Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans held onto her and leaned right back into the blanket more and more. "love you too.. sleep well" Making sure that more of the cold air hit his chest and kept him cool. He felt the gentle void of sleep dragging him down till he fell asleep in her arms. His dreams where rather sweet and of his two girlfriends, wanting to help them keep them happy.. then it took a turn, them moaning over eachother as he pleasured both of them. Using everything imaginable, his magic.. His tongue, fingers, cock, making them both squeal in bliss. His cock grew in his sleep, around the time the sun was starting to come up.
Chara slowly woke up, opening her eyes she saw Sans, still sleeping pretty heavily. Picking her head up a little, she noticed they were still outside, then back to Sans. He seemed to be having really good dream, he had a big smile on his face. Chara started to try and wake him, then she grinned thinking of what they talked about last night. She sunk under the blanket, noticing his already erect cock. Gently she got between Sans legs, taking a soft hold on his member. What better way to return the favor by using her tongue to please him. First she lightly licked the head of his cock, her hand giving his shaft long slow strokes. Sans cock felt like nice against her tongue, she moaned a little enjoying the way he felt in her hand and tasted.
Sans's legs easily moved for her, almost like he was expecting it. He was fast asleep though so there was no way he knew, unless his dream was about something like that. Her lick making him twitch a bit, she could see it and feel it in his cock. Just how good it must have felt, the liquid making his cock dribble some pre-cum. She could see a small droplet of it form at the entrance of his cock. Her hand moving the skin along with her hand, the skin was so soft and flexible it felt great in her hand. Then his harness under the skin, it only got harder. She could feel a faint heart beat through his cock, it was starting to throb and she could see his balls where dangling there ever so delicately. He was at her mercy right now~ and he was loving it. His dream getting more intense from her moans.
Chara smirked as Sans cock twitched at her touching and licking. Seeing the pre-cum she looked at it for a moment, remembering what Frisk did. Slowly she ran her tongue over his head, tasting his cum. Just like herself, it was a little bitter, and salty, though it was also a little sweet. She didn't mind it, she wanted to make him make more. He was enjoying himself, Chara could see this. Just as Frisk did, Chara parted her lips, slipping the head of Sans cock in her mouth, her tongue rolling around it. Her hand tighten around his shaft, and started to pump him a little faster. Closing her eyes, she loved the way he felt in her mouth, pushing down deeper till his head was touching the back of her throat. Tasting more of his pre-cum and moaned again, her tongue working around his head, cleaning the sticky fluid away.
She could hear Sans panting and feel his thighs starting to get tense. he was clearly enjoying this a lot, his eyes slowly opened and he was a bit shocked to realize what was happening. Looking down at the blanket and seeing Chara's clear outline around his crotch, seeing her head slowly and gently bobbing he smiled and closed his eyes again. His hand moving to her hair and parting it away from her face, he was awake now and she couldn't see him but she could tell he was happier than ever.
Her tongue glided against the hard gland and even more pre-cum dripped out into her mouth, she could feel the translucent liquid settling in her mouth on her tongue. His cock at the back of her mouth started to part her throat a bit, it was thick and her hand could feel the throbbing even more. Sans let out more pants and sighs, his balls starting to get higher to his cock and his legs shivered a bit, "mmnn-nnnghaaaa~" sans let out a moan as his cock trembled in her mouth. She then felt it, the eruption of pleasure hitting the back of her throat and going down into her stomach. The cock got even harder and it almost felt like candy in her mouth, the blue glowing cock twitching every time more of his seed came out. Feeling his urethra getting extra hard so the liquid could come out smoother and easier. His hand moving her hair back more and more, he was almost petting her. showing her she did an amazing job, he panted much more "I- *pant pant* you.. *pant* you did great.. for your first blowjob~" he said to her with a smirk. His eyes looking down at the bump in the blanket, his hands getting slower and moving down to her cheek. Just holding onto her and placing his palm on her cheek. He was more than happy with her.. Being with her and frisk was going to be way too much fun.
The feeling of Sans hand on her head startled her a little. She didn't know she woke him up, but she was glad he did. Now that he wasn't asleep anymore she started to move a little faster, enjoying the sounds he was making and that it was her causing them. She felt his hot seed shoot into the back of her throat, swallowing what she could, while the rest of his cum spilled from her mouth and down his cock. Her hand still pumping him till he was finished. Chara slowly pulled her mouth off him, smiling proudly, wiping some of his cum away from her lips with the back of her hand. Most of all, she loved the way he praised her for doing a good job, his hand petting her making her feel more like a pet. When she said that the first time it was a joke, but now she was really liking the idea. She crawled up his body till she was able to sit on his lap. Leaning down she gave Sans a soft kiss. "Good morning~."
