Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans could tell something was off when chara just kind of walked away from him. He walked over to her and sat down on the other side of her, so she was in between him and Frisk "heh heh... yeah... that house could have some cool old treasure in it or something" Sans turned to Chara, he wasn't being serious. He just wanted her to talk about it, even if he didn't address if she was feeling weird the way she would talk about it would obviously make him realize something would be off. "maybe we should head inside of it.. try to find something cool?.. or we could just explore around it heh heh.. what do you guys think?"
Chara kept her eyes on the water, gritting her teeth as Sans talked about the house, and how they should explore. Frisk leaned over looking around Chara at him. "I don't know Sans, that place looks like it could fall apart at any given moment."Frisk said. Not really catching on to what he was trying to do. "Yeah, we came out here to fish. How about we talk about that project you're working on? That seems more interesting." Chara added, still not looking at any of them, seeming annoyed. She knew that he was trying to do, and she wasn't to going to take the bait (heh). Instead, she switched the focus. "What project?" Frisk asked looking between Sans and Chara.
Sans kept looking at chara, he was decently calm and looking her up and down. He ignored the comment about the project, knowing she was trying to change the subject. He decided to be more direct, since the subtle way wasn't working. "chara.. whats wrong... you looked like you seen a ghost when you saw that house..." sans looked back at the burned building then back to chara. "i mean.. you where super happy to talk about it till you almost noticed something about it. does it remind you of something?" Sans seemed to just kind of ignore Frisk, not on purpose. But he wanted to know what was going on with chara right now. She was acting a bit off, "its not like you have to hide it from us.. we're not gonna attack or judge you.." A small tug on sans's line went off and he didn't fight the fish at all, it was obvious he had a fish. Then it was obvious that he lost that fish cause he didn't even try to catch it.
Chara took in a deep breath, trying to get frustrated with Sans. Her face softened a little as she finally turned her attention to him, smiling. "Nothing is wrong, I'm fine, see?" She smiled a little wider. " I just...zoned out. Its an awesome house, very lovely! Now stop over analyzing shit that's not there..."Chara's smile faded, but she didn't look away from him, keeping her eyes locked on his as if she was challenging him to keep going on this subject. The fact was, she felt that she knew this house. But this wasn't their business, any memory she had of her past before she fell she wanted to remain there. What little she recalled, Chara didn't want to talk about. "So how about we let it go Sansy?" It was at this point Frisk caught on and slowly leaned back, feeling the tension between the two.
Sans stared into her eyes, his smile fading too. welp. That proved that something was up, he blinked a couple times staring at her and squinting a little. Sans shrugged like he didn't really care all that much, looking back at the water and just watching it flow over some of the rocks. He stayed quiet and didn't say anything, keeping himself collected.
Even after Sans looked away, Chara kept her eyes on him for a while longer before looking from him and back tot he water. She knew that this wasn't over, though she didn't know what to tell him that she didn't already, well what she wanted. She didn't have a great childhood, and she wasn't going to get all emotional about it. Frisk was a little uneasy about how this outing was going, she knew how Chara could be and didn't want to break the silence between the three of them. Chara stood up with a low groan, walking over to Sans pulling him to his feet. "Why did you pick this place?!" She said, pulling the collar of his jacket, so his face was met with hers. Her eyes started to glow. "How did you know?!"
Sans was just kind of sitting there, nothing was overly exciting at the moment he was just watching the water flow slowly. He was a little annoyed by chara's threats, but he wasn't going to let that get to him too badly. he just focused on fishing, not looking over at chara wanting to wait a bit. Then it kind of seemed out of nowhere that Chara got up, Sans didn't say anything still. Then he was grabbed and brought to his feet, not that it was hard. He weighed next to nothing. She pulled him face to face, Sans took a deep breath while she was talking to him. "chara...... calm down.. you're getting delirious..... ok?.. i didn't plan this... i didn't know that you where going to have a reaction when we came here... ok?" Sans raised an eyebrow and looked deep into those now glowing eyes. He closed his and sighed "you're not thinking straight.. just take a couple deep breaths. calm down a little.." Sans opened his eyes and looked up at her "whatever happened here.. i don't doubt its horrible.. i don't doubt you don't want to think about it.. we can go to another place. we don't have to fish here"
"Okay?....Okay?! No it s not okay! And I'm not fucking crazy!" At this point something had snapped in her brain. " C'mon!" She started to the house, dragging him along. Frisk jumped up running after them. "Chara!? Stop!" Frisk shouted out. "You want a little tour?! Fine! By the way, I tried to burn this fucker to the ground!" She laughed, a little manically. "Needless to say I'm pretty pissed its still standing. But hey, cant win them all, now can we?!" Her pace never slowed, her grip was tight on Sans and she pulled him behind her. She walked around to the back of the house, where a pair of cellar door were. "Here is my room!" she let of Sans and pulled open the doors. "After you...." She growled to him, pointing down into the darkness. Frisk rounded the corner behind them, feeling a little worried about what was going on. The again, she had a feeling this would happen.
