Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Having Sans arm around her made Frisk wish the couch would just swallow her. Her face growing a bright red. "Y-yeah maybe. And MK is alright I guess. I just don't think I like him like that." That was because she always only really like one guy for as long as she could remember. Though the things he said the other night made it clear that he didn't want to be anymore than just friends. Then she remembered kissing him. Frisk groaned as she finished her drink. Chara laughed at Sans." Oh right, maybe because, oh I don't know...I was a fucking ghost? So I think I get a pass at the lack of dating on my part." she stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to the movie, drinking her drink. At this point, Frisk was starting to catch up as she made herself another drink. Chara started to giggle at the movie some more. "But you're right, this chick is hopeless."
Sans saw that they where finishing their drinks and so he threw his back, drinking the rest and putting his glass on the table smiling a bit and starting to feel a bit drunk. "y.. no.. you don't get a pass~ that's a lame excuse. ooooh~ i was a ghost.. i was a ghooost.. you had frisk all to yourself for years and you never even took her out on a date once.. that's just rude. you even saw her change a bunch of times.. and shower.. who's the creepy uncle now? you're.. the creepy aunt" Sans giggled a bit and looked down with a huge smile on his face, he could feel the alcohol hitting him a bit. His hands moving onto the couch and getting more comfy, if that's even possible. He grabbed some popcorn and ate more of it "mmmmm~ good job frisk.. you did an amazing job making this poppin corn! heh heh heh"
Chara tired to be act mad at Sans then a thought came to her mind that made her burst out in laugher " Can you just imagine!? Going on a date with Frisk as a ghost! I mean, she would look like a crazy person sitting at a table talking to nothing!" She held on to her side and leaned on to the arm of the couch. " And the 'good night kiss' thing! But really..." She sighed, calming her laughter. " I get a freaking pass, deal with it Sansy. What about you? Crawling all over my ass for teasing Frisk. When was the last time you went on one? Hmmmm~" Frisk just sat there, watching Chara and Sans playfully attack each other. "And you know what!? Maybe I will take her on a date now! Frisk! Date me! " Chara said, more of a command than really asking. Frisk was a little taken back but the sudden change. But she didn't see the harm. She gave a playful gasp and placed her hand on her cheeks. " Chara, I never thought you would ever as! I would love to go on a date with you!" Then she looked to Sans and laughed. " Thanks, you don't know how hard it is to put a back in a microwave and push a button."
The question made him giggle and wave his hand at chara shaking his head "yeah yeah yea... i gotta admit it's been a while, i haven't been on a date in a loooong time. but lets not talk about that, i'm in a good mood right now" He chuckled a little and smiled wide hearing their banter and chara asking frisk out on a date sans put his arms in the air like someone scored a goal. "woooooo. i'm a great match maker. see, i knew you two would be perfect for each other, you just had to see what i saw~ heh heh heh" Sans couldn't keep a straight face, this was too funny right now. "your welcome frisk, your popin skills are the best around town heh heh heh heh, papyrus woulda burned ours heh heh" Sans went into a giggle fit and the movie was now fully ignored. Who cared what was going on right now.
Chara wanted to keep pushing the issue, but Sans was right. They all were in a very good mood, and drunk. Well Chara knew she was, it was getting a little hard to focus on what was going on in the movie anymore. Both Frisk and Chara seemed a little startled when Sans threw up his arms between them, then just laughed at him. Frisk didn't know what came over her, but with all that was going on she leaned over to Chara, motioning her to come closer. Chara did, the both of them in front of Sans. With out warning Frisk took ahold of he back of Chara's head and pulled her into Frisk, kissing her. Chara froze, her red eye wide. Frisks lips were so soft and warm. Frisk held her there for a few seconds, before letting her go, falling back into her seat, leaving Chara stunned, and frozen. " I thought I would just count this as our date, so that was your goodnight kiss." Frisk giggled, thinking it was just an innocent kiss.
