Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

The girls nodded, Sans idea seemed like a good one. " Right, plus I have dinner for you guys still. Also, maybe you would call Papyrus. Let him know we found Chara because I'm sure he is still running the streets looking for her." Frisk said, laughing a little at the idea. "Wait, you called your brother to help look for me?!" Chara laughed harder than frisk. " well yeah. You lied and disappeared did you not think that we would worry?" Frisk said looking to Chara, who just shrugged it off. " let's head back to Sans. Eat, then I can go home. I need to start looking for a job tomorrow. I have been putting it off way too long."
Sans nodded, quickly texting papyrus and saying that they found her. He asked where she was and sans answered that she was sleeping, papyrus didn't respond to that. Sans chuckled and looked at the two of them. "you know.. wait..... job??? uh.... heh" sans thought for a second, should she really get a job? not yet... working does help some people heal and learn about everyone else. But this girls soul wasn't healed yet! what if she got a job as a cashier and someone acts bitchy to her.. she would rip there head off. Sans thought for a bit more and looked at her "i sell hotdogs... i'll be kinda busy.. if you want to take over my job for a bit while i'm working on getting my dad back. i really don't mind heh heh" sans thought that the work would be perfect, plenty of people wanted hot dogs. Plus it was responsibility and a stress free environment "i'll let you keep all the money you earn from selling them... deal?" Sans walked through the door and they appeared back at frisks house. The food a bit cold, but more warm than hot like it was.
Even Frisk was a little concerned about the idea. If anyone looked at her wrong Chara might snap. Once they were at Frisks house, she looked over at Chara." Umm, wow. I think that's a great I idea! But you know, you really cant get a job just yet. You will need and ID and those papers that will be coming to Sans house in a few weeks." Chara looked at Frisk for a while, Frisk was getting a little worried that she might have upset her. Chara just shrugged. " Okay, whatever." She left it at that. "I'm going to warm dinner up in the oven, why don't you two get comfortable." She walked off in to the kitchen and turned on the oven. Chara walked over to the couch and sat down, looking at Sans. "So, I should get something for all my hard work today. Don't you think?"
Sans looked right into chara's eyes with a wide smile, "yes! yes you really should.. heh heh.. you... i... you're amazing chara.. you really are.. want me to get you as much chocolate as you can stomach? i think you'd love that... and.. maybe this too" Sans took her chin very lightly and pulled her close, leaning into her and kissing her on the lips. His head tilting very slightly and his eyes closing, he was so happy right now. He would honestly do anything for her, anything he possibly could. "I'll do anything you want... you deserve a reward greater than life itself." he whispered to her, looking deep into her red beautiful eyes. "so.. what will it be?"
Chara was only joking when she said that. But then Sans kissed her like that, and her mind went blank. Right now it just felt like it was just the two of them in the world. Her heart raced as he looked into her eyes, she couldn't help but blush a little. She did want to help Sans, but the other reason she did this was to feed her own curiosity on the matter. "...marry me..." She paused for a while, waiting to see Sans reaction. But she couldn't keep a straight face, slowly a playful smirk came to her lips before laughing. " I'm kidding, I think we should wait to see if anything comes from this and you have your father back before I get anything. But, I want...a date. A real one. Like in the movies or something. I want to see what that's like." she smiled sweetly at him.
She told him to marry her and his eyes bulged out of his head, she could see the bead of sweat coming down his forehead. Then she revealed it was a joke and he laughed pretty hard shaking his head "you had me going there for a second.. its way too soon.. heh heh heh heh heh" he kissed her cheek and smiled wide. Walking over to the kitchen and looking back at Chara "you want a date?... a real one?.. heh heh.. i'll get you a real date" he smiled then looked over to Frisk "heya.. i don't think we're gonna eat here tonight.. sorry to say... but.... i do have some good news" Sans smirked, knowing frisk would want to help right away. "chara and i are gonna go on a date... she wants a real one, like a movie.. i think you know what to do" he winked and chuckled, implying she could help her get ready. "don't worry frisk.. we can have our own date soon too.. i don't want to forget about you. just tell me when and i'll be more than happy to take you out on one too" He smiled and looked back at chara.
