Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk walked with him, listening to everything her had to say though it was hard to process. When she noticed he stopped she stopped also, looking at him though he was avoiding looking at her. This was the most honest Frisk had ever seen him. She felt that maybe she should have been hurt, but she wasn't. She just smiled at him, then wrapped her arms around him, pulling Sans into a hug. " I love being around you too Sans, and I love you. If you think all this is too much...then I understand. I have waited this long for you, I will wait a little longer if I have to. I need to be more understanding of your feelings, and I sorry I didn't think about them till now. I'm not sure why you're not happy, and you don't need to tell me right now if you don't want to. But I'm here for you, no matter what." She gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead and pulled away slightly to look at his face. "Just also know that I think you are the best monster I have ever known. I promise, I wont run away from you anymore, it was selfish of me to have done that in the first place..." She place a hand on his cheek, pulling his face up to meet hers. "How about we go get our pet some food before she starts wrecking your house?" Her smile was kind and loving. Knowing that right now she was being rather intimate with him in the middle of the sidewalk. She didn't care, all that mattered was him right now, and making sure he knew she was alright, and that he was important.
Sans was kind of surprised how well she took him saying all of that. Being pulled into a hug and given some attention felt nice, he smiled warmly and wrapped his hands around her waist. "i... i think i need to be more open with you.. you and chara.. i need to... say things i've never told anyone.. it..... it might help" sans said not sure if he should, but he was glad that this was taken so seriously and in a happy way. "but yeah.. heh heh heh, we should go get some food. don't want to make her starve" he smiled and started walking, feeling a decent amount of weight off of his shoulders. he hadn't felt like this in a long long time, walking with a little bit of a stride they made it to grillyz. Sans ordered some food, had a quick chat and they where out of there as fast as they arrived. Sans smiled at frisk "gonna be good.. grillby always has the best grub"
"You can open up to me and Chara when you are ready, I know will always be here for you. Just, don't lie to me Sans, I can handle if there is something you don't want to talk about. Or rather, I will be better at it." smiling to him she released him as they finished their walk to Grillby's. " You know, the first time we went out to lunch when I got back, I swore you were going to take me here." She thought back at the first time Sans took her to Grillby's underground when she was a child. She was so nervous then. "Yeah, I remember. I also remember you tricking me with a ketchup bottle....' She grinned at him. "In fact, you were the only monster underground that made me laugh like that, You still are...though Chara is coming close, mostly when she isn't trying to make me." She laughed back at her at interaction with Chara, rubbing her cheek again where she licked her.
Sans kind of sighed and looked away slowly "i know i know.. i can open up to you two.... i just......." he just kind of stopped and let her talk, listening to her with a smile. Sans laughed a bit at her story "hey.. that's not true... papyrus can make you laugh too" sans winked and they slowly walked home, sans grabbed her hand and interlocked the fingers. Walking at a slow and enjoyable pace for the two of them, "but yeah.." Sans wasn't on the same thought pattern that she was on, just more of him wondering if he should tell them or not.. maybe.. he could tell them.. but.. "frisk.. i uh.. i was wondering.. well, i played this game with chara. i tell you a secret and then you tell me.. you're not allowed to lie.. and.... it helps me talk.. so.... you go first.. if you want to know something.. what is it?" sans looked up at her with a glimmer in his eyes
"Of course he does." Frisk nodded ad laugh. "But when you make me laugh, I feel like I'm floating." She knew that sounded a little cheesy, but it was true. Her fingers took hold of Sans, locking them with his. "Sounds to me like a normal conversation to me. But I will play with you." Their walk slowly down the sidewalk, she thought about what to ask, and wondered what he would ask. As far as she knew, she never kept anything from him, she had always been pretty open. Finally she looked at him, knowing her first question. " Why are you so unhappy?" She asked, she had a whole line up of questions for him, and knew they didn't have a lot of time to talk like this before they got back to his house. Hoping that what was making him sad, was something she could fix for him. She always had a feeling that there was something eating at him, thinking that it was because he remembered what she did underground. But he claimed to not remember any of it.
