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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"Oh yeah! Chara! She lives with you right?" He said sounding very excited to also to be able to spend time with her. He remember how much it hurt when he lost her so many years ago. It was rather strange to see her all grown up. Asriel gave a little shrug and laughed. "I don't know, what do you normally do during the weekend. I don't want to be a burden or anything. I must say, the surface is not what I thought it would be like. There are so many people! I didn't know there were this many humans. And the buildings! Some look like they touch the sky...and the sky..." He smiled and sighed. "Its so or night. I cant believe it took me this long to leave the underground." Asriel seemed so at peace, and it felt great. Since having his soul back, everything didn't seem so bleak, and dark. And he didn't feel so angry, or spiteful. "So, anything you want to do with me will mean the world Papyrus, it really would." He smiled warmly to his friend.
Papyrus was overjoyed to hear him so happy! He used to be rather grumpy all the time, coming to the surface must have changed him quite a bit! "Of course! We can go out and... One moment. Why don't you try on a different pot?" He smiled warmly and picked Asriel up in his arms, holding him against his chest. They moved over to the pot section of Papyrus's shop, there where many nice and beautiful looking pots. "Here! You can have a pot! It's your first time on the surface! you deserve to look your best! Maybe we could go out and get you some nice.... Clothes? Maybe a hat? Or a bow? Or... Sunglasses?" Papyrus seemed pretty excited about this. Bringing Asriel closer to the pots so he could choose one "Don't worry about the price! its free! Whatever one you like"
Asriel was a little caught of guard when Papyrus picked him up, then once he got his bearings he looked up to the tall skeleton and smiled. Had he always been this handsome? He thought to himself. Asriel couldn't help but laugh a little as Papyrus went on about him having clothes and bow and or sunglasses. He thought he was rather cute, though the things he listed wouldn't work very well for a flower, a new pot was a good idea. "Are you sure? I mean I know my father wouldn't mind paying for it." Asriel asked as he looked over the pots. One caught his eye and he smiled and pointed a petal. "How about that one?" He said, it was a simple purple pot. "Its like my family color, and maybe we could paint the Delta Rune on it. Then I could really look like a prince!" He said cheerfully.
Papyrus thought that was a splendid idea! The purple with the delta rune would be an amazing touch, and it would probably make people wonder what it was. Maybe they would learn about the monsters of the underground. "That sounds great! I love that idea! I have some paint in the back, I could do that now! But first.. Lets fit you into this pot. See how it looks on you" He smiled, grabbing the pot and putting them both down on the table. "Honestly! It's not problem at all, Asgore doesn't need to pay for anything. Promise!" he smiled and then looked down at Asriels pot. "One.. Moment! I'll help you into this pot" He smiled and then gently pushed his fingers down into the dirt that Asriel was inside of, his fingers grazing and moving his roots around a little bit. Grabbing and picking him out of the pot with his dirt, he placed him back in the other purple pot. His fingers slid out of the pot, once again gliding past the tiny roots. "There. Feel better?" He smiled and started loading the rest of the dirt into his pot.
Asriel smiled widely at the fact that he like his idea. "Really? Could you?! that would be great! And its little bigger than the one I have now. " He said at he was placed on the table, next thing he knew Papyrus was digging his fingers in to the soil. His eye widen, he was speechless at what was happening right now and he didn't know how to react. It felt strange, and yet...nice. He was placed into his new pot, and the feeling of Papyrus fingers slipping back out made Asriel shiver a little. He felt his face heat up a little, coughing he little and looked up to him and smiled. "Y-yeah...I feels...great..." He said just staring up at Papyrus with a soft smiled as he finished transferring the dirt over to his new pot. Once he was done he looked down and smiled. "How does it look?" She asked looking back up to him.