Chara was still laughing when he walked away to the kitchen, then stopped. She didn't think that he was going to take her right now. Frisk looked at Sans, seeming a little disappointed until she realized what he was getting at. She have him a wide smile and quickly turned off the oven. Rushing past him to Chara taking her by the hand and drug her up stairs. Finally, Frisk was able to dress Chara up nice, and she had an idea what she was going to dress her in and what to do with her hair. "I'm on it!" Frisk said, Chara flashing Sans a 'help me' look as she was pulled upstairs. It would be about thirty minutes till Frisk came down stairs with a glowing proud smile. "Ready to see your date?" She didn't wait for him to answer, she waved up to Chara to come down. Frisk was very pleased, she got Chara in a dress, and was able to keep that edge about her that Frisk loved, though she would hate to admit it. Chara looked to Sans, even she was impressed, she didn't hate how she looked. "..well..?" Chara asked Sans shyly.
Sans quickly went upstairs too, going into his room and getting dressed. He then came back downstairs, much faster than chara obviously. It only took him 10 minutes to get ready, so he sat on the couch and just waited for his date to come downstairs. She revealed herself and saw sans he looked up at her and his face went blank. She was stunning in that red dress, his smile slowly creeping up on him. "well?... you look amazing... better than amazing.. heh heh, you look so beautiful" Sans walked over to her and took her hand, smiling up at her with a tilt of his head. "now.. lets go out on that date heh heh.." Sans looked over to Frisk with a warm smile "don't worry, i'll have her back here before midnight" He winked and chuckled. Holding chara's hand she seemed a bit shy, for obvious reasons. Walking out of the house with her slowly me smiled at her and looked back to frisk, giving a wave and then putting all of his focus on chara. "see.. dresses aren't all bad. you just have to find ones you like"
Even Chara was a little shocked seeing Sans in different clothes, she honestly didn't think he owned any others. He looked so handsome. "You don't look so bad yourself." She smiled to him. Frisk watched, feeling so happy for them. She knew that this would be good for Chara, a night all about her, knowing that she s loved and cared about. "Oh, don't worry. I'm going to put dinner in the fridge and head home. You guys have fun, and tell me all about it tomorrow. Chara looked from Sans down to her dress and nodded. "Yeah, Frisk said that it brought out my eyes. Or something like that." She cleared her throat. "When I asked for a date, I didn't mean tonight. I know its been a bit crazy today. I would have been alright if we did this another time." Chara was a little nervous,"You really look nice. Its strange seeing you like this." She said, looking over Sans. She really liked the way he looked right now. She adjusted her hand a little in his, so their fingers were intertwined together. "So, what are we doing first?"
Their hands where together and he smiled at her a bit, "well.. thank you heh heh.. it's been a while since i've worn something like this.. i mean.. heh heh, i like it don't get me wrong.. just... it takes more effort than my jacket" he winked and smiled at her "where else~ follow me and you'll see" He walked her through the door and they made it into the mettaton restaurant. It was extremely fancy, Mettaton had a huge following overseas in japan and even a decent following in America. Sans walked her over to a table and sat them down with a smile. Ferns where everywhere and the tables looked beautiful, Sans tilted his head with a smile "yeah.. frisk was very right about the dress bringing out the beauty in your eyes.. heh heh, i didn't even know they could look any better" he was so happy, he wanted to treat her like a princess tonight. Make her blush and feel more loved than anyone ever had. His hand grabbing hers over the table very gently.
Chara had been in places like this with Frisk, but it was a lot different when she was able to sit at the table and really be there. Though she felt a little out of place, it didn't stop her from loving the experience. "I know, tell be about it. Normally takes Frisk for ever to get ready. She doesn't need to take all that time to make herself pretty, I tell her that all the time. I'm sure its easy for you, all you had to do what change your clothes and you look...well..." She paused, and just looked at him smiling. Even she couldn't understand why after all this time she was seeing what Frisk did. "I'm glad you like my eyes, I really do. Because I used to hate them." She looked at his hands as they took a hold of hers. and her smile grew a little wider. "I happy I found your father for you. To be honest, I mostly did it to itch my own curiosity. But the more I dug around those files...How can you read those things? Nothing made sense..."
