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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans could hear the screaming and he just cuddled up more in his blankets. Papyrus didn't take long at all, he came down in a blue turtleneck sweater and some light brown pants. he looked really cuddly and nice, walking down with a wide smile he walked over to Asriel and Chara again. "Thank you so much for holding onto him Chara! Don't worry!! We won't be too late" he smiled wide and went to grab Asriel again.
Asriel looked up hear Papyrus come back down the stairs. He could help but blush, he looked more handsome then he did before, or had he always looked like this. Asriel was always fond of Papyrus, but now, he was seeing him a bit defiantly. He smiled brightly to him, then faded when Chara shot up from her chair taking Papyrus hand before he could pick him up. "Easy there, we need to have a little talk before you take my brother out!" Chara pulled Papyrus behind her and into the other room so Asriel couldn't over hear them talking. Once they were away, Asriel leaned a little trying to see or hear them. He was nervous about what Chara was going to say to him. Chara stopped and turned to him folding her arms over her chest. "So talking my brother out on a date. huh?" She raised a brow and gave him a small smile.
Going to take Flowey he then got his wrist grabbed and his whole body was dragged away from Asriel. Papyrus's cheeks started to glow a bit and he hunched over a little flustered with a wide smile, scratching the back of his neck with a wide smile. He could tell she wanted a bit of an explanation, and he was kind of happy to indulge her. "I.. Have enjoyed being around Asriel for a long time! Even when he was grumpy and lied about his name! So.. I Want.. I wanted to show him just how nice he made me feel with tonight!" He smiled wide and scratched his shoulder. He looked ready and happy to go out with Asriel.
Chara saw just how nervous Papyrus was and then he started explaining himself. She didn't mean to cause this type or reaction, if anything she was mostly doing this little 'chat' to mess with her brother. "Whoa there big guy." she said waving her hands at him and chuckling a little. " Look, I was just going to say that I'm glad that it you taking Asriel out on his first date...or I'm assuming it is...I mean, your a good guy, and I know that if I were to pick anyone to take him out, I would have chosen you. Just have fun tonight. and don't worry about keeping him out too late, you're both adults." She smiled and walked past him, lightly patting his should as she walked "Thanks for being a good friend to him..." Chara said before walking back up stairs into Sans room. Curling up next to him laughing softly to herself. Asriel could see the two of them talking, but could really hear them.
Papyrus looked very relieved and he smiled as Chara walked past him, following her back to Asriel he picked him up and smiled down at him warmly. "Welp! Time to go on our date! Where was it you wanted to go? You wanted human food! Oh Yes! We can go to an Italian restaurant!" Papyrus was so excited, walking through the front door and putting holding Asriel close he smiled. "If there's anything you want to do or try! Do not hesitate to ask!"
Luckily Papyrus seemed pretty happy. What ever Chara told him it didn't seem to have been all that bad, or he just didn't show it. Asriel smiled widely to him and nodded. "Yes! Human food! I'm excited to try some. Maybe we can talk about what we can do next while we eat!" His smile turned a little strained before he continued ."And uh...Sorry if Chara said anything rude or something. I'm sure she is just being protective of me and everything so, yeah. She can be a little...intense sometimes, and harsh..." He said trying to frown, remembering back when she would pick on him and call him names. Though he was a kid back then so he took it a bit harder than he should have.
Papyrus shook his head with a wide smile. "No! Not at all! She was very polite!! She just wanted to ask me what I was planning on doing! And she wanted to thank me for taking you on your first date! I didn't think it was a problem at all! And she was more than polite to me" He was rather happy at how Chara treated him, he would always make excuses for people. But he didn't stop himself from saying how people acted, so Asriel could trust that Pappyrus wasn't lying. They walked for a while on their way to the nice restaurant "So!? How is it being a flower? Do you know how to take care of yourself properly?" he was wondering if Asriel knew how to make sure his body was in tip top shape, he could always help him. He did know a lot about flowers from Asgore.
