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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

She started rididng him faster and he panted faster and faster with her ridding him. he was out of practice.. That was for sure, he used to be amazing with his stamina. But now he was starting to get a bit lazy with how long he could last and how many times he could cum. His mouth close to her ear he panted and kissed her gently moving his own hips as his hands shook. She was getting very vocal~ Something that Sans loved a lot, His eyes focusing on her breasts as they bounced and moved around. Her hands making his hands move to her breasts, he grabbed her nipples and pinched pretty hard. Twisting them and pleasuring them, he knew she enjoyed that at the very least when it came to pain. His eyes closed and he felt her going faster till, The climax! She screamed with pleasure! His hips grinding with hers and his mouth opening wide. His cock couldn't take it anymore and he came inside of her as much as he could. Filling her womb and making him fall onto the bed exhausted, she seemed to keep riding him till he was fully empty and out of any cum. His eyes closing really hard and his mouth opening wide. He was clearly exhausted and breathed really loudly. His eyes closed and sweat on his head, he smiled and tried to open his eyes. He couldn't right now. "that...... that... was so awsome~ So fucking awsome~" His hands moved to her ass and he grabbed her a little bit with a smirk. "if... you...... uh.. like seeing me moan and... well..... y'know.. you could always uh... rub my spine.. I melt into a moaning mess when someone does that. Plus~ I think You would enjoy being a bit of a dominatrix~" He opened his eyes and smirked, "Not a hardcore one with pain.. but there are ones that just.... tease men and watch them squirm in pleasure" he smiled and kissed her. His eyes closing again, "satisfied? or do you want more..... I can give you more...: he smiled and was being serious. But not in the way she would expect.
Frisk felt as if she was about to have a heat attack, or hyperventilate, maybe both. All she could do was lay on top of him for a while, with his cock still inside her. her walls still twitching on him. She picked up her head a little looking at him when he said she dominatrix, she thought that was a silly thing to say. because the last thing she wanted to do what hurt him or Chara. Then he enplaned himself a little more. She laughed and rolled off of him. Sighing as his cock slipped out of her. She laid next to Sans smiling, looking very satisfied. " 'men' I only know of one man that I love seeing squirm and hear moan~" She said playfully, she knew what he meant. "I am very satisfied, for tonight. Think this turned out to be a pretty good for a first time." She leaned in and kissed him softly closing her eyes. "Hmm, I cant believe I forgot about your spine. I'm going to have to try that in the morning. " Frisk pulled the covers over the both of them. "But for now, I think we need some rest. I cant help but feel back for you. You have Chara last night, then me tonight. You sir, are going to be over sexed~" She giggled and snuggled in to him, yawning a little.
Sans shook his head and smirked. "Warning.. If you touch my spine.. its pretty much over~ heh heh, you'll need to do everything else from that moment on.. i'll be your little fuck doll~" he smiled at her and hugged her, accepting the kiss and rolling over. Yawning with her and shaking his head "nah... i can't get over sexed.. and i have a surprise for chara~ she will love it... maybe she'll tell you about it after heh heh.... oh... if you two are gonna work me this hard.. then i'll be back to my old self *yawn* in nooooaahhh... no time...." he closed his eyes and already started snoring, falling asleep pretty much instantly. His body finished with being awake for today.
"Noted." Frisk smirked and snuggled against him, falling asleep herself. She was drained, but so very happy. Meanwhile, Chara was sleeping in sans bed. I was rather late when she shot up, tears falling from her eyes. She hugged her knees to her chest, she had been alone all day, and now night. She didn't mind the solitude but it was starting to get to her. Wiping the tears from her face she got up and walked to Papyrus door, just looking at it for the lonest time. She knew she could call Sans, and he would come home. But he was with Frisk and she didn't want to be needy when it was her turn to be with him. Slowly she opened the door and peeked in, then walked up to the foot of his bed. "Papyrus? Can...Can I sleep in here with you?"
