop." he stretched out his back and stood as tall and as straight as he could, trying to impress the prince a little bit. Walking a bit like he knew what he was doing, even if he did want to go run into his room.
Asriel look back at Papyrus, watching him as he walked past so he could follow. He was acting strange, perhaps asking him to keep such a big secret maybe too much for him. Asriel sighed, chuckling a little as he started to talk fast and in a high voice. " I doubt that, I have a lot of good deeds to do before I can call myself good at anything." Again, Papyrus was being adorable. Shaking his head he walked with Papyrus to the inn. It was strange, he was so used to hiding. Now walking and being out in the open made him feel a little uneasy. He picked up his pace to keep closer to his friend. Looking around at the guards casting lazy glances at him. Not paying attention to where he was going to just how much faster he was walking and lightly bummed into Papyrus. "Oof! Sorry..." He said backing away a little.
Papyrus got bumped form behind and he had to regain his footing for a moment, turning to Asriel and smiling warmly. "n-no no! It was my fault" he reassured Asriel looking down into his eyes with a sweet looking smile, he was so caring and genuine about everything he said.. If Papyrus said something you could be sure he meant it fully. "You can call yourself good at all sorts of things! You're so nice and.. well.. you where always great with me while you where Flowey! And even now you're so nice and sweet! You.. You're very polite Asriel. Its very nice" He said before looking around the shop. It seemed they where closed. The shop keeper wasn't there and there was a sign saying "Be back later today" It seemed no one wanted to be in snowdin. Maybe It was a collective sadness.. or something?
Asriel blushed at his kind words, he didn't full believe in what he said about him. But if felt good that he thought these things about him. He just shyly shrugged looking down. " If you say so, friend." It felt nice to call him that, and meaning it. Maybe that why he was feeling so strange around Papyrus now. Asriel looked around. "Did anyone hear anything about everyone leaving? And what about Sans, is he still here?" He thought for a moment. "You think everyone went to another part of the underground?" He asked, avoiding looking at him. It was hard to think when Papyrus looked at him with those sweet, kind, innocent eyes.
"Sans is back home. He's been sleeping, or something.. he was in his room a lot yesterday. He didn't wake up today either. Or at least I don't think he did." Papyrus looked to Asriel, seeing him shyly look away like that gave him tingles and made his hands shake more. He was just so cute! It was weird though, nothing else that was cute made him feel like this, especially not like this in his stomach. he put his hands together with a soft clap. He walked out of the Inn and cleared his throat yet again. "well.. well.. uhm.. u-uh... everyone is gone. I don't know where they went! The guards are still here. One second!" He walked up to a Dog guard "Hello my fellow citizen! Has anyone left their houses at all today??" He looked confused.

The guard shook his head, no. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk much.. Papyrus picked up on that. "Do.. Why aren't you talking?" "I don't know.. I guess I just don't really feel like talking.... no one does... no one talked when they got home last night either. We just went home.." he yawned and looked away.

"oh!.. Sorry for bothering you" Papyrus turned to Asriel and looked into his eyes. He was going to say something, but just kind of froze. He forgot what he was going to say and just looked away quickly. "uhm! well... I don't think its a pr-problem.. of any sort.. just......." He lost track of what he was going to say again.
It wasn't anything strange about Sans sleeping a lot, so that was normal. But just incase Asriel might have Papyrus look in on him if he hasn't gotten up by the end of the day. Asriel smiled to him. Hearing him coughing and clearing his throat a lot he couldn't help but worry. Papyrus was always a little off, but this was even strange for him. He listened as the two spoke. The guard seemed lethargic, all of them did but to Papyrus and himself. Granted he didn't sleep well last night.

Asriel watched as he turned and looked at him, fumbling over his words. " Hang on just a moment Papyrus." He walked to the dog guard. "I'm sorry, I have a question, and the more detail the better. Do this for us and we will leave you alone." He paused before asking his question." How do you feel?"
The guard dog looked around and then licked his lips, when being asked a question he tilted his head and his ears perked up a little like a real dog. He then sighed "I don't know. how do I feel.. I guess. sluggish.. Its early in the morning anyways.. Didn't get a good sleep last night.. I'm just kind of tired..." He yawned and tapped his spear on the ground giving another sigh. "Maybe its something in the air" he chuckled and then looked like he wanted to be left alone.
Asriel bowed his head politely. " Thank you, we will let you be." He turned to walk taking ahold of Papyrus's arm. Once he felt they were far enough away to speak he let go of his arm. One thing that stuck out in Asriel's mind was how he said 'there must be something in the air.' yet somehow neither of them seen to be showing any effect. Aside from him feeling warm, and a little sick. Also, Papyrus was also acting off. He tapped his finger on his chin, thinking. He looked up to his tall skeleton friend " Hey, Papyrus. How are you feeling?" He knew he didn't have to add on for him to be honest. Asriel knew he would.
The guard gave a quick nod and smiled politely before going right back to doing nothing. He grabbed his arm and pulled him, it seemed a bit.. curious to say the least. Clearly Asriel was onto something and Papyrus was starting to take this a bit seriously, pushing through the light headed feeling. "Feeling? What are you onto?" Asking tilting his head "Well, I feel a bit.. off! My head feels light, my hands are shaking.. I feel a bit strange. I can't put my finger on it. Its like my nerves are shaking! How about you? How do you feel??" he hunched over inspecting Asriel putting his hand on his chin and looking him up and down for any signs of weirdness. He didn't know Asriel for long.. But he knew flowey. "You're acting a bit strange too.. Or. At least I think you are?"
As Papyrus started to list off all the things he was feeling, Asriel started to worry, thinking that he was feeling all those as well. He can understand how everyone was mourning Frisks death, but all in the same way. That was strange...and the fact that he and Papyrus were feeling a little off as well. As Papyrus leaned down to him, he pulled away slightly, staring right back into his eyes. His stomach turned a little. Feeling a little nervous. "Y-yeah, I'm feeling a little off..." This time he started cough and clear his throat. Looking down, feeling his face flushing again. All this starting to make sense. Turning, motioning for Papyrus to follow. "I want to head to Temmie Village, if there is something in the air like that guard said, other towns will be acting the same. With the barrier open, I'm wondering if something unseen came in..." He said talking more to himself than Papyrus.
"Oh! That makes a lot of sense!! Do you think that maybe the human air has weird chemicals in it? Or something like that.. It could be affecting our moods and bodies!" Papyrus watched as Asriel looked down and walked a little quickly, he was starting to watch Asriel a little more closely. Looking him up and down to see if there was anything off about him, nothing looked off.. He scratched his chin and thought for a moment. "When did your... we-weird feelings.. start coming to you? Did you feel this way when you woke up this morning?" He tilted his head, for a moment the feeling was going away. But the second he opened his mouth and focused on Asriel it came back. They made it to waterfall and it was as tranquil and nice as usual, the only sound was running water. the kind of noise that made you want to fall asleep.
Asriel shrugged crossing his arms looking at the ground as they walk. " Don't know, I don't think it's magic because as far as I know, Humans cant use it anymore." He glanced at Papyrus and thought. He knew he was sleepy because she didn't sleep well, so that can be explained. If he was honest with himself, since coming back he has felt somewhat bad. Though he knew the reason for those feeling and emotions. " It started when I got to Snowdin. I know I didn't sleep well." Waterfall, he remember being a kid and playing here a lot. It was always one of his favorite places, and playing with the Echo Flowers. " How about you, you seemed fine when I first got there."
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