Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Asriel frowned a little. " Well, I don't want to hide either. And I do miss them very much." He sighed and nodded. " I should be with them, maybe with me back, they wont hate each other anymore." Deep down he wanted to see them back together, the loss of himself and Chara tore them apart, so maybe if they had one child back it would bring them two together again. Asriel had almost forgot the whole reason Sans said he was doing this, it was for a friend. "Oh yeah, your friend?" He laughed, it was nothing like how Flowey did. " I'm honestly at a loss at who this could be. " It was truly night and day. If Sans or Frisk ever said anything about how this monster in Sans arms was a psychopathic killer, they would have been laughed at. "When will I meet them? This is kind of exciting!" He said cheerfully, as Sans carried him out of the work shop. Asriel was so excited to see how the world was like above ground.
Sans walked through the sunlight and around, he sat on the floor. Papyrus had planted a tiny garden, some echo flowers, some golden flowers like flowey and then a bunch of normal flowers. Sans smiled and put flowey down, "well.. since you're gonna be staying in that pot for a while, no way you'll be able to move around inside houses. You'll need to learn how to hop.. so why don't you try hopping around and we can wait for our friend. It won't take long.. they're just seeing a movie." He smiled and crossed his legs, getting ready to catch flowey if he accidentally falls while trying to hop around. Sans smiled watching him. "hey, sorry i called you a weed... i was just angry.. you're a handsome little flower asriel" Sans chuckled and winked at him, just being super nice to him. Seeing the change was like night and day, he loved this new flowey.. Asriel. It made his day seeing him so happy and excited.
Asriel held up a peddle to block the sun light as her was brought outside. He looked around in wonder, everything was so open. He had been outside like this once, but this was far better than he could ever imagine. He was sat on the ground and he looked to Sans as he talked. Asriel held back a laugh, the idea on him hopping around in the pot seemed rather silly. But Sans was right, he was going to have to find away to move around. " If you say so..and are they coming here? Or are we meeting them somewhere?" Still smiling he looked away from Sans, " Yeah, I'm sorry too. I called you a lot worse, trust me. But I'm sure you could have done the same and you didn't." He thought for a moment on how to hop like Sans said. Asriel tried a few times with out budging. With a little huff, he tried one more time, moving just a little before his pot started to fall over, causing him to yelp.
Asriel started to fall over and Sans's hand went right on the side where the pot was falling, he grabbed it and smiled chuckling. "no need to worry.. i gotcha heh heh.. but yeah. they're going to come here.. we'll see them soon ish." Sans put floweys pot back to where it was so he could try hopping again. "hmmmm... this seems a bit... tricky.. maybe.. you could try pushing your vines out to help you balance? maybe use them to catch yourself if you fall" Sans smiled and patted Asriels head. "honestly.. its all in the past now, i don't wanna think about it.. lets just put it behind us and try to move forward.. deal?" sans put his hand out so Asriel could shake it, he smiled at him rather warmly. More than he deserved, anyone else wouldn't understand, well maybe a few people would. But most people wouldn't.
" Thanks." Asriel said as Sans sat him upright again, he wanted to ask more questions about this mystery person. But unlike Flowey, Asriel liked surprises and was alright with out knowing to much more. Plus he was busy trying to figure out how to move around on his own in this pot. He laughed and shook his head. " This is why you're the smart one." Saying that he pulled out his vines and pressed them on to the ground, and was about to try again when Sans continued. Smiling happily, he held out a vine to his hand and shook it. " Seem more than fair! Deal!" Unwrapping his vine from Sans hand he went back to what he was doing. Using his vines he pushed himself and the pot up and swung his lower half. " Golly, this is much easier." He looked up at Sans. " Hey, how are things for monsters up here, really?"