Sans was dragged by chara and he didn't resist even a little bit, if this was the way she was going to tell him her story then he was going to listen. He wanted to know and he didn't think chara would have a heart felt moment where she sat with tears in her eyes and told him about what happened. She did before, but now she was a bit paranoid that he was out to get her and make her come back to her old house. Sans looked over at Frisk, he gave her a look like he was telling her not to follow and that he would be fine by himself. She knew from other timelines that she really didn't need to worry about him. Sans looked up at chara, her eyes looking more blood red than ruby red in this moment. He nodded "ok.." he walked down into the darkness, it was slowly becoming darker and darker. Chara knew where he was though, she could see the glowing black dots in the darkness.. and honestly he could tell where she was too, the red eyes where literally glowing right now. Sans pulled out his phone and turned on the flash light so that they could see down here.
Frisk took a few steps back, she was worried for the both of them. Chara glanced at her, daring her to try and do something. When she didn't, a smile came across Chara's face. She followed Sans down. "Homie isn't it?" She asked once she got to the bottom. When Sans lit up the darkness with his phone, she could see that everything was just as she remember, she hated it, hated them. She walked around, there on the wall was shackles that still hung, a lot lower than she recalled. Chara walked over to them, sitting down on the dirty ground under them. Looking up she could see the floorboards of the house above them. Flashes came to her making her shudder. "I had a older brother, I never really saw him, but I heard him. playing, laughing, being loved. I wasn't aloud to make a sound. Not until the demon was gone." She laughed shaking her head. "Abrenuntias satanae? Do you know how many times I was asked that? It was the first thing my father would ask when he came down here." She hugged her knees to her chest. Slowly the rage leaving her face. "They tried to save me from the evil that lived in me. They wanted to help."
Sans watched her go up against the wall and sit down looking up, he couldn't help but feel horrible for her. Just watching, he saw her rage leave. She was starting to come back, Sans walked over to her very slowly. His phone put down on the floor so that both of them could see each other. He noticed her red eyes were starting to lose their glow. Starting to simmer down a bit. He sat down, next to her and looked at her. "chara. you're not a demon.. you never where..." Sans very slowly moved his hand to hers, interlocking the fingers and holding her there a little tight. "maybe they thought they were trying to help you.. maybe they were sadistic.. i don't know.. i really don't.... but i do know. that you're not even close to what they thought you were.." sans moved slightly closer, his face getting closer to hers with a weak understanding smile. "there is no evil inside you.. i promise.... there's no evil......."
"I didn't fall Sans..." She slowly looked at him, her hand tightening around his. "...I was thrown. They thought I died after they tried to hang me. Though I did set the house on fire." she laughed "I was to 'impure' to be buried. so they threw me down the hole that lead me underground. I remember hearing them, arguing about what to do about me. I tried to move, to beg. I was still alive. Not that it would have mattered, they would have tried another way to kill me. I tried to kill them. You know, My first thought when I saw this place? Is that there is a chance that I still some how have family out there...and I want my revenge. I want to hunt all them down. Make them pay for what they did to me! I turned into the monster they thought I was. And I know its possible. I could find my blood line and take them out, easily. It would be fun, tell them what their ancestors did. How they must suffer for their sins." Chara smiled at the thought. "No Sans...I am evil. You asked me what I did to make you hate me...I killed him...I killed your brother. More times than I could count. The thing is, I like it." Her grip tighten more on his hand, just incase he tried to pull away. "I miss that power...I want it back..."A dark grin formed on her face as she stared at Sans.
