Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara was against the whole shopping idea before, but now that seemed like a good one. They all needed to get their minds off of what happened, and Chara wanted to put that place behind her again. Sans told her that going there might have been a good way to heal, though she didn't want to risk it. "Sure, sounds good." Chara said just before they popped up into the store. She wanted to know if Sans was the only monster that could take 'shortcuts' like this. But that would be something she would ask another time. Frisks face lit up as she looked around the store. She loved shopping, and now that she had a sister, she hoped that maybe Chara would learn to enjoy doing the same one day. "Hey Sans, how about you go relax and I take Chara around? Unless you want to help?" Frisk asked, taking a hold of his hand. Chara looked down at the hand that was holding hers and smiled. It was simple gesture, but it left her feeling happy.
Sans shrugged, it sounded like a good idea "you girls can shop.. just text me when you're done, i'm gonna go get some food... i'm pretty hungry heh heh, the burger wasn't enough.. gonna get a bagel or something." Sans smiled and waved at the two of them the bagel would be nice and they needed some alone time, they didn't really spend much time alone together after she became a monster. He smiled and waved, this would be good for them. Walking off he went to a near by food stand in the mall, ordering a small pretzel and eating it, sitting down on the bench and enjoying his food.
Frisk and Chara waved him off as he walked away. "Do you ever wonder where all that food goes?" Chara asked looking to Frisk, who shrugged and laughed lightly. " I can only assume magic." Chara also laughed as they started toward the racks of clothes. "Yeah, but how does he get hungry? He doesn't have a stomach..." Now that made Frisk really think, Chara had a point. "Guess one of us will have to ask him one day." Chara nodded, soon they were picking up things, Chara picking dark, simple clothes, while Frisk was picking bight, colorful things for Chara. They bickered and laughed, enjoying their time together.

But of course Sans couldn't enjoy his peace and quite for long. A familiar no armed monster walked over and scoffed. "I almost didn't recognize without Frisk glued to your side." He said to Sans with an annoyed tone. MK, had been trying to get in touch with Frisk for the past few day with shot or no replies. He could only assume that it was because she was with Sans, and that frustrated him.
Sans ate his pretzel for a moment then saw MK, it made him smile with a bit of a grin. "heyo.. she's shopping right now.. wanted a snack heh heh, still being a creep?" sans said wondering what was going on with him, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head. "i swear.. you follow her like a lost puppy....... or someone who wants a restraining order really badly" sans chuckled and looked down at his pretzel before finishing it.
MK perked a little. "So she is here? And I'm not a creep..." He said narrowing his eyes a little. "You're no better. I know your always with her. Because she wont reply to any of my messages. Also, Frisk wouldn't file a restraining order against me. She is my friend." He sighed and shook his head. " Look, I don't want to fight ya over this. So, let talk man to man here for a minute. Could you know, back off a bit. Just give me a chance to take her on a date or something? Because I really, really like her. And she might just like me back. But she wont know as long as your standing between us all the time."
Sans listened to him talk and then he looked away sighing. "i know you want your chance, you want to try and see if she likes you back.. but she doesn't, i'm sorry to say this.. but she's interested in someone.. and.. well" Sans scratches the back of his neck looking away, trying his hardest to not sound horrible or mean while saying this. "look, she's right over there" Sans pointed to the clothing store, MK could see frisk and Chara. "you've known her long enough.. go and ask her out on a date... if you don't do it now you'll never know... because if you wait too long she'll just see you as a friend forever... so go do it quick.. i'll be here till they're done getting clothes." Sans knew that he wasn't going to get what he wanted, and that Frisk would reject him. But he needed it to happen or he would creepily stalk frisk for god knows how long.. If she told him no, then he would at least get over it. "so.. you want your chance? take it."
