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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans smirked, getting closer to her throbbing clit he kissed it. Feeling it throb and twitch on his lips, he pushed his tongue out and licked it slowly. He was licking it like a lolipop, the taste so sweet it wasn't like he could tell. Closing his eyes he ignored Chara's pleas to not make her cum again. His fingers picking up the pace and tickling her insides much faster, with a smirk he opened his eyes and looked up at her. "just relax... enjoy this~ you've earned to feel this good" He was being honest, she really did. Getting teased so much he was going to make her feel like she was in absolute heaven. Her and frisk seemed to love his tongue so much, so he gave it to her. Going between her legs and pushing his tongue deep inside of her. He started licking all around her walls. His hands slowly gripping up at her stomach, like he was trying to crawl up her body. but he just kept eating her out. his tongue got a lot more intense and he licked more carefully, making sure to hit specific spots and try to make her go crazy. his one hand moving to her ass and just pushing on the entrance, not going insde. "mmmmnnNNNMmmm~ Chara~ I love you so much~ you taste so gooood~ please~ cum, cum again for meeee~" he moaned into her pussy. His back arching and his hips swaying a bit for her, trying to get her off again in an intense way.
Sans lips lightly touched her now very sensitive numb, making Chara shiver. Then his hot tongue licked it leaving her almost breathless. "MMmnnnaahhh~ Sans~" She whispered, loving the attention he was giving her with his mouth. Chara did feel like she was in heaven, her hips twitched against his face, showing him just how much she was loving what he was doing. His tongue was so deep inside her, licking her walls that squeezed him. Chara loved when he used his mouth, in fact, she loved it all. But something about the feeling of his warm breath on her sex was something she couldn't get enough of. She wondered if this was what it was like for him when she did the same for him. Sans could tell she was getting close, this time her whole body shook at the build up was bringing her closer, and closer. When he told her to cum again for him, she couldn't hold back any longer! It was like she was waiting for him to tell her before she orgasm. She reached down taking ahold of the back of his head, digging her fingers into his skull. A flood of her sweet juices hit his face, as her back arched and her hips pushed against his face roughly, grinding on him as she rode out her climax. "" She said with a pleased sigh smiling down at him, letting go of her hold on him.
Sans didn't mind her roughly pushing his face into her cunt, he loved it. She clearly loved the orgasm so much that she couldn't talk anymore. Sans closed his eyes and licked up her juices slowly, licking her urethra opening and moving away, wiping his face and seeing how soaked his sheets where. He giggled a bit and moved up to her, hugging her tight, she was so exhausted and out of it that he just kissed her neck slowly. Holding her in his arms like she was so fragile "and.. that's how you satisfy a girl~" he kissed her again and snuggled up against her neck. He could tell she wanted to sleep right away, he chuckled and held onto her.
Chara laughed a little at Sans comment, though he wasn't wrong. He was good at this, so very good. Even though he was the only person she had ever been with, there was no doubt in her mind that he knew what he was doing, and he was amazing. "Hmm, should I have been taking notes~" She said closing her eyes, her body felt very weak. If she had to walk or do much of anything other than lay there cuddling her boyfriend, she would have been screwed. Chara had a thought and she couldn't help but laugh a little about it. "Where did all that come from? I mean, I know I made the joke of being the pet, but damn...this was...nice." She mustered up the energy turned on her side facing him opening her eyes looking at him with a soft smile. Wrapping her arms around him puling him close to her, keeping his face in her neck so he could continue kissing her like he was. " you trashbag~"
"heh heh, well... i just... had the idea that you might like it, if you enjoyed pain~ you probably enjoyed a bit of power play and me using you like a pet~ you getting teased till you couldn't handle it anymore." She moved her body and hugged him, he hugged back and kissed very gently with a warm glow about him. "love you too.... freak~" he whispered into her ear and nuzzled his face deep into her neck and shoulder. "heh heh, are you going to sleep? you look pretty tired" gently rubbing her back, holding her like she was his baby.
