Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

The girls both jumped at the sound of the air-horn, covering their ears. "Shh!" Frisk giggled. " I have connecting neighbors!" She was that worried about complaints, but she only been there for less than a week and didn't want to annoy any of them. Chara laughed. "Damn Sansy, you are too freaking cool. " She said, for a moment she looked at him almost dreamily, but she caught herself and coughed as she poured a little vodka in her juice she make herself a minute ago. Frisk saw the look Chara gave Sans, she wanted to be bitter about. But then again, they seemed to click pretty fast, and they seem to also got a long very well. Frisk wished she was more like Chara right now, to be more open, to not worry so much about saying the wrong thing. Smiling she clapped her hand together " My turn! But this is for all of us!" She jumped up and got three small glasses and a bottle of tequila, pouring just a little in each. Putting a glass in front of each of them. " A toast, to a true happy ending for everyone." She held up her glass to them. Chara shrugged and picked her up to Frisk.
Sans chuckled and shook his head. Then he noticed what they would be drinking, it would make them twice as drunk as they already where.. eh. Sans was drunk enough that that sounded like a great idea. Sans grabbed the glass and raised it in the air, clinking it against everyone else glass. Smiling wide. "to friendship... and to our happy ending" Sans smiled and shot his drink back, after about 10 second of shaking his head from the taste. he could feel himself already getting way way drunker. He almost fell backwards and chuckled. "woah... so... uh..... truth or dare? more of that game right?"
Frisk drank hers down, wrinkling her face making noise of distaste. " Oh man, that's awful." She said before laughing. Chara took her down and made a little face then shrugged. " I kinda liked it. Shame we try this before." At the point both the girls were seeing double. "Well, its your turn. So that's up to you." Frisk said as she stumbled up picking up their glasses and taking them to the kitchen. Chara also stood up and walked to the door. "I'm going outside! I need some air, it toooooo stuffy in here!" She swung open the door and stepped out, leaving the door open she just sat on Frisk front step, sighing deeply as the cool air hit her face.
Sans giggled and really couldn't get up right now. He didn't want to try, he would probably fall over. So he just sat up and leaned against the table. Frisk came back and he smiled at her, very warmly. Looking deep into her eyes and feeling like he was having a moment with her "this is..... very very nice... you're such an amazing person frisk.. you know that? you're so amazing..." He smiled and tilted his head looking at her smiling wide.
Frisk looked to the open door and saw Chara sitting out there. Sighing she took her seat next to Sans, smiling as Sans talked about her. Her brown eyes meeting his, she just starred at his for a minute. " Yeah, I kind of do. But, do you know that you are also amazing, and cute!" She giggled as she poked his chest. They both were pretty drunk at this point, this worked out well for Frisk. She was able to loosen up a little. Talk to him with out feeling awkward.
Sans got poked in the chest and he laughed and giggled grabbing his chest and looking away, his cheeks turning very slightly blue "thank you for the compliment you silly heh heh heh" sans giggled more and pushed her shoulder a bit looking down and shaking his head. "uh.. heh heh.. sooooo.. what's your truth or dare??" he smiled wide and leaned in a little bit.
Frisk smiled and swayed when Sans lightly pushed her arm. She laughed pointing to his head. " Well thank you sir, but , I'm silly? You still have that party hat on." She leaned in to him a little as he did. "Plus, its your turn. You need to give me a truth of a dare. Chara's not here, so we can play till she gets back?" Frisk body still swayed a little as she just gazed in to Sans eyes. "Or, we could do something else?"
Sans waved his hand and looked down "no no no.. you're turn.. i don't have anything to say or do heh heh.. maybe we could have a private session? you and me play truth or dare... i'll give you a dare or a truth when i think of one heh heh.. uh... so go on.. do whatever" He smiled and kept looking at her the whole time, waiting "just a small.... secret one~" he winked.
Frisk nodded, only hearing half of what he said. He was so close that her mind was going blank. She started to lean closer then pulled a back. Her face going a little flush. " Okay, dare...kiss me.." She dared him. She was about to do that herself, but this time she want him to do it. He didn't even remember last time when she kissed him, and there was a chance he wouldn't remember this time. But it was all about the moment, they were a lone, and happy. Unlike last time.
