Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans shook his head slowly "nah... nah.. you girls don't have to get me anything.. honestly heh heh.. i'm fine" Sans smiled, he was too modest and never really wanted gifts from people. Then he got a message from frisk. He then sent a message back to her saying she should meet back up if she can't find it, and that they'll meet her in the food court. Sans quickly grabbed Chara's hand and ran to the food court. "frisk is waiting on us heh heh.. lets go!"
"Maybe we might want too?" Chara said as the wrapped up things at the jewelry store. Next thing she knew, Sans was taking her hand, pulling her off to the food court. Frisk was waiting, looking a little defeated that she failed on finding what she was asked to look for. She did perk up a little seeing Sans and Chara. She waved to the both of them and started walking to them, meeting half way. "Hey, so. Like I said, I couldn't find any crystals at all. Speaking of, way does Papyrus need one? Seem like a strange thing for him to ask for..."
Sans slowed down and made it to the food court next to her with a smile. "i lied... papyrus doesn't want a crystal and that weird shop doesn't even sell crystals... i just needed you to leave for a little bit so that we could get you somethings.." Sans smiled and looked over at chara, she was getting her gift ready and sans slowly passed her the sexy dress since it was her idea. He smirked, only thinking about what Frisk would do when she saw that dress. Holding back some laughs at the thought, he then pulled out a fancy box. Inside the box was the gold necklace, he smiled waiting for her to open it. Eagerly awaiting her reaction to their gifts "we decided you deserved a gift too.. heh heh, since chara got you a gift.. we got you one.. hope you like them" Sans stepped next to chara and watched. He forgot right away about the thing Chara said about getting him a gift.
Frisk frowned a little, she didn't appreciate being lied to, but the reasoning for it was rather sweet. Frisk took the bag from Chara, smiling at her. "Aww, you guys. You didn't have too. I don't need or want anything." She reached in the bag pulling out the white nightie, she looked at for a moment confused what it was, her face heated turning bright red and dropped it in the bag. "You like it? I picked them out myself! Sans says you can where them when your being 'intimate' with your partner, so I guess you wear it next time we sleep over." Chara said, seeming very clueless and innocent on the subject. She obviously didn't fully understand what Sans meant earlier. Frisk on the other hand wanted to run and hide, maybe even fuss at Sans for allowing Chara to pick this as her gift. But Chara looked so proud, and happy about giving this to her she couldn't. "Y-yeah. They are very nice, I love them...Thank you!" Next was Sans gift, it was a small box, but if it was anything like Chara's gift, she was a little nervous. Slowly she opened the box, peeking in her face lit up. "Wow...This is lovely!" Smiling she pulled out the necklace she held it up, looking at it for a moment before putting it on, then pulling them into a hug. "Thank you guys, I love my gifts!" She was almost brought to tears.
Sans almost burst out laughing when her face turned beat red. it was really cute, and really funny. Then she pulled them into a hug and Sans hugged back chuckling, it was obvious that chara didn't fully understand what She did and it was kind of adorable. The hug was tight and Sans could see the tears in her eyes, he smiled sweetly "should we head home now? relax and let chara put all her clothes away?" sans smiled and hugged a bit tighter, looking at the both of them. "and i'm sure chara will enjoy your 'intimate' dress more than you will~" he teased, whispering into her ear and giggling a little bit.
Frisk gave Sans a playful push at his comment, she was going to have to talk to him about all this at another time and not around Chara. "Come on, lets go. Its getting late and...I still have a house to clean..." Frisk groaned, remembering that her place was still a mess from last night. Once again, it had been a crazy day. "On top of that, I have to got to city all in the morning to make sure I have the right paper work for you and Asriel. Mom and help with his, Chara, I will help with yours." she smiled to Chara, she only gave a small whine. "Frisk, I love you. But sometimes I think you enjoy torturing with boring stupid stuff." Frisk pouted. "Well sorry, welcome to the world of the living and being a grown up." Though she couldn't help but laugh a little, Chara was as childish and cute as she was scary and dangerous.
Sans thought for a moment and scratched his chin "frisk.. hmmm.. want me to teleport you home? i can help with the cleaning.. a bit, chara can help too" Sans smiled at chara knowing she wouldn't want to help but it would be good for her to. "then we can all get a good nights rest.. you guys meet up tomorow, get the paper work done, and then come hang out with me again.. heh heh, or just have the day to your selves.. that's good too, i don't mind." Sans smiled and let go of them, the hug was really nice. But it would last forever if sans didn't let go. He looked around "unless you wanna have the night to yourself.. chara and i can head on home and just sleep.. i like that idea too" Sans turned to chara, wondering what she wanted to do.
