Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans ate half of his steak and smiled, thinking for a minute and shaking his head "heh heh, yeah.. it'll be fun. plus she can take a break from all her work.. if there's anything i've learned in life, its that you can just pack up and move at literally any time..." Sans shrugged and started feeling full, eating a lot of his fries too, they where nice and crispy. Amazing and delicious, "but yeah.. we're the only undead monsters.. i mean, tori was saying how the humans pretty much killed all the undead monsters before forcing them all into the underground.. so, heh heh. we were the only ones to come out of it and arrive here.. there may be more later though"
Chara laughed. "Easy for you. You have that shortcut thing, you could end up being anywhere you want in a blink of an eye. Most of us are not as lucky." She wish that was something she could do. She noticed him eating a little more slowly. " I don't get it, you eat, but you have no stomach, I see and hear you breath, but you have no lungs. How the heck?" Chara had a feeling she already knew the answer, that it was magic. But she still wanted to ask, just so she could hear him saw it himself.
Sans looked up at her and chuckled "Well... when it comes to breathing.. I guess its more social and biological.. I really don't need air to live, but I still feel like I need to breath.. I can hold my breath all day and I won't be hurt.. but with eating... it all goes up here" sans points to his head and winks "right where my brain should be heh heh, it's where my food gets absorbed... different monsters are different with their biology" sans shrugs and chuckled "it does feel good to breath though... heh heh"
"So wait, you don't have a brain? Or is it like a stomach, and if you get hungry you get dumb? And is that why your head is so big~?" She last question was a joke, she didn't think his head was all that big. " But I get what you're saying about the breathing thing. I did the same when I was a ghost. I know I didn't need to, but I still found myself doing it all the time. Speaking of biology, do I still have a human one? I mean, are all my insides still the same?" She really felt she was asking him so many questions on their date. But it was nice to talk with him like this, she loved having conversations like this with Sans. And since he was so smart, she normally got answers.
Sans chuckled, she was as curious as a kitten. Shrugging, he looked at her "don't have a brain.. my brain is.. well its all in my soul. heh heh, no need for a brain, and yes my skull is like a stomach heh" Sans shrugged and smiled at her "not sure if your biology is exactly like a humans... probably? i mean, i don't see why it wouldn't be. We would have to do some experiments and put you in an X-ray to figure all of that out though" Sans smiled, he really didn't mind the questions. Its not like she was trying to be bad, it was just curiosity and there's nothing bad about being curious. "and i don't think my heads that big" he winked and laughed a little bit, smiling at her. "it really is interesting.. i've never seen a human turned into a monster.. but since you're undead, and you where a ghost.. i think you're probably something like a phantom... that would be your monster species.. a ghost that can become corporeal. super cool heh heh"
Chara tilted her head a little. "That's weird...so your soul is smart, her head is your stomach. I already know you have man bits...Hmmm." She leaned back in her seat and looked him over smiling. "Then there is your magic where you can teleport. Yup, you are very interesting." This was true, the more she learned about Sans the more she loved everything about this monster. "I haven't really tried using magic yet myself. I don't even know how to even start." Chara said with a shrug. "Maybe I will one day, just seems like a lot of work that I just cant be bothered with at the moment. Also, Frisk already put me down as 'undead' should have seen the looks we got. It was funny. I will say though, so far I don't feel much different than I did when I was alive."
Sans looked at chara a bit confused "i thought she was going to put you down as human... well, i guess not saying that you where transformed into a monster is a good idea.. if you said that then it might lead way for humans getting scared.. they get scared so easily heh heh heh" sans leaned back in his chair and finished his steak, it was chewy and delicious. Taking the fries he decided to eat them pretty slowly, keeping up with chara and trying to finish at the same time as her "heh.. i'm an interesting guy, there's plenty you can learn about and from me" winking he put a fry in his mouth and smiled. "if you want to know how to use magic.. well, you could always ask toriel.. she is a teacher, i really wouldn't know where to start.. even if i'm strong, i've never had to teach anyone my techniques before.. especially not to someone who doesn't even know the very basics of magic."