She gripped his hand and held onto him Saying what she wanted to say "to what point... whats your end goal... kill everyone.. over and over?... sounds boring... sounds predictable.." Sans was getting a little nervous He heard about how she killed papyrus and he just let out a slow sigh. "chara... i'm sorry to say this..... but you can never have that power ever again... heh heh heh..." sans shook his head "you're a monster... if... you try to kill anyone... heh heh.. well.... frisk was a child when she fell into the underground.. and she was able to defeat fully grown monsters with ease..... you're as useless and as powerless as every other monster" Sans winked and looked at her with a bit of a smile. He could tell something was wrong with her soul, she was probably trying to repress her feelings again. Pushing them down too hard and becoming what she once was "chara... please.. i'm here to help.. but you need to let me help you.. you need to..." Sans sighed "get over it." He said almost in a defeated tone.
Chara stared at him for a moment before leaning closer to him "You made sure of that didn't you? What if I am a boss monster? Then what, who could stop me?" Her eyes narrowed, her hand trembling as she had a death grip on his now. "Frisk killed them? No, I did! I killed them all, then she reset, every damn time! No Sans, I don't want to kill everyone, just the few. How dare you tell me to get over it?! I wont! Never!" She got to her knees, reaching over taking ahold of his other hand bringing it around up the back of her shirt so he could feel the scars. "I know you seen them, felt them. They are a constant reminder of why I have to kill them." She sighed, leaning further in to him, laying her head in his shoulder. "I used to look forward to my father coming down her, the thought of getting any sort of attention meant the world to me. I hated and loved him." Chara buried her face into his neck. "You made me pay for my sins so many times, why shouldn't they?"
Chara seemed to almost swing between not having emotions and having them. Sans sighed as she leaned on him, her scars easy to feel. Deep indents on her back, he shook his head slowly. "chara..." He remembered some of the timelines where frisk did kill family and friends.. he started to remember the other timeline, hearing about everyone being killed did seem to jog his memory.. he remembered... everything frisk did.. everything chara did... everything he did. His eyes went black, it seemed that he tried to forget about them. His hands slowly moved to her shoulders and he was just thinking " I F Y O U T R Y T O H U R T A N Y O N E . I ' L L M A K E S U R E Y O U S T A Y D O W N H E R E ." He whispered in an almost ghostly tone, it seemed like he couldn't control himself.. and it was so quiet and sounded nothing like him. But she knew it was his voice, she's heard it before... He threatened them before. Then his eyes quickly came back, blinking a couple times he slowly wrapped his arms around her slowly. He almost couldn't believe that he said that, usually he had good self control.. but for that moment it kind of lost him. It was really quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "violence isn't the answer..." He muttered under his breath, almost like he was trying to remind himself instead of telling chara.
Chara felt his hand on her shoulders. Pulling away, she froze hearing his dark voice in her ear. It was a tone she has not hear in a very long time. That was when she knew she went to far, she couldn't move. It wasn't just the tone, it was the fact that he threaten to keep her in the same hole that she had nightmares about the first night she was brought back. Knowing that he could find a way to make it happen. She flinched a as he arms wrapped around her. Giving in she melted into him. The tears she had been fighting flooded out, sobbing into his chest. "P-please, don't! I'm sorry! I'm not a good person, I know this! Just don't leave me here. I promise I'm trying! I'll be good, just don't leave me down here again!" she said choking between sobs, clinging onto him as if her life depended on it, and right now she thought it might. She began chanting to him in a whisper. "Pater parce mihi, quia peccavi. (Father forgive me, for I have sinned.)" Over and over. Her mind going back to being that of a child, shivering in his arms.