Papyrus saw that The pot was a bit bigger like he was saying, he smiled warmly and nodded his head. "It suits you rather well! Makes you look... Cute! Well, Cuter than normal" Papyrus giggled a little and walked into the back of his shop, coming back with a paintbrush and some white paint. "Usually Customers ask to have some name on the pots! I always do the best I can" He didn't think it was much of a big deal, he smiled up at Asriel, actually looking like he was a little shorter than him right now. "I have to say.. You are a beautiful flower! Your petals are so clean and well maintained! How did you get them like that" Papyrus was a little curious, tilting his head while painting the emblem. Looking back down and focusing on the pot he smiled and squinted a little bit. "What is the biggest thing you want to do now that you're on the surface? Oh! And are you excited that your parents might get back together!? And speaking of them getting together... Is there... A-Any one you've been thinking about? Maybe you want to try your hand at the dating scene?" he smiled up at him and chuckled a little, thinking it was a bit of a personal question..
Asriel laughed, he thought that it was rather sweet that Papyrus called him cute. Normally he didn't like being called such things, but he knew that when it came from his friend that it was some he truly meant. this was one of the things he liked about Papyrus. "I sure it will look great. Thanks again for doing this. this is pretty exciting for me and it really means a lot." He looked down and watched at he started to paint. Again Asriel laughed, and it felt great to be this happy. "Well, you know my mother. Even though I'm a flower she still thinks I need to be bathed every night so I guess you have her to thank for me looking so clean and nice." then Papyrus asked about his parents, and he didn't mind talking about that. In fact he was pretty thrilled about the idea. But then he asked about if he was thinking about anyone, and Asriel was a little shocked by this question. "Well I uh...I mean who would want to date a flower?!" Asriel laughed nervously, he was looking a lot like his father just before he left. " I wouldn't be against the idea, but I'm not much to be dating you know. How about you? Surely someone as great as you has been on many date since coning up to the surface."
More laughter left papyrus's mouth "You're not bad looking.. Super cute! Tiny, very sweet.. You have a handsome personality!" Papyrus said with a warm smile. He meant it too, whatever that meant exactly... Papyrus looked down a little and thought "Well.. I..... I don't know.. If. uhm.. D-Dating is for me.. I have been on a couple of dates.. With very pretty ladies! They... Never made me really.. Feel anything.." Papyrus scratched his chin, not sure how he would have to feel if he dated someone. "But.. It wouldn't matter to me how someone looked. If they where a flower, a rock, a... Dare I say it.. A dog!!!" He seemed a bit annoyed even saying that then smiled "It would all have to be about.. well.. H-How they made me feel, if I enjoyed spending time with them." He seemed to think about it and kind of looked a little bashful. He wasn't lying either, he really meant what he said about who he would date. If he started to love them he would be with them forever.
"I never said I was looking." Asriel said chuckling. " I'm just saying it hard to date when your a flower, though I never tired... But I'm going to assume it hard." He said with a little smile. Though he felt a bit strange about the idea of Papyrus dating, maybe a little jealous. He didn't know why he would. "Well, someone as great as you needs to date someone just as great. I'm sure that would be tough.. He though a bit about what Papyrus said and tilted his head. "So maybe...what you need to do is maybe date someone who you are already a friend with? Makes sense, because you would already like them enough to be friends, so maybe that's what you need!" Asriel smiled, he didn't like he idea of helping him in dating. But that's what friends did. And Asriel wanted to make sure that this time he was a good friend to Papyrus.
Papyrus thought about what Asriel was saying, it made sense to him. "But!... I... Don't know if I want to date any of my friends.. I mean, I don't like frisk that way.. I know I don't!... Toriel.... Well.. She's a lovely lady! don't get me wrong, or get offended! But she's.................. She's with Asgore!!!" He seemed like he was struggling to come up with reaons not to try and date a friend. "I've.. Never... well....... I don't know!" he looked away blushing a little "Maybe I could try dating a... Guy. I've always went on dates with girls, and no matter how well the date went.. I never developed any romantic feelings... I... Well.. Maybe... A uhm.. Asriel! If you're ever willing to try and date.. M-Maybe... Let me know?.. I.. Well... If you.." He seemed like he was struggling to get out what he wanted to say. He went back to painting on his pot with a nervous look on his face, it was never this hard to ask any of the girls before. Just a couple blushes and then they would go on.. But for some reason, Asriel was making him extra nervous. "D.. Do you get what i'm trying to say at the very least???" He looked up at him with an awkward smile and a little bit of sweat on his forehead.