"Oh, she was. But I asked not to be. I ready got shirt for being human with these eyes. If I'm classed as a monster I have a feeling people would be more okay with it. Plus, if I said I was human, that would be a lie, and lying is bad~" Chara chuckled a little, and nibbled on a fry. "Yeah, I'm sure mom would love to teach me. And it will get me to spend some time with her. I know that's something I need to do. Its just hard, you know. I did some bad shit to them, well to everyone." she paused looking away. "I know its different now. Just hard to forget." She cleared her throat and looked around. "I wonder if they have ice cream here?"
Sans nodded, he understood where her and frisk were coming from. If people saw her eyes and she said she was a human.. they might get scared like how they did before with her, not so irrational and evil hopefully. Chara talked about how she wished she could forget and sans slowly nodded, agreeing with her fully. If he could forget he would do it in an instant, Looking away thinking about everything she did and everything. "true.. true... but hey, heh heh. you can move past it, you're not the same person that you once where.. i promise you've changed drastically.. and you do need to be less hard on yourself. don't make excuses for your behavior but make sure you learn from them.. and you're learning quite well" He smiled and looked over "oh?~ do they have icecream?~" Sans looked over at the waiter and asked him for two bowls. He quickly came back with vanilla and chocolate sauce drizzled all over it with some strawberries. "they got the best ice-cream here" Sans smiled. "we're finished our meal anyways.. might as well have some desert"
Chara Face lit up when the bowl of ice cream was place in front of her, dipping her finger in the chocolate and licking it off she hummed happily. "You know, my only concern is that a part of me doesn't want to get past it. I mean I know at first I felt alright, just happy to be alive and not a ghost and invisible to everyone. But, I still hate them Sans. Humans, I'm glad I'm not one of them anymore..." She smiled at him taking her spoon in hand taking a bite of her ice cream. "Again, I'm also happy that I can enjoy food again. This is amazing!" She took a few more bites before looking back to him. "What are we doing after this?"
Sans watched her eat the ice-cream. He smiled as he saw her eyes lighting up, watching her shovel ice-cream into her mouth made him really happy. "you know.. its a good thing you're not a human anymore.. and just... whenever you have to talk to humans, even if you hate them think about how nice and amazing Frisk is... She's a human, not all humans are like.. your family, not anymore.. You just have to realize that there are horrible people and monsters in the world. They all will try to hurt you.. you need to be conscious of that.." Sans shrugged, it was true. Everyone was willing to take out the other side.. even if one wanted to think they where better than the others, they both had their bad sides. "after this?.... its a surprise heh heh" Sans started eating his ice-cream with a warm smile. "finish up that ice-cream and we can find out"
"Frisk might be the only human I don't hate. But, I know, and I am trying to see past that. Its tough though." Chara smiled to him before going back to her ice cream. With out looking back to him she added. "Also, keep in mind there are more humans than monsters right now. So there will always be more bad humans than us." Smiling to herself, she liked how that sounded, not the pointing out that there are people out there who are evil, just that she can label herself along with him, as a monster. Once she was done with her ice cream she pushed the bowl away, feeling the most full she had ever felt in a long time. "Wow, that was great." Chara said leaning back in her seat, looking across the table at Sans.
Sans laughed a little bit "that is how math works.. you're right" chuckling he saw her finishing up her ice-cream. Taking her hand very slowly he smiled at her "are you ready to go?" the waiter came by and sans payed the money that was needed. Giving him a pretty decent tip, he seemed happy about that. Smiling and nodding at him Thanking sans and walking off with their dirty dishes. "now.. we can get the heck out of here" standing up, their fingers interlock and he slowly walks out the front door with a smile "i don't think you've ever experienced anything like this before.." he knew for a fact she would love this. They walked over to a small field, sans put a blanket out on the grass. It was pretty late and he sat down on it patting the floor with a smile. "
Chara nodded taking ahold of his hand and stood up. She also thanked the waiter with a smile. once they walked to the door, she was hit with the cool fresh air of the field. It was just the two of them now, and she like it. Not being around building and people. Chara waiting for him to lay out the blanket, then offering her to sit with him. Sitting down, she scooted closer to him hugging her knee to her chest and laying her head on his shoulder. Looking up at the clear sky she smiled. " This has been a good night, thank you Sans." Chara was truly happy right now, it was peaceful out there and it was something she needed. "You're really not that bad of a guy. Sorry I was such a pain in the ass before all this. I know it was my soul causing it, still. I feel a little bad about it."