Mk glanced over and saw Frisk, not even noticing Chara with her. He stared at her for a moment, listening to what Sans said. He looked back at him and gave a cocky smirk. "You're always so full of yourself, just watch!" With that he was gone to get shot down, not that he thought he would. He was so sure that Frisk would say yes. He walked up behind Frisk, Chara looked over at MK who was standing too close to Frisk for her liking. Frisk looked up to Chara to say something when she saw the look on her face, then she turn, jumping a little at MK stand just inches away. "Oh! Hey MK, uhh. Whats up?" She said with a small smile, taking a small step back from him. "Hey Frisk! Wow, you look nice today." Frisk laughed a little. "aww thank you, that's sweet of you to say." She said politely. "So, you haven't replied to any of my texts, and well...I was wondering if I could take you out one night. Maybe dinner, a movie..." Frisk was taken back. "As...friends?" Frisk asked, Mk smiled an shook his head. "Nah, I...I would like to try being more than friends." When he said that Frisk glanced at Chara, then back to him. "Oh, wow. Well you see. I'm, already...."Frisk was trying to find a nice way to tell MK 'no' when Chara chimed in. "She has a boyfriend already!" That was when MK noticed Chara. He wasn't sure what took him back more, the fact that Frisk had a boyfriend, or this human with piercing red eyes staring right at him. "...whoa...so, that's a no?" He said to Frisk, but his eyes never leaving Chara. "Duh! Now get the hell out of here before I do something you'll regret!" Frisk looked to her, frowning a little. "Chara!" Chara looked back at her sister. "What, I'm kinda having a shity day. I just want to finish shopping with you and go home." Frisk turned to speak to MK, but he was already gone.

From what Sans saw, MK and Frisk chatted more a moment before he could almost hear Chara raised voice at MK. Then Chara and Frisk talking while MK walked away with his head hanging. He approached Sans again, sitting on the bench next to him. "So, she already has a boyfriend. I'm not stupid, I know who it is." He paused before looking at Sans. "How long?"
Sans watched the whole thing and laughed a little bit when he got yelled at by chara, not because it was funny to see him so let down. But because Sans really wasn't expecting chara to kind of freak out at him. Sans leaned back and shook his head "poor kid.." he did kind of feel bad for MK, even if he did think he was a creep. Sans watched him shuffle over to him and sit down. Sans listened and just looked up at the ceiling "about... a day, last night... that was when we started.. sorry.. if its any consolation i tried really hard to get her to be interested in other guys.." Sans looked at MK telling the truth, he was honest. He really did try to get her to stop liking him, even if she wouldn't budge. She was too stubborn. Sans shook his head "sorry... that i sent you over there to get rejected.. i.... wanted her to tell you... wasn't expecting chara to yell at you like that if i'm honest.."
"Not hard enough if you guys are together..." MK said coldly. He looked over to him as Sans mentioned that name again. " Chara? Yeah, she is scary. What is with those freaky eyes? I never seen a human with eyes like that. " MK said. Though he was torn, because apart of him thought that she was sort of pretty, but then when she yelled at him like that, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. One of the reason he didn't stick around to say anything else. He was embarrassed about getting shot down. And now knowing that they only just started dating, he was a little angry about that he just missed his chance. Then again, there was the hope that they wouldn't last long.
Sans just listened, hearing about how he talked about her eyes made him a little angry. But it quickly faded "well... y'know... she's been through a lot.. and her eyes aren't freaky. they're just different.. so what are you gonna do now?.. gonna go chase some other girls around.. i wish ya luck mk.. but just maybe don't stalk them like you did frisk.. that always just comes off as creepy.. not sexy or cute..... just..... creepy" sans sighed and then looked at mk, then to chara. "welp. i'm gonna go do anything else.." Clearly he didn't want to talk to mk, he made that pretty clear. Standing up and walking off with a small wave "see'ya 'round"
Sans was standing and walking off before MK could say anything else. "Yeah, whatever...." was all he could say, he just sat there sulking a little about getting rejected by Frisk, and getting yelled at by Chara. Frisk and Chara were back to their normal chitchat, laughing, and enjoying themselves again. As if the whole thing with MK never happened. They picked a few more things before heading to the fitting room. That was when Frisk texted Sans, asking him to join them, so he could see a few things they picked out for Chara. Not everything, she just wanted to see his reaction in with some of the more girly things Frisk wanted her to wear sometimes.
Sans got the text and smiled, walking over to the store and next to the changing room. He saw Frisk standing there almost proud Sans chuckled and waved. "hows it going?... and uh.. chara in the changing room? cause i can only imagine what she picked out to wear." Sans looked back and saw a seat, he sat down like this was going to be a show. Getting ready and smiling wide "alright, let out the beast" he said in a teasing tone.
