Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk leaned in and asked the question, he actually had to think. "i... heh.... i mean...... i usually don't try to think about stuff like that... i uh.. try not too.. but.. right now i'm.. having some thoughts" he looked into her eyes and winked chuckling. Then he looked at chara with a smirk. "hey chara... we all have our shirts off.. why don't you take yours off? its your dare.. you can keep the jacket on, but you have to keep it open too.." he smiled and looked back to frisk for a moment, looking down at her body. When she gave him permission he kind of started gawking and enjoying her smooth form.
Chara sighed and snickered a little. "Yeah I was wondering how long I was going to get away with this." Just as before, she didn't seem to mind to undress in front of Sans. But that was because she didn't fully understand the big deal. She let the jacket slip off her shoulders, falling to the ground behind her, then pulling off her gray t-shirt. Unlike Frisk, Chara didn't wear a bra. As much as the girls looked alike, there were differences, Chara was a bit taller than Frisk, She was thinner, but tone her breasts smaller Chara being a b-cup. Frisk, was shorter, and had more curves. Tossing the shirt off to the side she pulled Sans jacket back on, leaving it open. "My turn. So Sans, what thoughts are you having?"
Sans blushed and looked away quickly and giggled a bit blushing and seeing chara completely topless. He shook his head and looked to frisk, looking back at chara. Seeing her decently sized tits. He pushed his hands down onto his pants to hide his now growing boner giggling and looking into her eyes "ok.. ok.. i'm thinking that i want to keep kissing both of you.. and maybe.. see you guys with a little less on" He winked and giggled more. Knowing what he would do his next turn.
Even Frisk was a little caught off when Chara took off her shirt and saw her completely topless. Looking away blushing as well, now knowing just how Chara looked under her clothes. She was also surprised to see that she seemed rather fit. Frisk felt her cheeks heat up even more hearing Sans say that he wanted to see them both with less on. She laughed nervously. "So my turn, Uh. Wow I don't even know where to go from here. How about, Chara. Why don't you give Sans a kiss, he hasn't had one from you yet." It was this that made Chara a little flustered. " I..Uh...okay..." Chara leaned over to Sans, and mimicked the was Frisk kissed her earlier. Reaching up and placing a hand on the back of his head and pulling his head to her, pressing her lips gently to his, tilting her head a little. Kissing him was different than when Frisk did it to her. She held the kiss for a few seconds before quickly pulling away, looking away from him.
Sans's eyes widened and he saw chara leaning in for the kiss. He saw her move in and his eyes widened a bit feeling her lips against his and her hand against the back of his head he smiled and closed his eyes. Leaning in a bit and placing his hand on her shoulder, then his fingers trailed down her arm and he leaned away. "that... that was really nice.. heh heh.. you uh.. you liked it?" he smiled wide and looked down a bit, "frisk.. I think chara's lonely with her being the only one having her bra off... i dare you to do the same" he smirked at her in a cheeky kind of way. He blushed enough to show that he was a bit flustered by his own question.
Chara just nodded in reply to Sans question. Frisk whined when Sans gave his dare. "Oh come on! She has your jacket!" Chara laughed a little. "Yeah because you dared me to wear it till he can have it back." Frisk pouted. " then I dare you to take it off." Chara shrugged." Nope not your turn. Its mine, And I dare you to not dare me to take it off." Frisk started to argue, her mouth hung open for a moment before shutting it. "..fine..." She reached around and unclasped her bra, letting it slide off her arms, quickly crossing her arms over her chest trying to cover breasts. "Sans, can you dare her to take of the jacket then?"
Sans saw frisk quickly take her bra off and he blushed a lot harder his face fully blue at this point. He kind of wished he could hide, he looked like a kid in a candy store. "sure... heh heh heh, chara take off my jacket... or at least show your chest more heh heh" he blushed, unable to keep his excitement "don't worry frisk.. i got your back." He looked back at her, seeing her breasts lay on her arms. Hididng her nipples but seeing them pop out more because of the way her arms where so close against her chest.
