Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans watched her freak out a bit and he scratched his chin, looking around and thinking. "hmmm....... alright, that's a good plan.. just.. take a breath. she's fine, i know she is" sans smiled and then looked around thinking about where he might be or anything that could have set her off. Maybe that conversation made her want to go do something? he wasn't sure... He did have an idea though "now frisk.. please.. just stay here.. ok? call the driver.. don't leave, i'll be gone for... a couple minutes i'll be right back.. just gonna go check out some places.. alright?" he wanted her to not leave no matter how long he took. Walking over to her he kissed her cheek and then walked to the front door. Opening it and taking a short cut to the abandoned house, just a silly thought.. probably wouldn't lead to anything.
Frisk nodded to Sans as she talked on the phone. From the sounds of it, the driver did drop Chara off at Sans, and haven't seen her since. But he did say he would keep an eye out for her while he was out, she wouldn't be that hard to miss. Sans showed up at the hold house, it looked just how it was left. There was no sign that Chara was ever there. Frisk though, was freaking out, she wanted to call her mom, but that would cause more panic, then she thought about calling the cops, but it was too soon to for file a missing persons report and she knew that. May be there was a chance that she just went for a walk and got lost. She wanted so badly to go looking for her, but she knew it was important to stay there just incase she showed up. Her mind raced, trying to remember if Chara said anything that might have given her a hint.
Sans shrugged and walked back home, "well.. she's not where i thought she might have gone... uh... what did the driver say?" Sans raised an eyebrow and then looked out the window. "heh.... one sec.. i know how we can find her.. easily" Sans pulled out his phone and called papyrus "hey.. uh.. yeah.. no no.. every things going great bro.. uh..... heh.. i do have a favor to ask...... so chara's missing." Sans quickly pulled the phone away from his ear, frisk could hear it even "WHAT!?!?!? MISSING!? HOW!!!!" Sans giggled and pointed to frisk, "that's how you're acting" he winked and was clearly teasing.. "heh heh.. anyways.. uh.. we're not sure.. i was wondering if you could run around the neighborhood.. maybe see if you find her?.. oh.. He hung up already.. Heh heh, if she's just out around the town.. papyrus will easily find her.. so don't worry frisk.. now we can call around.. see if anyone happened to see her.." Sans walked closer to her "don't worry... she can't go far.. and if she does.. well... kind of hard for her to hide with those huge red eyes.. everyone could see her from a mile away" Sans held frisks hands and looked into her eyes with a warm smile. "calm down.. we can fix this.." Sans didn't seem like there was any stress on his shoulders at all.
Frisk tilted her head a little when Sans called Papyrus, then even she flinched a heading his brothers booming voice coming through the phone. Even she could help but laugh a little by this. Then she crossed her arms and pouted at his comment about her acting that way. "I am not! And I have every right to be worried! She has been acting strange all day! Did you guy have another fight or something?" Not that they ever really fought all that much now and day, but Frisk knew Chara had bit of a temper. And the way she was acting, she didn't want to get a call saying that her sister was in jail for a fight. Again she thought. Snapping her fingers at Sans she recalled something that Chara asked her. "Hey! She asked me about someone, and wanted to know if I knew the name. Shoot...what was it?!" She groaned a little, it was a odd name, though one she things she heard before. But it was so hard to think clearly. "...Gaster...? I think that was it..."
Sans looked down and nodded slowly "i think i know whats going on... she might be in the underground........ might be.." Sans took her hand and slowly walked out of the house taking a short cut to the underground to alphys lab. "yeah.. i know who that is.. we.. talked about him for a while.. he... well.. he was my dad and uh.. told her a little bit about him.. she was super upset when i told her and cried a little bit, i think she wants to maybe try and help me find him or.. something" Sans into the lab, it was old and everything was off. then walking to the elevator, he opened it and they slowly went down into the true lab. "from what i told her.. she might be here... maybe" sans slowly walked through the old lab, just looking around.
Now Frisk was very confused, and more worried about Chara. They walk through the door and was not outside of the lab. "Wait, I don't understand. why would she be upset? And why haven't you told me about all this? Why are we here?" She blurted out questions, though his theory was promising, as they walked, there were fresh foot prints on the dusty ground. This building was almost as creepy as the house. Soon they were going deeper, she vaguely remembers being here, though it was coming to her like an old dream. If Chara was here to help Sans, she didn't know why Chara wouldn't say anything to her, Frisk would have helped, and it wouldn't have freaked her out when she didn't come home. Soon, they could hear sounds coming from one of the rooms down the hall. Frisk prayed that was her, and no one more dangerous.