Frisk smiled widely at Sans. "Yeah, she is trying on one of my picks first!" Just then Chara whined. "Frisk! I look stupid! Do I have to come out?" Frisk giggled. "Yes you do, we had a deal remember? I'm sure you look just fine, and Sans is here now." There was a pause on Chara's end for a second. " That does not make it better..."That was when Frisk crossed her arm and in a stern voice. "Chara! Come out now!" Again, there was silence before ever so slowly Chara rounded her corner with her head hanging like a sculled child. "See, I look stupid..." Frisk Gasped "Awww! No way, you look so pretty!" She giggled wrapping her arms around Sans arm shaking him a little. "Tell her Sans! She looks wonderful huh?"
Sans chuckled, the anticipation killing him. Just what would make chara feel so uncomfortable. Then she came out, looking down and looking like she hated every moment of this. Sans chuckled a bit from her reaction, looking at her from head to toe. Frisk shook him a bit and aksed if she looked good. he nodded "yeah.. she looks.......... well.. feminine~" he said teasing chara a bit "but to be honest.. its not really her style.. or her color.. i think she would look beautiful in a dress but this one.. isn't really doing it for her.. y'know?" Sans smiled at Frisk then to chara, he was trying to offer genuine critique "hmmm.. how about... something in a.. purple. that would look really nice on her" He smiled again and chuckled. Seeing that chara just wanted to wear a lazy t-shirt and comfy pants. Sans chuckled "but she does look pretty, very pretty, i like the shoes a lot" Pointing to the saddles he smiled.
Chara gave Sans a playful glare when he said she looked 'feminine'. Frisk thought about what he said and nodded. Chara wasn't the girly type, yet. She would have to ease her into wearing things like this. "Alright, you guys win. I tried to get her in a pair of heels, but she refused to even try them. So, I will let all this pass since you had a hard day. We will try again another time." Frisk said, letting go of Sans. Chara looked up. "So does that mean I can take this off?" Chara asked. Frisk sighed and nodded. She didn't waste no time, Chara was off back in the dressing room. "Just wait to see her reaction when I try to do her make up. Or when she has to wear a bar for the first time. "Frisk giggled. "Oh, strange thing happened a while ago. MK just came out of nowhere and asked me on a date. I tried to nicely tell him no, that I was with you. But then Chara freaked out and started yelling at him, then like that. He was gone!"
Sans chuckled and watched as chara pretty much slammed the door and quickly started getting changed. All of his focus on Frisk he listened to her story about MK "uh... yeah.. heh heh, he kind of walked up to me and asked me to stay away from you so he could ask you out on a date... so of course, i let him have his chance" Sans winked, kind of making fun of him a little bit. "heh heh.. i was just expecting a little awkward banter between you and him.. maybe a funny story.. wasn't expecting chara to freak out at him and rip his head off heh heh" Sans chuckled again and looked over at the changing room "i can't imagine chara with high heels.. and she already has light pink circles on her cheeks like she's wearing makeup.. not sure why she would need to.. but then again, i'm not the girl here. so show her everything she needs to know" he chuckled and stood up. Getting ready to leave with the two of them "actually... hey frisk.. would you mind going over to the nouvelltonsareay shop.." It was this weird foreign shop that sold random things. "get papyrus a nice crystal for me? i've been meaning to do it.. but i keep forgetting.." There where no crystals at that shop and he just wanted frisk to go away for a little bit so he could get her a nice gift since they were already at the mall.
"Oh Sans, that was mean!" She said trying to sound upset with him, but she couldn't help but laugh. "To be honest, I would have said no even if I wasn't with you. I just...don't like him in that way. He is a friend, though not sure if is still now..." She frowned a little with a shrug. "Oh well I guess." Then she got to thinking about Chara, and the make up idea she had. "You know, you're right. As much as I would like her to be girly, I just don't think she will be. I'll stop pressing the subject on her anymore." A part of her was disappointed, she wanted Chara to be the type of sister that would like wearing dresses, doing each other hair and what not. But none the less, Frisk loved her just the way she is. Then Sans asked her to get something for Papyrus. "A crystal? Sure, I'd love too!" She wanted to ask why, but she was more excited to be doing something nice for her bestfriend. "I'll text you when I'm done!" She waved at him as she walked off. Just then Chara walked next to Sans, watching Frisk walk away. "Where is she going?"
Sans waved and leaned up against chara "told her to go do something that she can't do.. so now we have time to pick up a small gift for her" Sans smiled cheekily at chara, he was feeling a bit bad from lying to her over something so dumb. "you said you wanted to get her a dress? want me to help you pick it out.. and in return you can help me pick out a nice necklace?" sans put his hands in his pockets.
