Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"private.. sounds amazing" The idea of just him and chara sharing a night together of pure pleasure sounded great. turning to frisk, it was almost hard to keep up with what was going on, but he managed "of course we can do this again.. i would want to do this all the time if i'm honest" Sans winked at Frisk and giggled a little bit. The way drunker and tired one of them layed on Sans's chest, kissing his neck and very delicately treating him nice. Sans caressed Chara's hair and kept her close, almost like he was protecting her. He loved the feeling, he looked down at frisk. A bit of an evil smirk coming across his lips, but even then it could be taken as playful. "don't think i've forgotten about you~" sans whispered into the top of her head. Wrapping his arm around her, his left eye started glowing a bit. She felt it, her clit being stimulated seemingly out of nowhere. It felt like there was a vibrator up against it, while tiny massages treated the sides and bottom. "you get to cum too~" he kissed her gently, still holding chara close.
With Sans now running his hand through Chara's hair, she felt herself relax even more. Slowly closing her eyes, losing her fight to stay awake. Frisk looked up to Sans, the light from his left eye brought back bad memories, until she felt a wave of pure bliss rush over her body. A strange vibrating on her clit causing her to twitch a little. Frisk clung on to him, a whimper moan came from her. Frisk had never felt anything this amazing before in her life. Whatever he was doing, he was doing it very well. So well in fact, after a few minutes she felt her climax rising. " Oh Sans, I love you so much~" She whispered softly, before the wave of total pleasure hit her. Trembling against him, she gasped out. "I'm cumming~" She said before her orgasm took over, her skin tingled. Unlike Chara, Frisk was not a squirter, but the way her body shivered with pleasure, her orgasm lasted much longer. Moaning out his name before going limp against him. Breathing heavily, she held onto him." That was...beautiful..." She sighed, snuggling into him for a moment before reaching down, pulling the covers over them. "Goodnight." She whispered to him, kissing his cheek, the smiling at Chara, who seemed to have slept though the whole thing. Closing her eyes, she got comfortable next to him. Now they all could rest, they would need it because there is a chance that they all were also going to be pretty hung over.
Sans just held his arm around her, holding her close. He could feel chara gently snoring on his neck and he thought it was adorable. Frisk spasms and twitches where super sexy and she was pulled into Sans's chest. holding her close and cuddling her while she was unable to control her body for that short while. He kissed her cheek and listened to her moan about how she loved him so much. He just smiled and stared at her with a loving embrace. Having each girl on either side of him was amazing, surrounded by sexy intresting smart girls.. He closed his eyes and felt the blanket envelop him. Quickly being taken away from consciousness and in his dreams. His arms always held onto the girls, hugging them close and feeling their warmth. When he woke up, the first think he thought about was how much his head was swimming, he didn't feel all that hurt. More just super groggy and unfocused. Sans looked down to see both chara and Frisk laying on either side of him, his eyes widened and he looked like he was completely shocked. It wasn't just a dream he had. It was all very real, he blinked a couple of times and just laid there. Not wanting to wake them up, and wondering if they remembered all of what happened last night. He watched them both as they slept, not wanting to disturb them. But it seemed sans made a horrible mistake last night.. or.. maybe not so much a mistake. But something he wouldn't have done sober at all.
It would be about fifteen minutes before Sans would feel either of them move. It was Frisk, giving a small whine, her face wrinkled as she reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She was so comfortable, but at the same time her head was killing her and her body ached. After minute of so, she realized that she was laying against something strange, but at the same time familiar. Her eyes shot open, and she sat up. Looking right at Sans, laying next to him was Chara. Then she noticed she was topless, the only thing she had on were her panties.. Quickly she pulled up the blanket, covering her breasts. "SANS?!" It was this loud out burst that woke Chara, she let out a groan and just rolled over with her back now to them. She wasn't ready to get up just yet, she finally had more than a few hours sleep with no nightmares. Then again, there was chance she was still a little drunk from last night. Frisk stared at Sans wide eyes. trying to remember everything that took place last night, her mouth hung open, then she found her words. "Did you...sleep well?" Maybe not the best words. but it was better than silence.
