Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans was glad frisk didn't shoot the gun, it was a lot better to keep things simple for papyrus. He loved to overgeneralize and over think things, to the point of exhaustion. "uh... then by the power of friendship.. she was brought back.. heh heh... she just needed a little more love and she came right back from the grave" Sans smiled and nodded at his explination, it was good enough for papyrus. "Oh!! That's really cool!! I love that!" he smiled and turned to frisk "So?! She was Toriels daughter!? But.. Shes a human!!" Sans shrugged "adopted child... also.. floweys back.. just uh... to let you know paps" Papyrus's face light up and his smile grew twice as large "R-Really!? That.. He's back!!!" he looked so overjoyed "I need to see him!"
Frisk knew that Sans would think of something, she hated lying. But then again, it was too far from the truth. If it wasn't for Frisk and Sans seeing more in Chara and wanting to help, then none of that would have happened. "Yeah, it really is cool, and in return, I have a sister now." Frisk felt bad but she almost forgot about Asriel. "He is living with mom and dad. I heard you guys were good friends, so he will be very happy to see you again too!" The thought of Asriel being friends with Papyrus made her very happy, and she knew that Asriel would need a friend like Papyrus, and the same for him. Everything was working out wonderfully. "I'm sure they wont mind you coming by and seeing him, but I think they left for go out of town today...Btu when they come back you should visit them. Oh, by the way, while were are here I would like to get some flowers for a friend. " She looked at Sans and smiled. "Don't you think Chara would like some? I'm sure it will make her feel better."
Papyrus was really excited to hear that Flowey was back, he was such good friends with him! Or so he remembered, Papyrus was easily influenced. But he really didn't mind. Papyrus heard about flowers and he quickly pulled out a bunch of flowers all different kinds and sizes "Here! No charge Frisk! She helped Sans!! This will be a great way of saying thank you!" Papyrus seemed rather happy about it. Sans looked at the flowers then looked at frisk "i have a bit of a surprise for her.. don't worry.. i have my own thing.. heh heh.." He had to think about what would be a good surprise for Frisk too, he had some ideas His best idea was well.. he couldn't if he wanted too. he wanted to give her his jacket, but Chara showed that she loved it too. so he would have to let them share it, get Frisk something a little more personal and different.
"I really don't mind paying, doesn't feel right for you to just give them to me like this." Frisk stared wide eyed at the bouquet, taking it into her arms. Smiling she inhaled the sweet sent of the flowers in her hands. "They are really beautiful...Thank you Papyrus." She reached up and lightly tugged him down, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You really are a dear friend." She turned to Sans with a big smile, hearing his comment about a 'surprise' that he had for her. Remembering, the conversation this morning about him deflowering them made her blush. She giggled a little at the thought. "What do you think Sans, think Chara will like these?" Frisk knew Chara was a bit rough around the edges still, but what girl wouldn't like flowers like these.
Papyrus was pulled down and a kiss on his cheek, his cheeks went red and he giggled a little. More shocked than anything "th.. thank you Frisk!! But you really didn't have to! I want to give you these flowers! Now quickly bring them to.... Chara? It will make her feel better sooner!!" He smiled and looked at Sans. Sans smiled and looked over at Frisk "she'll think they're lovely.. Thanks bro.. keep being the same awsome guy you are" He smiled and walked over to the exit, holding the door open for her. "now.. lets head over to Chara.. she'll want her presents heh heh" Sans smiled and Papyrus waved quickly.
Frisk started to the door and turned to wave to Papyrus. "Thanks again, I'll let her know that you picked the flowers just for her." After that she left, again she smelled the flowers as they walked down the side walk. "That was really nice of him, he didn't have to just give them to me though." She said with a smile, "So, what is this gift you have for her?" Frisk figured it wasn't what she thought before, she didn't think Sans would be in that much of a rush after last night. She knew she wasn't, she liked the idea of the time being just right. Taking the flowers into one arm, she reached over and took his hand in hers, interlocking their fingers. Blushing she looked at him. "You don't mind...do you?" She asked, glancing down at their hands,
Frisk asked what he got her and he wasn't sure if he should ruin the surprise. "well..... we'll see her soon" He smiled wide, it was gonna be a cool present non the less "She'll love it.. now i just need to think of a gift for you heh heh" She took his hand and interlocked the fingers "of course i don't mind.." Sans held onto her hand more and then leaned up and kissed her on the cheek with a smirk. "would someone who minded do that?~" Teasing her just a bit, walking over to his house he opened the door. it was unlocked, and then he walked up the stairs with frisk. Making sure to be close to her, he looked pretty happy. He knocked on his door slowly "chara?.. you awake?" Sans reached into his pocket. Getting his present ready for her.
