Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk looked over to Chara, tilting her head. She had almost forgot that she was a monster now, she just looked so human, aside fro the red eyes. "An undead monster? Really?" Chara walked over picking Sans leg up and sat on the couch with him, sighing as she got comfortable. " My skin isn't going to start rotting away is it?" Chara asked jokingly. "That reminds me, I had some questions about that. Its been so crazy I didn't get a chance. Like for one, since you used your soul to heal me or whatever, does that mean I might have some of your magic in me? And you said that there is a chance I might be a boss monster, what does that even mean?" She stopped herself there, not wanting to ask too many questions at once. Frisk walked over and sat at the arm of the couch near his head looking down at him. Also wanting to know the answers, since she was going to have to fill out Chara forum here soon. But she will work on getting those during the week. But right now she knew what type to list her under.
Sans looked down at chara as she put his feet on her lap. He looked down at her and smiled "well... you might have some of my magic.... i mean, anythings possible.. you might also have your own different kind of magic. if you wanna know if you're a boss monster you'll need to concentrate on your soul and try to move it outside of your body.. if you're a boss monster you'll be able to.. if you're not.. you'll just look silly heh heh heh" sans shrugs and puts his hands behind his head, looking up at Frisk with a smile. "but we can practice magic if you wanna... i mean.. its kinda like if you had an invisible tail.. you need to practice.. who knows what you'll be able to do.. i mean, since you where a ghost.. my guess is you'll have more ghost like powers.. or maybe you'll be like a sorcerer? i don't know.. never met a magical human before"
Chara laid her head back and closed her eyes. "Sounds like a lot of work, maybe some other time." This caused Frisk to laugh. "Yeah, I think some of you rubbed of on her Sans. She is now almost as lazy as you." Chara opened her eyes a little and looked over to Frisk and smiled. "Hey, I have been though a lot since coming back from the dead. I earned a break. I think we all do really." Frisk nodded a little. "That true, but the more we know, the easier it will be to fill out your and Asriel's papers. I'm going to assume that Asriel would be a plant type, though we still need to work on ages. Chara, do you know when you were born?" Chara sat up a little looking at the both of them. "Well, yeah..." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "June....1681..."Frisk looked at Chara, she was sure she much have heard her wrong. "You sure?" Frisk looked down to Sans. "Just...pick a date if you don't think that will work. I don't care." With that she stood up gabbing the duffle bag. "I'm going to change...." Chara walked off upstairs in to the bathroom, she seemed a little bothered. "That cant be right...Because she looked my age when I first saw her, so..." Frisk said, mothing speaking to herself.
Sans looked up at Frisk and then watched chara run up the stairs, closing the door behind her to change. Sans thinks for a moment then looked back up to Frisk shrugging "i dunno.. could be right...... uh.. i could ask tori what year she came down into the underground... i mean.. she was 11 when you had her on your soul right?.. i mean.. i dunno.. that could help..... maybe when she gets back down here we should talk to her.. she seemed a bit.. quiet about the whole thing. i dunno.. maybe its a sore spot for her"
Frisk rubbed her head thinking. "I know, I remember reading a few things about her. Nothing that told the year. You guys were down there for a long time, and she was the first to fall. Mom didn't talked about her much, or Asriel. But they are leaving out of town for a few days. So talking to her will have to wait. And I thought she didn't remember anything before she fell, so how could she remember that? I don't want to push the subject with her, but these are things I will need to know. I don't want her to feel we are attaching her. This is tough..." She laughed a little, and looked down at him." If she is right, then she is a lot older than you like she said." Frisk wasn't sure if she believed her, but then again...
Sans looked up at frisk "just put down that she's 20.. that's fine.. she looks like she's 20.. and if we say her real age there will be a lot of weird question.. it's just better to pretend she's an average age then adding complications.. also.. she might remember a lot more than she lets on.. she's probably hiding it" Sans got a bit quiet and looked away when he said that. It was a little obvious why, after so many years of sans hiding his own past, there was no way he couldn't feel bad for her. She did the same thing.