She told him it was just a normal conversation and he kind of was taken back by that.. he almost forgot that most people don't lie all the time.. he shook his head a little, then looked up at her hearing her question. "i.... frisk heh heh... that's...... well... i........." he looked almost confused by the question "i don't know... i'm not exactly sure.. i could... i honestly don't know where to start" it told her a lot more than she needed to know, from that alone she could tell that it wasn't her that ate him up. "i uh.... i'll keep it simple.. for now.. i..... i'll tell you one thing that eats me up.." he sighed and hold on a little tighter "i want to see my parents and family again.. all of them.."
The was Sans seem to hesitate giving her an answer, she was sure that he was about to lie of brush it off. Feeling his hand tighten around hers, Frisk could tell that he was hurting. "Oh, you never talk about your family before now. You have your brother, that more than most have. Chara, if she was right about the year she came from, I'm sure they are long gone. I assumed that once mine saw me on TV, they would want me. I sure you know that didn't happen. That's okay, I have my family, my real family right here. You all may not be blood, or the same race as me. But that doesn't mean the love that we all share for each other isn't real, or that we all wouldn't do what we can for each other." Frisk sighed and stopped, keeping a hold of his hand causing him to stop with her. " What happened to them? "
Sans sighed "well... its uh.. its my turn now" he smiled at her, not going to go too in detail "and.. if.. if you don't mind... i.. would rather talk about this subject.. in a more.. private area.. y'know? maybe later at night.. right now seems.. too out in the open" sans felt like people where listening to him, but the main reason he didn't want to tell her yet was because he knew that it wouldn't take long for them to walk home. He didn't want to open up only to have to cut it short and stop because they needed to have a fun time. Sans smiled up at her "why did you fall into the underground?.. what was your reason? i promise.. i'll explain later.. when we're alone.. maybe..... maybe i'll tell you and chara what happened.."
Frisk understood, Sans was always privet. He was always a mysterious monster, it was one of the reason she was drawn to him. smiling she started walking slowly again with him down the sidewalk. "Sure, no problem." When he asked his question and laughed a little. " Well, I didn't do on porpoise. I was camping with my dad, step mother and step brother. I remember not wanting to go, but my mom made my dad take me with them." she had to think for a minute, it all happened so long ago, and it wasn't anything she really thought back on. " I think, I felt unwanted. So, I want off by myself. just to be alone for a while. That's when I saw the entrance, I got curious and got to close. That's when I fell." She smiled at him, lightly nudging her shoulder against his. "So I don't have a more exciting story to tell. It doesn't matter if they didn't want me like I thought. I think I got the better in of the deal. I got to meet mom, you, Papyrus. Even Chara, though I didn't know then that she would end up being a friend. I lost my human family the day I fell. But I have a monster family and friends that are the best anyone could ever ask for. So I'm happy."
Sans thought about what she said and held on a little tighter to her hand. "and... they... never came looking for you? even when you became the ambassador? they knew it was you.. did.... did your family care about you? would.. you ever go back to see them?" sans seemed to have a million questions about this, it looked like he really couldn't understand where she was coming from. He looked like he was just dumbfounded by her answer "i mean..... i.............. that just doesn't make sense to me.." he squinted and looked almost sad, looking away. "i've struggled with this.. for.. well, a long time.. and you just seem like its another day.. i mean...." Sans sighed, closing his eyes and taking a breath. he smiled again, shrugging and looking normal, back to frisk with a bit of a smile. It was strange how he could just go back to being 'happy' after looking so confused and almost sad
Frisk shook her head. "Not that I know of, and I didn't bother looking for them myself. I didn't see a reason too. I sure they did care, I was young and seeing my mom work two jobs, and my father move of with his life with a new family. I don't think I handled it very well. A lot of strange things happened when I fell, I like to think that when that happened they forgot about me and moved on with their lives and are happy, just like I did. " She smiled at him. "It is just another day. I stopped having nightmares a long time ago when I decided to not live in the past, but move forward. So yes, this is just another day, getting lunch, walking with my bestfriend and boyfriend. And tomorrow will be the same, but different. So don't be sad for me Sans, I wouldn't have my life any other way." She leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. Frisk had made peace with her past, even though every now and then she would feel the guilt of what she and Chara done underground crawl on her back. But then she tries to remind herself that it was the past, and the best thing she can do is move forward.