Frisk giggled, her face becoming more red. "No, I guess not..."shaking her head, the was nice. Of course they got a few looks, but she didn't care. She was so happy in her own little world that she didn't even notice when they got back to Sans house. Walking in, she followed him upstairs, smiling at the flowers, getting excited to give them to Chara. "...no..." Chara said from inside the room, knowing she wasn't fooling them, but she thought it was funny. She was curled up in the middle of his bed, the covers over her head. They weren't gone for as long as she thought they would be.
Sans smirked at Frisk and then opened his door, just peeking his face through and looking at her with a big smile. "heyo. we have a couple things that might cheer you up chara.." He kept smiling, looking back to frisk he opened the door all the way. Showing the large bundle of flowers Frisk was holding, Sans smiled and then walked into the room with Frisk. "you look better laying down.. not as exhausted heh heh" Sans chuckled and then looked down to his pocket. "and uh.. here I got you this" Sans pulled out a small Ruby Bracelet Sans looked like he was a little impressed showing it off to her, he couldn't help but smile. "frisk and i wanted to show you just how much we care for you.." he looked over to frisk "right frisk?"
Hearing the door open, Chara peeked her head from under the covers. A little confused. Did she need cheering up? Did she seem sad? When Sans opened the door a little more, she saw Frisk standing there with a large bouquet of flowers. Frisk smiled kindly to her, walking further in and handing Chara the flowers. Chara sat up a little taking them from Frisk. "Papyrus picked these out for you, he want thank you for helping with Sans when he got hurt the other day." Frisk said sitting on the side of the bed next to her. Then she looked around Sans room, this was the first time she had ever been in his room, she was a little shocked at the state it was in. Though not all that surprised. Both the girls turned their attention to Sans, reaching into his pocket pulling out a beautiful bracelet for Chara. In a way it reminded Chara of what her soul looked like now, the red with the white from Sans soul holding her together. Chara was speechless for a moment, then she laughed a little. "I'm not dying again am I?" Frisk giggled, and shook her head. "No, this is what people do for the ones they care deeply for. And we do care about you Chara." Chara smiled and looked between the two of them, holding the flowers close to her chest. Frisk took the bracelet from Sans, then clasped it around Chara's left wrist. Chara watched as she did this. "Its pretty...Thank you. Both of you..."
Sans let out a bit of a laugh when she asked if she was dying "i hope not... i tried really hard to keep you from being dead... hate to see all that work undone" he winked and frisk took the bracelet from her. Putting it on her wrist, it really did look like her eyes. Her jewelry the same color. Ruby red, Sans knew it was the perfect gift. The room got quiet, Chara seemed more than thankful about the gift. He shrugged and looked the other way "eh.. its really no big deal.. heh heh, now you and i need to get a gift for frisk" Sans smiled and looked at chara, basically saying they needed to spend time together the same way he and frisk did.
"yeah.. we care about you a lot. We want to both show you how much we care... you deserve it" He put his hand on her shoulder with a sweet caring smile. Sans looked back at Frisk, "well.. i think we should leave her sleep now.. unless" Turning back to chara "you want something to eat? some bread and ginger ale can help your stomach feel better.." Trying to be as helpful as he possibly could. Not that he didn't do a good job already.
"Nah, I would just haunt the both of you. Seems like I don't know how to die." she laughed, sitting up so her back was on the headboard. Nodding, she thought about what sort of gift she could give Frisk. "Yeah, I think Frisk deserves gifts like these more than me. I mean she is the hero, I was the villain for the longest time." Chara smiled up to Sans feeling his hand on her shoulder. "And I'm feeling a little better, guess I just needed a little more sleep is all." She really was feeling better, though her hair was a mess again. "How about, I help you with a shower. That will also help, then we can eat." Frisk offered, Chara had see Frisk shower so many times. It always looked relaxing. "Sure, I think I can manage myself." Chara said smiling to her. "I'm not saying for me to join you in a shower. Just to help if you needed." Frisk looked to Sans. " You don't mind if I let Chara steal your shower, though since she is living with you...I guess its also hers."
Sans chuckled "yeah.. she's allowed to use my shower.. of course she can.. and showers are super nice, helps you clear your head when you're hung over.. so don't worry 'bout it.." Sans stretched his back "i'm sure she knows how to work a shower.. she's probably seen you do it hundreds of times.. we could go and get burgers while shes showering.. then come back and relax.. or.. we could go fishing.. i think fishing is a great thing to do when you need to relax.. helps me anyways.. what do you gals think? sit around? or go fishing.... heh heh... maybe an early night.. well, definitely an early night."