Sans's eyes widened and he looked around then he smiled a little bit looking into her eyes. "you're... sure?... i mean..." Sans looked down then up at her with a smile. He leaned in, kissing her and closing his eyes. His hand moving to her cheek and kissing her a little more than what was needed of him. His breath became slow and gentle as he kept going, his lips gently nibbling hers and making his own heart flutter. If he had one. He slowly opened his eyes and looked into hers, his hand still on her cheek. "how was that?"
Feeling Sans against her lips and his hand on her cheek, Frisk melted. Closing her eyes, she thought that he would have made it a quick little peck. But he seemed as if he was enjoying it. Frisk sighed, her heart feeling as if it was about to beat from her chest. She thought about doing this dare a while ago. Though now they were alone, it just felt more privet. Feeling him pull away and ask her how it was, she smiled, keeping her eyes closed a little lover before slowly opening them. Only to see his looking right back into hers. "Wow..." was all she was able to get out for a moment "So, your turn?"
Sans smiled and thought about what he should make her do, he looked away and smiled. He was starting to get in the loving mood, that kiss really sent him over the edge. "i dare you to kiss my neck.. and.. suck on it a bit.. do what feels good." He smirked and his cheeks started to blush a bit, he didn't have the foresight or anything to think about chara. Or anything other than just that frisk was so soft and cute looking.
Frisk was a little taken back by his dare. She swallowed hard as she moved right next to him, their legs now touching as they sat on the floor. Slowly she leaned in, her cheek lightly touching his jaw as her lips touch his neck. Parting her lips her tongue gazed his neck bone. Wrapping her lips around his spin she moved between sucking and kissing his neck. Her body squirmed a little, feeling heat between her legs build. A soft moan came from her, before she pulled away. "Was that..okay?" She asked, looking at his face.
Her kiss made him shiver a bit and his smile twitch much larger. he closed his eyes, feeling her soft lips on his neck and her leg against his, she was almost worried about doing a good job. It was very cute. he giggled a little and bit his lower lip slightly, he nodded and smiled. "yea.. it was.. now.. whats your dare?" he smirked, he could see where this was going. he almost wanted chara in on this, she was missing out on all the fun, he was drunk enough to think that she would join in on this weird game.
Frisks face lit up, she was worried that she didn't do it right. She opened her mouth to say something when the sound of the door shutting came from behind them. Chars stumbled over to them and sat on the other side of Sans, sitting just as close as Frisk was. " Looked like you guys are having fun with out me." Chara said, she had been standing there for a minute and saw what Frisk did. Frisk looked away shyly. " Yeah, just a little. I'm its my turn so..." She thought, she was getting in to this, and Chara being here didn't change anything. in fact, Frisk wanted to see how Sans did it. "Sans, do what I did to Chara..." Charas eyes widened, "Wait...what?"
Sans watched as chara came into the house and sat down, she seemed almost annoyed. Maybe that was just cause he couldn't gauge the situation properly right now, but he was sure that she was upset with them. Then frisk asked Sans to do the same to chara, he thought it was a great idea. He didn't want to leave her out and make her feel like she was unwanted, he smiled and looked at chara. It almost looked seductive but he didn't mean for it to look that way. Sans grabbed Charas hand and pulled her in, it was really easy. She didn't have any balance right now. Sans pulled her against him so that her chest was up against his, he wrapped his arm around her back. His hand on her back and he started kissing her neck, his lips formed a seal on her neck and he sucked a little bit. Nibbling and giving tiny licks before pulling away with a cheeky smile. "don't think you're gonna end up just being a third wheel heh heh heh"
The small pull of Chara hand was enough for her to pretty much fall into Sans, her chest now against his. Before she could protest she felt his face press up on her neck. At first Chara let out a small giggles, it tickled for a moment. Then once he started nibbling and licking, she froze followed by a small shiver. Chara gave a small whimper as she closed her eyes. She didn't understand why this felt so nice, and why is made her weak. Frisk was also feeling strange about this. She always thought that she would be upset about seeing Sans with someone else, but watching them made her heart flutter. When Sans pulled away from Chara, she reached up and place her hand where his mouth was, giving a soft sigh. Opening her eyes she looked at Sans, then over to Frisk who was sitting there watching them. " Are...are we still playing the same game?" Chara asked, making Frisk laugh a little. "Sort of, I think."
Sans chuckled and laughed at chara's question, it was rather cute. "heh heh heh.. yeah... we're still playing. it was just a... better dare" he smirked and his eyes started to cross a little he laughed a bit. "your turn ruby" He smiled and leaned back, wiping his mouth and watching the both of them as he smiled wide.