Sans had a hue of blue surrounding his cheeks, he sat up nodding and looking around. "yup... uh.. slept like a baby... heh.... heh heh..." It was horribly awkward, especially for sans. "i uh........... last.. night was..... fun? right.. heh heh" Usually Sans knew exactly what to say when to say it all the time, but this was super strange for him right now. he looked over at Chara and saw her waking up a bit. he put his hand on her head and slowly felt her hair. "uhm... i'll......... go make breakfast. Sans quickly pushed himself out of bed and walked naked to his underwear, Chara was wearing his jacket. so what he was wearing now would have to do. he walked to the kitchen and found some eggs, cracking 6 of them and frying them up for each of them to share. There wasn't much for food, so Sans just stayed with the basics. When they woke up and came downstairs Sans could talk about what happened. he just needed a little bit to think.
Frisk smiled and nodded, looking away from him " Yeah, I me too. We did have fun last night. Well, what I remember." She said, not really feeling guilty for what happened. Waking up next to Sans and Chara was pretty nice and she didn't mind. Frisk averted her eyes as Sans got out of bed, leaving her room. Chara gave another groan, not enjoying the fact that they were making so much noise. Sans could hear the shower upstairs cut on. About ten minutes later, Chara came staggering down the stairs and in to the kitchen. Still just wearing Sans jacket and her underwear. Sitting at the table she laid her head down and whined. " What the fuck happened?" She said, her eyes closed, the lights hurting her head. "Well, I remember a little, but damn...I swear everything hurts."
The sound of wet footsteps could be heard down the hardwood floors, splashing and squishing. Sans watched her shamble over to the table, laying down at it and resting her head on her arms. Sans couldn't help put shake his head slowly with a huge grin on his face. The eggs where ready and he put hers on a plate, then poured some orange juice for her. It sat there, nice and warm in front of her. "its called a hangover... it happens when you drink a lot and don't drink water before going to sleep... don't worry, it'll go away half way through the day heh heh.. eating and drinking juice will help you get over it" he smiled at her and plated his own food. Putting frisks on another plate, pouring orange juice for all of them and setting up the table nice and tidy. He walked over to Chara and gently patted her back "its ok heh heh heh.. and uh.... h-how.. much do you remember of last night?" Sans was a little worried, but just then some toast popped. Two pieces for each person, he walked over to the toast and buttered it before putting it on every ones plate. Grabbing some jam and putting it on the table, then finally sitting down at the table and stretching a tiny bit.
Chara heard the glass of juice placed in front of her, shaking her head she pushed it away. It reminded her of what they drank last night and it made her stomach turn at the thought of drinking it. Feeling Sans pat her back she and asking her what she remembered. "I don't know, drinking, pizza, then...going to Frisk room." She shrugged, her head hurt too much to try and think right now. "Can I just have some water? I don't think I can have that crap right now." Chara whined. Shortly Frisk walked in, seeming feeling a little better than her sister. As she walked though the living room she saw some of their clothes still on the floor. Making her way to the table she saw Chara laying there, Sans just then sitting at the table. "Hey guys." She said trying to sound cheerful, as she took a seat at the table taking a the glass of juice that was placed out for her and chugging it down. "Oh! Sans! You took your pants off!" She blurted out picking up her head. Frisk nearly chocking on her juice, and started to coughing. Chara looked at her wondering what her problem was." You alright?" Chara asked, Frisk nodded, them shook her head. "You just....caught me off guard...I don't remember that..." Frisk put her glass down and looked at the food Sans fixed for them. "Thank you for making this us Sans!" Frisk said, trying to change the subject. Chara slid her glass of juice to her, then got up to the kitchen to fix herself some water. That was when Frisk saw that she was still not dressed. "Chara?! Why don't you have pants on?!" Chara cringed a little at Frisks raised voiced. "Because I didn't want to bother with them! Could you keep you damn voice down!...For crying out loud..."Chara said, then chugging down some water, refilling the glass then walking back to the table taking her seat. "what do you remember Sans?"
Sans put his hands together and then looked down at his food "e... everything" he said starting to eat his food. Referring to what he remembered "how much do you remember frisk? cause... uh... heh.. we, got up to some pretty crazy stuff last night.. and.." sans looks over at frisk and blushes a little "if you want to forget about it... act like nothing happened.... i will too...... that goes for both of you" just giving the option to leave this at any moment. But now would be the perfect time to probably profess their love.