Papyrus was fully asleep and snoring quite a bit. Hearing his door open he woke up and rubbed his eyes a bit, "Chara?... Oh...... Suuuure..." He groaned a bit and pulled the bed sheets back so she could come in and cuddle up with him. "Of course you can sleep with me...... I.... Wh-*yawn*-aaas just having a great dream about flowers.." He was dreaming about flowey and meeting him again. He smiled and rubbed his eye a bit, with a warm welcoming smile he laid back down and waited for her to join him. "come here..." he sighed a bit and waited for her to come with him. he was wearing bone pijamas and was practically falling asleep waiting for her to come into his bed.
Chara smiled and crawled in next to him, the bed was already nice and warm from him. She looked around his room through the darkness. It was a lot different than Sans room, it was so clean, and almost child like. "Thank you papyrus. Sans is sleeping with Frisk tonight and I had a bad dream, and I felt alone again." She closed her eyes, keeping her distance from Papyrus. She didn't know why, but in a way she felt a little wrong doing this. Though, she knew Sans would understand, he loved her so she didn't need to worry. "Thanks again Papyrus..." She whispered to him then yawned a little.
Papyrus pulled the blanket over her and then hugged her like a teddy bear yawning and falling back asleep mumbling in his sleep. "yeah... yesh........ sleep well...." he mumbled and cuddled her, He dind't have any ill intentions while doing this and it wasn't hard to tell. It was pretty obvious.. But it was strange how quickly he held onto her and hugged her, almost like he's done this before.. Many times. His fell asleep spooning her and snoring just a bit.
It was strange how Papyrus clung onto her, it didn't feel anything like Sans. But it was still comfortable and she wasn't alone anymore. It took her a little longer to fall asleep, but it did find her, and she was able to sleep with out haunting dreaming coming back. This seemed to be the way to keep them away, just being near someone helped a lot.

Frisk rolled over and wrapped her arms around Sans, pulling him closed, snuggling into him. opening her eyes she kissed his cheek. "Good morning, love~" She remembered thinking that she wanted to go a few more rounds in the morning with Sans, but all the activates from last night had caught up to her. Her inner thighs and sex were rather sore. Plus, they had plenty time now to have sex, and he said when ever she wanted him all she had to do was call, she defiantly planned on taking him up on that.
Sans woke up with frisk and smiled, feeling her kiss he sighed happily. "Gooood morning~" he mumbled back at her with a smile "so~ did you bite off more than you could chew last night?" he asked with a smirk, referring to her probably sore.. everything. She over did it quite a lot and he loved her for it. "You have quite the sex drive.. but your body can't keep up.. can it~?" he whispered and teased her with a smile. "i... should go and see chara.. she slept alone.. and..... i.. well i don't think she would have done ok.. i uh..."
Frisk groaned a bit, he was right even though she didn't say anything. "Yes, I did. And I'm paying for it." She laughed a little. "But we will have to practice on that~" She Pick her head up a bit, the old Frisk came back. "Chara? are you sure she is okay? Has been having trouble sleeping?" The motherly concern returned. "If you need to go I understand. I promised mom I would come by and see her to day anyways. There is a chance I might have to go out of town for a few days. But I'm going to try and avoid it if I can." she smiled and kissed hot forehead. "Go take care of my sister, make sure she isn't terrorizing your brother." she said with a giggle, she knew Chara wouldn't hurt Papyrus, right now.
Sans kissed her head and smiled "no no.. you should go into town.. enjoy yourself and relax. You deserve it" he smiled, seeing her come back was almost strange. "don't worry.. i'll make sure she's alright" he smiled and stood up getting dressed a little quickly. Bending back over and kissing her forehead "now.. don't forget to take it easy.. I don't need you pulling a muscle because of me heh heh. love you frisk.. love you as much as i love the sun" he smiled and walked out of her room coming back to his house.