She sat down next to him, the cold air flooding his bones and making him feel very refreshed. His body going loose and relaxed, he loved being outside with the gentle winds on his bones. "yeah.. i know i'm not a bad guy heh heh, please.. just promise me if the reset happens.. you'll remember how much you liked this moment, how much you loved me and frisk.. then you can have your soul fixed again.. just make sure you're good" sans kissed her cheek and his arm wrapped around her neck. Pulling her into his chest, he laid back and pulled her with him. The moon is fully light and the stars look beautiful, sans looked up at the stars with her. Smiling wide, kissing her cheek and still looking at the stars. "you know whats gonna happen tonight?" he said with a hint of mystery in his voice, looking at her with rather seductive eyes.
That was something Chara didn't think about. If a reset happened, there was a good chance that she would go back to being a ghost, trying to take over Frisks body to kill everyone. This was something she would have to try to remember, because little moments like this with Sans and Frisk were worth fighting for. "Just as long as you remember that even thought you cant see me, I'm with Frisk." She smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and pulled her down. Laying her head on his chest she looked up at the clear night sky. She curled up close to him as he kissed her again, followed by a question. Picking her head up a little she looked down at him tilting her head. The look on his face gave her butterflies. "Um, I don't think so?" She thought that they would just lay here till they fell asleep, or went home. But it looked as if Sans had something more in store.
Sans smiled sweetly and thr looked back up at the stars. "Just... keep looking" he smiled and the stars seemed like they started shining more. There was some shooting stars tonight, he held her closer and cuddled her warmly. " This is my favorite thing about the surface... it's so beautiful" sans sighed gently "just like you~" He chuckled and kept looking. Holding her against his chest
Smiling she laid her head back on Sans chest and looked up at the night sky, getting comfortable again. As many times as he has called her beautiful, she still didn't see it. Chara didn't think she was ugly, if it wasn't for her eyes, she would have just mixed in with a crowd unnoticed. They stayed like that for a few minutes when the first shooting star crossed her sky. Chara's eyes widened and she shot up, her eyes stayed looking up. "...Wow..." she whispered to herself mostly. This was a first for her, only hearing about shooting stars from the TV Frisk watched. "That's was a shooting star!" She said with excitement, looking down at him her smile side and child like.
Sans watched her reaction to it, and his gently put his hands on her shoulders. Pulling himself up and bringing his face next to hers "heh heh.. yeah.. it was... i think i see another coming" sans pointed to the sky with a sly grin on his face, when she looked back. There was another shooting star, then a second later there was another and another.. Till the whole sky was full of shooting stars and there was a whole meteor shower. Sans felt a little bad he didn't bring Frisk along, but he knew chara wanted a night where it waas just the two of them. His hands getting a little tighter on her shoulders, sitting up with her. His face looking larger than normal with his smile, mesmorized by the sky being lit up by all the stars. Sans hand moving down her back, after a couple minutes of watching the meteor shower, Sans pulled her into a kiss. The background with this beautiful wave of lights, his lips ever so gently meshing against hers. His eyes closed and his hands moving up and down her back. The kiss feeling like it's been going on for hours at a time, The kiss being very soft and romantic. He moved his hand to her hand and pulled away gently smiling and looking deep into her eyes. "i love you chara.. i just wanted to share this with you" he smiled and then slowly turned his head to look a the the shower still going, just starting to slow down and finish up. His body against hers, wrapping his arm around her. "that shower.. is what i see every time i see you and frisk.. pure beauty.. just.... amazing"
Chara looked back to the sky, her eyes grew wider as the filled with the shooting star. She was in total awe by the sight of it all. Being there with Sans made it even better. He sat up with her, his arm tightly around her making her lean into him a little feeling his warmth. After a while, she felt him pull her into a kiss, which she gladly returned, tilting her head a little. everything was perfect in this moment, and Chara couldn't ask for anything more other than for this to never end. Sooner than she wanted, Sans pulled away taking her hand in his. "I love you too Sans. I'm so glad you didn't wait for another night to take me out like this." She gave him a sweet loving smile. Looking at her now, it would be hard for anyone to believe that she was once a thing of nightmares. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pretty much tacked him to the ground pressing her lips against his in a another kiss while she laid on top of him. Pulling away she touched their foreheads together."You're amazing, I promise with all my soul. I wont for get this, or how much I love and care about you."