Sans chuckled then out of no where they started kissing. He froze and just watched as frisk seemed to get into the kiss, chara was more or less a statue while frisk seemed to kiss rather gently. Sans's eyes widened and he looked at the two of them, stiff as a board. They both pulled away and Sans scratched his chin a bit, looking away and coughing a bit. He was just shocked at what happened, it was out of no where. He started thinking that maybe frisk did have a thing for chara, wanted her to herself. Sans also thought about the implications of that, they where now technically sisters... but no one really knew that, or would know that. Sans took a bit of a breath, he didn't have anything to say. He didn't know what he wanted to say if he could even speak right now. He saw how flustered chara was, leaning over he rubbed her back very gently smiling at her. Like he was telling her everything was ok.. He wasn't sure how she would react when she came too.
Frisk was the only one in the room who seemed okay with what just happened, going back to the movie, laughing at a scene. Leaving Sans and Chara both in some kind of shock. Chara was just in a daze, the world around her faded. She never really thought of Frisk like that, but now she saw her in a whole new light. That left her even more confused, she still had feeling for Sans, and she was going to try and help Frisk win him over. But now she was getting those feeling for Frisk. She finally came back from her daze when Sans touched her back, startling her a little she looked at Sans. The room was silent besides the movie playing in the back ground. " Umm, that was nice...Thank you Frisk..." Chara said as this time she was the one slowly sinking into the corner of the couch, her face almost as red as her eyes. But she had a wide smile on her face. "So...now what?" Chara asked them before chugging the rest of her drink nervously. Frisk shrugged, " Well movie is almost over, maybe we could play a game after?"
Sans saw her face go all red, he smiled wide and wrapped his arm around her hugging her with one arm and laughing a little bit. It seemed that chara would love anyone who treated her nicely, it was cute. Her face so red that he could barely tell which part of her was the eyes and which part was her was her face. He giggled a bit more "i think you enjoyed the kiss a little more than you thought you would" Sans whispered to chara before letting go of her and looking at the movie. The girl gets the guy and they live in an awkward happily ever after. Sans shrugged and stood up, walking over to the games. He put on mario party and then walked back sighing that he had to move.. he would rather sit all night long. But he changed the channel and passed the two girls their controllers. "heh heh" Sans finished his drink and started getting even loopier. "its gonna be hard to play these mini games when my eyes start crossing heh heh heh"
Chara leaned into Sans and shrugged. " It was alright...just didn't expect her to do something like that." She laughed weakly. Finally the movie ended and the girls watched as Sans go up to set up the game. Seemed as if Frisk and him already knew how to play, Chara was still new to the whole gaming thing. Chara went to stand and stumbled slightly. Frisk was a little slow getting to her feet, but was able to stand rather well. Chara looked at the controller and held it like she did when she played at Sans house. Frisk laughed and walked over and helped her with the strap around her wrist and gave her the best crash course on what to do. Those her words were a little slurred as she talk, and Chara was having a hard time focusing on what she was saying. Frisk laughed and nodded " Yeah I know! But this is going to be so funny!" This drunk Frisk was a lot different, maybe because she was happy when she started drinking, and the whole night has been rather nice. She had already forgotten that she kissed Chara. "Hey, you guys going to stay the night?"
Sans thought about staying the night and he shrugged. "yeah sure thing kiddo heh heh" Sans stood up and the room was starting to sway back and forth, leaning on the table a bit he watched frisk help chara. A big smile on his face, thinking that frisk was starting to enjoy being around chara. "this will be a looot of fun guys heh heh" Sans was staring at the tv, he started to lean a bit more and looked like he might fall over, but he was fine. choosing the game that they play, it was a 15 round game with all mini games enabled. Sans looked for what character he should play, he chose dry-bones. Only because he was a skeleton, sans giggled at the thought and cracked his neck. "you guys wanna order pizza after this? maybe go for a walk? heh heh.. could be fun" Sans waited for them to chose their characters.