Sans put his hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes with a warm smile "i'm glad you're liking your eyes more too..... you really should. they're precious.. like a diamond.* He winked and took his hand away, looking down at the menu and then back up at her "heh heh.. he uses his own special kind of writing so people can't steal his ideas.. i know its dumb...... i've told him this hundreds of times, but he thinks its better.. i can read it.. because i needed to for a long time heh heh heh" Sans thought it was kind of funny telling her this. then he shrugged "i'm glad you found him... doesn't matter what reason you wanted to find him for.... you found him, and i'll always be grateful for that. tonight, i want you to feel like a princess.. my ruby princess heh heh" he chuckled and looked at the menu. "any idea on what you want to eat?"
"Its not dumb at all. I mean it worked didn't it? "Chara said with a small laugh looking over the menu. " I really hope this all works out, because I loved seeing that happy." Slowly she put down the menu and gave him a playful smirk. "And if you ever call me that again, you will regret it~" She took a sip of her water then looked back to him. "Chara and or Ruby only." She laughed shaking her head, thinking that being called 'princess ruby' was the silliest thing she had ever been called. And she has been called many things. "Frisk said up stairs that I should get a salad. The hell with that crap!" Her eyes were back on the menu, she just stared at it, biting her thumb nail a little. "I want steak, and..." She shrugged. "Whats good with that?"
Sans chuckled and smirked "but you are a princess... princess ruby~" he said with a wink, trying to get her a little flustered. He smiled, "steak and fries... those are amazing together heh heh, honestly it tastes amazing" Sans smiles and looks down He twiddled his thumbs and then thought for a second. "i'm gonna get the same thing.. its amazing" A waiter came by and sans smiled telling him what they both wanted, with some fancy drink on the side. Smiling back at chara "so.. what are you gonna do princes ruby~?" trying to tease her only cause he could tell she loved it.
Chara fought back a smile when he called her princess ruby again. She let it pass this time, she just cleared her throat and nodded "Sounds good to me, only reason I' getting it is because Frisk said not to." she laughed, only because she knew Sans would care what she ordered. Of course Sans would have to call her princess again. Once the waiter was gone she smirked to him and leaned across the table to him. "As princess? Well, I can think of a certain comedian that thinks its funny to mock and disobey orders that might just get beheaded~" She leaned back in her seat and just smiled at him. She really didn't like that he called her that, but when he looked at her like this it was hard to be really mad at him.
Sans laughed a bit when she leaned in and said he would get beheaded "but then you wouldn't have a court jester anymore.. you need your court jester heh heh.. but ok ok, i won't call you that..... unless you're bad" winking and smiling. He was still stunned at how she looked if he was being honest, but he didn't want to keep talking about it. "So? how is your body? how does it feel... other than amazing, obviously heh heh" Sans starts tapping his finger on the table and lets out a sigh, a happy sigh. He was planning what he would do through out the date and as it went on. "and your brother, how about him? i bet you two will be spending a lot of time together when you get the chance heh heh....... are... you going to apologize to him?"
Chara rolled her eyes. "Right, when I'm bad. Just wait about 5 minutes, sure I'll fuck up some how." She laughed, joking around with him a little. Then she also gave a happy sigh, resting her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand just looking at him. Her eyes seem to almost sparkle when she looked at him since being here. "Body is great. Just sleepy all the time. So we have that in common." Then he asked about her Asriel. She didn't know what to say about so she only shrugged. "Nah, not yet. But I will. I just think he is happy to have mom and dad back more than anything. I'll visit him soon." She tilted her head a little. "How about you? What are you going to do with your father when you get him back? And are you going to tell Papyrus about any of this?"
Sans thought for a moment and then looked down "not actually sure what i'll do when i get my father back... i..... maybe just.... i really have no idea.. and papyrus doesn't remember him, but i don't want to think about this right now heh heh" sans shrugs and thinks he can come up with a plan later. "maybe.. i'll go to other timelines. Try to.. stop the resets here.. or...... heh.. i need a vaccation.. go to a completely different timline.. that's exactly what i need... a good vacation.. a vacation......" Sans looked down with a smile, thinking he was deserving of a real vacation. He looked up at her, seeing her beautiful eyes and just feeling warm inside. Then the waiter came back and gave them both their steaks and fries. "maybe i'll try to make it back to my own timeline.. maybe i'll just.. heh... you guys are welcome to come along with me" He smiled wide and warmly.