Chara laughed a little, hugging him a little tighter. "I'm pretty sure that's not how pet are supposed be treated~" She said jokingly, kissing the top of his head. "I could go to sleep, but..." She sat up a little and looked down at the still soaked spot they were laying in. "..for once, I have to agree I need a bath or something. And a dry place to sleep. Sorry about the mess." She pulled away from him and slowly made her way to edge, starting to sit up more, then winced a little as she put pressure on her now sore bottom. Looking down she saw the marks her left on her legs, and the bit mark on her stomach running her thumb over it." I'm going to take a bath." Slowly she stood, only to collapse on the floor. "oofff!....Shit..." Sans could hear that the was fine, because she started to laugh a little. "Can I get a little help? My legs forgot how to work." She rolled on her back looking up to the bed. " Think you broke me Sansy~" Again she laughed. As embarrassing this was, she couldn't help but find it a little funny.
Sans got up quickly as she fell, looking worried about her fall. then he saw that she was ok, her legs where just numb from everything he did to her. he smirked and laughed a bit, getting up he got down and wrapped her arm around his neck. Helping her up he grunted a little bit "jeeze.. i really did a number on ya didn't i?" He held onto her and pretty much did all the walking for her, bringing her to the bathroom slowly. "i might have damaged you a little to much~" he kissed her cheek and then turned on the bath, it was really warm and felt amazing. Sans then helped her into the bath, letting her sit down and the hot water flowed over her. "heh heh.. sorry you're so numb... had fun though? right?" he smirked, he knew what her answer was, leaning down he poured some bath salts into the water. After a minute it started seeping into her pores and it felt amazing. "Is it sore? or just... numb? cause.. I could offer you a massage.. if you're sore that is"
Chara laughed a bit more at Sans comment. Holding on to him tightly as he helped her back to her feet and in to the bathroom "Not damaged, just...temperately out of service~" She smirked at him. He helped her in the tub and the warm water felt like heaven, sighing deeply as she sunk down closing her eye. Her eyes cracked open a little and she looked at him. "It okay, I would do it all again with you anytime~" She gave him a wink before resting in the water. She was wrecked, but she didn't seem to mind the pain or discomfort. She thought about his question and shrugged. "I think its a little of both to be honest." She sunk down deeper, submerging her head, the popped back up, brushing her wet hair from her face." This feels great, I need to take more baths. " She leaned over to the side of the tub and looked up at him tilting her head. "What are we going to do about your bed? That's a bigger mess than I am." Chara laughed a bit, still finding all this funny.
"you'll be back in commission by the end of the day, i would do this all again with you too.. just, lets wait a bit heh heh. don't want you to over do yourself and get permanent damage from my manliness~" He laughed happily and started caressing her hair slowly while she looked up at him. "i'm gonna clean my bed... put the sheets in the washer and make sure they're all nice and warm.. what else can i do? heh heh, you get messy when you're being pleasured." He loved the way she squirted and couldn't hold herself, he wouldn't want her any other way.
Chara chuckled, laying her head in her arms as Sans caressed her hair. "The only permanent damage you could ever do is up here~" She said, pointing her head with a small yawn, then laughed again. "..heh...manliness..." Chara teased a little, Sans was rather manly, he proved that all to well not to long ago. But she didn't want to feed his ego to much. "Well you can do that, I think I'll be fine on my own...unless..." she looked up at him a smirked."'re enjoying the show~" She leaned back into the tub, sinking down till just her head was above the water. She wiggled her eye brows at him playfully, Chara didn't think she would be up for another round just yet. But she was just joking with him. Then she splashed him a little with the water.
"heh, i'm plenty manly... being short and lazy is the manliest thing you can be" he smiled and looked back "i was thinking of-" She then teased him and splashed him a bit. He smirked "oh, you're dead.." he reached into the tub and started tickling her with a wide smile "don't get into fights you cant wiiin~" he laughed and kept tickling her.