Asriel was so happy to hear that his sister was nice to his friend. She really had changed since Sans healed her soul, and so had he. He was a bit upset hearing that Sans and Chara were dating, but the more he thought about it he realized that it wasn't all that bad. So he wasn't going to worry about it anymore. "That's good, she wasn't always so nice when we were kids. Guess she grew out of it." He laughed a little, then thought about what Papyrus asked him, laughing a bit more he shook his head. " Well, I'm still a monster. A monster that just so happens to look like a flower. I do miss having a real body though. But I have gotten pretty used to being a flower. And as far as taking care of myself, well..."He thought about it. "I still need to eat food and such, I don't even need to be watered really. But it does get uncomfortable when my soil is dry. Other than that, I'm just a normal monster!" He smiled up to Papyrus, "Well a monster who needs a little help getting around. Though I have been practicing on how to use my vine to get around. That's tougher then it sounds, trust me."
Papyrus scratched his chin a bit and thought for a moment. "I'm very glad to hear that you're not discouraged by having this body! And you're so right! You are just a normal monster! No need to think otherwise" He smiled down at him and kept walking with a pep in his step. "Its not a bad thing to need a little help! I enjoy carrying you! You're so light and nice!... Does that mean you don't need to be in your soil? Could you be taken out and you'd be fine?" Papyrus was a bit curious now, walking over to the new restaurant he opened the door and waited for their waiter to seat them. "Because, maybe we could make you a cool robot body! Alphys is super good with robots and you could use it like an iorn man suit!!"
"I don't mind it when you carry me..." Asriel said shyly. It was true, he normally would be putting up be of a fuss being carried around this much. But with Papyrus, he was closer to him, it was almost tempting to lay his head on Papyrus' chest. He though best not to though. "Well I uh...hmmm...." Asriel never tried it before, he didn't know if he would be fine out of the dirt, he was just so used to it he never even bothered to try. "I really don't know. I guess I could try one day, just to see what happens...." Then Papyrus went on about talking about him having a robot body, it was a rather cute idea. "Whats an 'iron man'?" Asriel asked tilting his head. The hostess greeted them and took them to their table. "Your waiter with be here shortly to take your drink orders..." She gave Asriel a strange look. She seen many monsters come and go, but never one that looked like a flower. "Thank you!" Asriel smiled happily to the girl before she smiled in return and walked away.
Giggling he realized he would have to explain a lot to Asriel, he was underground for so long. He must not have learned anything in a long time! "Iorn man is a super hero! He's appart of a comic book series.. And it's been turned into amazing movies!!" They made it to the table and Papyrus sat down, putting Asriel on the other side of the table. So he was sitting across from him. "Do you use your vines like hands? Because.. If.. You're not used to it yet. I wouldn't mind feeding you" Papyrus blushed a little at the thought and smiled at him. Almost like Papyrus was flirting a little bit with Asriel.
Asriel looked at Papyrus as he tried to explain Iron Man to him. He had the look of confusing, nothing he said made sense. But he didn't want to admit this, and he didn't want to ask more questions. The surface was a strange place with a bunch he didn't know about. Leaving Asriel feeling pretty helpless. At least when he was underground, he knew everything. "Oh...thats cool..." He said, smiling a little with a nod. When Papyrus offered to feed him, Asriel felt his face heat up at the idea. "I...I uh... Well I can use my vines. So that fine." The waiter came over and looked at the both of them, again he looked to Asriel. "Hello, I'm Ryan. I will be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a drink or a cocktail?" He said, placing the menus down in front of each of them.
He was both relieved and disappointed all at the same time when he said that he could feed himself, he wasn't sure why he was disappointed. It made his stomach flutter to think of it. Then the waiter came around and Papyrus raised his eyebrow and looked a little shoked. "Well.. Uhm, Cocktail? I'm not so Sure about all of that.. He doesn't have ID Yet! Plus I only drink very sparingly" HE was good when it came to drinking, he enjoyed having a nice night with his brother every now and again. But he hated the hangovers the next morning, it was worth not drinking ever. "I would like some Milk please!" He turned to Asriel with a smile "Helps keep strong bones!!" He smiled wider and so innocently.
