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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

The reaction Papyrus gave from Asriel's innocent gesture was just what he had hoped. In fact, that smile Papyrus gave him was so pleasant. With a sigh, he turned his gaze to the direction the skeleton was taking them. Without warning, Papyrus started running, frightening the little flower monster a little. Though in the hold of Papyrus' arms he never felt in any danger, if anything he was confused, and it only grew when the skeleton started climbing up the fire escape. "What are we...doing..." Asriel's words were lost in this throat as he took the sight of the view. He had seen the sun rise and set, but nothing like this. Then Papyrus seemed to be thanking him, for something that he felt he didn't deserve. Of course, he didn't remember the way Chara and Frisk did, and he wasn't sure what Sans recalled from the resets. Asriel felt he didn't do anything if it wasn't for Frisk, none of this would be happening. The monsters would still be underground, wondering what the sky looked like and not seeing it for themselves. All he did was give up, and that was something he should have done a long time ago. " I, no. I wish I did. But it was Frisk that let all this happen. I want to be the one that was able to give all this. I didn't do anything, or nothing this good." He said sadly; he didn't deserve Papyrus kindness, let alone be his boyfriend. He is too good for Asriel, and it would take lifetimes before he ever thought he would be.

Chara sat up, brushing her hair from her face with her fingers as she thought about Sans offer. A part of her wanted to stay and wait for her brother, but then again he was with Papyrus, so he was as safe as he would ever be. Though, if she didn't go, she would be alone. "Sure, better than sitting around doing nothing I guess." She got up from Sans bed and stretched with a small yawn. She had been sleeping far too much since getting her soul back.
Papyrus looked down, his gaze falling onto Asriels head and face. With an almost sad smile, "I feel like... I'm not sure why, But I have a feeling you were involved more than you say you were.. With the barrier opening up. I don't know why.. I just can feel it! You helped some way.. Didn't you?" He smiled down at him and walked backwards into the entrance to the roof, sliding down the wall till he was sitting with Asriel on his lap. He could tell that Asriel seemed a bit sad. He wasn't sure why, but he thought it was because of how he couldn't feel before. Papyrus was kind of getting closer to Asriel as the moments passed. His face getting closer to Asriels His eyes starting to widen a bit, wondering if it was true or not.

Standing up he shrugged a bit with a small smile. Sighing a little bit and looking down at her, "heh heh.. better than being stuck here right?.. i mean... its not like i want you to be all alone anyways heh heh.." Sans offered his hand to her so she could stand up.
Again, Asriel was at a loss for words. He wanted to tell Papyrus everything, but he didn't want to risk hurting the skeleton's feelings or make him hate him. As Papyrus grew closer, Asriel began to stammer a bit before he found his voice. "Well yeah. I did. But, I did so many awful things, I just don't feel right claiming that I helped. Because honestly, if it weren't for Frisk, we all would still be underground. My one good deed shouldn't overlook all the tons of terrible things I done." He laughed a little, shaking his head. "Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm making any sense right now. Just know, that even then, underground. I think I did care about you, and I still do. I like Papyrus, a lot. And I'm so happy that even when you knew me at my worst, you still never gave up on me. Thank you." Asriel smiled, still looking sad. But he seemed he was feeling a little better after letting somethings off his chest.

Smirking, Chara took Sans hand and stood. "Yeah, I get it. I wouldn't want someone like me to be alone either. I know better than anyone what happens when I get....bored..." Her head tilted a slightly at the last word. Letting go of his hand, she started to get dressed. Changing into a simple white t-shirt and black jeans.
He could tell that he was being very genuine, whatever horrible things he did.. He wasn't sure. He was sure that it wasn't bad, or if it was it didn't matter. "It doesn't matter. Everyone can be a good person, if they just try!" He smiled wide, he believed every word of it. "You're trying! you're much better than you were.. Whatever caused you to think you're bad. You don't have to be scared of them. Cause the Asriel I see now, is as good as anyone!" He smiled again with a wide grin.