"Sounds good, everything is complicated enough as it is. No need to add on to it. " She smiled down at Sans, the door upstairs opened. Chara walked back down in just a simple pair of baggy black sweat pants, and a and a red t-shirt that was a little more form fitting than the gray one she was wearing, and Sans jacket. That reminded Frisk that she wanted to take her shopping. All the clothes she packed were just lounge wear, unsure what she had that would fit her. "How much longer do I have to wear this?" Chara asked. "You can go ahead and give it back to Sans, you been a good sport about that." Frisk said with a laugh. Chara wasted no time slipping the jacket off and tossing it on to Sans face. "How can you wear that thing all the time? It get warm in there..." Chara said plopping down on the couch again.
Sans grabbed the jacket and pulled it down so that his eyes where poking out, "you didn't seem to mind last night~ heh heh heh. i don't have skin.. hard for me to get cold or hot.. or anything really heh heh" sans winks and sat up, putting his jacket on and snuggling into it. "plus its much more comfy than anything else.. its a big fluffy jacket, whats not to love? well.. other than the heat" sans slowly stood up and made sure everything was ok on his jacket, it was. It looked fine, "you girls have plans today?.. we could just sit around and talk, i really don't mind" Sans smiled and shrugged, looking at his new couch and kind of admiring it a bit. "thanks again frisk for the couch.. its perfect"
"Well that was last night." Chara said with a shrugged. Frisk perked up a little and smiled. " I know, Lets take Chara clothes shopping! I knew most my stuff wouldn't fit her, so I packed her a bunch of sweats and t-shirts. I do have to get working on getting the paper work, but I can do that tomorrow." Chara wrinkled her nose at the idea of shopping. She tagged along with Frisk many times when she did. "I mean...talking is nice...but we did a lot of that last night." Frisk whined a little. "Come on! It will be fun! And it will get you out and about." Chara looked over at her and sighed. "Fine...but I get to pick!" Frisk nodded happily, then looked to Sans. "You're welcome! I hope Papyrus like it. Speaking of, I still have seen much of him since being back."
Sans sighed "busy as a bee isn't he? heh heh.. yeah papyrus has been working all this time... oh. i know, while we're out, we can go see him. he owns the store so he can take a small break to see you" sans smiled and walked over to the door, opening it and letting them walk through "no shortcuts this time.. we have to walk there so both of you can learn the layout of the city.. i've been letting the shortcuts happen a little too much i think" sans smiled and closed the door, locking it and walking forward. "heh heh.. but yeah.. getting chara to change her clothes will be nice...... something that she will like and no hand me downs.. that will be great for little ruby~" sans gently punched her shoulder, just palling around with her.
"I would like that!" Frisk chirped as she walked though the door, Chara groaned in defeat and stood, walking to the door. " Yeah, it would be kinda cool to the big guy. And I walked around all day yesterday...just sayin." Chara looked at Sans when he lightly punched her arm. "You know, I don't mind this little nick name you gave me, but when you put little with it...yeah no." She smirked and rubbed the top of his head " Plus, if I'm little. What does that make you~ I'm taller than both of you!" She then glanced at Frisk and smiled. Frisk giggled a little. "Yeah, you are." Frisk said looking up at the sky, it was a beautiful day. "Can we see Papyrus first?"
She pushed him down a little bit and he closed one eye looking up at her hand rubbing his skull. he chuckled "what??? i'm short??? who... who told you that" Sans pretended to get angry, putting his hands into his jacket pockets with a relaxed smile. he looked like he was home again with his jacket on. "yeah sure" sans wouldn't mind seeing his brother at any time of day "actually... chara.. if you want, go sleep in my bed. you clearly need more rest.. y'know.. just lay around if you want too. i understand having a bad hangover don't worry.. frisk and i can go see papyrus if you want" sans smiled, he wasn't trying to force her. Just wanted her to know she had the option to go and rest.