Asriel raised a brow to the waiter. "I don't want one either, thanks. I will milk though!" The waiter smiled and nodded, thinking it was a strange drink option for an adult and flower. But all monsters are different. "Okay then. I will be right back with those." He said before walking off. Asriel looked down at the menu, he seemed a bit discouraged. "I uh...Maybe we could share something. Or I could just eat some of yours. I don't really eat much. So I would hate the waste." He gave Papyrus a nervous smile. "If that's alright with you?" He tilted he head some. "...whats a cocktail?" He asked, not really knowing what it was, or why they would need an ID to have it.
"Most certainly! Of course we can Share I don't mind at all! It makes sense that you need to share, you don't look like you could eat much. N-No offence!" He smiled and hunched over a bit, interlocking his fingers and smiling warmly. "Oh! A Cocktail is an alcoholic drink, we would need our ID in order to order it.. Not sure if you even have any identification yet, since you've been in the underground for so long" looking down at the menu, papyrus started tapping his finger on the table and hummed a little bit. His eyes light up and he knew exactly what they should share "They have nacho's here! We can both eat those, they're delicious and very much a two person meal! Chips with cheese and vegetables" Papyrus looked a bit happy that he figured out a two person meal pretty quickly. "That. And we can get a milkshake with two straws"
"Most certainly! Of course we can Share I don't mind at all! It makes sense that you need to share, you don't look like you could eat much. N-No offence!" He smiled and hunched over a bit, interlocking his fingers and smiling warmly. "Oh! A Cocktail is an alcoholic drink, we would need our ID in order to order it.. Not sure if you even have any identification yet, since you've been in the underground for so long" looking down at the menu, papyrus started tapping his finger on the table and hummed a little bit. His eyes light up and he knew exactly what they should share "They have nacho's here! We can both eat those, they're delicious and very much a two person meal! Chips with cheese and vegetables" Papyrus looked a bit happy that he figured out a two person meal pretty quickly. "That. And we can get a milkshake with two straws"
Asriel laughed and shook his head. "None taken. Guess you could say I'll be a cheap date." He glanced back to where the waiter walked off to. "Hmm good think I didn't order one of those. But I don't have an ID either so..." He looked back to Papyrus with a shrug, smiling warmly as he talked about the nachos. Thinking that sounded rather nice. Asriel was having a wonderful time with Papyrus. It was nice to have someone else to talk to. Not that he didn't like spending time with his parents, but this was different, it felt...good. "That sounds nice!" Just then the waiter came back with their milks, placing it down in front of them. Pulling out a pen and pad he looked to them with a wide smile. "Have we decided what to eat? Or did you gentlemen need another minute?"
"No! we have decided what we will be having now! Thank you very much" He smiled up at the waiter and then looked at Asriel. "We will have one large nacho! We're splitting it!" Papyrus was rather peppy about it, he wanted to say something about the chef not needing to prepare too much of a dish and then he stopped himself. Trying to act more impressive while he was on his date. "Uhm.. Well! On the Nacho's we will have Chicken, Green peppers and mixed cheese! Nothing to complicated!" Papyrus took a rather large drink of his milk and looked satisfied, his throat was starting to get dry and the milk was perfect for helping him
The waiter didn't really need to write that down, the order was simple enough to remember. He gave them a nod then walked off. Asriel loved Papyrus energy, he had the same excitement with everything that came to life. He was shocked that he didn't notice it till now. Though back when he was soulless, he didn't care. But he must have, Papyrus was the first monster he thought about when he came back to normal, aside from his parents. He was also grateful that even though he wasn't the friendless to him, Papyrus still thought so highly of Asriel. He stared at Papyrus, not even noticing that he waiter had left the table. Smiling softly to his friend he caught himself thinking out loud. " did I get so lucky to have a friend like him..." Asriel said just above a whisper.