Asriel was a little shocked that both the girls he listed were apart of his family and he shook his head. "Yeah, how about we not date my sister, or my mom. No offence, but that would put me in a tight spot if things didn't work out. " He laughed a little and looked back down at how Papyrus was doing on the painting. So far Asriel was really liking how it was coming out. Then it seemed as if Papyrus was trying to ask him on a date, though he wasn't all that sure. He would have loved to...but he didn't want to assume that's what he was getting at. "Ummm..I think so. Papyrus? Are you asking, me? To go on a date with you?" Asriel asked hopefully "Because if you are. I would say yes. I mean that only if you are asking, if not then just forget what I just said."
Papyrus smiled up at Asriel "That's exactly what I was trying to ask! Thank you!" He seemed greatful that he didn't need to keep struggling with that question. "And.. You say yes!? That's amazing news!! So! You want to go out on a date with me?" He smiled wide and then went back to painting. He finished up the painting and then lightly blowing on the paint to help it dry. Papyrus seemed a little excited and happy that he said yes, his cheeks starting to glow in a faint way.
Asriel was so happy that he was right in Papyrus was asking for a date with him. He was going to feel really stupid if that wasn't the case. Though he wasn't going to read to much in to this. Surely Papyrus was doing this as kind gesture to make Asriel feel better. And it worked, he was feeling a bit happier about himself, and his lack of a real body. "Of course! I never been on a date, and who better to have a first one with than you!" He said happily, looking down at the finished painting, his eyes widened. "Wow, Papyrus! This looks amazing! If the flower shop ends up not working out, you could make a great painter!" Asriel meant it, he knew Papyrus would do a good job, but this was way better than he thought it would turn out. He straightened himself up, looking rather proud. "I love it! Thank you Papyrus...for everything..." He said smiling warmly to him.
Being a bit thrilled by the compliments Papyrus smiled and looked away chuckling to himself. "Really! No worries about anything! You've been a great help for me too! You're great" He looked back with a wide smile and his eyes closed. He thought about painting and maybe trying to be an artist, maybe it could work out! It would be pretty cool if it did! He had an idea to try and paint some more. Maybe draw a bit. "You're very welcome! You deserve a lot, I mean.. After I heard the story about how you lost your body! I almost started to cry.." he looked serious, his face curling up a bit and his brow tensing up. Squinting down at Asriel with a compassionate smile. "So... I... Well! Its a rather dead day! We could close up the shop and.. Go on our date now, If you wanted! Or.. Maybe you want to wait a day? Maybe Frisk could help you dress up! Or... Well. Not dress up! But maybe just.. Help you? If you're nervous that is!!"
Asriel sighed, feeling guilty that Papyrus was saying such nice things about him. If he only knew and remembered what he had done in so many timelines. He could have stopped Chara from killing him, over and over. But he didn't, it was so interesting and new at the time. And he felt nothing for this tall skeleton. "Yeah, I'm great..." He murmured softly. He tried to perk himself back up, this was a fresh start, and he was going to do thing right this time. "Um sure, I don't need any time to get ready, in fact. I think my new pot is about all I need." He smiled, trying to sound a but more happy. "How about you? Do you need to get ready? I would really like to have our date, before you change your mind." Asriel said jokingly.