"oh...wow." Frisk said, picking up her fork and poking her eggs. "Yeah, we did. But I don't want to forget about. I mean, it was something that I always hoped would happen. I just wish, that I remembered more." Chara sat there and looked between them, feeling confused. A few more things coming from last night to her mind. "So, was what we did last night bad? Because I remember having a great time with you two." She pulled her plate of eggs closer and started eating a little before adding on. " Plus, I thought you said that's what people do when they love each other, and we all said that we did last night. So its cool, right?" Frisk just stared at Chara, blinking slowly. She never realized just how clueless Chara was about the normal living world. It was sort of cute.
Sans watched chara as she spoke and started laughing, laughing harder and harder. He had to cover his face, leaning on the table. Then he took his hand off his face and smiled at her "yeah... i did say that... and... i meant it too. i love both of you" he smiled, feeling a bit scared right now. "i'm.. not gonna lie... i've been thinking about how you two are perfect since i've helped chara.. and since frisk came back from her travels... i... heh.... guess i couldn't keep it hidden forever.. huh?" sans shrugs and smiles warmly. "so. if you girls want to keep going and be in a.. three way relationship.. i don't mind at all" Sans smiled wide, finally accepting what is happening for him.
The girl looked at Sans when he started to laugh. Frisk didn't remember ever saying that she loved them last night, she knew she loved Sans. She glanced at Chara, she looked so different right now, her hair a mess, wearing just Sans jacket and panties. She did look pretty cute. But then again, she was her sister, in a way. "I'm fine with it...just...we can't...Its just that Chara. Well I mean we are 'sisters', in a way." Chara looked over at Frisk, that was something that she didn't think about, then again, she didn't know why that mattered. "I can understand that if we grew up like that, but we didn't. So I don't see a problem." Chara said looking back down to her plate, taking a bite of her toast. "You stress too much Frisky, I have always told you that. The little I remember about last night, I do remember that you looked the happiest I seen you in a long while." Chara was saying that as more of a fact, not that she was trying to be nice. Still, Frisk smiled, knowing that Chara was right. she looked back to Sans and smile, giving him a small nod. "Okay, I'm willing to try." Chara looked up from her food. " I'm in, unless we always have to be drunk. Because this sucks ass." Frisk giggled at Chara and shook her head.
Hearing their concerns Sans was understanding of what they where saying, legally they would be sisters. But he was sure she could hide that from everyone, the fact that they get together and love each other could be easily hidden if needed for publicity type things. Frisk was the spokesperson for monsters after all, if anyone learned about this it would be the end of her career. Sans was willing to do what he needed to in order to save her from public outcry "well then... its uh... settled huh? you're both my girlfriends" sans winked and seemed to loosen up a bit more. Chuckling at Chara "nah.... we don't have to get drunk again.. heh heh, it was more of a celebration thing anyways... getting drunk can be fun, but we over did it" sans winked and started to finish his eggs. Smiling wide "and uh.. if i remember correctly.. we talked about..... something that we wanted to do in private?" sans raised an eyebrow, he was talking about the first time they actually had sex with sans.
Frisk and Chara looked at him, Chara laughed out, slamming her hand on the table. " Damn I'm good! Been alive for less than two days and I already have boyfriend! Maybe I can get another tomorrow!" This time it was Frisk that rolled her eyes at Chara. "No, that's not how it works. You only have one." she said with a laugh. "What? But he gets two girlfriends and we get one? Seems a little unfair." Chara didn't really care about going looking for another boyfriend, she was just teasing a little. Frisk ignored her and looked to Sans. "Yes, we did talk about something, privet." Frist said, taking a bite of her eggs. Feeling now nervous, she hated it. They were all adults, so why was it so hard to talk about. Taking a deep breath she continued. "As you know we didn't, you know. You said you wanted to wait for a better time to...well it would be our first time and we agreed that...you know. It be more privet." Chara looked at the both of them. " Yeah, no idea what you guys are talking about..."
Sans chuckled a bit at Chara's banter leaning in he smiled "good luck trying to find someone other than me who wants you as their girlfriend~" he said only teasing, he knew if she wanted she could have any guy she could get. listening to her talk about it being private he smiled and moved his hand to hers, taking it and looking into her eyes. "no need to be nervous... it'll be fine.. and i'll make sure its a great time for you" he looked so caring and nice right now. he then turned to chara with a smirk "and you too.. heh heh, you'll really like it~ but.. i think i'm not gonna tell you anything about it. it'll be a big surprise~" sans smiled closing his eyes, he loved surprises.