Chara laughed. "Wow guys. That's not even fair!" she really didn't want to take the jacket off, Sans was right, it was going to be tough to give tit back. She let Sans jacket slip off her shoulder but leaving her arms in them sleeves, revealing her chest more. " There happy?" She laughed again and shook her head. Frisk quickly looked away from Chara, smiling a little. She liked the way Chara looked, she never noticed any of this before till now. It was Chara's turn, and she looked to Sans and smirked. " Well, Sans. Time for those shorts to come off." A small squeak can from Frisk with Chara's dare.
Sans chuckled and saw chara's tits nice and out in the open, his face still bright blue. Sans stood up and shook his head a little bit "this is going so str-" Chara told him to take his pants off and he looked at her "are you sure? you might give poor frisk a heart attack~ heh heh heh heh" Standing up he grabbed his pants and pulled them down, only being in some red boxers. He tossed his pants over to the side and then leaned up against the couch pulling one knee up and wresting his fore arm on his knee. In the kind of pose that many artists draw, he looked over at Frisk to make sure she was still breathing. "how ya holdin up?" he said with an almost angelic smile and a glint in his eyes.
Frisk wasn't even sure if her had anything like that under his pants, so there was a moment of panic. She closed her eyes tightly until she heard Sans asking how she was holding up. Slowly she let one eye open. She let out her breath that she didn't know she was holding out slowly and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine..." Chara started to giggle a little. Though at this point, they all were going to be undressed. It was not Frisks turn, also thinking what Chara was." Sans, do you have...a...you know...?" She pointed down to his crotch quickly. This was more for a head up for herself when that time came.
Sans laughed and leaned back, scratching his chin and nodding. "yeah.. it..... looks pretty cool heh heh.. not a bone heh heh, just to let you know" Sans winked and looked over at Chara, Sans smiled and looked back to Frisk. "hey.. don't forget its your turn heh heh.. you... want.... to see?" sans raises an eyebrow, he was just wondering if she was going in that direction with it.
"I'm sure all guys think that Sansy..." Chara said with humor in her voice. Frisk on the other hand never really thought of it being made of bone, but what else would it be made of. Frisk nodded slowly to Sans, feeling that maybe it was a little wrong for her to even ask him to do such a thing for her. But at this point she was just curious. on top of that, she already had her turn, or was Sans asking her for his turn. Now she was confused. Frisk look in a deep breath and forced herself to look at him. At this point even Chara had her eyes glued to him. She only saw a quick peek of it before, and he wasn't lying, it did look pretty cool.
Sans blushed really hard and looked at both of them, they both looked super curious. He did see both of their chests, even if he didn't see frisks for too long. He did see her chest a little bit. Taking a deep breath and standing up "alright... if you really want to see it. Then feast your eyes." sans stood up and looked at both of them, they where both kind of leaning in. He put his thumbs down his shorts and took a deep breath, looking away and pulling his underwear down his thigh. his cock was a bit hard right now, about half chubbed. But other than that! it was blue and somewhat translucent. It looked almost like a glowing candy, like cloudy glass. His cock sort of flopped over to one side and rested on top of his balls. His cock was decently large, being half chubbed. His balls looked the exact same way and very smooth. "so... what are you guys thinking?" sans looked back, closing one eye and bitting his lower lip a little smirking. He could see their shocked expressions.
Both girls looked up at him on their knees at his feet, wide eyed and in awe, it was surely a cute sight from Sans point of view." How does that even work?" Chara was the first to say anything. Now that she was getting a better look at it, she was confused and amazed by this. She honestly wanted to touch it. Frisk gave a small gasp, also wondering the same thing Chara just asked. She was so distracted by this the let her arms drop a little from her chest freeing her breasts. Any time she thought about Sans, it was always just him touching her, only because she was never sure what he had. So she had no idea what to expect, but it was never anything like this.