Sans smiled at her and shook his head a little bit, texting Frisk "Hey, gonna be over at your place in a few min, make sure to be awake. Gonna go see If Gaster is there" His eyes only leaving the phone for a moment when he looked up to see her put a shirt on, with a small grin he went back to the text and sent it.
Asriel listened to Papyrus, his eyes stared up at the night sky letting his words sink in. "Your right, I am trying. Everyone got a fresh start when they came to the surface. Now it's my turn. All the things I did underground, and that's where I should leave it." He turned to look at Papyrus, smiling softly. There was no point in letting what he did when he was soulless effect his new future with his friend, now boyfriend. All he had to do is keep doing what he was doing. Closing his eyes he leaned into Papyrus, resting his head on the skeleton's chest. "Thank you, for always seeing the good in me."

Frisk was curled up on her couch, watching a show on Netflix that she had always wanted to see. But her travels never seemed to leave her the time. Hearing her phone, she paused the show and made her reply. Telling Sans she needed to get dressed, but she was awake and would be ready when they got there. Chara rubbed her neck and sighed; she didn't want to back underground. There were so many bad memories, mostly caused by her. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked over to Sans and smiled. "I'm ready when you are."
Papyrus didn't react, almost like he knew that he was going to realize at some point. His smile only grew however. "You're very welcome. Everyone has good in them, they just need to try" He said a bit uncharacteristically quiet. His hand moving to the back of Asriels head and just gently holding him there, his fingers grazing the back of his neck gently. His glove was still off, so he was feeling the tiny hairs on the stem of his body. "And how could you not be good!! You're the son of the two most caring monsters!!" He smiled wide again.

"heh heh, sounds good to me then. lets get a head start and meet frisk" Sans seemed almost excited to be doing this, his eyes more lit up than usual. He was starting to look, happy? He always looked happy, but this was different. He looked almost like a kid, instead of his usual lazy just got out of bed and wants to keep sleeping look. Grabbing Chara's hand he started walking out of the house, when they came out of the door they were walking out of Frisks closet. Sans waved at her with a big smile "looks like you had a skeleton in your closet huh? heh heh heh" he chuckled at his dumb joke. "eh... don't worry though, it wasn't all that big" he winked and laughed again.
"It helps to have a good friend that believes in you to be good." Asriel said, sinking further into Papyrus' chest. The feeling of his bony fingers was nothing like he thought they would have been. He was warm and soft, causing him to shiver a little at his touch. "We all cant be just like our family. Sans and you are nothing alike. Aside from the fact that you both are skeletons." He chuckled, tilting his head up to look at Papyrus. Being like this with Papyrus felt so wonderful, and he could stay just like this for hours. "I like how this feels. You touching me like this..." Asriel said shyly, blushing slightly.

Chara let Sans pull her along behind him. Shaking her head a little as she smiled to herself. He was being so childlike, and it was rather sweet to see him like this. To her surprise, they didn't turn up outside Frisk home like normal, but in her room. Frisk was more surprised and squealed when her closet door opened and seeing the two of them walk through. Frisk put her hands on her chest, feeling as if her heart was about to either stop or jump out of her chest. "Don't do that!" She said raising her voice glaring at the two of them. Chara laughed watching the whole thing unfold. " I know, Sans is a 'little' rude sometimes. " She said patting him on the top of his head.
His fingers kept caressing the back of his head, gently scratching over and over. He liked doing this, it felt like he trusted him fully. It made him warm and fuzzy inside. Then seeing him look up at papyrus was just a very.. strange feeling, he never really felt like this before. He knew what it felt to be in romantic tension, he wasn't exactly sure how.. but he knew what it was. Seeing Asriel loom up at him like this drew something out of him. Papyrus was compelled to lean down and ever so gently kiss asriel. His mouth gently against Asriels, his kiss forming as he held him close. The soft boney fingers gently gripping his stem. And his cheeks flush with orange. Eyes closed and shivers up and down his neck started to form.