Sans felt her push into her chest, shivering hard and repeating the same thing over and over again. He went way to far, but it.. it did break her out of her evil wants. He hugged her tight and looked down feeling a bit horrible, he knew that he needed to keep her from hurting anyone till she was fully reformed but.. This was not the way to do it Sans hugged tighter and caressed her hair. He didn't know what she was saying but he pushed his mouth into her hair slowly "calm down.. calm down.. i won't leave you hear... i won't... i promise.. i.... i'm sorry, i'm so sorry i said that.." He just caressed her hair slowly, holding onto her and kissing the top of her head. He didn't want to make her cry "you are a good person.. chara.. you're a good person.. you need to realize this... you're not a demon.. you're not what your father said you where. You're a funny, charming, beautiful girl.. i would never leave you down here. I promise.. " he laid back a bit, letting her lay on him while he was up against a wall. He wasn't exactly sure what else to say, but it was all true what he said. His hand running through his hair, his hug pulling her in more.
Chara slowly began to relax in his arms, feeling his hold on her tighten, and his caressing her hair and hot mouth against her head. She stopped repeating her words that she remembered saying each time after the sting of a the whip across her back. But her crying only got worse hearing Sans praise her, as if she was a descent person, and that hurt because she didn't feel that she was, there was too much blood on her hands to ever be called such kind things. "I'm not Sans, you should leave me here, its what I deserve. I deserved everything I ever got in my life. My father saw who I really was. You said it yourself no human has eyes line mine. That has to mean something! I was a mistake." As much as she wanted to pull away from him, say something malicious at him, she couldn't. Being in his arms right now and feeling him this close felt so nice. Chara lost the energy to cry anymore, she closed her eyes, laying her head on his chest. "Don't leave me, I love you..." She begged, though Sans already promised not to leave her here. But his threat echoed in her head.
Sans wasn't going to leave her, obviously. He couldn't do that to her. He didn't think she was responsible for her actions, but she would need time to realize that she isn't who she was.. that her actions where caused because of her damaged soul. He kissed the top of her head "i won't leave you here... never.. i won't.." sans pulled away just a bit, taking her chin and making her look deep into his eyes with a warm loving smile. "your eyes?... they're beautiful... they're as unique as you chara... and" he took her hand, the one that had the bracelet on it. Taking it and lifting her hand a bit, showing off this bracelet "you see these rubies?.. they're as beautiful.. and as precious as your eyes... as you are.." he looked back up into her eyes, almost getting lost in them. Smiling warmly "if you ever think that your eyes are a curse.. or... a reason why you're bad.. look at how amazing these rubies are.. remind yourself that you're special.. because you are" He smiled even warmer somehow. His head tilting a bit, "i love you.. i really do.. you where as far from a mistake as possible.." Sans's hand moved to her cheek and he placed his palm gently there. Feeling her warm cheeks "your cute blushing cheeks..." she seemed to always have little pink circles around her cheeks, like she was constantly blushing. "honestly.. would i bring someone back from the grave if i thought they were a mistake? heh heh heh"
Chara laid on his chest till Sans lifted her head to look at him. Again he spilled out kind words about her, making her feel a mix of happiness and pain. She looked into his eyes, the way he looked at her, proved that he thought he thought she was all he said. Again, it hurt her to see him look at her with such kind loving eyes. Chara wanted to be better for him, and for Frisk. Because they both deserve good things in their lives, and since now she was apart of them, she had to try harder. To fight back these urges, she be a good. Finally, she smiled at him. The one monster she thought she hated the most, was the one that she wanted to make happy. " You brought me back because you like my kind of trouble~" That flirty, playful tone was back. She gave a weak laugh, then leaned into him, pressing her lips against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck making sure he stayed with her. Chara did love him, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, or Frisk. Though right now, it was just him. Being in his arm, and kissing him lovingly.
Holding onto her there was like magic for these couple of minutes, he could see it in her eyes that she was coming back. her ruby eyes starting to glisten and twinkle in the harsh phone light. Seeing her face go back to being warm and loving was all Sans needed to smile again, then she flirted and teased him. A wide smile on his face, "you're right~.. i can't live without at least a little trouble" he winked and went into the kiss the same way she did. His hands moving to the middle of her back, his hands very gently gripping her clothes. It was almost like he thought she was going to float away. His head tilting a bit, feeling her warm soft lips against his. A smile on his face and leaning into the kiss a lot more. "mmmmnn~" He gently moaned, his hands rubbing up and down her back. They kissed for a moment, then he slowly pulled away hugging her and resting the side of his head against hers "i'm so happy you're here... and so is frisk.. so is everyone.. i'm glad you told me about this place.. i.. won't ever bring you girls back here.. unless you want me too, sometimes going back to places that hurt can help you heal.. it can help you get better" Sans smiled and hugged tighter "i love you chara" he whispred as he slowly closed his eyes. Kissing her cheek and cuddling her.