Chara nodded and agreeing with Sans. " Yeah, I'm a big girl. I can clean myself." Frisk laughed "Alright, alright. I get it. I think I'm turning into my mother..." She sighed and stood up from the bed. "It is a beautiful day, so lets do it!" Frisk said with excitement. "Sure, why not. Think I have sat around enough." Chara added, pulling the covers from her body, stretching with a small yawn. "I shower, you guys get food. Then we go fishing..." Setting the flowers on the bed side table she stood up. "Be right back. "Frisk said as she left the room. Chara watched her leave and then turned to Sans. "So, I now have a creepy Uncle and a mommy sister?" She said with a laugh, "What does that make me? Ya'lls pet?" She said with another stretch.
Frisk was so excited to leave she left sans in the room with chara, not a bad thing just that they probably weren't going anywhere without sans. Sans laughed at the question "Well... yeah... creepy uncle, mommy sister.. and the house pet, ruby" He winked and looked down at her wrist "now we just need to get something pretty for Frisk... then we're all done. Hmmmm... i think...I'll get her something like an emerald necklace... maybe a red heart necklace.. showing her determination and her soul" sans smiled "what do you think?... ans what are you gonna get her?"
Chara laughed "Yeah, now all I need are some tags to tell people who to call if I get lost!" She sighed, and thought, she hasn't ever really given a gift before, she thought back on what other people gave her in the past. Her fingers idly played with her bracelet. "I like your idea's, what you got me is wonderful. In fact, its almost too beautiful for me really." She shrugged, then her face lit up. "I know! I always see her look at these types of dresses when she goes shopping! Maybe I can get her one!" She smiled proudly at her idea. "When we go shopping I'll find her one while you go find her necklace." Just then Frisk walked back into Sans room, holding a small bag, she handed it to Chara. "Here, you will need all this for your shower." Chara opened the bag and her eyes went wide. "...all of this?" Frisk nodded.
Chara said she really liked the bracelet and sans smiled, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "nah... if anything its not beautiful enough.. i mean.. if i'm trying to match your beauty.. i'm doing a horrible job with the bracelet" He chuckled and winked. Sans thought the dress idea was perfect, he like the idea of frisk getting two pretty things for gifts. then he shrugged and nodded "she'll love it.. i know.. especially if its from you chara.. she really loves you a lot.. we both do" Sans smiled and then Frisk came back inside, handing Chara a bag full of cleaning supplies. Then he looked over at the bag and laughed a little. "nah.. you won't need all of that... you just need...." Sans pulls out the shampoo, the soap and the conditioner "the rest is just for more.. luxuary stuff.. you don't really need all that.. Frisk is just concerned is all" Sans smiles at frisk and chuckles, she really was like Toriel.... It was nice... Sans like that a lot actually. "so.. go take a shower you gross garbage child" Winking and teasing her, it was tons of fun.
Chara blushed a little at Sans comment, now one has ever called her beautiful. But he really seemed to make her feel that maybe she was, though she doesn't see it. Frisk came in before she had a chance to say anything back. Chara took the bottles Sans pulled out and smiled. "But what about th-" Frisk started to protest reaching for the bag to pull something else out, Chara held her hand up to stop her. "One step at a time Frisky. Next time we will try using uhhh..." She pulled out a blue bottle. "...This..." Frisk narrowed her eyes and sighed. "Thats mouth wash..." Frisk said, trying not to laugh. "Oh, well I guess I should use this? I'll figure it out!" Chara said before looking to Sans smirking. "Takes one to know one~" in reply to his 'garbage child' remark. " Time for the house pets first bath." Chara laughed, leaning into Sans, licking his forehead. Walking out she stopped at Frisk, taking ahold of her chin, licking Frisks cheek. Making barking sounds as she left for the bathroom. Frisk was left dumbfounded, looking to Sans " What was that all about? You sure she is...you know, all there?" She said pointing to her head before wiping her cheek where Chara licked her.