Chara let out a happy squeal as Sans reached down and started ticking her, making her thrash and squirm in the water. "Hahaha!!! Stop!!!" She shouted and laughed loudly. Then she reached up taking ahold of his shirt pulling him in the tub on top of her. "I'm used to not winning when it comes to picking fights with you~" She giggled and pulled him into a soft kiss. "Now you're as soaked at your bed thanks to me~ Found something I'm real good at here~"
Sans kept tickling her and water was going everywhere. he laughed along with her and was then pulled right into the water, he was a little surprised by this but the kiss was enough to make up for it and felt great. He closed his eyes slowly and kissed back with a wide smile. Pulling away slowly "heh heh, we found what you're good at~ and your kinks.. you pain lover~" he kissed her again, putting his hands on either side of her at the edge of the tub. Some of the water going on the floor. Sans shrugged, already being soaked he laid on top of her and hugged her smiling. "mmmmnnn~ want me to leave you to have your bath? or do you want me to stay all wet"
"Who know what we will learn about me tomorrow~" She said just before Sans laid on to of her, making her laugh again. He wasn't heavy, in fact he was pretty lightly. "Hey! C'mon Sans!" She shook her head and acted like she was trying to push him off. "You're really going to break me if you lay on me like that!" She laughed, at this point most the water was out of the tub. "Papyrus is going to kill us." She giggled looking at the mess they now made in the bathroom. "So. How about you go clean your bed, and I'll clean up all this water. Then we can be lazy for the rest of the day?"
Sans got out of the tub, only getting more water on the floor. Coating the floor in a thin line of water "heh heh, sounds great to me.. i'll clean up your mess and you clean up mine" he smiled walking out of the bathroom and going to his room. "love being lazy" he told her from outside of the bathroom, kind of speaking loudly.

Papyrus was sitting in his shop, doing a puzzle and waiting for a customer, it was a slow day.. It always was in the middle of the week, no one wanted to do fancy things for their partners or get flowers. The only real customers he got on the week days where grieving families who needed some flowers for their dead relatives. He always consulted them and tried to make them feel better.
"Howdy Papyrus!" Asgore said walking in the store, holding Flowey in his arms who was smiling happily as they approached the counter, Asgore sat him down on the counter. Flowey smiled up to Papyrus. "Heya! Long time so see huh?" He looked around. "Slow day?" He asked then looked down at the puzzle he was working on. Asgore cleared his throat. " So, Papyrus. Hows everything going?" He was forcing small talk before he got to the real reason he stopped the store.
Papyrus jumped out of his seat and sprung up into an almost guard like stance. Watching his two customers come in "Why Hello!! Welcome to my Shop! Please don'- Oh! Its you Asgore!! And.. FLOWEY!?? Hello!! Hello!! Great to see both of you!!" He seemed very excited and pleased by the surprise visit. "A bit of a slow day I must admit, most week days are." He smiled politely and cracked all of his fingers in one go. "Every things going wonderfully Asgore! How have you been!? Have those pesky mites still been bothering your petunias? Or! Are you here just to say hello!? Either way! Its great to see the both of you!!" He smiled wide again and put both his hands on the counter, leaning over a bit.
"It good to see you too, friend!" Flowey said happily. He was so excited to see Papyrus again, it had been so long since he last saw him. Asgore smiled seeing how happy his son was " No, no. The petunias are doing just fine thank you." He thought for a moment then straightened himself a little. "You see, I came to ask you a favor. Would you mind watching my son for a few days while Toriel and I go out of town? I asked Frisk, but she said she was sore from moving. Though I really thought I helped her move all the heavy stuff already..."Asgore said, stroking his chin. "Its fine if you can't. Its just Asriel has been asking for me to take him to see you for a while and I thought that it would be good for him..." Flowey sat there silently watching the both of them with a smile, hoping that Papyrus would say yes.
Gaster smiled really wide and took Flowey gently out of Asgores hands. "Of course!!! I hope you and Toriel have a nice weekend!.. Are you two getting back together???" He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, it was pretty obvious that they might be. "If so! Congratulations! i knew you could do it!!" He smiled and then put flowey down with a wide smile. "Of course I'll look after Flowey.. Hes too good! And we haven't been able to talk since he came back!! So go on have your fun" He smiled up at Asgore and leaned down on the table, looking at Flowey.