Chara rubbed her neck as she thought. "Wow. Well okay." She pulled her hand from her neck and looked at it. Her mind was so clouded from the alcohol, and from what just happened. She didn't know where to go from there, a smile came to her face hearing Sans call her by her nickname he made for her. She honestly like it at first, but it grew on her and when he said it, she felt her skin tingle. "Frisk..." Chara started with a small smirk. " I dare you to take your shirt off and leave it off until the game is over." Chara has seen Frisk naked a ton of times, so it would have bother her. But then again, she knew Sans hasn't, so it might have been a little fun to see his reaction. Frisk looked between Sans and Chara before letting out a small sigh. Frisk reach down and pulled the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head exposing her bra. It was easy to tell that between the two girls, Frisk was more gifted being about a D-cup. Frisk placed her shirt in her lap and looked down shyly. With out looking up she said "Fine, but Sans has too the same."
Sans watched frisk take her top off and he started to blush a little, his mind starting to realize what was going to happen. He didn't think it was a bad thing, even if when he was sober he would deny wanting it. But right now he couldn't lie at all, he knew he wanted this and never thought that this would happen in a milion years. "ok ok kiddo.. i'll do it.." He smiled and pulled his shirt off and showed his ribs, still having slight grey marks in them to show when they where broken. He smiled and looked at frisk "no need to be shy.. i got my shirt off too heh heh" he winked and then looked at chara with a wide smile. "Now its my turn.... chara. do you have feelings for me? and how did that kiss make you feel~" He wanted the feelings thing out in the open, so frisk would never have to wonder and plus he might just make chara blush.
Hearing the sound of Sans removing his shirt, Frisk glanced up lightly biting her lip. This was not how she thought the night was going to go, she wondered what happened to cause this to even start in the first place, or how far all this was going to go. She always wanted something like this, Chara was never apart of any fantasy's she might have had, but for some reason she didn't mind. Frisk took a deep breath and held her head up high, she was with the monster she trust the most, and with the girl that once tormented but now she was starting to see Chara as a friend. Chara was taken back by Sans questions. "Hey...I thought you can only ask one?" She complained, the shrugged. " But I'll answer both anyways. I...think so. Though, I have a theory that it might just be because my soul was attached to Frisks for so long, that her feelings made an imprint on mine?" She blushed a little, sinking down in to Sans jacket. "And...I really liked it, it tickled at first. But I did like it..."
Sans laughed a bit and didn't really notice frisk getting over her fear, his bones all looked good in this light. everything lit up for them to see. He didn't mind at all, it was all apart of the fun. Seeing chara sink down into his jacket was really cute though. He giggled a bit and smiled "you think so?... you wanna hear my theory?" he smiled warmly and chuckled "i think that when your soul was broken you couldn't tell what or who you really liked.. but then when i helped you.. you noticed how nice and cool i was.. right?" he winked and smiled. "and now its... chara's turn.. i think.. i'm not sure who's turn it is heh heh heh" he shrugged "can't be my turn i just had it.. so its one of yours... i do have something planned for my next turn" he smiled and chuckled. "i'm glad you liked it..." he said to her before looking to frisk "you too.. i'm glad you liked my kiss too~ heh heh"
Frisk had been sitting there staring at Sans shirtless torso. The only time she saw it was when she was called over to help mend his broken ribs, at the time didn't look all that nice. Right now though, she couldn't help but study them, pulling her eyes from them when she heard Sans speak to her. Chara sat up, pushing the sleeves of Sans jacket back up her arms, it was rally starting to get warm. She wondered how he could wear this thing all the time. " I guess we will never know" Chara Smiled to him. "And its my turn, what did you think about the kiss?"
Sans looked into chara's eyes and blinked "i thought they where amazing.. heh heh, why? i liked the way they felt.. its been a while and i loved it" he smiled to frisk too, unable to help but look down at her body for a split second to see her body and shape. Then looking away to be more polite, she probably would have noticed him looking down at her body.
" I just wanted to know what you thought is all." Chara Shrugged. Frisk couldn't help but feel a little tingle go through her as she saw the way Sans looked at her almost nude chest. Smiling to him. " It okay Sans, you can look if you want, I don't mind. In fact it my turn. Sans, Have you ever thought about doing...things with me?" She asked him leaning in to him a little, looking to his face.
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