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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Papyrus listened with all his heart and he smiled warmly hearing that Sans came for him. "That's good! I'm glad!" The food came rather quickly an he looked down at it "Yum! It does look amazing! Now, be careful! Its rather hot, I don't want you burning your tongue" He was being a bit serious, he didn't want anything to go wrong on their date! He grabbed a big gooey nacho chip and then took a bite, his back slumping down and his expression turning to pure bliss. "Mnnnnnnnnn~ Its so good!"
"Hmm?" He said, almost forgetting what they were talking about before the food came. "Oh right! Yes, so I owe them both a lot!" He started to pick up his fork, then seeing Papyrus pick up a chip with his hands, Asriel slowly placed it back down on the table. Nodding at papyrus warning on how hot the food might be. He picked up a chip and lightly blew on it, then taking a bite. His eyes widened. This was one of the best things he had ever had. "Wow! This is great!" He said brightly, picking up another, and eating it. "What's so amazing about the whole thing what he was able to bring Chara back from the dead. I think that was one of the main reasons I stayed behind. Aside from you, she was my best friend. And when everyone left...I just...Wanted to make sure those yellow flower lived on."
Papyrus looked like he was getting an idea and he scratched his chin "well.. Yeah! I can understand that! If Sans ever-" Papyrus stopped himself and looked a bit horrified, his eyes looking away and just the thought of it was enough to make him stop talking. He shook his head slowly then smiled again. "Anyways!! The Nacho's are super good! Something about human food! Its just so... Tasty!"
Asriel did catch Papyrus sudden stop in mid sentence, though the look on his face made him not want to press on the subject, whatever that might had been. He thought back at what they were talking about and didn't feel he brought up anything that was cause Papyrus to have that look on his face. "Uh, yeah! Human food is really good. Thanks to taking me out for some. Speaking of food. Do you still enjoy cooking? Or puzzles? Or I guess anything you enjoyed back underground?" He thought a change of subject was needed. Though he really wanted to know what Papyrus was going to say about Sans. Made him a little nervous since he was dating his sister, and was now home alone with her. He shook that thought out of his head. There was not reason to worry, he helped them, why would Sans do anything to either of them after all that hard work.
Papyrus nodded "Yes! I sure do!! I still very much enjoy cooking! Now that its human food, It has been much more difficult! There are so many rules and.. Its strange! But I took it on like only I could, then I moved on to gardening!" He shrugged a little bit, thinking about his culinary disasters above the underground.. It really was so much different making human food then making monster food. "I still like puzzles! And the morning paper is always great for that! But there's no jobs about puzzles anymore.. So I've just sticked to what I'm good at" He thought for a moment and scratched his nose "Hmmm. So how has your family been! Your mother and Father? They seem very happy now that you and Chara are back"
As Papyrus talking about cooking and puzzles, Asriel ate a few more chip nodding a little. "Well I think your flower shop is wonderful! I have been asking my father to take me up there to see you all the time. Even the whole town it pretty wonderful. Though its a little hard getting used to all the humans...But they all have been really nice any time I see them." He though a moment when Papyrus asked about his parents. "They are doing really well really. They seem happier now. I think with my and Chara's return they have been able to set aside their differences and I think they are working things out between them. Dad has been staying the night a lot, they have this weekend getaway." He took a sip of his milk then continued. "How about your family. Well, Your brother. Has he found himself a job up here that he enjoys?"
"Good for them! and... Well.... No! I'm not sure what Sans's work is to be honest. But he pays all the bills! So.. Whatever he does he's doing a great job!" Taking another chip he at it for a while, "I'm sure they will have a great weekend! They loved each other a lot, I hope they can get back together for your and Chara's sake!" His hands moved to the chips and he just waited Flowey, he was really enjoying his time with him. He was making him feel a couple things that he couldn't really explain. "Asriel.. Is there anything fun you want to do after this? Maybe.. I was thinking we could go back down to your fathers old garden and pick the flowers! Make sure they're safe at my shop"
Asriel sighed and smiled, seeming very happy right now being with Papyrus. "Yeah, me too. Its almost as if life is back to normal. Although Chara look different. Shoot, the only reason I recognized her was because of her eyes. No human has eyes like her, she is really special. And well...I'm not sure how old I am...." He laughed, it really was a funny thought even though there was a darker reason for him not to know this. "Sure we can go. But, just remember. I have been the only of taking care of them for the past seven years. So don't judge my gardening skill, I'm not a professional like you!" He said, giving Papyrus a wink. "Just because I'm a flower doesn't mean I know how to take care of them."