Chara was looking through papers, mumbling herself. Slowly everything was coming back on why she knew that name. Many timelines ago Frisk and Chara were here. Maybe Sans wasn't wrong, Gaster might have been here, though she wasn't sure if he still was. Plus, if he was, where could he be. Chara was getting frustrated, coming across more papers with just strange words.
Sans finally came across her.. found her looking through papers and shuffling through books. Off in her own little world, Sans didn't make a sound. He looked over at frisk and then back to chara, slowly walking forward. "infuriating...... isn't it?" he said loud enough for her to hear, she turned around and Sans was standing there. No smile, he was looking rather serious. "everything leads to a dead end...... i know... i did the same thing you did.. those papers... i found all of them.. the most important ones are already in my lab.. i...." Sans shook his head and looked down "they don't lead to anywhere.. they just.. lead to dead ends... no one knows who he is...... alphys.. even those notes say that alphys worked with him.. not saying any names of course.. i asked everyone.. if anyone remembered him.. anyone..... asgore doesn't even remember him.. he said that there wasn't a royal scientist before alphys...... that's.... its just not true.... i......" Sans sighed again, his shoulders dropping and his head looking down. he was just... exhausted. looking at chara do everything he did a long time ago only made him feel even lower.. "come on home chara." he looked back up at her. "we got food waiting for us..." sans said with the smallest smile she's seen from him.
Chara jumped turning and looking at him. Her eyes narrowed before turning back to him, going through the files once more. "No, because I remember! Not just rumors, but him! I was here as a child, whos soul do you think he used? It was mine Sans...Its just...I don't remember at the same time." She closed her eyes and thought really hard. "The time doesn't make sense though! Because this happened so long ago. When I fell, something happened. Because I remember looking around, at all the lights, and machines I had never seen before in life. I told you what year I was from, but everything down here was so modern and...strange. You know more about all this than I do. Could I have jumped timelines some how? I just..." She shot up and shoved all the papers off the desk. "Beware the man who speaks in hands..." She said with a sigh, tapping her finger on one of the few papers that stayed on the desk, it was one of his. She tilted her head a little looking at it then back to Sans and Frisk. "Hey, Frisk. You remember that door? In Waterfell? I tried to talk you into going in but you were scared. Because it wasn't there in the past resets. It wasn't...normal..." Frisks eyes widen a little and she nodded. "Come on, lets see if its there this time." With that said she started past them. Chara was determined. "The memories are there Sans, I remember." she said pointing to her temple. "The more I'm here, the more I remember, and feel."
Sans was really surprised to hear that chara remembered Gaster, absolutely no one remembered him and it was horrible, but he found someone that actually does. Sans couldn't help but just sit there and listen, he looked like it was in almost shock. Sans smiled really wide and started shivering a little bit with excitement. Then sans quickly grabbed their hands, running over to a door and taking a short cut to waterfall, he was super excited to see if she was right. "we might as well try!" His smile and laziness seemed to just, go away. He almost seemed like papyrus right now, just a bit less loud.
At first, Chara was having a hard time reading Sans, he was just standing there. Then he started to smile, for a moment Chara thought that he didn't believe her, or she angered him some how. Frisk gave a small squeak when Sans took her hand and started running, Chara stumbled a little before catching her footing. They all walk though the door and ended in up Waterfall. Chara looked around, trying to remember where the door was. "This way..." She started walking, Frisk following with a sigh and a smile. "Why can't we just have a normal day together?" She laughed softly shaking her head. Frisk really didn't mind, it was just exhausting. Chara waved her hand at Frisk. "Nah, that would be boring." They didn't have to walk long for Chara to realize they were on the right path. Soon she was starting to run, taking some turns till...there is was. A larger than life gray door. "Holy fucking shit...its here..." Chara whispered, but this time she was uneasy, Frisk felt braver this time and walked up to it placing a hand on it. "I...think you two go without me. I'll wait here." Chara said, taking a step back, pulling her hood up. Frisk tuned and looked at her. "Why?" Chara shrugged, again she didn't remember much, but she did have this feeling that if this was the same monster from when she was a child, and Sans father. If Gaster was behind this door, then he didn't like Chara much for some reason, maybe because he knew what she would do in the end, or because she was human. Either way, Chara felt better staying back. "I just need to rest, plus trying to read all those papers made my head hurt."