Papyrus woke up and saw chara sleeping there. he patted her head and got up, leaving her to sleep. "nnngghhhyaaaahhh" he stretched and got up. Grabbing his clothes and walking out of his room, going to go change in the bathroom so he didn't disturb her. Sans went into his room then saw papyrus leaving. "yo bro.. wheres chara?" he pointed to his room then went into the bathroom. Sans slowly walked into Papyrus's room and looked a little guilty he left her all alone through the night. Sighing he took papyrus's spot and held her, smiling warmly and closing his eyes.
"I love you too Sans..." She said before he left. Falling her back in bed she had the biggest smile on her face. His last words made her heart flutter. Chara was curled up sleeping peacefully in Papyrus bed. She felt Sans climb in bed with her, though she thought was Papyrus. She rolled over so she was facing him. Breathing through her nose she smell the comforting scent of Sans. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw him laying there. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes sighing happily to have him next to her. "Mmmmm, I love you...." She mumbled softly, still half asleep. She was so happy to see Sans, to have him close again. "How did everything go last night with Frisk?" She asked snuggling her face into his chest. "And can we go back in your room?" That was a perk about having Sans as a boyfriend. She knew she could ask this and he could take them bother there without having to get up. Papyrus's room was just too clean, she Sans bed was much comfortable in Chara eyes.
She practically jumped on him and he hugged her warmly holding onto her and smiling, feeling her nuzzle her face against his ribs. "love you too chara" he said before yawning and caressing her hair a bit, glad she was so cuddly. Almost like a cat! He leaned into her and curled up a bit, just holding onto her. Then she felt the bed and blankets change, they where in his room now. "no problem.. i like my room more too" he smiled down at her and kissed her head, just letting his lips rest on her head for a while. "everything went amazingly.. she's now a woman.. and when she's having sex its like shes a completely different person heh heh.. do you feel better? recovered a bit?... heh... i hope you're still not sore" he said quietly, pretty much on the verge of falling back asleep with her. Smiling warmly and loving her warmth.
Chara smiled feeling the familiarity of Sans bed and room around her again. Laughing a little hearing Sans tell her how Frisk was different when having sex. she wondered what that meant, though she knew that she would learn about this soon. Chara relaxed a bit, laying her head on his chest, her arm wrapped around his torso. Feeling as if she could also fall asleep herself. But she missed him, and wanted to talk more. She shook her head." No, I'm alright now. Feeling much better now really. I ate like you said I should, and that helped a lot." She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I missed you, next time take me with you. I don't like being alone for that long." She smiled a little. "Though, your brother was nice enough to let me sleep with him. He is almost as cuddly as you are."
Sans nodded "yup.. papyrus is pretty cuddly~ and next time i'll either take you with me or i'll come back when frisk falls asleep" He smiled at her, he knew frisk would understand and let him leave. But bringing chara along would be nice, it would just be strange if Sans and Frisk wanted to have some alone time where frisk would focus her attention on him.. He was sure she could watch? Chara liked being in a bit of pain, so being teased like that might make her kind of happy in a way. Sans stayed awake and held onto her, kissing her forehead and smiling. "i promise i won't leave you alone that long... till you're comfortable with it" He smiled down at her and caressed her hair gently. She was cute like this "i'm so glad you're feeling better. less of a hangover and no soreness?" He saw her hicky and kind of chuckled. "you have a bit of a love bite on your neck.. if you haven't seen it~"
"You don't have to do that. Just let me know next time, and then I can just sleep with Papyrus. It wasn't you, but I did fine. I'm a big girl~" Chara said sticking her tongue out at him. "Anyways, that's not fair to Frisk, I live with you so I see you a lot more than she does. And she has been in love with you for a lot longer. So..." She shrugged, snuggling her face into his jacket again. She loved the way he smelt, and how he touched her. Even now, as he played with her hair. "I didn't see it yet, but I sure as hell can feel it." She chuckled, placing her hand where it was, rubbing it a little. It was a little sore, but she didn't mind. It was a reminder of him, so she loved it. She could feel herself dozing a little, so she picked her head back up, propping herself on her elbow and just looked at him for a moment. If she could she would have loved to just stay like that, in silent taking in the sight of him, learning every part of his face. "Didn't you say you had a surprise for me?" She ask with a little smirk.