"hmm..." sans said, it was really his only response to the situation, he couldn't say anything else. Just more stunned by what she was saying, not that she wasn't living in the past, but how mature she was.. How she got over her family "you're absolutely right frisk... heh heh.. i uh... you're right.." he kept walking with her, he was kind of silent the rest of the walk. Thinking about something till they got home
"Maybe..." Was all Frisk said before they fell silent. She didn't mind that there was nothing else to be said between the two, she was enjoying her time with Sans. Glancing over she saw that he was in deep though, she started to wonder if maybe she said something wrong. Replaying what she told him, she didn't think she did. A few times she looked at him, about to say something else, but she held back. Maybe he was enjoying the silence for a moment. The past few days has been pretty crazy. Plus, they were about to meet back up with Chara, who was a little wild and strange. Once they got back to Sans house, Frisk called out. "We're home!" Chara shouted from Sans room. "Coming!" The door to sans room opened and closed, Chara came trotting down the stairs, Frisk chuckled at the shirt Chara picked to wear, and the fact that her hair was still a mess. "You look comfy..." Chara nodded as she heading to the table, taking a seat.
Sans walked inside and made sure to quickly end his thoughs, he was kind of stuck in his own world. Not noticing frisk wanting to ask him some questions, he just kept walking. then they made it home and Sans saw what chara was wearing, he started chuckling. His head shaking a bit "y'know... you don't have to dress like me to be as cool as me.. but i enjoy the effort" sans winked and laughed a bit more, walking over to the table and putting down his bag from Grillbys. He opened it up and gave everyone their burgers. Smiling he took a bite of his "so... misses messy hair... how was your first shower? nice as i said it would be?"
Chara raised a brow at him them looked down at herself. Rolling her eyes she just laughed at him. "Yeah, sure Sans. But the only thing is, I make this look good." She winked at him taking a bit of her burger. Frisk laughed a little taking a seat at the table and started to eat herself, turning her attention to Chara when she heard her moan a little. " This is awesome!" Frisk smiled. "Sure is, best burgers I think I ever had." Chara swallowed her food and ran her finger through her hair hearing Sans comment on how messy it was, this whole having to groom herself was going to have to take some work. " Yeah, it was alright. I do feel a lot better, and smell better. How was the walk?" Chara asked looking the both of them. "It was nice, we just talked."
Sans looked at them when they practically moaned because of the food "grillby doesn't joke around when it comes to hamburgers.. he makes them the best he can" sans smiles and takes a huge bite, some grease leaking out of the burger. He smiles wide and loosens up hard "that's the stuff... and you make it look good? heh heh, not with that fluffed out hair you don't" Sans winked and laughed a bit, teasing her about her messy hair. "the walk was super nice.. sunny, warm.. frisk and i talked.. you should have joined us, messy girl" he smiled and took another bite
"My hair is not that bad! So shut up!" Chara raised her voice a little, but in a playful manner. "Also, I having to relearn how to deal with this type of shit. What's your excuse Sansy? Calling me messy? Ha! You haven't seen just how messy I can be~" She grinned at him, taking another bite of her burger, it really was good. Though she hasn't came across a food that she didn't like, aside for the hot sauce from last night. Frisk laughed and looked to Chara. " Hey, you look fine. I will help with your hair after we eat." Chara gestured to Frisk. "See, at least Frisk is trying to be helpful! And not trying to be a smart ass like you!"
Sans shrugged "eh.. i'm more of an observer than a go getter heh heh.. you can respect that, right?" sans smiled and raised an eyebrow, he finished his burger quite quickly. then grabbed a small plate of fries that were inside the bag, snacking on them. "we better finish up quickly... wanna go fishing soon" Sans leaned back and ate his fries a lot slower.