When she crawled up she saw that Sans had taken a shortcut back to his room. It looked somewhat cleaner too, he smiled up at her. Leaning into the kiss and making sure it lasted longer than it had too, his smile so appreciative. "good morning my ruby~" his hand gaze looking deep into hers. His hands went behind his head and he looked like he was getting very comfortable, smiling wide and closing his eyes. "so.. didn't get much time to talk last night.. How was last night" He opened his right eye, he knew the answer he just wanted her to tell him. It was cute how enthusiastic she was. He was very eager to hear what she had to say, and he cataloging how she looked without clothes on, studding her body. Clearly she could see him ogling her body and watching her naked form. "heh heh" he was also thinking about her surprise and how much she would want it.
Chara laughed at his question and rolled off him with a playful smirk. sitting next to him. She gave a small shrug. "Eh, it was alright. Didn't suck~" She knew he wanted to hear her sing his praises, and she wanted to. But first she was going to tease him a little. Getting up from his bed she looked around his floor this she found what she was looking for. Sans blue hoddie, picking up she slipped it on, zipping it half way. "I mean, it was my first time, I don't have much to compare it to now do I?" She looked over to him, giving him that same playful smile, as she walked back to the bed, sitting on the edge of it.
Sans watched her get 'dressed' and sit at his feet, he crawled out of his sleeping spot and wrapped his arms around her neck. His hands hanging down towards her chest and the side of his head next to hers, smiling wide. He kissed her cheek and chuckled "well~ i guess you're not lying.. that could have been the worst sex you ever had.. you wouldn't know till later~" He kissed her neck and closed his eyes, resting his chin on her shoulder and the side of his head on his own shoulder. "we slept in pretty late.... i think its about 11:30~ heh heh.. why don't you head downstairs and get some breakfast.. i'll take a shower and... maybe we can call frisk? have some fun today.. or do you think i should maybe.. hmmm.. do you think i should bring her out on a date tonight?" Sans looked at chara curiously wondering what she thought. Honestly wanting her input, she was just as much apart of his relations ship with frisk as her relationship with him. "maybe you could go out and get me that 'present' you wanted to get me~" he teased her, not wanting anything.
"It was the only sex I ever had!" She chucked, tilting her head a little as he kissed her neck, the mark her left on her was still there. "Hmm, getting some food sounds like a good idea, but believe it of not. I'm kinda hurting from last night. And like I said, I plan on staying in bed all day. I need to recover before I have any sort of fun with you. " She turned her head and have him a quick kiss before standing, looking for some pant. she found a pair of gray sweat pants and slipped them off. Then he brought up the idea of her getting him a present. She looked at him, mockingly offended. "What? Are you saying that I'm not enough Sansy~" She placed her hand on her chest as the other wiped a fake tear from her eye. "You are so needy~" She laughed and walked back to him, kissing him. "Just take your shower and go pester Frisk for awhile so I can have some peace and quite."
Sans laughed and shook his head slowly "you're more than enough... i mean.. try finding a jewel that's more valuable than those babies" he pointed to her eyes and slowly sat up kissing her and standing up. "get some rest.. i'm sure you'll feel much better later today.. heh heh, and if not.. well.. you're a monster now. you could always just eat and regain some HP" he winked bending over and putting on some underwear. "don't act like you don't enjoy my neediness~" he walked out of his room, leaving her to get some time to herself. Going into the shower and washed everything super clean, he was covered in sweat and various juices from the night before. Getting out of the shower he pulled out his phone and messaged Frisk.

Hey, just wanted you to know that Chara and I had an amazing time last night. She loved the date, and the fun activity we did after the date ;)

Sans chuckled to himself thinking he was kind of bad.

But, she needs to recover from last night. So I get to spend the day with you! Want to come over and then we can head over to that door in the underground? See if my plan worked?
Chara rolled her eyes at Sans as he left the room. She followed shortly and went down stairs and looked for something to eat. She ended just getting a pack of pop-tarts and ate them at the table before walking back to Sans room. Knowing that he would want his jacket back she pulled it off and tossed it to the floor, digging though her bags she had yet put away. She thought that maybe she could do that at some point today. She pulled on a simple black t'shirt and crawled back in Sans bed.

Is she okay?! I'll be right there!

Frisk didn't waste any time, she was already dressed for the day. so all she had to do was grab her bag and leave. Fifteen minutes later Frisk came though Sans door. "Sans?! Chara?!"
Sans could only laugh when she asked if she was ok, he shook his head really quickly. She was exactly like a mom, it was adorable. He knew she would run all the way over here and act like a bit of a silly fool, but it was ok. He could easily explain to her what he meant. Getting all dry and walking into his room he saw chara laying down starting to fall back asleep, he got dressed not disturbing her and then caressing her hair very slowly. Smiling down at her, then leaving the room. Going downstairs and waiting for Frisk to come over, he heard her crash through the door and yell their names. Sans quickly stood up and grabbed her shoulders laughing "frisk.. frisk. calm down, calm down.. everyone's ok.. everyone's completely fine" he smiled at her calmly. "no ones hurt at all.."