"Awesome, my first house guests!" Frisk chirped as she helped Chara picked her character, then picking her own. "I'm already having a blast! This was a great idea Sans. I love you guys so much!" Frisk said cheerfully, she was defiantly a loving drunk. Chara was still trying to get her bearings as she tried to focus on the screen. The last drink she ended up chugging down was hitting her pretty hard. Every now and then she would giggle about something, even when nothing was going on. "Oh, better yet. Let me order a pizza, we play till it gets here, then we go for a walk!" Its seemed like a sound plan. Frisk stumbled to her phone and sat on the couch and began ordering a pizza for them.
Sans chuckled and walked over to Chara, nearly stumbling over the couch. He helped her pick a character. "who do you want to play?.. mario.. luigi... waluigi... wario... uh... yoshi.. princess peach, or uh.. princess daisy? you could also be boo.. heh heh heh boooo.. he's fun to say.. boo" Sans giggled about how boo was fun to say and now he was kind of regretting not taking boo "i took dry-bones.. just like me, he's a real bone head heh heh heh" Sans held onto her hands and helped her aim the controller at the screen so she could pick one.
Chara laughed as watched Sans stumble over to her. Listening to the options he was listing to her. Giggling with him as he said 'boo' a few times. " Then I guess boo it is! Boo is fun to say, its funnier hearing you say it though." She smiled has Sans guided her hand to pick her Character, thinking how nice his hand felt on her. "Do you love Frisk?" She asked him. ' Because she said she loved us and we didn't say it back. Should we have? Because I don't hate her...but I don't think I love her...I like her...she is a good friend. Can you love a friend?" She seemed very confused by all this, Frisk did kiss her, and she didn't hate the kiss. But then again, she felt very attached to Sans. So was it okay to have these feeling for more that one person?
Sans smiled and helped her pick boo, "you can love as many people as you want.. there's no limit to it. Of course you can love friends.. and i love frisk too. between you and me.. she's a bit of a lovey drunk heh heh.. she's gonna talk about how she loves us so much and how we're her best friends in the woooorld and how she thinks we're so cool" he laughed a bit "some people get like that when they're drunk.. others get loud. others wanna fight, its all about how fast you drink and what moood you're in" He smiles at chara and picks boo. Stumbling back to where he was standing and waiting for frisk he chuckled. "so yeah.. don't be afraid to love more than one person... why can't you????" sans shrugged and looked at chara with a wide smile.
Chara nodded as if she understood and she did some what. It was just strange, she thought love was for a few people and she knew Frisk loved a lot of people in her life. Though this was the first time she had said it to her. But she was drunk. " So, do you think she meant it? That she loves us. Well I know she loves you~." She giggled then sighed, thinking for a moment before looking back at Sans. "Is if okay for me to say that I love you Sans?" She smiled, the look on her face was so sweet and innocent, unlike normal. Even though her soul was fixed, she the 'resting bitch face' a lot. Even her smile still had a hint of chaotic behind it. But right now, she looked rather normal, aside from her red eyes. " Pizza will be here in 40 minutes! Lets play!" Frisk jumped up ready to play the game. She had a lot of energy, before they started drinking she looked as if she was ready to go to bed and sleep for days.
"she loves a whole bunch a people and monsters.. but yeah. she loves you too, of course she does... i mean.. she probably has a harder time saying it to you because of the things you did before your soul was all fixed up.. but she cares about you" Sans smiled and was about to sit down, then Chara said she loved him and he looked back. He had kind of the opposite of resting bitch face, resting smile face? Something like that, always smiling to the point where his smile almost seemed fake and like he just wore it all the time cause he had too. Then she said she loved him and his smile lighted up, he looked happy "its fine. i love you too chara" He winked, smiling wide and then turning his focus to Frisk. "p i z z a. gimme pizza.. heh heh heh, lets play for a bit. pizza guy will be here in no time" Sans looked back at the screen.
Hearing Sans say that he loved her made Chara light up. Though she didn't read to much into it, just that he cared about her like she did for him and Frisk. Chara turned back to the screen, she knew she wasn't going to do all that well but she liked the idea that it was more than just sitting and pushing buttons. Frisk readied her self to play the game with her friends. " Alright, lets get this started! Because I'm starving!" Again Frisks energy beamed as she focused on her TV screen. She really did enjoy this game, but she hardly ever had friends to play with. So she was excited to have people to play with.