Chara pushed her plate away and smirked to Sans. " True, you are a special kind of crazy to want me for one~" Frisk smiled at the two of them, at first if annoyed her they way that they flirted, now it was amusing watching them tease each other. She felt Sans slipped his hand into hers, smiled she looked into his eyes. "I know, I trust you. I always wanted you to be my first." Chara stretched in her chair, and yawned. "That fine, don't tell me. I'll just get Frisky tell me all I need to know." She smirked at Frisk, the same as she does with Sans when she flirted with him. Frisk blushed and looked away. "Yeah, not going to happen. That it between you guy." Frisk giggled, then her head quickly looked to Sans. "Your couch! Its getting delivered this morning! What time is it?!" She jumped up to the table into the kitchen and looked at the time on the stove. It was almost ten. "We need to go! Chara! Put your pants on!" Chara just sat there and watched wide eyed as Frisk had her little freak out. "Ummm...where are they?" Frisk just groaned. "Upstairs...." Chara looked to Sans and shrugged and got up from the table, picking up her shirt from the living room and went upstairs.
"heh.. calm down frisk.. we'll make it there.. my couch will be there when we make it there.. but it's probably a good idea to leave now.." sans put a hand on her shoulder and stood up, walking over to the living room he found both his pants and his shirt. Putting them on and looking at the door, sans walked over to Frisk with a wide smile. "thanks for.. caring so much heh heh.. even if it's over silly things.." sans leaned over and kissed her cheek. The first time he's done that without being drunk, it felt nice and he thought it was warm feeling. he liked it.. He would have to get used to it too "i uh... heh, i'm glad we started drinking last night.. gave me the courage to try and do anything with you and chara.. i would have just.. kept trying to get you two to find some other guy if i hadn't heh heh..."
"I don't think its over silly things." Frisk said with a small pout, though he was right, so was Chara. She had spent so much time with her mother that she did worry about small things a lot, and always over think about what to say. Then she felt Sans kiss her cheek, her face heating immediately. She remember him kissing her last night, but this was far better. She smiled to him. "Yeah, me too. I would have never thought I would have done any of that last night. I mean with you I wanted to, just now with Chara." Just then Chara walked down. "Sansy, I thought you said no guy would want me as a girlfriend~" She grinned at him. "Though like you said, trash should be with trash~" She said, wrapping her arm around Frisk arm. "So, we off to wait for a couch?"
Sans smiled seeing the two of them together, he chuckled and shook his head a little. "well.. trash is with trash chara.. you and i are together... but sometimes people accidentally throw away less trashy things, and that's why frisks with us~ heh heh heh" sans only teased more, bringing frisk into the mix. He walked over to the front door and opened it, "yeah.. sure, come over here. we'll head on home and wait for the couch.. shouldn't be long at all" walking through the door they all took his short cut to his house. Coming out from the kitchen and walking into the living room. Sans looked at the bloody couch and sighed, walking over to it. "welp.. gonna have to get rid of this one......" everything went black for a moment, like all the lights in the world went out. Then when they came back on the couch was gone "done. heh heh heh, that was easier than i thought" he said turning to the two girls and giving a wink.
Chara laughed a little. "Yeah, I think we need Frisk to keep us in line~" She smiled to Frisk as they fallowed him though his shortcut, showing up in his kitchen. Frisk looked at the bloody couch. "If felt like that happened forever ago." She said, then looked over at the duffle bag she gave to Chara, her yellow and green sweater laying next to it. Walking over to it she pulled out a smaller bag. She was on her way over to Chara when the world when black, she froze in place, then when they came back, the bloody couch was gone. Smiling over to Sans she shook her head. After all these years, he still seemed to surprise her, she hoped that he always will. Chara went over to the kitchen table and sat down with a deep sigh. "Hey Chara, let me take care of you hair, its a mess." Frisk said with a laugh pulling out a brush. "Sure, whatever." Frisk walked up behind her and ran the brush though her hair, snagging a few knot pulling Chara head back. "OW! What the hell?!" Chara shrieked, whipping her head around to look at Frisk. "That hurt!" Frisk sighed and pulled her back. "Don't be a baby, I have to do this all the time. Its not that bad." She ran the brush though again. "Fuck! Knock it off! " Frisk shook her head and looked to Sans. "So, where did the couch go?" She asked as she continued to try and brush the knots out of Chara's hair, Causing her to cuss more at Frisk.