Frisk looked at Sans wide eyed. She knew what he meant, but Chara was clueless when is came to things like that. And what if he hurt her, not that Frisk would think he would. But she heard how sometimes the first time can be painful. Though Frisk didn't know that Chara liked pain and any that she felt she enjoyed. " So you...you guys did it? How did she handle it? Are you sure she isn't hurt? I knew I should have talked to her about this before you guys had sex! Can I see her?" Frisk didn't wait, she started to head to the stairs. She wanted to see Chara, maybe she wanted to talk about what happened, maybe she had questions. Frisk felt it was her duty to take care of her.
Sans laughed a bit and followed frisk. "she's fine.. she's just tired and a little sore.. she had a lot of fun, so did i... i was gentle.. well... i was careful and i didn't push her too far.. she handled it great.. heh heh heh, if you want to see her.. well, she's kind of sleeping she might bite your head off. but you can ask.. if you really want to put your mind at rest... honestly frisk you don't need to worry. do you think i would push her past what she could handle for her first time? she actually seemed like she wanted more heh heh, but i told her she should go to bed.. i'm responsible.." sans followed her upstairs and slowly opened his door, showing frisk that chara was kind of napping right now. "if you wanna wake her up..... be my guest.."
Frisk sighed seeing Chara sleeping, then she closed the door. " I'm sorry I freaked out. You're right, I should have trusted you." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Good afternoon, by the way." She smiled to him taking a hold of his hand leading him back down stairs. " So, everything went well? " she asked, she was very happy for them, she knew Sans was a kind monster and wouldn't have harmed Chara. So now she felt a little guilt for making it sound like she was accusing him in away. Chara was just so child like in Frisks eyes, so she worried a little. But her being with Sans was she safest place for her. "You ready to see if your father is waiting?" She really hoped he was, she badly wanted to Sans happy like he was yesterday when they saw him.
Sans shrugged "like i said.. she was great, she was super energetic and happy that we were doing it.. i'll tell you the story if you want.. while we're walking i'll tell you about our romantic evening." Sans interlocked his fingers and walked downstairs "that's right... i'm amazing, and you should always trust me" he said with a bit of a big head, obviously just teasing her and chuckling. As they walked through the door Sans started telling her the story "we went to the Mettaton restaurant and had steak, then some icecream.. it was super nice and relaxing, made some chit chat.. talked for a bit, then when we we're finished i brought her out to a large field.. maybe about 10000 miles away from the town.. a nice quiet little spot.. we watched the stars till an amazing meteor shower showed up" Sans looked like he was very happy reliving this memory "then.. well... we started cuddling and kissing.. we got a bit into it, and we made love under the meteor shower.. all in all i think it was a great date.. chara loved it a lot" He smiled at Frisk warmly "don't worry.. our date will be just as romantic~" he winked at her, holding her hand a little tighter as they walked back to where the door was the other day. It wasn't there right now and Sans looked around for it. "huh.. must take him a while to get the door back.." He didn't seem worried at all, now that he knew his dad was alive he had absolutely nothing to worry about.
Frisk listened to the story of their night. Smiling a little, then blushing a some when he started telling her about how they made love. It all sounded so nice. "It better be~" She said and giggled. "To be honest, I'm surprised Chara enjoyed all that. Just never pictured her a romantic type. Also don't think I ever thought of her being any type really." She thought about it, she assumed Chara was more of the tomboy type, she was shocked when she agreed to wear the dress she picked out and let her do Chara's hair. She really was healing, and this made frisk very happy. They got to where the door was and it was gone. She was so sure that when they left the door open it wouldn't disappear. Sans didn't seem to bothered by it so Frisk just sighed a little, trying to worry to much. Because she knew she did that way too much. "We will try again tomorrow." She smiled to him. "So, what now? Have you had lunch yet?"
Sans shook his head, "nah.. just woke up actually, us falling asleep outside took a lot out of me heh heh... have you had lunch yet? cause i could really go for some food... and... when do you want to have our date? maybe have a romantic evening and.. make love~" he winked and blew a kiss at her to make her flustered. he loved seeing her blush, he loved seeing chara blush too. But chara was harder to tease like that, she usually just went with what Sans said and played along. He chuckled and got a little closer to her "any time's good for me.. and if you want to wait i don't mind.. you're special just like chara... i think she's excited for you to become a woman too heh heh, i think she wants to gossip about how it feels and... other things.."