Sans looked down at Chara and raised an eyebrow "how does it work?... like.... a penis? i mean... i only use it for.. well... sexual relief uh.. i... uh.. heh heh, well, you get the idea." Sans blushed a little more and arched his back a bit, looking away and holding nervous laughs. "i mean... you.. uh... you guys.. can get a closer look if.. you want.. i mean.... i-i don't mind what you do" he murmured a little, not looking at them. Wondering if they'll just tell him to put it away now that they saw it.
Chara sighed and shook her head. "That's not what I meant, like, why is it blue...and look like that?" Chara couldn't help herself, she reach up and softly ran her fingers down his length, it felt as smooth as it looked. Frisk looked in horror at first as she watched Chara do this. "He said look! Not touch!" She really thought Chara was being rude by this." I'm looking with my hand! Damn Frisk, chill!" Chara said with a laugh. " still you should ask first..." Frisk whined. Chara pulled her hand from his shaft. "Sansy, is alright if I touch it?" Chara said in a mock innocent voice, before whispering to Frisk. "....happy?!"
When she ran her finger down his shaft, he shivered a little bit and twitched a little. He closed his one eye even harder and looked down at her with a bit of a smile. This was the kind of thing you could only find in movies, and he was right in the center of it. He chuckled softly "i was kind of giving you permission to touch if you wanted.. i uh.. just couldn't find the words.. either of you can touch.. if.. you want too" sans nearly whispered and smiled at them. Getting to see Frisks breasts uncovered his eyes widened and his cock moved on its own a bit, jumping a little before resting and starting to get bigger. "well.. i can't have a cock made out of bone.. so this ones made out of magic.. heh.. its uh.. blue, because its one of my favorite colors.. that's all" sans looked at both of them slowly. "but.. yeah.. do as you like.. i.. don't mind at all"
Chara gave Frisk an 'I told you so look' before looking back to Sans member in front of her face. Frisk gave a small pout before also looking at Sans. "So wait, can you change the color?" Chara asked, her fingers now going to his ball, touching them softly. Frisk was now also getting curious, she reached up and mimicked what Chara did along his shaft with her fingers. It was smooth, she ran her fingers down his length again, this sending a shiver through her, a heat started to build up between her leg. She adjusted herself a little. "I like the blue..." Frisk said smiling up at him.
They started touching and poking it more and more. Chara asked a good question and he nodded "yup..." for a second, the cock changed from blue to red, to catch Chara's attention. Then back to his nice cool blue color, her fingers going to his smooth balls. She could feel the testicles inside moving as she pushed her finger up against it, it was strange. Frisk then joined in, putting her finger on and running it along the shaft. Both of them poking and touching his cock like that made him have to close his eyes, there wasn't anything really pleasurable about it. But it was really sexy to have two girls on him and inspecting him like that. He bent over and pulled his underwear completely off. Knowing he probably wouldn't need them for a while. Their soft fingers running along his cock and balls gave a shiver up his spine. His cock started getting much harder because of that, moving on its own again. Starting to stand, very slightly.
Frisk could tell where this was going, watching as Sans cock started to grow at their touch. "Do you guys, want to...go up stairs?" She offered her idea, Chara pulled her hand away and looked to Frisk. "And what?" She asked, Chara for being such a bad ass, when it came to things like this she was clueless. Frisk could have explained to her about any of this during their time together, but she never saw the point, Chara was a ghost. Now she wished she did, though Chara was so cute, and when it did come to things like this, Chara was innocent. Frisk shrugged. " I don't know, just to get comfortable?" Frisk looked up at Sans. "Maybe you can share some more thought you have with us?" She said with a shy smile, her heart was about to beat from her chest, this was really happening.
Sans almost lost his breath hearing Frisk say that they should go upstairs. It was shocking to know that Frisk wanted it to go the way that he was edging them to, he smiled and took Chara and Frisks hand. Helping them up and walking with them to the stairs "yeah... we can get comfortable.. talk... and i can show you more.. if you wanna learn more" he smiled at chara, clearly she didn't know what was going on. She would enjoy it, but she was a bit naive. "i actually.. have a lot of tricks up my sleeve.. heh heh, more than you can imagine" Sans openly flirted with frisk, they both knew what was going to happen. He wasn't lying either, he had a lot of tricks he could pull out for them. Sans walked them to frisks room, frisk somewhat leaded the way. They made it to her room, it was pretty bland and didn't have much in it. Sans closed the door "lets.. get onto the bed.. much nicer than the floor" sans said as he climbed onto the center of the bed. Leaving an open spot on either side of him for chara and Frisk. He leaned back, his elbows holding him up.