"Smart ass..." Chara said rolling her eyes, then she looked right back at him and nodded. "Yes! I would like that! Plus," She looked over to Frisk and smiled. "We can go shopping another time, you know...when I'm in a better mood." Frisk sighed and pouted a little the nodded to Chara. "Yeah sure, you should rest. I know after my first hangover I just stayed in bed. Hope you feel better soon. But next time when I say we are going shopping, no excuses. " Chara looked relived, hold a hand out to Sans. "I'm going to need your key first. Be kinda dumb for me to get there just to be locked out, then hunt you back down." laughing a little. "And I promise, I'll even let you pick out some things for me."
Sans fished out the keys from his pocket and dropped them into charas hand smiling at her "don't get lost now" He said, even though they only walked about 30 feet away from his house. Clearly just teasing her like he always did, his hand patting her shoulder with a smile. "heh heh.. alright frisk.. lets head over to papyrus then" Sans started walking towards the city, papyrus wasn't too deep in town and was easy to find.
Chara smiled and walked off, giving them a wave. Frisk laughed and shook her head as they started walking again. "So, I was thinking. I don't think we should start going around just yet about our uh...relationship just yet. I mean, don't get me wrong. I wanted this for so long, just the adding of Chara makes it a little more...Well she is my sister. I know not blood, but still. Its not going to look good. Unless having more then on partner is normal? Because it is, then this will be my first time hearing about it." She laughed a little. Thinking that she was starting to ramble a little.
Sans listened, she had obvious worries about the whole thing that was going on. Sans listened and closed his eyes while walking peacefully with her. "you're worried about this.. its ok, having more than one partner isn't normal.. true.. but.. if you don't mind, i don't mind, and chara doesn't mind.. we're all consenting adults.. who cares.. and her being your half sister.. well, its ok. we can keep that part private.. with my short cuts its really easy too.. and plus, if chara has some of my powers she would be able to keep it a secret too" Sans smiled at her "so don't worry.. every things fine."
Frisk looked over at him and smiled happily. "You know, you're right. Like always." She wrapped her arms around his, pulling herself close. "Toy be honest, the whole trying to hide it and now say anything would just end up getting stressful. I don't know how you and Chara can do it, keep things from everyone. I don't mind, I trust that with you, you would tell me anything that needs to be said." She seemed to be glowing now, so happy to be with Sans like this. "I cant wait to see Papyrus's store, he is going to be so excited to see us!"
Sans chuckled and shook his head "eh... it does get stressful.. i'll tell you about it another time.. now its time to focus on papyrus" he smiled as she pulled herself closer to sans. They walked through the city for a while, sans pointing out funny things along the way. Finally coming up to Papyrus's store "The Flowery shop!" That was the name, Sans loved it. Even if it was based off of something he didn't really like for a while. Didn't matter though "yeah.. he works here.. owns the place and everything's going well for him to be honest heh heh.." sans walked up to the door and looked inside. there wasn't any customers right now.
"When ever you're ready, I'm not going anywhere." She smiled kindly to him. As they walked, she couldn't help but feel a since of pride. Everything was going so well, monsters having rights, their city was building up to be very charming, and she had the monster she loved most by her side. Not as a friend, but her boyfriend. Frisk looked up to the sign and smiled. " I like it!" Cheerfully she walked into the store, a little happy that it was empty "Wow, this is nice! I'm so proud of him. Still, I find it funny that he chose this type of shop. But I'm glad he did. It suits his sweetness." She sighed at the thought of Papyrus and his hyper energetic self. "Where is he...?"
Papyrus was in the back counting inventory, then he heard the door jingling against the bell as they walked in. Putting it down he would go back to it after, then he heard Frisks voice. No way it wasn't Frisk! He ran from behind and opened the door wide smiling and seeing Frisk and his brother "Oh!!! Frisk!!" He said with a large wide smile, running from behind the counter and hugging her a bit tight. Letting go, not being as rough as he was the first time they saw each other. "I'm so glad you've dropped by!! Its so lovely to see you again!! Every time I see you its a lovely experience!!" He smiled and tilted his head closing his eyes. "I'm so so sorry I haven't been able to see you much since you've gotten here!! With work I pretty much work every day!! There are more people than you'd think who want flowers you know!! Its interesting! Before I got here I would have never guessed" He smiled putting both hands on his hips and looking at her.