Asgore sighed, feeling a weight lifted, then he tensed up when Papyrus asked if he and Toriel were getting back together. Things have been going very well between him and he would be lying if he didn't hope that their weekend away would only bring them closer together. He laughed nervously and started to back out. "Well I uh...We...Its just that...heh..." Slowly he made his way to the door. "Just have fun, and be good for Papyrus Asriel." With that he bolted out the door. Flowey giggled a little at his father reaction. "Wow, that was something." He looked up to Papyrus. "So, you have a flower shop now. I can help but feel I inspirited this idea." He said proudly with a wide smile.
Papyrus watched Asgores slow and awkward walk out of his shop, it was rather funny. He shook his head "Good old Asgore! Nyeh heh heh" He chuckled and looked down at flowey with a sweet smile. "Well.. You were my first friend! Of course I had to repay the favor by doing something for you!!.. The name was inspired by you! the shop was inspired by your father" He smiled looking proud. "And! Well.. I've heard so much about you!! You where a prince!? And a Goat!! And! Well.. So much!! It's been very interesting hearing the stories about you Flowey!! I Can't get enough of them! you're just soo.. Interesting!!" He leaned down more, resting his chin on his hands and smiling wide. Looking deep into Floweys eyes. "Well! Asriel now!! Sorry.. I'll have to get used to that! I hope I didn't offend you!!"
Asriel shivered when he heard Papyrus call him Flowey, he hated that name, that was the name of evil and nightmares. He was about to ask Papyrus to not call him that, nicely of course. Though before he could Papyrus corrected himself. Asriel smiled up to the tall skeleton. "I would prefer Asriel...and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all that before. I wanted to keep it a secret, because I didn't think my mom and dad would believe me. But yes, its all true. I'm the prince...not much of one right now in this form." He said sadly. He had been so happy having his soul back, but he was still stuck as a damn flower. He wanted so badly to be back to how he was. "How have you been? I sure you have made so many friends."
Papyrus looked down at Asriel and tilted his head "No way! You're still prince! You're...... Prince of the flowers now!!" He lifted his finger and smiled wide. "That's right! And this is your kingdom! It's quite the kingdom indeed! It has everything!!" Papyrus walked over to two flower pots and pulled them up with the small flowers inside. "We have... Guards!" Grabbing a bouquet of flowers he held them closer to Asriel "Your subjects! And me!! the ruler of the Royal guard! Nyeh heh heh heh!" he smiled rather wide and hopped it cheered Asriel up. "Well... One last thing! Every good prince needs a crown" He grabbed a piece of paper and folded it into a small crown. Placing it on his head "I now hereby name you! King Asriel" Papyrus was so sweet, and nice. he sat down and smiled looking right into his eyes.
Asriel looked at Papyrus, thinking that he may have lost his mind, but the more he went on about him still being a prince he could help but feel a little warm and fuzzy. He knew that he was trying to make him feel better about his situation, and he was working. Asriel smiled as Papyrus place the crown of flowers on his head and laughed a little. "Thanks pal, I couldn't ask for a better friend or royal guard." He wonder though if Papyrus remember what he did he would still be this friendly. He knew Frisk did, and she was still nice to him, same for his parents. He didn't want to bring it up. "You have always been so kind to me....even before knowing who I really was. And, well I just want to let you know how much I value that about you. In fact, you are my only real friend I have... I know I have my mom and dad, but they kinda have to like me you know. But you..." He smiled up to Papyrus. " You were always there. I glad that we can spend some time together. This is going to be a great weekend."
Papyrus smiled wide and nodded slowly "Of course! I will always be nice! And that's a lie, you have plenty of friends! Frisk, Chara, Me and Sans! Not so sure about Undyne.. I'm not sure if she even knows you exist!" He scratched his head a little bit, wondering if she knew about Asriel or if she was ignorant to him. "This weekend will be great!! What do you want to do!? If you want I could close the shop early! I don't mind" He once again smiled warmly "We could go out and do something nice with each other! Or.. We could stick around your kingdom" He winked and giggled a little bit "Maybe close the gates so that no one can invade" He was talking about closing the shop but playing around inside the store.
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