Sans grabbed his controller, the game started and everyone had to swing their controller in the air in order to hit the constantly moving dice block. Sans swayed from right to left for a moment before squinting at the screen, he looked over to frisk then back at the TV screen like he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Then he finally noticed the small letters that explained what he should be doing, he laughed that he couldn't and didn't see it then jumped a little while punching his controller into the air. He rolled an 8 "woo hooo.. heh heh.. eight isn't that bad if i do say so myself heh heh"
Frisk gave Sans a polite clap. " Very nice, an eight is very nice." Chara was still confused on what they were doing and why the had to stand to play a board game on the TV. " So what now? Does someone else roll?" Frisk shook her head. " No, we play a mini game." This only confused Chara more." But we are already playing a game." Frisk giggled. "Just wait, you will see what I mean in a minute." They watched as their three characters move eight spaces before coming to a stop. All they had to was wait for Sans to pick the mini game.
The mini game was randomly selected and it was about catching apples in a basket. Sans sat down so he wouldn't and couldn't fall down, he was about too. The instructions popped up on screen telling everyone about how to move and how to collect apples. Just stand under the shadow as it slowly gets bigger till you catch the apple. Simple enough.
Frisk already knew all the mini games for the most part. Chara watched as the game gave a little tutorial on how to play. "Everyone ready?" Frisk ask before pressing the start button. The game starts. Chara catches 4, Frisk catches 7. " Not bad Chara!" Frisk cheerfully said over to Chara. Frisk was pretty proud of Chara, knowing that she hasn't played anything like this before, she seemed to have caught on rather well.
Sans took the controller in hand and was determined to win, but unfortunately he didn't really realize how drunk he actually was. He caught five apples and his eyes started to focus again, he laughed a little bit "yeah... you did great. one less than me.. and i'm usually pretty good at games.. heh heh, guess i've drank more than i realized huh?" he smiled and then it went back onto the main screen. Sans leaned back a bit and looked at frisk, his mind was a bit lost "uh... how long ago did you order that pizza? i'm starving... chara, how about you? you starving??" he raised an eyebrow and smiled at chara.
Chara started laughing and pointing at Sans. " Ha! Sans is drunk!" This caused Frisk to also laugh and stumble a little, then sitting next to Sans on the table. " Wait...what pizza?" She paused ad thought for a second then she remember she did order a pizza." Oh! yeah! Umm...I don't remember?" Chara was busy entertaining herself by pointing her remote at the TV and watching her hand move around. " Yes, I'm starving! I never had pizza. But I seen a lot of people and monsters eat it." Frisk smiled. She never though about it, but there was been so many things Chara has never been able to do or try. " Wow...You're going to love it. Everyone loves pizza!"
Sans blushed a little bit when she laughed at him and screamed he was drunk. looking away, a little embarrassed at how quickly he got so drunk. Then Chara said she never had pizza and he widened his eyes, "woah. you're missing out. big time.. you really need to have some right away heh heh.. you haven't lived till you had pizza" he seemed to completely forget what embarassed him moments ago. Then a knock at the door, they could see through the window was a guy with a red hat on, he had pizza and was maybe a little Indian. "speak of the devil.. pizza time heh heh"
Chara looked back at the two of them sitting on the table. Her body swayed as Sans talked to her. Sans may have been drunk but Chara was worse. Both the girls looked at the door as the pizza guy knocked. Frisk jumped up and walked over to the door. Chara stumbled over to the couch and sat down. "Diabolus." She whispered to herself. " So after we eat we going to a walk?" She asked looking over to Sans while Frisk took care of getting the pizza. "Because I could use some fresh air." She said with a deep sigh. Frisk came back with the pizza and sat crossed legged on the floor placing the box on the table and opening it. It was just a simple peperoni pizza. Chara perked up looking at it, the smell filling the room of the cheesy goodness. Slowly Chara slipped off the couch, sitting on the floor she same as Frisk.
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