Hearing the cheerful voice of Papyrus call out her name, Frisk turned and saw the tall skeleton run towards her giving her a tight hug. Luckily, it was not as painful as last time. "Papyrus! Its good to see you too. I know its been a little crazy since I been back. I've been pretty busy myself, so no worries." She looked around the store and took in a deep breath through her nose. The store smelled lovely, Frisk loved flowers and these were so beautiful. " I really like your shop here, smells wonderful! And yes, humans will always find a reason to need flowers, we like giving them for gifts for all sorts of reasons." She laughed, she never really thought about this before. When she was traveling she was given flowers all the time from leaders and other important people. She made a mental note to pick up some for Chara for a gift, since they were all in this relationship together, it would be a nice gift. Plus it will help Papyrus shop. "Is it just you here by yourself?"
Papyrus smiled down at frisk and nodded quickly "I am the only one here! It's true!! I don't need anyone else! Well... That's not entirely true! I'm the only one here right now! Asgore comes by and works week ends! He enjoys meeting new people and it was the least I could do for my teacher!! He loves taking care of the flowers almost more than I do!!" Papyrus looked pretty ecstatic to talk about flowers. Whenever he found something he liked he would always go way over board with it and take it to the extreme, in a cute way. "Many people come here for flowers! Old. Young. Everyone!! Its the number one shop in town!!" He said with a smile. Sans leaned in and whispered "hes the only shop that sells flowers in town..." sans leaned back and smiled warmly at his brother. "I absolutely need to see that Ruby girl again!! Thank her for taking care of Sans!!"
Frisk was smiling widely at Papyrus as he talked about his shop, selling flowers, and about her father. "Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people love coming here, its a wonderful shop! Wish I came here sooner. Of course it would be though, with you running things its bound to be a success." And she wasn't just saying that to please her friend, she really believed in him, like he believed in her. Plus, he had such passion and pride for his store. Frisk gave a small giggle at Sans comment, then tilting her head at Papyrus, for a moment forgetting who 'Ruby' was. Her eyes widened as it hit her, he was Talking about Chara, it was just strange hearing someone else call Chara that. "Oh right, well she was going to join us. But she wasn't feeling well so she is at home resting." she wanted to correct him on Chara's real name, she glanced back at Sans, giving him a 'should we tell him look?' But that could have meant anything. There was a lot of things they should tell him, because a lot has happened over the past few days that he wasn't around for.
"Well of course its going well! I put everything into this! It's bound to work if you try hard enough" Papyrus smiled wide and looked at frisk giving sans a strange look. Sans thought it was probably a good idea "hey'uh.. papyrus, so. that girl ruby.. her real names chara, and she's actually toriels daughter from a long time ago.. she was brought back from the dead" Sans kind of said non-Shelton. Papyrus was a little stunned and quickly looked over to Frisk to see if this was a joke, it didn't seem like one "o... oh!? Well!!! Uhm! That's nice!! How!?!?! How did she come back!?"
Frisk found it amusing how Sans said this as if was something that happened everyday. Then again, he didn't really explain all that much, which left Papyrus with questions. She waited for Sans to further explain everything. Frisk could have if she knew exactly he did it, though he did tell her, but she didn't even fully understand how he did it. Frisk also knew just how secretive he could be and didn't want to say too much on the matter. But she would tell Papyrus how it all started. "Well, he soul never disappeared when she died. When I fell, her soul attached to mine. I guess because we were the same type. Chara had been with me since then, for all seven years. So in a way, Chara had always been here. I never told anyone, because I didn't want you guys to think I was crazy. I told Sans about it a few days ago...and well." Frisk wasn't sure if she should continue, she looked to Sans to see what he would say.
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