Sans nearly jumped when he saw the big grey door, his face smiling as wide as he could. He actually hurt his cheeks smiling that wide and walked toward it while they where talking. That door looked so familiar... he thought he knew where it was from. Slowly putting his hand on the door knob he opened it. Walking inside, almost like he didn't care if they followed or not. Inside was a tall.. almost gooey looking monster, his face caving in on itself and it looked like he was wearing robes. Sans's eyes widened even more ans he shivered a bit. "D....... dad?..." he whispered to himself. The tall gooey monster quickly opened his eyes. Small glowing dots in the center if them. He opened his mouth and his hands shook. He had holes in the center of each of his hands. It's almost like neither of them could say anything...[/align]
The didn't even notice Sans opening the door and going through it. Frisk looked back to Sans opening her mouth to say some when she saw him gone and the door open, she glanced back at Chara, "Just go ahead, I'll be right here." Chara said, Frisk nodded and walked in. Chara was now alone, she shivered at the odd silence that filled around her now. Frisk slowly walked up behind Sans, looking at the sight before her. She couldn't wrap her mind around what she was seeing. They were just standing there, unmoving. Very gently she placed a hand on Sans shoulder. Making sure she stayed right behind him. " Is, this him? Gaster, your father?"
Sans took a step closer and The figures eyes widened as he smiled. "s...son?" he said, then slowly started to disappear. As he was fading away Sans quickly broke out into a sprint and ran to where The figure was, grabbing where he was. he disappeared too quickly for Sans to grab him. Sans stood there his hands trembling and he fell to his knees. The room was now empty, sans was looking down at the ground and he grabbed his face. Hunched over Frisk could hear quick breathing, like he was trying to keep it together. His body shivering and his hands covering his face.
The answer came when the figure announced that Sans was his son. She didn't eve try to stop sans when he ran off to stop Gaster as he vanished. She gave him a moment, hesitating to approach Sans for a moment. Frisk didn't know what to do for her best friend, feeling so helpless at this time she walked to Sans. Not knowing the full story, she was able to put the pieces together. "Sans? We know he is close. Closer than you thought before. Right?" Slowly she sunk down to him, Frisk has never seen him like this, aside from being judged herself. "Chara was right. Your Father is here."
As she bent down she could hear that his quick breaths were actually laughs. He quickly shot up standing up tall and straight, his smiled much wider. he was laughing really hard, super giddy and happy. "Now that I know he's here and I know that he's not just disappeared from this timeline!! I can try to find an answer and fix!!!" Sans laughed some more and looked around and then down to frisk. Seemed that he wasn't upset at all, just overwhelmed by happiness. "oh my god!! heh heh heh heh!!!" Sans took frisks hands and helped her up then jumped around her dancing with her, both his eyes closed and his smile super wide. he was happier than she had ever seen him.. and he looked so much like papyrus right now.
Frisk leaned in a little closer, making sure she was hearing what she thought, he was...laughing? The his sudden movement caught her off guard causing her to stumble back on her bottom and hands. She looked up at him, getting an answer on why he would be laughing at a time like this. She smiled at him, being so glad to see him like this. Next thing she knew, she was being pulled to her feet, all she could do was watch Sans being so overcome by joy that he was jumping and dancing. In all the time she knew this monster, she had never seen him this happy. Though, she was still confused and brought even more question to her mind. But she was sure that there would be time to ask all of them, though there was just one that she wanted to ask in this moment. "So, this is a good thing?" Granted it was a silly one seeing that Sans was beside himself with happiness. Chara heard his shouting from outside and came running in, looking around she saw a very shock, but happy Frisk, and a very, very happy Sans holding on to Frisks hands jumping. But that was it, there was no Gaster, just an empty room with now just the three of them. "Whats...going on?" Chara asked, unsure about what she was seeing right now.
"it's an amazing thing! my dad is around! he's alive!! he might be a ghost or whatever the hell he is, but he's here!! that means i can do something to pull him out of whatever this place is" Sans smiled and slowly stopped dancing still super giddy like a child. Sans saw chara walk inside and he ran to her hugging her as tight as he possibly could, hurting her a little bit "thank you so much!! thank you, thank you!!! i'm so glad you didn't give up heh heh heh heh, we found him! now we just need to save him" Sans let go of her and looked back with a wide smile. "this is great!"
Frisk was still having a problem with following Sans and what he was talking about. But in all it seemed like a good thing. She gave a small laugh as she watched Sans rush over to Chara and pull her into a big hug. Chara felt all the air from her lungs squeezed out of her, and her spine pop a little as he hugged her. Sans thanked her, making her feel proud that she was able to do something for him. Though it still looked as if this wasn't over just yet. Once Sans released her, she was able to breath again. "There is one problem, this door isn't always here. More times its not. So I'm not sure what's going to happen when we leave..." Chara said, looking around the room, for anything that might be a clue on why this place was here, and why Gaster has been trappedin this room. Most of all, Chara wanted to remember more.