Somehow Papyrus was able to hear what Asriel said, it made him a little giddy. "Why. Thank you!! I knew I was a nice friend! But I didn't think anyone would count themselves lucky for knowing me!!" His mood seemed to elevate even higher than it already was, not even sure how that was possible. "You're very special to me too!" Papyrus really appreciated Asriel, even if when he didn't have a soul he didn't really care for Papyrus he did listen to him. He spent time with him, he kind of cared for him in a way. He was a good friend to Papyrus, even if he didn't think so, it was more than most people. Monsters usually got exhausted if they spent too much time with Papyrus, and Snowdin was full of people who were trying to settle and calm down. But Asriel never minded too much, "I appreciate everything you've done for me too" He said with a sweet smile.
It took Asriel a moment to realize that he that out loud. He could feel his face heating up as a blush took over his face. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t-to that out loud!" He stammered, seeming a little flustered. Although it didn't looked as if Papyrus was pretty happy with what he heard, still Asriel couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He let out a small groan looking away from his friend. Then Papyrus had to say that he was apperceive of what Asriel had done. Making him feeling a weight of guilt crash down on him. "Pa-Papyrus, I didn't, or haven't d-done anything for you. We b-both know I could have been a better friend to you. And I really want to make it up. Because the monster you knew, underground. That wasn't me, not the real me." He knew that Papyrus wouldn't remember everything he had done in the past timelines, not like Frisk did at least. So he didn't want to spill everything, just yet. Not while everything was going to well between them this far.
Papyrus tilted his head a little in confusion and leaned in slightly, not exactly sure what Asriel was getting at. "What do you mean? I mean, it has been a while since we've talked... A lot can change! But you're still the Monster I knew in the underground! And I think you where a great friend!! You would talk to me, we hung out, we spent time together! What more could I ask for? Sure sometimes you where a bit grumpy, but I always thought you were just a little tired." Papyrus was clearly ignorant of the reasons why Asriel was so uncomfortable right now, but everything papyrus was saying he felt it. He didn't think He was a bad friend and he thought that he did a lot for him.
"You right, it's just been so long since I seen you. I must have forgotten." Asriel laughed weakly. there was no reason to be talking about any of this at the this time. It was a fresh start. " But either way that was the past. We now have a real future up here now. On the surface." He sighed with a smile. "Still hard for me to believe that it really happened. That we are really free. Speaking of, what was it like the first time you came up?" Asriel asked, feeling a bit curious about what it must have been like then.
Papyrus listened with anticipation then giggled a little bit at his question "I didn't even know what the sun was! Its so silly to think that was not that long ago! But yes, it has changed a lot.. there has been so many changes! for a little bit, there was a bit of a... Monsters rights activist group!.... Undyne was apart of it... If you ask me, I thought it was a bit silly.. I was happy to be on the surface! Everyone was!! But, it was just taking the government a little too long to get the 'papers' sorted out.. Alot of us still didn't even exist! we couldn't drive, or own homes on the surface that weren't built by monsters! It was a bit of a mess. Then undyne and Frisk worked together really hard, I was putting up papers and I was in a commercial or two! With mettaton!!" He smiled wider and leaned over "But enough about me! What did you do!? What stories do you have from being underground! I'm sure there are plenty! What did you do for fun???"
Asriel laughed at the first part of Papyrus' story, about the sun. But a faded a little when he told him about the struggles at the beginning. He was pleased to hear about Undyne and Frisk fight for the right for monsters. When Papyrus started asking about Asriel and what he had been doing, there really wasn't much to say. He was alone, everyone left him, not that he blamed any of them. Very few knew he existed. "Well, I uh...Just took care of the ruins." He shrugged, he didn't want his friend to pity him for being in solitude for all these years." And I took care of my dads garden. Well, as best I could. Guess I was scared of change, so I didn't want to leave..." He smiled. "But then your brother and Frisk came, and told me about how Sans heal Chara's soul, and brought he back." Just then the waiter came back, placing the plate of nachos between them. Asriel leaned over and inhaled the scent of the food. "Wow! This looks great!"
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