The girls stood, each of them taking the hand that Sans offered them. Frisk leading the way, she had never done anything like this before, but she still had an idea of what to do. But who better than Sans to teach them. She felt herself shiver a little as Sans flirted, telling them about tricks that he had. In her mind Sans was good at everything, so it didn't surprise her that he would be good that things like this. Once in the room, Frisks heart started to beat faster, and now seeing Sans in her bed made it all so much more real. She took a shaky breath and approached the bed, climbing in on hit right side. Chara was started to get nervous, though she didn't know why, wondering if they were going to bed now. But Sans said something about them learning more and talking. Suddenly, she was feeling a little insecure, walking around to the other side of the bed, she wrapped Sans jacket around her body. Climbing in one Sans left side. "So, what now?" Chara asked, feeling a little felt out on what was happening when it seemed Sans and Frisk knew.
Sans watched as both of his friends climbed into the bed, they both seemed nervous and he didn't blame them. Seeing how they both where practically shivering sans wrapped his arms around both of them. "no need to be nervous.. i won't bite~ heh heh.. unless you like it" he said in an overly flirtatious way. Sans looked over at Frisk and smiled warmly he whispered into her ear "chara seems very nervous... lets.. comfort her a little, make her feel nice. then everyone can have as much fun as possible" sans smiled. He wanted to tell frisk that as more of a heads up that he would be going for chara first, only to calm her down. Frisk was very nervous too, sans could tell. But Chara looked like a scared puppy right now. Not sure what was going on or why, Sans kissed frisks neck once or twice to show her he wasn't going to leave her out. Then he turned to chara and pulled her in a little closer. "you don't need to feel uncomfortable chara.. we're all friends here.. we're all going to have a lot of fun.." Sans took her chin and started kissing her a bit passionately, closing his eyes and leaning into the kiss a bit. his hand going up and down her back a bit, trying to get her to loosen up.
The girls were pulled in to Sans, Frisk laughed lightly at his comment about not biting. She was nervous, but she was also a little excited, and the idea of her not going through this alone made her feel a little better. Frisk had touched herself in the past, but Chara never had the chance yet since getting her body back. So this was going to be interesting to see her reaction to everything. Feeling Sans deep voice whisper in her ear then kissing her neck, Frisk gave a soft sigh, goosebumps covering her skin. Nodding, she didn't mind, she wanted Chara to be more comfortable and enjoy the moment. Chara felt Sans hold on her tighten as he turned his attention to her, his hand taking hold of her chin as he spoke to her. Chara's red eyes meeting his." I'm n-" Chara started to say before she was cut off by Sans lips meeting hers. This kiss different than before, it was more intimate. Her body tensed for a moment, then relaxing as Sans hand move up and down her back. Slowly her eyes closed, leaning in she melted in to his kiss and touch. True she didn't know what was going on, but Sans was right, they were friends she didn't have many, but she could only guess this is what they did.
Sans's tongue gently poked her lips as he started licking and smiling. His hand meeting her shoulder and he pulled her in for a small embrace. His hand gripping his shoulder and making her come closer. He pulled away before anything got too steamy, feeling her hot and heavy breath on his face. He smiled at her, looking her deep in the eyes. "this.. is something that people do when they love each other... do you want to feel good? because i want to make both you and frisk feel amazing tonight" He smiled and leaned down nibbling her neck. She seemed to loosen up and get less scared as he kept going, "don't fight your feelings.. go with them.. they're here to help you" he whispered. his other hand moved down frisks back feeling her skin and small indent on her spine. his hand making it down to her butt, he didn't grab. he just started feeling a bit. "frisk and i can help you feel... really good.. and you'll help both of us feel amazing too."
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