Papyrus laughed "I won't change my mind!! Not about this! I'll... Uhm.. How about this! I'll close up the shop! Then I'll head back home and change a little bit! Get ready for the day ahead and then we can head on out to do some fun things! Come up with some ideas of what you want to do while I'm getting ready! That's all you need to do" He smiled wide and picked Asriel up, walking out of the shop and locking the door. He turned the sign around so that it said closed instead of open. Then he walked off in the direction of his house, knowing the way by heart at this point. "That's pretty good! Right? I think today will be plenty of fun!"
Asriel laughed and nodded. "I know you wont Papyrus. And that sounds like a brilliant idea. Maybe I can see Chara, and she could give me pointers on dating while your getting ready!" He smiled, and he knew that asking Chara fro dating advice would be silly. Because he was sure that she was just as clueless about the whole thing at he was. They left the store and Asriel sighed deeply and looked up at the sky. "That will never get old. The fresh air, the open blue sky. Even at night the stars still leave me speechless." He smiled, being on the surface was still so new to him, and still so wonderful. He loved it. His eyes moved so he was looking up at Papyrus, he didn't know what to ask to do. He would have been happy to just sit out side and look at the sky, and watch the sunset, then look up at the stars. Back at home, he was always near a window, so he could like look at the sky. "Today has already been pretty fun. I'm enjoying our time together."
Papyrus was very glad that he was having a fun time already. His smile felt like it couldn't get any bigger. He walked home with Asriel and opened the door. "SANS! I'm home!! I'm with Asriel! Would you mind getting chara!? Please!!" He smiled up at the second floor. Sans walked out and looked a bit confused "uh.. sure thing" Walking to the bathroom he knocked "hey.. you done in there? or should i give you a couple more minutes?"
Asriel flinched a little at the loudness of Papyrus voice. He looked up to Sans when he heard his voice and waved a petal at him "Howdy!" He said happily before Sans walked off. He looked around and noticed the new couch, but other than that everything was still about the same since the last time he was there. Chara looked up to the door. "Um yeah, be out in a few. Did I just hear your bother?" She asked as she pulled the drain to let out the now slightly cool water and stood up slowly. She had feeling back in her legs, though she still felt a little stiff. Asriel looked up to Papyrus and smiled. "I was thinking, maybe we could go someplace to eat first. I haven't had a chance to try much human food. Mom insists on cooking for us."
"Oh! That would be loads of fun, Having human food is so strange! It's way heavier than monster food!" Monster food felt almost like eating clouds, even when they where chewy or hot, it was really soft and weightless. "So if you want to go out and have some delicious human food! I'm all for it! I would love to have some with you" He smiled down at him warmly.
Asriel was happy that Papyrus liked the idea. "Yeah, well. I'm going to let you pick the place since I have tried any yet. I'm sure you know all the good places to eat!" He was getting more excited to this date. Though he still though it was out of pity, but he didn't mind. He was going to be spending time with his friend and that's all that mattered. Chara looked down the stairs, a towel wrapped around her body. "Oh! I thought I heard your voice! Give me a minute to get dressed and I'll be right down!" Asriel looked up to her and smiled. "Okay!" He said waving to her before she rushed off to Sans room. "What's Asriel doing here with Papyrus?" She asked Sans tossing the towel to the floor and getting dressed in a pair of black shorts and a orange tank top.
Papyrus was excited too, he tried to think of places to eat for their date. If they wanted the best food then they could go to a small shop that sold great italian food! He smiled at the thought and nodded at Chara. "We can go to an amazing little place just near here! You'll love it Asriel! Hopefully as much as I love spending time with you!!" He chuckled at that, looking away a little bit and looking at the door.

Sans shrugged "its a mystery to me... maybe they're hanging out.... didn't asriel say he wanted to hang out with papyrus?.. i dunno" sans looked like he wasn't all that interested to say the least.
Asriel smiled up to Papyrus. "I'm sure the food with be better since I'll be eating with you..." He said shyly. Then mentally kicking himself thinking how lame that must have came across. He didn't know why he said it like that. Perhaps he was trying to flirt, something he has never done before. Asriel coughed a little and looked away blushing, wondering what was taking Chara so long.