Chara was annoyed at the idea she was getting dragged into helping frisk clean. "Oh come on..." She whined slumping her shoulders a little. Frisk smiled to Sans. "I think that's a great idea, I would love both of you guys help! Thank you offering. How about we drop of Chara's things at your place first, then go back to mine?" This was her way of getting back for calling her boring. "Then after, you guys and go home and get some rest. We had a rough night...and day..." She sighed, wondering if this was what her life was going be like now with these two, always feeling drained. Since being back, she hasn't had a full restful night sleep.
Sans nodded "that sounds like a great idea.. come on chara" sans started walking, he walked into the nearby men's bathroom. Walking into the bathroom for his shortcut, leaving the door open so chara could follow him. Walking inside he got to his house and scratched his forehead, holding onto Chara's bags and putting them down on his new couch with a smile. "you'll have to show me later what you and frisk got.. i'm pretty excited to see what the big bad chara thinks is cute to wear~" he chuckled and walked over to the front door again, opening it and stretching his back. "we'll have to make it to frisks house quick.. the sooner we do the sooner we can get back and lay around like cats heh heh"
Chara walked past Frisk glaring at her, not enough to scary, just to show that she was annoyed. Frisk smiled and waved them. "See you guys soon!" Chara walked to the mens restroom, a lady walking by saw her and tried to stop her and explain that she was going to the wrong place. Chara ignored her and met Sans on the other end. Sighing, she felt better not being around so many people and in a familiar place. She was slowly feeling that being at the brothers house was her home. She chuckled at his comment, leaning in and kissing him of the top of his head. "I like that you think I'm big bad~" Again they walked out his door. "Yeah, tell me about it. Tell you one thing, crying is such bull shit. I hate it, its...draining..."
Sans chuckled at the crying comment and patted her back "but it made you feel better... right? all the sadness leaving your body" he smiled and held her close, walking through the door and ending up in frisks house. there was literally no way that frisk would be home yet. So sans just started picking stuff up, "maybe if we're quick.. we can clean everything before she gets home heh heh, then we can make fun of her because of it.." Sans picked up the pizza boxes then shoved them deep into the garbage. Then he picked up a couple things and grabbed a garbage bag, putting things away. "she can vacuum.. not gonna do that heh heh"
Chara shrugged. " Yeah, I guess so. But it seems I have been doing that a lot." Looking around she saw that she place wasn't to bad, the both of them could easily have the place picked up before Frisk got home. While Sans picked up the trash, Chara went and picked up the glasses and brought them to the sick. Luckily, Frisk had a dish washer and Chara watched her load them many times, didn't seem that hard. Chara laughed at sans comment about vacuuming. "Yup, don't want to leave no fun for her to do when she gets back." She started rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. "Hey Sans? What if I my soul never heals? You and Frisk will always have to worry about me snapping, or something. I know she hasn't said it, but I can tell Frisk is still scared of me...I can tell."
Sans kept picking up trash "well... the only way it will heal.. is.. if you get over your trauma.. not saying it will heal soon, or even close to soon.. these things take a lot of time.. they're not supposed to be healed in a day." He smiled at her "but it'll heal.. you won't have to worry about it hurting forever.. i'll be there to help you up when you fall down.. and if it never fully heals" Sans shrugs and smiles "hey.. i'm still here aren't i? heh heh.. i'll make sure you never do anything you'll regret.." Sans turned away from her a little worried, thinking about what he said to her in the cellar. How he said it, what if he snaps like that when she snaps.. He wasn't sure if he could control what he did or what he would do.."so... don't even worry about it ruby"
"I think me worrying about it is a good thing, because I didn't give a shit before..." Chara said, as she finished loading the dishwasher then plopping down on the couch. Not to long later Frisk came though her door, stopping dead in her tracks looking around. "Ummm, I thought we were going to work on this together." Chara smiled over to her. "Eh, Sans and I were in a hurry to be lazy and didn't want to wait on ya." Frisk sat her bag with Chara's gift on her stairs. "Well, I must say, it looks nice. Thank you both."
"i told you before chara.. you're improving a lot.. even if you don't thin you are" He smiled and then frisk came in the door, Sans laid down on top of chara, like a teddy bear closing his eyes and resting his head between her breasts on her chest. Yawning and nodded with chara, agreeing. "yeah.. does look much better.. now we get to be lazy heh heh heh.. isn't that right chara?" looking back at her with a smirk "also frisk.. you get to vacuum.. we're not doing all your work for ya, you lazy bum~" he teased.