Their quiet moment was nice and peaceful, he loved just being there with her and she brought up some great points about frisk being in love with him longer. "ok. i promise i'll message you and tell you i'll be home late.. papyrus is a great cuddle buddy heh heh.. but nothing can compare to me~ right?" he said teasing her a little bit with a smile. she nuzzled her face into his jacket like a cat, his hands caressing her back. She then asked him about her surprise and he blushed just a bit with a sly smirk "we really have to wait for papyrus to go to work to do that surprise~" he whispered into her ear. "heh heh heh. plus.. i need to know if you're still sore.. are you too sore?" he raised an eyebrow. They could hear papyrus getting out of the shower and walking downstairs, he was just about to leave, her surprise was so close if she accepted it.
Chara laughed. "Well, he doesn't snore as loud as you do~" she teased back, poking his forehead. "For real though, I would much rather cuddle you. He is a good second option." She wink at him, shivering a little as Sans caressed her back a little making her sigh happily. Chara was really enjoying being able to feel again, not just emotions. But the warmth of another body, kissing, the wind blowing through her hair. Everything felt good, even pain was different. "Like I said. I took your advice and ate some monster food. So I'm feeling pretty good. Why? What kind of surprise is this~? Hmmm~" She smirked down at him playfully. " Your brother need to be gone before I can have it~" She said sitting up a little more leaning over him, her face inches from his as if she was going to kiss him, but she never does. Just stares in his eyes.
He smirked and nodded "he should probably be a decent bit away from the house too~" Her face was so close to his he smiled and just stared back. While they where staring they both heard the door slam and Papyrus was gone. "heh heh~ Now.. We can let this surprise begin~" He kissed her and his hands grabbed her back a bit, scratching some parts of her back. Right in the center of her back and he nibbled her lip "you need to listen to every word I say.. Understood?" he said a bit demanding, his hand moved under his bed and he put something on her neck. When she felt it it was a collar "You're my pet.. You'll call me master. You will walk on all fours too~ Do you understand?" he smirked. His hands moving as a blue translucent leash appeared, going to the collar and being held in Sans's hands. He smirked and pulled a little, "You're now my pet~ and as a pet you should probably act like one.. Lick and kiss me pet~" His smirks and smiles looking so powerful and demanding. He was testing to see if she liked this, he had more than just this as his surprise.
Chara raised a brow at Sans comment about how Papyrus should be a bit far from the house when she heard the door slam. She was pulled into a kiss, her body trembled feeling his fingers dig into her back making her moan a little. Sans suddenly became very demanding, which made Chara's soul flutter. "Mmmm, yeah, I understand." Then she felt him shuffle and place something around her neck, she reached up and felt it. It was a collar! She couldn't help but laugh to herself, she had been making jokes about her being his and Frisk's pet. But this was on a whole new level for her. She sat up a little, looking at him tilting her head a little. "M-master?" She laughed a little at this command, he was looked so serious. If this was what Sans wanted, she Chara was going to go with it. She didn't hate it, it was just...different. He tugged the leash and that made her body tingle. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad, she thought. Chara smirked and got to her hand and knees. "Yes master~" She purred as she crawled over to him, "Where would you like me to kiss and lick~? Master~" She looked up at him, her red eye very playful, she was enjoying this.
Sans smirked when she called him master, he wasn't sure if she was enjoying it or not. Then she got on her hands and knees and he could see it in her eyes that she was enjoying this, it gave him the urge to go more. But he wanted this to last "i want my pet to kiss and lick my face and neck~ enjoy it.. this is the most free time you'll have while on this collar" He yanked it rather fast, pulling her a bit forward and showing her that he wanted her closer. His mouth smiling wide he loved this, it wasn't completely for him. He knew she would love it maybe even more than he did. His hand grabbed her hair gently and he then started to pet her "don't worry pet.. there will be plenty more where this came from~" he smirked and moved his head so she would have more room to lick and kiss his neck when she did.