Sans thought for more than moment, his mind racing with new ideas and theories. "Ok... that's really good to know... hmmmmm mmm... maybe.. it's gaster himself making this room.. maybe it takes magical power for him to make and create something like this.. he's very talented with magic.. maybe.. just maybe he's making this door, so he can try to escape.. obviously it isn't working.. or maybe he's in another pocket dimension that's stuck in this timeline? Hmm... ans the door appearing is just random chance... then why would he disapear? Why woudln't we disapear.. or the room... if it is his magic ans he needs to consentrate to appear ans make rooms... then why wouldn't the room go away after we startled him??? Where did he go and exactly how did he go........" sans was pretty deep in though, grabbing his chin and closing his eyes thinking about what was happening. "Hmmmm.. possibly a timeline glitch where parts of his body.. no.. then he would.... that doesn't make sense... if... WAIT! I GOT IT!" Sans smiled and looked at the two of them " He must be outside of the timeline! The same way the determination makes us remember every timeline! The timeline that was changed stays with us because our souls are technically not in sync with the timelines! He must have his whole soul out of sync with the timeline!... but how the hell did he do that!?" Sans started pacing "determination gives that effect under certain circumstances.. but..... he would have to... the core.. it's the core..." sans looked up
Both the girl watched and listened to Sans as he started talking about his theories. Then they looked to each other. Chara gave Frisk a small shrug, nether of them understanding what he was going on about, it was way over both their heads. They had question, but waited till he was done talking. "So, what about the core?" Frisk asked, Chara was wondering the same thing. Everything seemed to be moving so fast, and also felt as if time had stopped. Chara raised a brow and tilted her head. "And I thought you said you didn't remember the other timelines? Or, you just didn't remember that I..." she paused, not really wanting to bring up that she tried to comate genocide to the whole underground. "You know, it doesn't matter" She waved her hand. "Just keep doing what your doing, you seem on to something."
"don't you get it!? heh heh heh hehahahahaha!! Its the core! The core takes the heat from the lava in hotlands and converts it into pure enegry right!? Soooooo, with that amount of energy coming from that amount of heat, that would be enough to split atoms! even possibly spit the atoms of someone all over the multiverse and this timeline!..... But why did he look like that... maybe he was trying to reconstitute himself??? and that's just the.... eh..... no... that doesn't make sense....... i... hmmmmm.." Sans sighed and scratched his head slowly "what could have broken him down outside of the timeline..... i guess that doesn't really matter right now.. i just need to figure out a way now to take him from outside the timeline and drag him back in.."
Chara smirked and crossed her arms. "You might as well be speaking French Sans. Because I don't think either one of us understands a fucking word you are saying. Though, this whole multiverse thing sounds pretty cool." Frisk hated to admit it, but Chara was right. Right now she was feeling pretty dumb, though right now she was seeing Sans as such a geniuses, which was making him look rather cute in her eyes. "Maybe we can stay here till he shows up again, I mean he was able to talk. So surly he might have the answers you're looking for." She said shrugging, just trying to offer any ideas even though there was a chance that it may not be all that helpful. "You know, we can take shifts and if Gaster shows up while your not here we can call you."
Sans chcukled, he could tell they had no idea what he was talking about. He was just so cauht up with his ideas that he had to tell anyone. If he had a cat next to him he would have said all the same things "that.. actually is a great idea heh heh. if you guys wouldn't mind.. i.. that would be great heh heh. and if you don't mind i would rather you just ask him a couple questions.. heh heh, calling me might take too much time.. i... hmmmmmm... wait one second!" he ran out of the room leaving them both in there , it didn't take long for him to come back. He had a white vial and poured it onto the floor where he was and smiled at them. "That's a great idea! don't touch that chara.. its pure determination it will kill you.. or me heh heh, but if gaster is out of the timeline he needs as much as possible." Sans smiled at them and ran over to them hugging them tight.
Frisk smiled, feeling rather proud that Sans like her idea. He ran off then came back pouring the vial of determination on the ground where gaster once stood. Chara for a moment was offended when he told her to stay away from the stuff he poured on the floor. Then once Sans explained it made more sense. Frisk thought for a moment then looked to Sans. " Of course we don't mind. I mean Chara climbed the mountain and searched true lab to try and help you. And you know I'm always willing to help! But if you don't mind could you write down the questions that we might want to ask him if he shows up again? " Chara nodded agreeing with frisk. " The only problem I see what this is if he rambles on like you did how are we going to remember everything?"
Sans shook his head "with the determination i left he should be able to stay much longer! So you can call me, this door should be open from now on. No more.. random chance heh heh" He looked at the spot gaster was and smiled really wide. "heh heh heh.. i can just wait for you guys to see him.. well.... it should take.. a day? we can come back tomorow! see if he was able to come back and if not we'll just keep coming day after day till he's here again heh heh heh heh. Now!! Lets head back home, have some fun.. and i gotta work. wright down some possible theories" Sans looked happier than ever.
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