She tackled him and kissed him, Her body weight on him and his hands moving to her sides with a smile. Grabbing her hips and opening his eyes, looking into her eyes. Feeling her forehead on his, looking into her eyes and smiling. "i will always love you.. and try to get you back, if you ever lose your soul again.. all you need to do is wait.. know that you will feel like this again.. i'll save you.. frisk and i" Sans took her hips and moved her so she was sitting on his lap. Taking the back of her head, grabbing her hair a little roughly. But just enough to show her that he loves her, he doesn't want her away from him. Kissing her passionately, his mouth slowly opening and closing on her lower and top lip. Gently sucking and turning her head, his tongue licking and playing with hers. His other hand moving up and down the side of her silk dress, gently grabbing and teasing her. "i want you" he whispered "i'm so glad you're with me"
Chara couldn't help but smile at Sans words. She believed every word of that he said. She was pulled onto his lap, her legs on each side of him. A small gasp came from her as she felt him grip her hair, it wasn't painful and for some reason she enjoyed the way it felt, making a knot forum in her stomach. Closing her eyes when he pulled her into a deep kiss, tilting her head she opened her mouth a little, pressing her tongue to his, holding her body tightly against his. Loving the feeling of his hand running down her side, then hearing him say that he wanted her, she shivered a little. The way he said it reminded her the way she felt the night they all got drunk together. Squirming a little, her hips gently rubbed against his groin making her moan softly."...shit, the things you make me feel Sans~" She whispered lustfully in reply. " I'm glad I'm here too, I love you so damn much."
Sans felt her rubbing her crotch against his and he smiled up at her, he was feeling rather lustful too. His hands going down to her sleek thighs and rubbing up her dress a bit, feeling the nice skin. "i know.. i'm feeling it too" Shivers down his spine. He smiled warmly and went down, kissing her neck very gently. "you're making by stomach turn.. and my body all tingly~" telling her would maybe make her even more comfortable. His kisses getting even more gentle and then he let a bit of teeth on her skin, biting a little gently and showing her that she's his. His hands grabbing just under her butt and moving up even more to make her go crazy, his crotch rubbing against hers slowly. His other hand moving through her hair and almost petting her. He could tell she enjoyed pain, in a loving way. "i want to make you a woman~" he whispered, he knew she wouldn't know what that meant but she probably had an idea.
Sans hand moved up her dress, now feeling her bare skin. His bones felt so soft against her flesh. Chara tilted her head more, allowing him full access to her neck giving her goosebumps all over. "Yes, that's what I'm feeling. I like it. It feels as if I'm floating." She sighed deeply as he kissed, then she felt his teeth causing her to shutter in his grasp.Her butt was lifted a little, his hips moving up to her now warm sex. Again she let out a small gasps of pleasure "Sans..."Chara whispered needingly to him. everything he was doing felt so right and amazing. That familiar urge from the other night growing in her again, her hips moving along with his making her squirm more on top of him. "I want you too, I only want you to make me a woman. I belong to only you~" She moaned softly out to him.
He kissed much deeper on her neck than before, grabbing her dress and pulling a little bit. He turned them around, wrapping the blanket around both of them. They where under the blanket and rubbing together, it was getting so warm under the sheets and it felt like heaven inside. Like they could melt from this heat, Sans knew this was a secluded area, no one would be here at this time of night. His hand moved up to her breast and squeezed a bit, shuffling her breast around a little roughly with a smile. "i know" he whispered to her saying she belonged to him. His smile warm He moved her dress up enough to show her panties and he took his pants off. His cock bulging out of his underwear. Sans moved his hands to her back and unzipped the back of her dress a decent amount. Enough to make her dress become loose and the straps around her shoulders fall a bit. He unbuttoned his own shirt, showing off his ribs and a bit of his spine. As she looked up at him she could see the meteor shower still going and starting up again. he smiled down at her with such a warm glow, it was hard to even see the meteor shower with that smile facing her.
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