Chara gave a small gasp when Sans yanked her leash again, bringing her closer to him. She was more than happy to obey his command. Smiling she nuzzled her face into his shoulder, lightly kissing and nibbling. Slowly she moved up to his neck, her biting getting a little rougher, then licking and kissing where she bit him. Running her tongue up to his jaw, then back down to shoulder again where she took another rough bite. She pulled away, pressing her lips to his, lightly licking them a little before sucking softly on his bottom lip with a small moan. "Mmmm~ Master you taste so good~" She purred, before pushing her tongue into his mouth, playing with his tongue with hers. She placed her hands on his shoulder, pulling him closer. Chara's kissing moved to the corner of his mouth to his cheek. " I like this game~"
Her licking and kissing made him tighten his grip on her leash, he wanted her like this forever. He was never able to find someone who wanted to do this when he was younger, his girlfriends would usually just giggle and act like he was joking. But she was a bit of a freak~ In a good way. She bit his shoulder and got the reaction she wanted, he let out a soft breath. Taking the pain and groaning under his breath "aaahhhhhh" Sans smiled and kissed back when she got to his mouth. He smirked and kissed a little harder, her lips sucking on his bottom lip and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He was loving this side of chara, his smile grew wider when he watched her giving a small moan. "My pet tastes good too~" He smiled and she went closer to his ear, her hands on his shoulders saying how she liked this game. "I like it too~ You're going to like it much more in a moment~" Sans pulled on her leash a bit, keeping her from getting too close to him. He smiled at her and pulled away from the kiss. "i don't think pets wear clothes~ you should take them off" he smiled laying on the bed. "then i want my pet to lay on her back on the bed.. i'll get the next part of this game ready for you~" he let her get off of him and then stood over next to the bed. going under his own bed and still holding onto her collar, he was being pretty secretive about it.
Chara gave a small pout when Sans pulled at her leash away from him, then he moved back from her. The pout faded into a small smirk when he told her to remove her clothes, she liked where this was going. She also love that he was calling her 'my pet', like she belonged to just him, and she did. Chara stood and removed her shorts and underwear, she glanced over at him, tryin to see what he was doing, but he was doing too well of a job blocking her view. Either way, she knew she would find out what he was planning soon. She pulled off her shirt and climbed oh his bed laying on her back like he asked. "Your pet is ready master~" She cooed, her hand behind her head as if she was casually lounging. "What's the next part of the game?" She asked looking down at him. Chara love this side of Sans, this was all new to her but being there with him, with the collar and leash. She was feeling very loved by him right now, and she hoped that this was going to be a normal thing for them. She wouldn't even mind wearing the collar all the time if he would allow it.
Sans stood up from the side of the bed and yanked on the leash a bit with a sort of gusto. "spread your arms and legs.. make sure they're not touching pet. grab onto the bed" He seemed serious and authoritative, powerful.. It was very different from how he usually just let things happen, she got the idea that he wouldn't let anything happen if he didn't want it too on his watch right now. all in all he was still being pretty gentle, the few yanks on the leash where all that she could say was rough. It was just to get her attention though, not to hurt her. "Good pet.." One of Sans's fingers went onto her shin, he then slowly traced it up her body, going to her thigh, then past her hips. Up past her stomach, going around her breast, feeling her neck and then to her chin where he grabbed with his thumb and his forefinger. "now... my pets going to learn real quick~ that master loves her~" he smirked and then finally reveled what he had, he had a black blindfold. Putting it over her eyes she could feel that it must have been made of silk, it was so soft and nice on her face. He smiled and then focused a bit. The leash disappeared and translucent blue rope appeared around her wrists and ankles. She couldn't see, but she could feel that her arms where stuck. He smiled warmly and grabbed her left nipple, starting to pinch it. He started off weak but then went rather hard and twisted it a little bit. Pulling it and making her whole breast stretch. "Is my pet starting to learn?~" He leaned over and gently kissed her neck.
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