Chara closed her eyes as Sans hands rubbed up and down her back. Being there with him in this moment felt as if she wasn't in this childhood hell hole, but just with him. Then hearing him moan, made her heart flutter. It was a good thing he was holding her the way he was, because she felt she might float away. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies closer together. Apart of her wanted to whine when he pulled away. Listening to him talk to her, she could tell that he cared about her deeply. Chara still couldn't understand how or why, but she loved that Sans did. The way he held her, and whispered that he loved her in her ear, made Chara shiver with joy. She never wanted a day to go by without being in his arms or hearing those word again. " I love you, Sans..." A tear fell from her eye. She was so happy, and wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. After a few minutes she sighed. "I guess I kinda freaked Frisk out, we should go and let her know that everything is okay, for now. I promise, I will try to be a better person. But this was the reason I wanted to stay with you, I still don't trust myself. And we still don't know what type of magic I have. I'm not sure if I want to know."
Sans held onto her, his head starting to feel light as he nuzzled into her hair. He felt like he needed to protect chara from whatever was going to happen, either from her or from anyone else. He smiled and held onto her, then she started talking. "love you too chara" he whispered, he didn't feel her tear of joy but he could hear it in her voice that she was a mix of too many emotions. He smiled and held onto her "yeah... i think you really did freak her out heh heh.. she's just.. worried about you, and me.. you're already holding up that promise perfectly, you've improved so much heh heh.. ask frisk.. she knew you most of your life and she knows just how nice you've become and how much you've changed." he smiled at her and looked into her eyes "progress no matter how small.. is still progress.. and just you being here makes you one of the strongest people i know.. heh" he slowly stood up, his arm around her helping her up. He picked his phone up and walked out of the cellar with his arm around her neck, holding onto her close. Seeing the sun flash into his eyes was a hard thing to see after being in that cellar, it was darker than black down there and the sun was so nice on their skin and bones. Sans saw frisk and smiled at her, like everything was alright.
Nodding, Chara stood with Sans, allowing him to help her. She needed it, her legs felt weak from the rush of emotions that she went through since getting to the fishing spot. With his arm around her neck, she wrapped hers around his chest, walking to the exit. Once the sun hit her face, she squinted from the brightness. She had forgotten just how dark it was down there. Frisk gave a deep sigh of relief seeing them again, both unharmed. Though if scuffle did happen she would have heard it. She waited long enough for them to get readjusted outside the cellar before rushing to them. Hugging the both of them tightly. "I so sorry Chara!" Now it was Frisks turn to cry, she didn't know what they talked about. But the way Chara was acting, and referring to that dark hole as 'her room' she could only imagine what horrors Chara had to endure as a child. "Everything will be alright... You're going to be okay..." She whispered to Chara, letting her know that she was there for her. At first, Frisk was a little angered by the way she was talking to Sans and how she handled him. But while they were down there, she had time to think. And it wasn't Chara's fault, or Sans. It was just something that happened. Chara rested her head on Frisks shoulder. "Can we go now...?" She asked, to the both of them.
Sans watched frisk almost break down from just her thoughts alone, he was so thankful that she had time to think about the whole situation and how understanding Frisk was. Sans just let Chara and Frisk hug it out, they where calm and gentle right now. He wrapped his arms around both of them and just hugged for a couple minutes. Chara started talking in very hushed tones that made him nod "yeah... we really should... heh... lets go shopping, try to take our minds off of this.. and next time we go fishing, i promise it will be at the beach, near the ocean.." He smiled and kissed charas forehead before kissing Frisks. Everyone was a bit shaken up by this whole situation and Sans calmly held them. Everything went black for a moment, then when the light came back they where standing inside of some women's cloth store, filled with plenty of clothes and different styles.. They seemed to have everything here, stuff that grandmothers would wear, goths, normal humans with jobs... and everything in between. Not many people were in the shop and Sans slowly let go, his hands moving down to both of their hands. Interlocking them with the two of them "now... buy whatever you want.. my treat" sans winked and chuckled.
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