Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara felt Sans kiss her cheek, making her frown a little only because he woke her up. Still, she ended up smiling looking up at him. Lightly pushing his face away from her and rolling over with her back to him and pulling the covers over her head with a small whine. "...nope, not ready." She said getting comfortable again. She was sleeping so well that she didn't want to get up just yet. Finally there was another monster that might be just as lazy as him.
Sans laughed a bit, he knew how to wake up a lazy person.. easiest and fastest way to do it. Sans got out of bed and walked down stairs, turning the oven on and throwing a hand full of bacon onto it, making the sweet smell and the delicious sounds. He let it cook for a while then looked up, his room was right above the kitchen. He knew that he could smell everything that happened in the kitchen so she would be able to. Sans now just had to wait.
Chara tried to ignore the smells that was filling the room, then her stomach growled. There was no way she was going to be able to go back to sleep. With a small huff, she kicked the covers off and got out of bed. Leaving Sans room and down the stairs. "Okay, fine! You win, I'm up!" she laughed as she made her way in the kitchen, pulling herself up, sitting on the counter. "So, you going to work today?" She asked as she kicked her legs a little. Like always, her hair was a mess, though she didn't even bother looking at herself yet this morning.
Sans plated some bacon as she started to come down the stairs, putting the plate down on the table before she sat down. "eat as much as you want.." he said before quickly taking a piece and eating it so she didn't eat it all before he had a chance to have some. Seeing her hair he shook his head a little "yeah.. gonna work today.. hopefully have a breakthrough.. or..... anything.... maybe i'll just work my normal job" Sans shrugged and pulled a comb from his jacket. Walking behind her and starting to comb her hair slowly, it didn't snag as much on her hair and just made it look presentable and flat. But it made her look much better than what she did look like, Sans smiled and patted her head before sitting down at the table with a lazy smile. "sleep well?.."
Chara took a seat at the table where he place a plate for her. She ate a few bites of her food before he came over and started fixing her hair. Though he was a lot more gentle than Frisk was. "Oh yeah, working on your time travel thing?" When he asked how she slept, that reminded her of what she wanted to ask. "Very good I think. First full night of real sleep with out a hangover. Best two out of three." She smiled, to him before cutting the small talk. "So, do you remember telling me about your father last night?" She didn't wait for him to answer. " You brought up that he would teach you about the stars and how you enjoyed when he took you out to look at them in the forest or something. How was he able to do that?"
Sans looked at her and just waited. "time travel thing?.. nah... nah..... no time travel, not in this timeline.. and uh... yeah.. i guess i kind of remember mumbling about my dad last night.. i'll........ uh.. i was just tired" Sans shrugged and leaned back in his chair "its easy to not say things that make sense when you're tired.. i uh...... uh.... think i meant the forest in snowdin.. and i meant those gems that are on the ceiling in waterfall.. it was a lot of fun and really cool" he shrugged and smiled "just, how much did i say about my dad?.. cause i only remember mumbling a couple things" sans looked away and scratched his head. "sorry to.... confuse you...." Sans mumbled a little to himself, not looking into chara's eyes.
Chara chewed on a piece of bacon as he explained about he project and about what he was talked about the night before. It only brought her more questions. " Hmmm, I see. Why would you want to do that? And you didn't say anything bad, if anything you seem more than happy to tell me about him. He sounded like a pretty good father. You're very lucky. You said he was a scientist, so that explains your smarts." She leaned over to him, noticing him avoiding looking at her. " Gaster, Right? Your fathers name? That name sounds familiar, can't place it though..." tilting her head a little she moved a little closer. "You okay?"
Sans was lying, and for some reason lying to chara and frisk hurt him more than anyone else. He wanted to just say 'yup' and leave it like that... but it started to eat away at him, he looked up at her and he saw trust. But it there was something different.. maybe it was that he knew she would remember him lying.. he could lie to toriel or papyrus or anyone for that matter.. Even though they where super close to his heart, but it was because the resets would make it mean nothing.. with chara and Frisk it was a lot harder. they could remember everything.. He sighed and looked away "yeah... gaster was his name.. and.. i lied... we.. we lived outside of the undeground.. we lived in a different timeline.. a timeline where monsters never got shoved into a hole and locked away for hundreds of years... i.... he was an amazing dad.." sans slowly looked back at her with a little smile. It was like he was trying to apologize to her for lying.