"Hmmm, I think you just like having me all to yourself~" Chara said and she leaned back against him smirking a little. Then she perked up. "Oh right! Yeah, come on, I saw something over here." again she was pulling him behind her. They moved out of the normal clothes to the women's intimates and undergarments. She glanced over and saw what she was looking for, she picked up the 'dress' and held it up to show Sans. "What do you think? I don't know where she would want to wear it. But I have watched her look at these all the time. Think she will like it?" Chara said with a big smile, seeming very proud of herself.
Sand giggled and looked over at the dress, sans took the dress and looked at it with a wide smile. "we can pick this up.. buuuuut. this is more of a.. sexy dress, you're supposed to wear it at night when you're getting 'intimate' with your partner.. we can get this for her if you wanna~ but i think it would be better if it was a gift from both of us heh heh.. how about... hmmmm" Sans put it over his arm and smiled. "so we can get her another dress on top of this sexy one heh heh.." Sans walked over to a bunch of dresses and scratched his chin a little bit, thinking about a dress that she might like "try to get something a little less.. translucent heh heh"
"Soooo, its for sleeping in? Huh...strange...I still want to get it. Looks pretty, and Frisk likes pretty things. Still make me wonder what she see in you~" She said then sticking her tongue out at him playfully. She started browsing over the other dresses and held up a simple light pink one that was silky and a little longer than the white one that Sans had. "How about this one?" She said, running her hand along the fabric and smiled. " It feels nice, I like it!" Although she wasn't a fan of dresses, she could only imagine what this would feel like to wear. "Hey, do guys wear anything like this for um, you know, that thing?"
Sans thinks about her question and really thought hard about it. "i do like the dress and i think frisk will love it heh heh, hmmmm... thing for guys... well... i guess... guys could wear knee highs socks.. maybe gloves? i don't know.. guys are boring about what they can wear during sexy times. its all about what you find sexy i guess.. some girls like guys with beards and overalls.. overalls are a bit sexy for girls i guess heh heh.." Sans didn't pay any real mind to her question, just thinking that she was curious. He scratched the top of his head and smiled "how about we go looking for jewelry now.. i'll pay for the dress and then we can head on over to the next store" Sans takes the dress and walks up to the counter and pays for the dress smiling. It didn't come to much, and when they bought the sexy dress the cashiere gave a wide smile to chara and then sans. Obviously thinking they where buying things for each other.
Chara just looked at him, picturing him in just a pair of knee high socks and gloves. She wrinkled her noes at the thought. Not her thing, nether was he overalls idea. "I like you in just what you have on..." She said as they walked to pay for Frisks gifts. Chara didn't pay any mind to the way the cashier was looking at them. As they walked out the store, Chara was still trying to process this whole idea of these dresses being worn for just their partner.thinking that maybe she might want to get something like these to wear for Sans and or Frisk. "What do you find 'sexy' on a girl? I mean, should we get me something like this?" She asked pointing at the bag.
Sans chuckled at the idea of her asking what she could wear that was sexy. "i think the sexiest thing a girl can wear is nothing" Sans turns to her and winks with a sly grin on his face, "heh heh heh, just kidding... sweaters on girls are cute and sexy... i don't know.. the knee socks idea like i said is something that i find... well..." Sans looks away with a smile "i like it... heh heh, you could look online if you really wanna. i don't really mind what you wear if we're doing something like that.." Sans shrugs, keeping what he felt inside. he didn't want them to go overboard with clothing yet, it was a fun thing to do once in a while. Then they walked over to the jewelry store "like i said... you can look up stuff online... find what guys think are hot.. if i'm being honest, i don't really know what i would like.. maybe a girl only wearing a button up shirt" he turns and winks to her "that's sexy.." They walked into the store and Sans walked up to the front desk, finding a necklace right away that he liked. Picking it up gently he held it up to chara and smiled. "oh.. she'll love this.. what do you think?" he looked at her with a smile
Chara listened to the things Sans listed off that he thought was sexy on a girl, it all seem complicated, and confusing. Though she didn't know what she thought was sexy yet herself. This was something that she was going to have take more time to learn about. He said something about looking online, Chara has never used a computer or anything close before so that was going to be tough. Before she knew it, the were at the jewelry store. Chara just started looking when Sans held up a necklace, it was simple but still very lovely. " I think she will like that a lot." She smiled at him. You're good at this gift thing. Guess Frisk and I are going to have to get you something here soon." Sans phone went off, it was Frisk, she was confused because she looked all over the store and could find any crystals.
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