Chara scoffed and rolled her eyes, going back to her burger. Frisk just shook her head at them and went back to hers. Once they were done, Frisk helped Chara with brushing her hair again. Chara cussing as she did this. When Frisk was done, Chara looked a little more normal again, aside from her red eyes. "You know, it wouldn't be that bad if you did it yourself. I'm not always going to be around to do this for you Chara." Frisk said putting the brush away, Chara only groaned at her in reply. " Okay, ready when you are Sans!" Frisk chirped.
Sans was mostly just enjoying the show of frisk grooming chara, while she swore and cussed the air. "heh heh.. yeah, i'm ready as i'll ever be" sans said with a smile he went over to a closet and grabbed three fishing poles "maybe after we could go and grab some new clothes for chara.. hopefully" sans smiled and was getting the rods ready picking up a small box of worms.. he thought that maybe.. fishing would be a good time to talk to them about himself. Nice, quiet, some fun. plus its was secluded and not around anyone. Sans passed frisk and chara their fishing rods, walking over to the front door and walking through it. when they walked through they where coming out of an old old cabin that looked like it hadn't been used in years.. It was in a forest and next to it was a nice calm river, not too big, but big enough for fish. Sans walked over, there was a nice spot to sit and a couple of old chairs. "not sure who used to live here... but... its my relaxing spot now heh heh" The cabin actually looked burned, the wood was chard and black, although it was hard to see because it looked like vines and grass was growing over it. It looked like a relic in time.
Chara groaned taking the fishing pole from Sans. "Why do we have to go shopping today? What did I do to deserve this torture?" Frisk laughed taking the other pole from him. "It will be fun. I promise! Plus you cant live in just sweats and t-shirts." Chara looked at Frisk with a bored expression, Frisk just stuck her tongue out at her. After their short little spat, they followed Sans to the door, showing up inform of the old cabin. Frisk shivered at the sight of it, Chara smiled wide eyed. "Wow, its pretty...reminds of..."Chara trailed off, not finishing her statement. Frisk looked at Chara as if she was crazy. She thought the old building look creepy, something you would see in a horror movie. While Chara seemed to enjoy the sight of it, think it was pleasant. "How did you even find this place?"
Sans walked over to the river and sat down, leaning back on a tree and smiling, he cast his fishing pole off into the water and looked over at them. "hmmm? i don't know.. just uh..... kinda thought this place would be here.. not sure how i found it.. it looks beautiful though.. "sitting there he waited for anything to take a bite of his fishing pole. "why? does this place make you uncomfortable?... its quite the beauty.. and i won't let anything happen to ya heh heh"
Frisk rushed next to Sans, the building creeped her out something big. Only because she had seen so many movies when houses like that only held a bad history. "I'm fine, just sort of creepy...like from a scary movie or something..." Luckily it was in the middle of the day, if this was at night, Frisk would want to be as far from the cabin as possible. She readied her line and casted it out. For Frisk to be a rather girlie type, she seemed to have the hang on fishing, not having any issue with hooking her line with a worm. She sat there and watched the dragonflies flew around them, dipping at the water. "This was a good idea. Its peaceful out here." Frisk said with a content sigh. Chara never left her spot, her eyes glued to the old cabin, lost in thought.
Sans sighed at how relaxed he was, seeing frisk having a good time made him happy. Then he saw Chara staring at the cabin in a thousand yard stare, he placed his fishing pole on the ground and stood up. Slowly walking to her he put a hand on her shoulder "cool old building huh?.. heh heh.... its uh... it must have some weird history to be all beaten up and destroyed like that..." he looked at her, hoping she wasn't stuck or something.
Chara nearly jumped out of her skin when Sans placed a hand on her shoulder. Glancing to him then back to the house. "Yeah...its cool..." With that she pulled away from him sitting next to Frisk, who smiled to her. Helping her with baiting her hook and casting out her line. " and you will know when you have a bite then feel something like this." She reached up and gave a few tugs at the end of her pole. " That's when you want to start turning this." She pointed out the reel. Chara nodded, while Frisk picked back up her own pole and waited. "How long will it take?" Chara asked, Frisk shrugged. "Might be a minute, might not happen at all. The real joy is just enjoying the peace and quite." Chara looked back over her shoulder at the house, as beautiful as she thought it was, there was something that made her feel...angry.
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