"Whoa..." Chara eyes widened as she leaned back in her seat. This was a lot to process, she sat silent, her face blank as she looked at her plate, her finger lightly tapping the table. It almost sounded like it should have been a joke, but she could tell that he wasn't trying play around, or prank her in any way. She just thought for a while before she gathered her thoughts and was able to speak. " I see now. So, either you and papyrus got stuck here with out him and your trying to get back to him. Or you guys got separated and you don't know where he is. Or....he is dead and your trying to find an alternate version of him. Though I know nothing about timelines, hell never even really thought about them till now. Make sense thought, Frisk was told that you two just popped up out of nowhere one day." She reached over and took his hand and smiled at him. "Whatever the reason, I hope you find what you're looking for. Who knows, if he is out there he might be doing just the same. Looking for you and Papyrus right now."
Sans sighed and she took his hand looking down. Sans shook his head and just looked a bit defeated "yeah.. well... it's a little more complicated than that.. to be honest.. i mean... i'm not so sure about what happened to him.. he's.. kind of... lost in space and time.. even though everything said he was here.. he wasn't.. his.. nothing, no one knew anything about him.. no dust.. no nothing... i........ but that was the least of our problems......... the very least.... there was no way to make it back home.. so... sorry about this, but we got trapped int this fucking shitty timeline." Sans seemed super angry about it "stuck in a looping timline........ a broken timeline that was constantly restarting.... i.......... this timeline is a death sentence... i knew going in that there might not be a way out.. papyrus and i both did.. we took the risk.. as long as we had our father.. we could get out of here.... but.. he wasn't here! Whatever happened! Whatever our equipment said! It was faulty and it left us stranded in this shitty timeline!! Full of errors and shitty monsters.." Sans was almost shaking when he said this, his hand clenching her's a lot harder as he stared off into the distance. He then sighed and loosened up a lot more "i...... doesn't matter..... this is my new home... it's been for a long time...... i just....... heh......" Sans shook his head and sighed. putting his hand in his hand
Chara smile faulted as Sans opened up to her. She felt guilty that she took part in his added pain by her actions underground. Worst thing was, even if she knew any of this back then, she wouldn't have cared, she would have used this against him and take enjoyment in his pain. Then she realized that this was the reason he didn't want to date or anything, he didn't plan on staying, this hurt, and Chara knew it was for a selfish reason. She took in a deep breath, slipping her hand from his. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that...if I had a father like yours, I would feel the same. Your perfect life was taken. I know this timeline is shit, trust me. If I knew there was a timeline out there were I..." she paused for a moment, thinking that maybe there was a place where she was happy, had a family that didn't hate her, or that she was never born. "Maybe...I should go. Do..do you want me to leave?" This was the last thing she wanted to do, but her being there was taking him from his work, because he was always having to pretty much babysit her because she was so unstable. Slowly she stood, just the thought of leaving broke her heart. Walking over to him she felt to her knees beside him, wrapping her arms around his waist, Saying nothing else, just holding him tightly with her head on his chest, wanting to cry, but she didn't want to start the day off in tears.
She was starting to move away, sans looked like he was in his own little world and that chara starting to slip away only made him look for a moment. She said something about timelines and sans looked over at her a little confused, wondering where she was going to go with that. Then she hugged him pretty tight, her eyes filling with tears but she didn't cry. Sans just watched as she tried to hold everything together by a thread. He put his hand on her head and started caressing her hair slowly with a bit of a smile "sucks to think about... doesn't it?" he let out a defeated laugh and pulled her up a bit so she was at least hugging his chest. He just kept caressing and petting her head very gently "you're loved.. you're wanted chara.." he smiled and leaned down a bit with a smile.