Chara sighed, thinking about the idea of a vacation, it sounded like a good idea. And going with Sans, it would be a great adventure. "You know, I would like to think that the resets are done here. Life is just going on as it should." She said with a shrug, picking up a fry and eating it. "Umm, so. I know I remember something about your father. A lot of it is a blur, not sure if was because I forgot like everyone else, of I blocked it. Its just, I don't know. I just have a feeling your father didn't like me. I know he was friendly with everyone else." She thought, wondering how to ask her next question as she ate another fry." You know and remember him best. Would there be any reason for him not to like me? Or am I just being paranoid?" She looked at him raising a brow.
Sans looked like the joy was sucked out of her face when she talked about the resets being finished. "they're not done.... frisk will reset... its just a matter of time.. when she dies, she will reset again.. its..... impossible for her not too.. and it doesn't matter if she loses the ability to reset.. it will go to flowey.. then whoever else.... its... it will never leave this timeline.. resets will always be around" He said this with no joy in his voice, just looking down at his steak. Then he shook his head smiling "but.. at least that won't happen for a long long time heh heh heh" he smiled and shrugged. "i uh.. can see why my dad would hate you.. i mean, he likes everyone. But... hmm.. you where pretty horrible till your soul got fixed.. but i'm not exactly sure why he would hate you.. maybe you where just mean to him? probably... i don't know.." Sans wasn't sure, he actually forgot a decent amount about his father, all the tiny things he did. He couldn't think of it right now. It had been way too long.
Chara could tell it was time for a change of subject. she just sat silently for a while and ate her food, Sans was right, steak was amazing. "Wow, this is really good!" She smiled widely at him. She took a few more bites before speaking again. "So, what do you think we will find in these other timelines? You said yours was different, do you think the other will be similar to this one? I mean, what is some are worse? Is that something you could find out before going there, or will they be a surprise?" She was honestly curious about this whole theory he had, even though she didn't understand half the stuff he said when he talked all science around her. But it was something she knew he was passionate about.
Sans started eating his steak and smiling wide "heh heh heh, well.. many timelines do many different and weird things.. some times there are just cool and strange changes to our own timeline.. you can sometimes tell what a timelines gonna be like when you're going into it heh heh, but most of the time you can't really and its all up to luck.. hope that you don't get stuck. You need special equipment to check the next timeline.. so... that's always fun heh heh... uh... why are you so interested? want to timeline hop?"
"Well who wouldn't be? I mean, I never really thought about anything like that until you brought it up. And if I was going to go with anyone, it would be with you. Not because you're smart, but because I know I would be safe with you." She smiles kindly at him and ate a little more before grinning at him. " Plus, I would love to run into one where your a girl~" she laughed taking a sip of the fancy drink he ordered for them, humming a little in approval. "This is also good!" She took a bigger sip and sat her glass down, and going back to her food. "Then I could call you princess...."
Sans chuckled, it was pretty entertaining seeing how excited chara was getting with all this talk of hopping timelines and finding different versions of themselves. "that would be a lot of fun.. and i'm flattered that you trust me enough not to let you die on a timeline adventure heh heh" eating his steak he was pretty happy by there tiny date. It wasn't anything huge, but he loved just spending time with her and talking with her about plans for the future. "some timelines.. they uh... actually change the way you look...... its super strange... there's a way to keep yourself looking the same.. but its super weird to have your body look different from timeline hopping.. or it can change your thoughts... its almost like timelines have a mind of their own"
Chara chuckled and shook her head. " Sounds pretty crazy. But I think it will be fun. Plus we will have you. Well, I mean I hope Frisk would want to come. Knowing her she will be to worried about leaving all her 'work' to go." she frowned a little. " But I'm sure this isn't something that will happen tomorrow." She ate a little more, thinking about something else to talk about. " You said that I'm an undead monster. Are there any others, or is it just me, you and your brother? Oh, and I guess your father...." She was starting to get full, and just mostly started drinking more of her drink, and asked for the waiter for another.
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