His comments warmed his heart, he was rather happy that Asriel liked having his sister back. "I'm glad my brother could help.. To be honest, I'm not sure how he did it! I never thought he could do anything like that! and no need to rush, eat as much as you want before we leave" So sweet how he smiled and tilted his head ever so lightly. He was probably one of the sweetest monsters out there.
"The past seven years felt as I was frozen in time. So being back, it just feels nice to have everything move forward in my life again." Asriel smiled eating another chip. It was strange for him, remembering how he never thought that something like this would never happen. "Thank you for not giving up on me Papyrus, and for being my friend. I would have never thought that we would be here, like this...on a date." He chuckled a little, being here with Papyrus he was the happiest he had been in a long time. He didn't want this night to ever end. "So I was thinking, if its alright with you. Maybe I could work with you at the store a few days a week? You can teach me about how to take care of the flowers and we can, hang out more."
"Seven years frozen in time.. Sounds like a bit of a nightmare!! Knowing you're here now even makes me feel better! No one deserves to be given up on. If I knew where you we're I would have visited you! Brought you gifts! Maybe some food if you wanted it" Not knowing where Asriel was after the barrier gave out was a huge disappointment, he looked for him but assumed that he went and explored the surface. Then he never saw him, so he just waited. "I'm glad we can be on this d-date.. Too!" His cheeks turned pink for a moment and his smile grew more. "Work with me!? Of course you can!! If you really want to! You can work every day of the week if you want too!!" Papyrus was so happy to hear him ask that. It was like if Asriel asked him out on a date.
Asriel was happy to see that Papyrus about the idea of him working at the flower shop with him. "I'm glad you like the idea, I was a little worried about asking you. But this was mostly my dads idea. My mom would rather me stay with her at day and night." He said smiling with a small sigh. He found it funny that his mother still treated him like a child. " Plus, we can hang out a lot more. Maybe plan another date...."Asriel added before taking another chip, he knew that Papyrus would be appose to the idea. But then again he wasn't sure if his friend just wanted to have the one. There was a chance that at the end of this Papyrus might realize that Asriel wasn't a monster he could see wanting to be more than just friends. that got Asriel thinking if this was something he wanted. He like Papyrus, a lot. His feelings for the tall skeleton has changed a lot since having his soul back. Maybe this was how it felt to be true friends. "I know that this is something I would like to do again, with you." He smiled over to Papyrus, blushing a little.
Papyrus heard about another date and he almost jumped out of his chair. "Of course I would want to have another date with you! This one was so much fun and we're not even close to finished! if... Well.. I would love to date you much more! And.. Q-Question.. Does that mean we're now. In a relationship? I mean! If I enjoyed it! and you enjoyed it!! Then.. We must be together now.. Aren't we?" He smiled leaning in a bit over the table.
Asriel was a little startled as Papyrus could hardly contain his excitement about the idea of them going on more dare date. To top it all off, he asked if this meant they were in a relationship, leaving Asriel almost speechless. He didn't know how any of this worked, and since Papyrus was a little old and had a better understanding how thing like this worked....then maybe they were together. His ace was now super red at the thought. " Well I uh...we have know each other for a long time. And we do enjoy each other company. So, I guess we are." He said, shyly looking away from Papyrus as he leaned in. "I know that I want to make you happy."
Papyrus saw how red Asriels face got and he couldn't help but smile at how sweet this whole thing was. Gently patting The top of Asriels head he smiled down at him and closed his eyes warmly. Looking very happy "I want to make you happy too! I..." Papyrus blushed a little at the thought of them together like this. Still rather close to his face "I.. Hope I can do the same for you! I'll make sure you're as happy as can be! and if you want a million dates!! Than i'll be more than happy to give you that! So.. What would you like?" He smiled and knelt down putting his chin on his hands and resting on them, eye level with papyrus. "I guess.. Well... Whatever you want! I can supply it!" He smiled and blushed a little more.