Chara closed her eyes feeling Sans hand on her head. It did suck to think about, not just that he had to go through all this, but what this all meant to her and Frisk. That one day they might wake up and he would be gone. All this time she thought that Sans was a very put together monster, but he was just as broken as she was. Maybe not to the extreme as she was, but still just as damaged. That might have been the reason she was so drawn to him only after her soul was connected to his for that short time. It was all much to think about. "It really does..." She was pulled up to his chest, and she was told she was loved and wanted. That was enough to make her come apart. Chara buried her face in his chest and started to cry silently, her fingers gripping onto his jacket. "So are you...this timeline is hell, and its my fault and I'm sorry. I want to make it right again, make you happy. I love you."
Sans raised an eyebrow "your fault?... heh heh... you and frisk are so similar... you both think you're the reason this timeline is broken... i... it isn't either of your guys fault. Honestly, I was already like this way before frisk ever fell into the underground..." sans saw her cry on his jacket, he held her closer and kissed the top of her head. "Please... you really don't need to beat yourself up so hard... heh heh, I'm fine.. I've always been fine." Sans smiled, it was a half truth, he honestly believed he was fine. Even if in the back of his mind he knew that he really wasn't. "You and frisk have more problems to worry about than a silly little skeleton heh heh... and she'll be here soon.. we need to get you dressed up so you can do your paperwork" sans smiled down at her, he was so happy she could feel again.
Chara looked up at Sans after he kiss her head. She calmed down a little. " I don't think the timeline is my fault. I knew what it did without fully understanding how it worked, and I abused it. Knowing that I could reset, start over when things didn't go my way, over and over again. That's my fault, my selfishness. You might be okay pretending everything is alright. But I can't, shit I'm not sure if I will ever be fine." She gave him one last squeeze before letting him go and wiping her face. "Though I think I will be alright if I can go a day without you making me cry." She gave a weak laugh. "I'm going to go change." She walked over to her bags from yesterday and headed upstairs. Not soon after Chara left, Sans got a text from frisk saying she was on her way to get Chara.
Sans laughed at her joke and shook his head, "chara... don't be upset.. please.. i'm trying my hardest to make you not cry" he winked and chuckled again. "i uh.... yeah, go get changed" he smiled and shrugged. She walked upstairs and Sans slumped into his seat a bit, thinking about what happened and what will happen. He hated the timelines being reset.. Shaking his head he closed his eyes and tried really hard not to think about it, standing up. he walked over to the couch, wanting to take a nap. If he slept he wouldn't have to think about it, and he was pretty tired too.. Yawning, he felt a bit exhausted from the past couple days.. Hell, he always felt exhausted. Then he got the message from frisk, laying down he told her that she was changing and she would be ready when she got here.
About fifteen minutes later Chara came down stairs, this time it looked like she brushed her own hair. Her hand in her hoodie pockets. She looked around before looking to Sans. "Frisks not here yet?" She asked walking over to him, sitting on the arm of the couch, giving him a soft smile. "You know, its alright to be not okay. I mean, you know I have no issues bitching when something has me unhappy, or pissed off...still working on the sad stuff. But I think I'm getting a little better about it." Her smile growing a little as she spoke to him.
Sans shrugged "eh..... i'm fine though... y'know.. its uh... i guess i got over it a long time ago.." he wasn't sure what to say, he wanted to make sure she wouldn't worry about him. But he wasn't exactly sure how he felt either, he thought he was ok. But talking about his father again brought up weird feelings. Sans shrugged and looked down at his own sweater "yeah... i dunno...... i'm more focused on you at the moment heh heh.. gotta make sure you're alright and try to keep you focused on healing... i've had all the healing i'll ever need with papyrus" Sans smiled and looked at the door, wondering when Frisk would get home. "she'll probably be here soon.. i uh... hope heh heh, you get the finish up your boring paper work quickly"
Chara just silently nodded and smile. "Yeah sure. Just know I'm here for you, and so is Frisk." She seemed to perk up a little, then Frisk, looking like a full on adult, Chara was used to seeing her dress like this though. Frisk looked at Chara and laughed and shook her head. " Well, at least we go you in something else other than sweat pants." She really wished Chara put some effort into her clothes for this day, because soon word was going to get out that Chara was apart of the Dreemurr family. Though the way she was dressed shouldn't matter. "Okay, lets get going, I have a car outside for us." Chara grinned and gave Sans a few pats on his head and jumped up. "Take it easy old man~" She said before leaving. Frisk laughed and walked over to Sans, giving him a soft kiss. " See you in a few hours." Then both the girls were gone.