Seeing her jump only made him grin and laugh a bit alongside chara. "Yeah.. heh heh, plus you said 'ready when you are' so I'm here now.. super ready. Time to go see gaster heh heh" Sans was excited. When chara patted his head he closed his eyes and tilted his head a bit, playing along.
It felt as if they stared at each other for hours before Papyrus leaned down, pressing his mouth against Asriel. He has never had anything like this done to him before. His mother would kiss him, but that was different, and this felt so strange. Not in a bad way, in fact, Asriel found himself really enjoying the feeling.So much so that he leaned into the kiss, closing his eyes with a content sigh. He felt a warmth building up inside of him as Papyrus took a hold of his stem, he was being so gentle with his touching and Asriel never wanted it to end. After a minute, he pulled away, opening his eyes looking up to Papyrus. " was...nice." He smiled up at the skeleton.

"Well, I didn't think you guys would be popping up here that soon!" Frisk said rubbing her face with a groan. Chara laughed as she watched Frisk finish getting ready. Though all she had to do was put on her shoes and she was ready to leave. "Okay, now we can leave. Are we going through my closet, or should we use the front door." Chara smirked a bit looking at the closet and shrugged. "I don't think it matters..."
Papyrus was almost in shock after he did that. he didn't even think, he just did it! Was that ok!? Was that not allowed!? He had to apologize! "I'm so Sorry!! I just-" He heard Asriel say how it was nice and he saw his face gently smiling up at him. He was almost in shock from what he heard. Not sure how Asriel would be ok with that? But.. He was very happy that he liked it at least, his own body shivering a little bit from the feeling. "Well. I'm, glad you liked it.. I... It felt really good, your lips are very soft and.. we.. Well.. We could always.. I-If you wanted!! Do it again?" This time he was in full control of himself and he wasn't going to lose it to his lesser senses. They were still very close, they could feel each others breath on their faces.

Sans laughed a bit at Frisks comment and just turned around walking into the closet and leaving the door open. It was so dark that it looked like you would just walk into an inky blackness. They would appear right outside of the grey door. Seeing the door Sans wasted no time walking up to it, putting his hand on the handle and taking a deep breath. Almost like it was hard for him to do this.
Asriel saw how Papyrus shivered, feeling concerned he tilted his head. " okay?" He asked, pulling his head back a little further to get a better looked at his boyfriend. "I would like to do it again, you took me a little off guard when you did that. But I really did like it, and I would like to do it again. I just never..." Slyly he looked away from Papyrus, feeling a bit embarrassed about confessing that he had never kissed anyone like that before. He was so sure that a monster like Papyrus had his fair share of moments like this. This made Asriel feel even more inadequate about being in a relationship like this. "...This is just all so new for me. I don't know what to do, or how to act." This time it was his turn to shiver, worried that his lack of knowledge of this would make Papyrus want to not want to be with him. "I'm sorry. Maybe, you could teach me?" Finally, Asriel builds up the nerve to look him in the eye again. Giving him a faint shy smile. "Because I do want to do that again."

Frisk watched as Sans stood there with his hand on the doorknob. Smiling she gently places her hand on top of his. "Its going to be alright Sans. Chara and I are here for you. I have a good feeling that everything will work out. Everyone will get their happy ending, I promise." Chara watched this and sighed. She was happy that Frisk was better at giving comfort then she was. Frisk helped Sans turn the knob and gave it a small push, letting the door crack open, but waited for him to push it the rest of the way.
Papyrus saw Asriels shivering and wanted nothing more but to help him. Seeing him like that, he heard all of what he was saying. Everything about never doing that and how he wasn't sure how to act. The truth was, it was the exact same for papyrus. He had no Idea what to do or how to act either, that had been his first kiss and this had been his first relationship. But, seeing Asriel so nervous he swallowed his ignorance for a moment. "Of course I'll teach you!! I would like nothing more than to teach you the ways of......... This!" He smiled again and hugged Asriel a bit, trying to stop him from shivering. He wasn't sure how to teach him, or even what next to do. So for a moment he thought and gritted his teeth. "well. I.... The uhm.. The thing about this, is just. Do what feels good! What feels nice for the both of us!" he said, trying to figure out if what he was saying made sense. "If we both like it.. Then it can't be bad? Right?" Papyrus smiled and "If you want to.. You can do that kiss again! T-Try it out!" Papyrus's nerves were so shaky he wasn't sure if he could kiss Asriel again, so this would be pretty good. Getting him to kiss him would work and it would teach Asriel and hopefully papyrus about this kind of stuff more.