"All i want to spend as much time as I can with you Papyrus. Your my best friend, as side from Chara, and she has Sans now. So, being with you make me the happiest monster in the world!" Asriel said looking at Papyrus as he made himself eye level with him. The way e was looking at him made him feel tingly. Just then the waiter came over and cleared his throat. Asriel pulled his eyes from Papyrus to the male that approached. " I just wanted to see how things are over here. Is there anything else I can bring you guys?" He asked giving them both a friendly smile.
Papyrus smiled and then almost was dragged away from what he was looking at. Having to see the waiter again, he smiled at him warmly. "Everything is going very well! I think we're finished if i'm being honest! I'll have my check now! one check please!" Papyrus smiled wide at the waiter and then looked back to Asriel with a warm sense in his chest. "Don't worry, we can go out to another spot and talk" He felt strange around Asriel, he always gave him this feeling. How cute he was and how nice he could be, he always wanted to.. well.. Papyrus waited for The waiter to leave and then he smiled down at Asriel. "Asriel. Do you mind.. If I ask a request? I've always.. Wanted.. To touch your petals. They look so.. soft" He smiled and blushed a little, wondering if that was too personal or would be strange.
The waiter nodded and walked off to fetch the check. When Papyrus started to talk to Asriel again, his attention was brought back to the tall skeleton sitting across from him. "Sure you can. I don't mind at all." He said leaning a little closer to Papyrus. "Not sure how soft they are, never really bothered with them much." his face still a little flushed from their previses conversation. It got Asriel thinking, what does this make Papyrus now? Was he now his 'boyfriend'? If so, then what was going to change between them? All these things Asriel was going to have to keep in mind to ask later when they were alone. "I remember, back when I had my real body. My fur was really soft. I miss it...." Asriel tried not to sound sad when he said this, but he couldn't help it. He felt rather useless in this form.
Papyrus listened to Asriel talk about his old body, the thought of him covered in fur and being all warm and soft made papyrus... tingle inside. He wasn't sure why, but seeing how sad Asriel looked now he couldn't help but ignore that feeling. "Oh.. Asriel, I'm dreadfully sorry.. I.. Maybe one day you'll be able to get your body back!" Papyrus noticed just how sad he looked. Inching his hand to Asriels pot and dragging him closer. Papyrus wrapped his arms around him gently and hugged him gently. "Don't worry.. You're still amazing as a flower" He smiled warmly down at him. getting really close and cuddly with his new boyfriend. He kind of forgot to feel his petals right now, wanting to comfort him more than satiate his own curiosity.
Asriel leaned into Papyrus' hug. Even though he was feeling a bit sorry for himself, being in Papyrus' arms made everything he was feeling bad about seem now so bad. "Yeah, maybe one day I will. But, I guess I should be thankful that I'm here right now." there was a sense of warmth that filled Asriel, he didn't want the hug to end. The waiter came back, seeing they were having a moment he didn't say anything. Just placing the check on the table and walked away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad for me or anything. You wanted to feel my petals?" He said, pullin away to look into Papyrus' face.
Papyrus smiled and nodded a little bit, Asriel would never let him feel his petals before. He remembered something about them being sensitive, so he knew he would have to be very careful and gentle while touching them. Papyrus took his glove off and placed it on the table, gently taking one of Asriels petals in between his index finger and his thumb, It was very smooth and soft. Almost like there were tiny hairs on it, so tiny that they let his fingers gently glide over them. Papyrus moved his thumb around a little bit, dragging the petal almost like skin just a bit as he did. "wow.. Its very soft! Feels like silk!" Papyrus smiled and kept holding onto him.