Chara nodded and looked down at her legs, seeing the marks Sans left there she thought it might be a better idea to wear pants. Quickly she changed into a pair of black leggings. She walked over to Sans and gave him a light kiss. "I'll be back in a bit, then we can get back to being lazy. Feel free to join down there." She gave him one last kiss then she walked out of the room.

Chara Walked down the stairs. "Whats going on guys?" Asriel turned his head and saw his sister coming and he sighed deeply. "Hey Chara! You look...rough..." He said with a little tilt of he head. Chara shrugged walking up to them, taking Asriel from Papyrus. "Its been a rough morning..."She said with a small smile walking him over to the kitchen table and setting him down on it then softly taking a seat herself, still feeling a bit sore. She noticed the new pot and lightly touched the painting of the family crest. "This is nice." Asriel smiled and glanced over to Papyrus. "Yeah, Papyrus did it! Isn't it great!" Chara nodded. "It is." She looked over to Papyrus and gave him thumbs up. "Nice work big guy."
Papyrus thought that Asriel was being rather cute and he kind of loved it, looking down at him and seeing him blush only made him blush a bit. the compliment was really nice and he chuckled. "Same goes for you! It will be much better eating with one of my favorite monsters" He smiled wider and scratched the back of his head, holding Asriel a bit closer so he wouldn't fall.

Sans didn't seem interested "nah.. just.. enjoy your time with your bro heh heh.. i'll be up here taking a bit of a power nap" he winked and hopped on the bed, yawning rather deeply and closing his eyes.

Papyrus watched chara come downstairs and take Asriel, he was a bit disapointed that he didn't get to hold him anymore. But he followed Chara over to their table and smiled wide. "No problem! I tried really hard to get it just perfect!! I uhm... You probably want to talk to your brother for a little bit!! I'll just go... and... Give you two some alone time??" he wasn't sure, he knew Asriel wanted to talk to Chara. But he didn't want to leave, papyrus walked away then ran upstairs, going to his room to change and get ready.
Chara watched as Papyrus walk off, then she turned to Asriel. "He okay? He is acting odder than normal." Asriel shook her head and smiled. "Nah, he is fine. Might just be a bit nervous about the date." Chara smirked. "Oh a date? With who?" This was strange, she never though of Papyrus being the type to date. Asriel perked up proudly. "With me! He asked and I said yes!" Chara tried her best to not laugh, but she couldn't hold it! "What!? You're shitting me!" He narrowed he eyes at her a little. "Why? You think that because I'm a flower I cant go on a date?" He seemed a little offended, and maybe hurt by Chara laughing at him like that. "She shook her head and waved her hands at him. "No! No,no! Nothing like that! It just...he is Papyrus!" She sighed, feeling that she might be acting a little rude. "Look, I thinks it great that you're going on a date with the big guy. In fact, I trust him with you and he is a good guy. Very sweet." she smiled patting his head a little. "I'm sorry I laughed. If he is anything like his brother, you're going to have a great time." Asriel smiled a little and nodded. "Thank you Chara, that really means a lot. I'm su-" His eyes widened a little and looked at her. "Wait?! You went on a date with Sans?!" He asked raising his voice bit. Chara was taken back by the loudness of it and just gave him a slow nod in reply. "So what?! You guys are...together?!" This time Chara was offended by his tone and she gave him a small glare. "Yeah ...we are. Is that a problem?" She said coldly, making Asriel shrink down a little. " making sure I understood clearly...That' You and him. Cool..." Asriel whispered. As much as He loved Chara, she still scared him. Chara's mood lightened a little and she smiled. "Good, because I love him...." She smiled happily, her eyes seemed to sparkle a little when she said this. "That's nice...Chara...Really." he said, looking away from her. "Well, I'm going to hang out here till you guys go. I wanna have a little chat with Paps before you leave." Chara said leaning back in her seat.
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