Sans felt the lick and he also looked a little shocked before she ran off, he just started laughing. He shrugged to Frisk when she asked that "no idea... i think she's crazy.. but that's just my theory" Sans winked and started walking out chuckling still, wiping his cheek and walking downstairs. The shower was heard inside the whole house "heh heh.. if you want the truth.. she said that i was a creepy uncle, you where a mommy sister.. and she's the house pet.. heh heh heh, so she's just playing along with that" sans chuckled and kept walking, opening the door to outside "lets get some burgs... she won't take long in the shower... maybe? she might enjoy it so much she won't leave heh heh"
Following Sans out of his room she glanced down the hall when she heard the shower come on. Laughing Frisk shook her head. "I can tell that there isn't going to be a dull moment with you two around. I mean that in a good way." Frisk was about to express her concern about leaving Chara alone in the shower. What if she falls and hurts herself? Then she heard more of the reason for Chara actions and laughed out. She really was the mom in all this. Though she didn't see Sans as a creepy uncle, if anything he was the more grounded of the three of them. Frisk knew that she stressed over the little things. But the more she was around him, she found herself more calm, and relax. Chara on the other hand, she was still a bit of a loose cannon, she seemed alright now. Frisk wanted to think that Chara was a completely normal girl at one point. The concern that something might make Chara snap still lingered in the back of her mind. Again, with Sans around she knew that everything would be okay. "Maybe you should have gotten her a collar." Frisk laughed jokingly, following Sans out the door. She hoped that they were going to Grillby's.
Sans listened to frisk and smiled a bit. "If I got her a collar I'd need to take her out for walks... and play fetch with her... no thank you heh heh, there's a reason we don't have a dog.." sans chuckled and they started walking to grillbyz new bar. Sans walked a bit slouched like normal... it was odd to think after everything that's happened... he still hasn't changed... time, new people. Two girlfriends... nothing seemed to change his behaviour, it was curious to say the least. Put it was still a decent walk away to the bar, they had some time to kill ans ask questions. Sans was preoccupied though, thinking of something nice he could get frisk as a present.
Frisk couldn't help but laugh at the idea of it all, Chara playing fetch and taking her for walks. " Lucky for you, Chara is some what house trained." Frisk chuckled. they both walked silently for while when she noticed Sans deep in thought. Clearing her throat she broke the silence between them. "A lot has changed since last night, huh? Must say, I heard of many guys who cant even get one girlfriend and you have two. Also, might I add, I never thought I would be alright with sharing you like this, or doing what we did last night. But I like how all this worked out." She said smiling happily as they walked down the sidewalk. " How about you? Are you okay with all this? Because you told me while you were injured that you were not ready to date. What changed?"
Sans looked up at her and she asked some questions that made him a bit shocked. he looked the other way and thought for a moment, really needing to think about this one. "i... never said i was injured.. i never was injured" He said almost uncharacteristically, he was being a bit defensive about it.. very strange from how he usually acts. "i.. i just.... well... heh...." He seemed like he wasn't sure how to answer that, then he just turned to frisk and smiled, it seemed a bit false. Like it was the smile he wore in the underground, able to trick many people. "i guess you and chara changed my mind" he winked and then kept walking forward staring ahead.
Frisk hummed to her self and nodded, not convinced by his answers. "Right, so Chara called me after the 'lawnmower' explosion frantic, making me rush over to heal you over nothing?! Oh then there was the lying to my parents that you needed more healing because what I did wasn't enough!" Frisk sighed, realizing she was getting a little frustrated. "Look, if you didn't want to answer the question then just say so. You are my best friend and boyfriend. You keep your cards close to your chest and I understand. But this....faking does not work with me. I know you, I love you. I glad you changed your mind." Frisk didn't want to fight him on this, but she did wish Sans would trust her more. Because she trusts him more than anyone she knows. "I know, I'm a hypocrite. I keep Chara away from everyone. Sorry...I shouldn't have said those things about you keeping secrets.."
Sans didn't realize how good she was at reading liars... "i uh... wasn't sure if you would catch me lying if im honest.. i uh.... probably cause you work with politicians right" Sans winked, trying his best to add some comedy to the scene. "i.... frisk......" sans let out a long sigh, he could understand her frustration "i'm not angry.. its not your fault.. it really isn't.. i promise" Sans looked at her, he was serious "if.. if you really want my honest answer.. no bullshit.. not lies" Sans said a bit honestly "i care about both of you, a lot... i can't hide that when i'm drunk.. but..... i... i'm with the both of you to keep you both happy.. i like keeping you two happy and.. i... heh.. i don't know... its hard to say stuff like this.." he wasn't sure what to say, "i.. don't want you to run off upset and angry.. i've done that to you too much.." he took her hand and stopped walking looking up at her with a smile. "i just.... i......... heh.... man... i don't know.. i want to be happy with the two of you.. i really want to. but.. i'm not.. is.. is that weird" he looked up at her, almost like he was lost. Almost like he was afraid, just slightly. She could see it in his eyes. "i mean.. don't get me wrong!" Looking away and thinking a bit "i love being around you two.. you make me laugh and smile, and i really like it.. but.... i'm....... i'm not truly h-.. happy......" he couldn't bare to look her in the eyes.
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