Asriel heal his breath as he watched Papyrus remove his glove, this was the first time he could ever remember seeing him without it. Though, Papyrus didn't waste much time before Asriel felt his bony fingers take hold one of his petals. It had been so long since anyone had touched him like this, it was almost startling. If he could place it on a body part, it would feel as if he was rubbing his ear. Asriel recalled just how much he enjoyed when his mother did this. But now, felt so far different now as time has passed and that Papyrus was the one doing it. "Y-yeah?" Asriel stammered, feeling his eyes grow heavy and his tiny flower form shiver. "I guess, s-since we are...together. You can do this whenever you like. I wouldn't mind if you did." He smiled bashfully to Papyrus. "Because it does feel nice." He said, leaning into Papyrus' touch. It felt nice to be receiving this type of affection from his good friend, now boyfriend. Asriel started to think about what this would mean between them. Though he was too embarrassed to ask, so he would just follow Papyrus lead
Papyrus kept caressing for a while and smiled warmly, "Really? You don't mind? Well.. If that's the case! then i'll keep feeling your petals! They're smooth and nice" Papyrus looked down at the check, It wasn't much at all. About 15 dollars, Papyrus put an even twenty and decided to leave the rest as a tip. Picking up Asriel he started walking out of the restaurant with him, smiling warmly. "I'll make sure to feel your petals whenever The want arises!" He smiled warmly and kept walking out of the restaurant with his new boyfriend.

Sans finally woke up after a couple hours of napping with Chara, he looked down at her with a smirk. Rubbing his hand along her side and feeling all warm and fluffy inside. "hey.. chara.. feeling better?" he whispered incase she was still sleeping, or trying too.
Azriel felt so relaxed by Papyrus touch, though it was a strange mix of pleasure he had never sensed before. It started off harmless enough, but as he went on, Azriel sighed, and his eyes grew heavy. "Heh, yeah. It feels nice. Don't know why I never let you do this before. " He whispered, leaning into Papyrus embrace. The next thing he knew, the sensation ended, and he was being picked up from the table. Once they left the restaurant, he looked up to him. Smiling happily." I would never turn you down if you ever want too again." As much as he enjoyed the feeling, Azriel looked around at the people on the sidewalk. For the first time, he noticed how couples walked, holding hands, arms wrapped around each other. He knew that he didn't have much to offer Papyrus, but it was worth a try. Withdrawing one of his vines from his pot, Azriel wrapped it around Papyrus hand, looking at him for his reaction.

Chara rolled over and opened an eye with a small content smile on her lips. "Yeah, I feel great." She noticed just how dark the room was. Did they stay in bed all day? Sitting up on her elbows she listened for a moment. " Are our brothers back from their date?"
The somehow soft vine slithered out of its pot and wrapped around his hand, it was a bit shocking for the silly skeleton feeling the gentle squeeze. His eyes darted down to the vine and papyrus started smiling and blushing just slightly. His hand wrapping around the vine, just like he was holding onto his hand. Feeling his chest flutter a bit and his stomach turn he could feel a small shiver roll down his spine. "I.. Hmmm" He hummed gently, not sure what to say right now, thinking there was nothing to say. Just to enjoy the moment with him, not wanting it to end he just started walking through the city, passing lights and watching the sun overhead. It was starting to get late, Papyrus's eyes widened and he ran as fast as he could. Running over to his shop and to the back alleyway, holding Asriel close in his arms he climbed up the fire escape. Not saying a word while he did this, making it to the top and smiling wide. Looking up at the sun over the city, it looked beautiful. The sun was setting and the orange glow was hitting the top of the buildings. Papyrus smiled warmly, watching everything unfold. He moved his hand back to Asriels petals, gently rubbing and stroking. His fingers trailing the side of the yellow petal. "This... This is the best part of being on the surface! I.... I feel like you had... something to do with... Frisk helping us get to the surface" He smiled and just kept rubbing, his fingers being even more gentle with each stroke. His bones surprisingly soft and smooth.

Sans slowly sat up and stretched his arms, looking down at chara. He shrugged. "don't think so.. not yet anyways. heh heh. uh. i'm gonna go get frisk and then i'm gonna go check up on Gaster, see if he's back" Sans smiled "wanna come with?"
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