Sans watched flowey use his vines and he laughed a little bit. Letting go of his hand and being glad that they could now try to be nice to each other. Sans knew that if Asriel kept trying to practice moving around he would be too busy to notice the change in time. "oh? monsters are great here... we have maybe.. a couple problems.. just stupid racist things.. y'know.. some people hate us is all. but you can't change the mind of everyone" Sans shrugged, living on the surface was amazing and rather breath taking. "heh.. one second." Sans pulled out his phone and started texting chara

you can come home any time now. oh, and frisk brought over some clothes for you. so text me when you're coming home and get here quick, must feel weird having the power to change your clothes now lol​

Sans knew that if he made it seem like that was all she would come home right away, wanting to try new clothes. Either way, he decided it would be a great surprise for her. "heh.. yeah.. love it up here.. papyrus loves it too, he became a florist.. he loved gardening with your dad, so he opened up his own shop"
Asriel smiled hearing the news, he looked a little confused when Sans said 'raciest' but with out having to ask what that meant, it was explained. "Oh, well that doesn't sound so bad, as long as no one is getting hurt." It was strange to hear those words come from this once terror underground. even for Asriel it felt odd. He nodded and kept working on his movement while Sans texted Chara.

okay, be there soon.​

Chara rolled her eyes at the idea of Frisk giving her clothes, only because she knew her style, and that was very girly girl. But, somethings better than nothing. Asriel perked up hearing about what his father has been doing above ground. Though Papyrus being a florist was rather shocking. " Oh, not going to lie. I did not see that coming. My dad, sure. But Papyrus? "
"i know heh heh.. well. when he became the 'royal guard' it was a glorified gardener.. asgore told him to water his pants and to trim his bushes.. he just wanted someone to spend time with, but papyrus was more than happy to help. he knew that it would be a lot of fun, and he started to love it.. asking a bunch of questions and learning everything he could about flowers... maybe you had a little something to do about that.. who knows.." sans shrugs and laughs a little bit, sans saw the text and looked over in the house. picking Flowey up he went inside, putting him on the table and sitting down on the couch. "anyways.. so that's what papyrus was up too.. frisk decided to help monsters and become a democratic leader of sorts... pretty cool for a little girl huh? heh heh"
"Nah, dad did that even before I died. I re-Woah!" Asriel was cut off by Sans picking him up suddenly and taking him inside. Leaving him feeling a little confused but the random action. But he just brushed it off and continued, not sitting on table. " I remember him spending houses in the garden, while I played with...well played. " He frowned a little, then perked back up. " Hey maybe I can help them! I mean, Papyrus is a great guy, and I know my dad would love to teach me as well! Funny you would think spending this much time as a time as a flower I would know more." He laughed a little. " Frisk is a very impressive human, I'm glad she fell. Is that wrong?" He ask, thinking that maybe being happy a young child fell, and was trapped underground with monsters, one that trying to kill her in the end."
Sans nodded "yea.. papyrus would love to see you.. and i would love for you to hang out with him.. before i wouldn't let you get close. but.. i think i'm ok now" Sans smiled listening to flowey he laughed, it reminded him of himself "i asked frisk the same thing heh heh.. thought it was a little mean to ask that.. but she said it was ok.. she's glad it happened too. so its a great thing.. she found an amazing family" sans smiled and leaned up against the couch more, eyeing the door and just wondering when chara would come home.. it would be an amazing reunion to say the least. "hey asriel.. you said you want to see your family again.. who else would you wanna see?"
Asriel laughed. " I would like to see him again too." He thought " So, wait. Does this make Frisk my sister of something?" In fact, he seemed pretty pleased by the idea. "Because I would like that." Asriel looked to the door than back to Sans, he had a feeling that this person was going to be here there soon, butterflies started to form...somewhere in him. Thinking about Sans question he opened his mouth to say something when the door flew open. " Sansy! I'm home! How did thinks go with frisk? You didn't say anything stupid again?" She laughed looking over to Sans and wrinkled her nose." Gross why are sitting on that thing, it has blood all over it." A small voice came from the table "...Chara...?" She looked around and saw Flowey sitting there. " What fuck is this?! Sans?! Flowey?!" She said slamming her back against the door " Chara...its really you!!!" Asriel smiled, tears falling down his face. Chara just stood there, dumbfounded and speechless.