Sans felt on edge and then looked over to Frisk, feeling her warm soft hand on his he smiled at her with such a warmth in his soul. "thank you frisk... heh.. it means a lot that you two are here..." Feeling her open the door with him, he then took another deep breath and excitedly walked into the room, shedding Frisks hand. No longer needing it in this moment.
There he was, the almost gooey looking figure in a large black coat. He was standing there in the middle of the room, his body slowly moving up an down from his breathing.
Sans squinted and slowly walked in "G-... Gaster?" he said a bit gently "Gaster?.. D-Dad?" he said a bit lower. The figure raised its head, and two glowing pupils appeared in the black sockets that were etched into the figures face. "s-s-s-s-oon?"
All Asriel saw was just how confident Papyrus was, feeling that he was right in assuming that he knew how all this worked and what to do next. The feeling of his arms around him, pulling him into a small hug set Asriel at ease. Papyrus could feel him relax a little. Asriel heard the idea about him kissing Papyrus, and that was something that he wouldn't mind doing. At least this time he would know what was coming and would be ready. Pulling back slightly, he looked up at Papyrus and gave him a small nod. He could feel his nerves building up again as he tried to gain the courage to make the first move. "Y-Yeah, I would like t-that. I um..." Before he could overthink the situation any longer, Asriel leaned up, pushing his mouth against his very gently. A lot like Papyrus did before. This time he felt he could enjoy it more, when before he felt too nervous. It made him feel warm, and as if he was floating. Everything about this did feel good, and couldn't imagine it feeling like this with anyone other than Papyrus. Slowly he closed his eyes and sighed, pushing his lips firmer against PApyrus'. He pulled his vines out and moved them around Papyrus' neck. Seeing his mother and father in moments like this, he felt that this was something that he should be doing.

Frisk held her breath as Sans opened the door, praying to her self that Gaster was there. More for Sans' sake than anyone else's. She had never seen him this happy before and didn't want his hope getting shattered. To her relief, there he was just like before. She released the breath she had been holding and smiled to herself, placing her hand on her chest. 'Thank goodness' she thought to herself as she turned to look at Chara, who was just them peeking around the corner. This was the first time Chara has gotten a chance to see Gaster like this, and it wasn't like she thought he would look. Swallowing hard she stepped next to Frisk, her red eyes glued to the figure in the room in front of Sans. Nervously, she started to play with her hair; this was a habit that she seemed to have picked up from Frisk. "Come on, let us go be with him." Frisk whispered to Chara, lightly pulling her arm forcing her to walk close to stand behind Sans. Chara eyes never left Gaster, she was still feeling uneasy about all this, though this time it was for a different reason. Gaster form was very unnerving.
Papyrus wasn't ready, but that didn't matter. The second Asriel leaned in and kissed him, he made him ready. The nice soft lips against his made him melt against Asriel, His bones almost rattling from how much he was shivering. His nerves really getting the better of him, but then he felt it. The vines against the back of his neck, Asriel was clearly enjoying this. It helped papyrus calm down and enjoy it even more, his cheeks flush to the point of burning. His eyes were heavy and his fingers felt like they would clamp around anything he grabbed next. But he resisted the urge and moved his hand up Asriels stem to his petals, gently holding them and kissing a bit more. His lips getting caught up in these waves of kisses, "mnnnn~" papyrus gently moaned unconsciously. Enjoying this feeling too much to stay quiet.

Sans swayed back and forth as he walked over to the figure. they didn't stop staring into eachothers eyes, both of them almost in a trance as to what was happening. Neither of them believing that this moment was finally happening and they were actually reunited. Sans just walked closer and closer, it didn't even occur to him that Frisk and Chara were here behind him. Making it closer to the melting figure Sans had nothing to say and neither did Gaster. they kept looking at eachother till they were about a foot away from each other. For what felt like an hour, Sans Finally broke the silence with his eyes watering up. He practically jumped on gaster, hugging him very tight and pushing his face deep into his shoulder. Gaster accepted him with open arms and the same happened to him, his eyes welting up and his arms wrapping around his son. "Dad!!" Sans almost yelled. Gaster was just trying to stop himself from bursting into tears.
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