Chara gave a small grunt when Sans laid down on top of her, its felt strange having his face on her chest like that. She just looked down at him and smiled wrapping an arm around him keeping him close. "Gee, thanks." Frisk said with a little laugh at them laid out on her couch. "wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun Frisky~" Chara said adding on to the teasing of Frisk. "Well, its my home, and if I want I can put that off till tomorrow." Frisk gave a small yawn, which caused Chara to yawn shortly after. "Whatever, we did our duty."
Sans snuggled deep into Chara's hug feeling like a teddy bear. "yeah.. we're discharged from the war.. no need to pretend like we need to keep going heh heh" he closed his eyes and soon started to doze off, his head falling into Chara's arms and he started to snore. It was rather silent and kind of cute, his eyes closed lightly and his body going limp.
Chara and Frisk laughed a little, then the next thing they knew, Sans was snoring. Chara looked over to Frisk who just shrugged. " Guess its bed time. Thanks for the help, have fun getting Sans home~" Frisk said, picking back up her bag and heading upstairs. Now Chara was trapped under him. "...shit..." She shook him a little. "Yo, Sansy?" She whispered, trying to wake him up. "Wanna go home?"
Sans yawned when she shook him and whispered. He nodded, everything going black then when it came back they where in Sans's bed. He was still laying on top of her and he hugged her arms pushing his face into her shoulder "night.." he mumbled as he fell back asleep. Night was all he could really say, she could leave if she wanted now, there was plenty of room for her to move around and get out from under him.
Even though Chara was just as tired as he was, she couldn't help but just watch Sans as he fell back to sleep against her. She didn't want to move away or anything. Slowly she reached over and lightly ran her hand over his head, feeling the smoothness of his skull. Then she leaned out, pressing her lips on to him. "Goodnight...." she whispered to him. Before slipping off to sleep herself.
Sans slept for a couple hours, then quickly woke up looking around. Looking at the window and seeing that everything was alright, he sighed and calmed down.. Turning around and seeing chara holding onto him. Smiling warmly he pulled some blankets on over the both of them and hugged her, nuzzling into her neck and holding on tight. Not really falling back asleep, but just enjoying holding onto her. He was in a half sleep half awake state where he could react if something happened.
Although Sans was trying to be gentle with his movements, it was enough to wake Chara. Then when he nuzzled her neck, tickling a little. She didn't laugh, but just smiled a little. Waiting for him to settle himself against her again, she sighed. Unsure if he fully fell back sleep, she opened her eyes a little and looked at him. He wasn't snoring like before so the took the chance to try and say something. "Sans? Can you tell me more about your father?" She asked, whispering. Chara remember when she asked about his family, and how he said that his father was a good man. She wanted to hear what that was like.
Sans was a little shocked that Chara was awake from him moving, he didn't think he woke her up. But he smiled anyways, she asked a bit of a sweet question and it made him smile. "sure..." he was being extra quiet, whispering in the darkness and closing his eyes. "my dad was a... well.. a scientist.. A very smart.. very charming guy.. heh heh.. he took care of papyrus and me.. mom.. well... i'm not sure what happened to her.. she... Wasn't around when we were young.. my dad never talked about her.. i think he was too scare, well me and papyrus never really asked.. we could tell it upset him.. but he was a super kind man.. heh heh, when i was young, he would wake us up with bacon and eggs.. its like he never slept.. always up way before us, always ready to teach us stuff... he taught us about stars.. and, i loved it when he brought us outside to look a them..... laying in the forest and just.... looking....... learn...ing.." sans seemed to fall asleep while he was in the middle of his sentence, yaning and going back to snoring into her neck. Smiling while he slept. It seemed that that small chat about his dad really made him happy.
Chara sighed, snuggling into Sans as he started talking about his father. Trying to get a mental image of what he might had looked like, what his mother looked like. Wondering who Sans looked more like, maybe Papyrus got his height from their father. Her eyes closed, just listening to his voice, it was so soothing. Then Sans said something about his father taking them outside. she thought they were all trapped underground. But at this point she was just too relaxed to say anything about it, she would though in the morning if she remembered. Chara was right behind Sans, falling asleep with her arms around him, holding him close.
Sans slept through the night pretty well after that point. His face deep into charas neck and his smile never leaving him, he woke up in the morning and saw that the sunlight was hitting his face. Getting up slowly, he looked at chara and kissed her cheek "morning sunshine.. rise and shine heh heh"
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