Sans listened to chara cursing and swearing at frisk for pulling a little too hard on her hair, he laughed a bit. Shaking his head and looking over at frisk "yeah.. its at the dump now.. heh heh.. absolutely no point in keeping it here if its gonna be thrown away anyways" just then a knock at the door, sans smiled and looked over at the door. "well.. there's my new couch." sans smiled and walked over to the door, opening it and seeing a man probably middle aged. he looked like he did construction most of his life, but now has to move couches for whatever reason. "good after noon. uh....................... sir?" the man didn't want to mess up the gender of the skeleton, he assumed right. but how the hell do you tell the gender of a pile of bones!? "heh heh" sans chuckled and the mover looked relieved, Sans's voice was enough to make him realize he was right. "yeah.... i'm a man.. i don't blame you for being confused.. i'd be confused too if a skeleton walked up to me" sans took the papers and wrote down his name and his information. Then the middle aged man took it, looked at it for a moment. He smiled and nodded to sans "thank you sir. be right back with your couch" he walked out over to the moving truck.
The girls both watched Sans iteration with the man, laughing a little. To them, Sans looked male, though nether one of them never seen a female skeleton monster before. Frisk gave Chara a few more brush strokes, then sighed. " Okay, as good as its going to get. You know, you're going to have to learn how to take care of yourself again. You been around me long enough that you should know how to do all this already." Frisk said, tossing the brush on the table. Chara groaned, still not feeling all that well and now her head hurt more than it already did. "Whatever..." Chara said. Frisk laughed a little looking at Chara, she looked like a little tomboy right now. Her baggy pants, t-shirt and Sans jacket. Frisk looked over to Sans, tilting her head a little. "Were there ever any female skeleton monsters?" She asked, Chara looking over to him as well, wondering the same thing.
Sans turned to them and then looked back at the truck "well.." he walked back over to them, there where a couple movers and they wouldn't need any help bringing it in. "not in the underground.... no skeletons other than me and papyrus.. we were the only ones. but.. never got us down heh heh, i don't even think papyrus ever noticed that to be frank" Sans shrugged and then watched the two men struggle to bring the couch in, well one struggled. The other was doing just fine. They brought the couch in and placed it where the old couch was. Sans waved "thanks for the help guys... did a great job" they nodded and just walked off, getting in their truck and driving off.
Frisk seemed a little sad at the thought, she couldn't imagine what it must be like to be one of the only two. The again, monsters were made of magic, and she was sure that they worked a little different then humans did when it came to babies and reproducing. Though Chara, as always said what was on her mind. "That sucks. So I guess when you guys die, that's it huh?" Then a thought came to her. "Wait, how do you guys even have babies? Do you lay an egg? Because that would be cool." Frisk giggled, Chara was so child like. Then again, she also wondered the same. Her mother never told her about how monsters did this. "Chara, how about we talk about that another time. We all had a long night. And I'm sure Sans wants to enjoy his new couch." Chara shrugged and walked over looking at the new couch, nodding in approval. "Yeah, I still feel like shit..."
Sans nodded about wanting to enjoy his new couch, he smiled and jumped into the air. almost diving onto the couch, landing on his back and looking more than comfortable. "yeah... uh heh heh... so... papyrus and i are the only un-dead monsters... toriel told me a long time ago.. when monsters and humans went to war, there where plenty of un-dead monsters and creatures.. skeletons, zombies, ghouls, weird gnome like things.. but uh... during the war they where singled out and kind of killed off... maybe we'll see more pop up over time.. but probably not.. so, that means papyrus and i are the only undead monsters..." sans opened his eyes and then looked shocked for a second "actually... that's not true at all" He smiled wide then turned looking at chara with a grin "you're an undead monster too heh heh heh.." sans winked. "and skeletons have babies in weird ways... most monsters have different ways, animal like monsters have babies the same way animals do... so they get pregnant, or they lay eggs.. or whatever.. but when it comes to fire and elemental monsters" Sans smiles "they combine some of their magic and power together and make a very tiny weak elemental monster.. then they treat it like their baby.. well, because it is.. skeletons are weird. since we're like humans.. we get pregnant. but... since we don't have skin, we hold the baby with magic and then can't move for a really long time....... i mean.... the skeleton basically becomes the egg.. unable to move and has to be supported by the father for a while... and monsters can breed with other types.. usually makes a strange mix of the two. so yeah, that's why there are so many strange looking monsters... that just look..... weird heh heh. like jerry"
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