Sans giggled a little and stood up, slowly walking towards her "not flowey...... its..... its asriel.. its really asriel heh heh.." Sans smiled wide and happily, walking over to Asriel and picking him up. Slowly walking back to her and shrugging a little "frisk and i.. well.... we made another soul for him.. he can feel and... actually love.. like you" sans smiled again and held Asriel towards her so she could take him if she wanted. Seeing Asriel crying he looked away with a big smile. He felt super good inside, seeing the both of them together. "so... i mean.. you haven't seen your brother in so long.. heh heh.. don't you wanna hold him?"
"...Asriel?..." Chara asked taking him from Sans. "Yes! Chara it really me!" Asriel cried out. Chara didn't know what to think or feel. She was over joyed, but at the same time, she found herself start to cry. Pulling him into her chest she slid her back down the door, sitting on the floor. "Chara...you grew up.." Asriel said, burring his face into her shoulder. She nodded. " Yeah, kinda did, didn't I?" She laughed, she didn't understand why she was crying like this, she was happy. But crying if for being sad. Looking up to Sans she smiled, " So, gave up being Frankenstein, to try you hand at being a God huh?" Asriel pulled away and looked at her. " How are you here? You died." Chara looked down at him and shrugged. " Long story, but so did you. Guess we just refused to die." Asriel laughed. " I guess so..."
Sans shrugs and laughs a little rolling his eyes playfully "eh.. i play god in my spare time... and it just turns out i've had plenty of spare time lately.... that's all heh heh" sans smiled and sat on the coffee table watching them together. They looked so happy, so peaceful. It was nice, knowing he did that and that he helped the two biggest threats in the world become happy. Flowey had questions and Sans decided to chime in a little bit "well.. y'see.. her soul was... super determined not to die.. it was laying dormant and then attached to frisks soul.. and uh.. she was able to be saved... with.. a little help from me of course" Sans shrugged like it wasn't even close to a big deal, he looked like it was just another normal day.
Chara laughed at Sans reply. " Guess I'm just going to have to start keep you busy." She smirked, feeling that she could stand again she slowly got to her feet and walked over to the coffee table placing Asriel down, and sitting on the floor just looking at him. He didn't look like the Asriel she remember, but she knew it was him. " So, are you staying with Sans and I?" Asriel shook his head. " No, I'm going to stay with mom and dad." Chara was a little shocked by this, because she was going to avoid them. "Wait, you're staying with Sans?" Asriel asked, glancing at Sans. " Well, yeah, I just didn't see a point. I mean its okay if you do...You just cant say anything about me." Aslriel whined. " Chara, don't make me keep a secret like this from them. Please." Chara sighed and shook her head. " Just for a little while, I have my reasons." Mostly guilt, knowing that she forced Frisks hand to kill there mother hundreds of time, a long with others. She just couldn't face them right now.
"i'm sure you'll find something to keep me busy with heh heh... oh. to answer your question from earlier asriel, shes the reason my face has a crack in it.. she's quite the trouble maker" Sans winked at her, clearly teasing her and just joking around. He laughed a little and patted asriels head "you're welcome to come by any time and see your sister... or papyrus.. y'know.. whatever heh" Sans stood up and stretched his neck. "you guys want anythi- wait...." sans walked into the kitchen and got two chocolate bars. Walking back he gave one to chara and then unraveled the other one putting it on asriels pot. "now that you guys can feel emotions.. you should try some sweets, they make you feel much better with emotions heh heh.." Sans smiled wide.