Sans got the reaction he wanted, her face went red and she looked from him smiling." Um I... No I haven't." Then he had to add on by putting the idea of him making her a woman. She felt herself getting a little warm. " We can when ever you want. You did just have your date with Chara. So it would be unfair for me to ask you do go on one with me tonight." Frisk wanted to add that she didn't need to be taken on a date, she just wanted to make love with him. To have him inside her and as he put it, make her a woman. She loved him very much, and since learning about sex she always wanted Sans to be her first, hopefully her only. "And I would love to talk to Chara about...those things." She was nervous, the only thing she could think about was being with him, and what he and Chara did last night. Though she wasn't jealous, if anything, she felt oddly aroused by the idea.
Sans grabbed her hip and pulled her close, looking up into her eyes with a wide smile. "of course it isn't too much to have me take you out on a date tonight... i'll do whatever you want.. heh heh, i really don't mind" He winked and kissed her cheek. "we can have a nice romantic date...... a lazy relaxing date.. a quiet date where we just enjoy each others company" A sly smirk grew on his face and he got a bit of a cheeky grin. "or.. we could just skip the date~ heh heh, go right to your bed and show you how amazing i can make you feeel~" He was teasing and winked, but it was obviously an option. If she said yes to that, he wouldn't complain or backpedal. He loved her and wanted her to feel comfortable and nice around him. His comments where mostly to make her blush and giggle, not realizing she might take him up on that offer.
Frisks eyes widened as Sans took a hold oh her hip pulling her to him. Her eyes met his. He was giving her options and one of them being just what she wanted. The way he was talking to her made her shiver, she needed him so badly. The other night was running through her mind and she wanted him to just take her. But then again, she was hungry. She took a deep breath. "I'll be okay with just lunch, then maybe...we could...go back to my place..and" She paused, feeling embarrassed by what she was going to say next. " And then..you could make me a woman. Like you did with Chara." She looked away shyly from. She wished she didn't get this easily flustered around Sans like this all the time. Maybe after they had sex, she would feel a little more confident around him. " Its that's okay with you...Because if its all the same. I just want you, inside me..."
Sans was a bit shocked at how forward frisk was being, then she said something that actually made him flustered. His face turning bright blue when she said she wanted him inside of her, he didn't expect those words coming out of that sweet gentle girl. His face getting really hot and he quickly shook his head, trying his hardest to cool his face down. He smiled wide and chuckled a little bit, "well... sure. anything for you" He smiled and leaned in kissing her jaw line, right between her jaw and her neck. Interlocking her fingers again he walked out of the side and they appeared in Grillbyz. Walking up to the counter with frisk he sat down, knowing this was the fastest place to get good food. "hey grillby.. Get us two burgers" He smiled warmly and looked over at frisk, and looked at her a bit seductively while Grillby walked away. "i didn't know you had it in you to be so forward frisk~ its cute.." he kind of whispered. "i have no problem with making you a lady, get some food... then we can go to your house.. put on some nice music, crawl into your bed~ and just become one~" he leaned in more and more, his hand slowly moving up her shoulder till it his hand was right next to her neck. His mouth right next to her ear, he liked it when she was flustered. "then it will just be our moans and sweat~ mixed together in harmony~" The burgers came out quickly and sans grabbed his burger taking a couple bites. he wasn't overly hungry, but he didn't mind eating with frisk.
Frisk blushed hard at the way Sans kissed her. It felt nice to know that he was okay with what choice she made. Then he lead her off, ending up at Grillgy's. She Sat down in the seat next to him.Frisk shrugged and laughed. "I guess Chara is rubbing off on me a little. She says things all the time and doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks. I know I over think...everything." Then he got closer, whispering lewd things making her squirm and little in her seat. After all that, she found it hard to eat. All she would think about was what Sans said to her. It took her this long to realize that there was a chance he talked to her like that and did the things he did just to fluster her. She looked over to him and smiled, she wanted to be annoyed by this. But the way he looked at her, and what he said only made her want him more. "Sounds like a good plan." She said, wishing she could have said something just as flirty. But it was so hard to talk to him, and she has talked to crowds and live TV. Sans though, he was different, he was her first crush, first love, and by the end of the say, the first guy she would make love with. Picking up her burger, she wanted to hurry and eat, so they would go back to her place. She ate a decent pace, trying not to rush, or seem over excited.
She saw right through his comments to fluster her and it made her calm down, he giggled a little knowing she wasn't exactly that easily flustered. She finished her food not too quick but he could tell she was excited and wanted to get eating over with. It was a little sad that his comments weren't affecting her anymore, he loved teasing her like that. It was cute. He shrugged and took her hand "ready to head on out?" he said non-Shelton before standing up and walking over to the exit. "thanks grillby. grub was great, as always" he waved to his good friend and they took a shortcut back to Frisks house. Inside Sans let go of her hand and put his hands in his pockets smiling "home sweet home"
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