Sans was patted on the head and he smiled, closing his eyes and about to fall asleep. Hearing the door close and the car drive away, right before he did he got up and walked over to his fridge and grabbed a bag of chips. Walking back to the couch and falling asleep with his chips resting on his chest. Yawning and taking a nap.
The girls went to the city hall, filed Chara's papers and she would be getting the important papers she would need to get a job, go to school, or even get an ID or driver licenses though the idea of Chara driving any time soon worried Frisk, it wouldn't be long before road rage would have gotten the better of her dear sister. Then had a good lunch at the Chines place Sans took Frisk on their first outing. It was a little after four when only Frisk came walking though Sans door dressed a little more relaxed than before, holding a baking dish of chicken tetrazzini. "Hey guys! I'm here and I made you all dinner!" She was perky, now that she had Chara's papers done and out of the way. She even got around to working on Azriel's forums. The day was beyond productive, and it Gave Sans the whole day to himself. "Sorry I'm a little late. How did the work on Chara's soul go?" She said closing the door behind her, bring their dinner into the kitchen.
Sand woke up around an hour later and quickly ran to his workshop. He had plenty of time, working for hours without any real break. When he was finished, Frisk came over Sans loved that she brought him food. Who couldn't? Seeing her through the door he walked up to the table and sat down, smiling at the food and licking his lips. "work on chara's soul? it went fine.. i uh.. didn't work on her soul though.. she only needed me to work on it that one time.. now she really just needs to learn how to control her emotions, shouldn't take too long. hopefully anyways. my biggest concern is her going back and accidentally falling into the trap of being souless... but... where is she anyways? with tori?"
Frisk first thought when Sans started talking was that Chara lied to her because she wanted to go sleep, she seemed out of it today, didn't even fight with her on filling out the papers. Then when Sans asked if she was with their mother she stuck her head out of the kitchen looking at him very confused. "You mean...she's not here? She said that she had to get back after lunch because you guys still had work to do on her soul. We even talked about me making dinner for us and bringing it over...." At this point she was trying not to panic. With out waiting for Sans to reply, she was rushing up the stairs and swung open his bedroom door, then ran back down. "Why is she not here?!" Now she was starting to panic.
"oh, she lied..." sans said a bit calmly. Watching frisk freak out like that made him shake his head a little, trying his hardest to hold back a smile. Sans stood up and walked over to frisk, up the stairs. He put his hands on her shoulders "calm down.. she can't go far.. and..... i uh.... i have no idea where she is.." Sans thought for a moment, pulling his phone out and texting chara, asking what was up and where was she? telling her that frisk was starting to worry "don't worry frisk.... we'll find her.. and she's fine.. think about it.. she's not a child, and its not like she can't defend herself.. i uh.. just hope she doesn't hurt anyone.. that would make her feel awful.." Sans gently rubbed frisks shoulders and smiled at her, trying his hardest to calm her down and make her focus. "now.. where do you think she could be?.."
Frisk took a deep breath, trying to settle herself and think. "I don't know, we went to file her papers, then had lunch. She was, very quite, and agreeable. I got a call from mom saying they were back, and I asked if she wanted to come with me so I could help with Azriels forums. She said she couldn't, that you guys had stuff to do. And we parted ways, I had the driver drop her off here. Oh God! What if they got in an accident?! What if she got kidnapped?! I haven't seen her since one o'clock Sans!" she thought for a moment. "I'm calling the driver! You keep trying to get in touch with her!" With that she pulled away from him, digging out her phone and making the call to the driver. She hated and loved how calm Sans was being.
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