Chara rolled her eyes and laughed about his comment about the crack being because of her, it wasn't a total lie. " Yeah, but you like my type of trouble." She said smiling to herself, being playful back. Asriel just looked between the two of them" Yeah, I think I would like that." Asriel said, his face starting to hurt from smiling so much, but he was so happy. Chara was the last person he thought he would ever see again. As Sans walked out Asriel leaned over and whispered. " What was all that? You two...?" Chara quickly shook her head. " No. Nothing like that. Just friends. Frisk.." She stopped talking when Sans walked back in, handing her a chocolate bar. Her face lighting up, this was turning out to be the best day ever. She wasted no time opening it and taking a bit. Letting out a soft moan as she chewed the sweet goodness. Asriel also just as happy took a bite of his. " Wow, this is wonderful!" Chara nodded in agreement.
"meh.. i guess your trouble is alright.. as long as you don't go back to your old trouble" He smirked and winked again, leaning on the TV stand. "should i call frisk?.. i'm sure she's dying to see the two of you together again.. you're both just so cute together heh heh" sans chuckled and walked over to the duffel bag, tossing it in front of chara. "here. your new clothes.. do whatever you want to them.. they're yours now so.. heh.. i don't really care all that much." sans smiled and looked at the two of them "so chara.. you uh.. you think you should reveal that you're alive to toriel and asgore?.. i think.... i think they might die of shock to see their children again.. heh..." Sans looked down at flowey and wondered if there was anything he could do to fix his body. "i mean.. they'll be.. over joyed to know both of their kids are back.. plus frisk heh heh."
Chara chuckled " Yeah, keep winking at me like that then I might have to." She said taking another bite of her chocolate. Asriel laughed at the idea of him and Chara being cute, while she just groaned, crawling over to the duffle bag opening it up and started going through the clothes. " I think Sans is right Chara. You cant hide forever." He said, Chara shrugged. " I know, I didn't plan on it. I'm just not ready to face them. I mean, how can you?" She looked over her shoulder at him. Asriel didn't know what to say in the moment. The room fell silent for a minute before Asriel found his words. " I guess to make it right? I'm not who I was, and nether are you. Its a fresh start..." Chara huffed to herself." Yeah... maybe..." She pulled out a gray t-shirt laying in front of her. With out hesitation she slipped off her sweater, luckily her back was to Sans and her brother. Then again, the still had a view of her back, covered in deep scars, it would have been hard to find a place that wasn't mark. She didn't stay that way long before she pulled the gray shirt over her head, before going though the bag again. Asriel seemed unfazed by this and kept eating. " Just think about it, we could be a family again. With Frisk as a sister this time!"
Sans listened to Asriel and nodded, agreeing with him when he spoke. The only thing that slightly surprised him was the scars when she took her shirt off, but seeing how Asriel didn't react he decided to not focus on it too hard. It made sense though, this was the same person who killed themselves as a child. She told him that her parents did things that she repressed and couldn't remember. Of course she would have a some scars. Sans walked closer to them and sat down on the blood stained couch. "well... you won't have to do it alone.. i'll be there, frisk will be there.. Asriel will be there.. everyone who cares about you will be there supporting you.. they'll understand.. and if you keep putting this off.. it... might just... get harder and harder to do.. it'll never be easy" Sans smiled at chara and looked into her eyes "trust me....... ruby.. i know heh heh"
Breaking off a piece of the bar with her, Chara sat her chocolate on the table and ate what she had in her fingers. Asriel spoke up again. " Yep, we will all be there for you. You don't have to be scared." Chara looked at him. " I'm not scared, I just think mom and dad would be better off with just you and Frisk. I'm just not sure if I trust myself. That's why I'm staying here." She looked to Sans, her eyes meeting his. " Because I do trust you. I trust that if I do go back to the way I was, you would stop it and no one will get hurt." Asriel was the only one between the siblings that really had a fresh start, a whole new soul. Chara's was just fixed and healed. It was still the same, deep down she still hated humanity, and it was that hate that drove her to want to kill. "Can you honestly promise me, that could never happen again?" She asked Sans. "I just don't trust myself yet, I..." She sighed, rubbing her hands on her face. "Fine, I'll do it. But I'm not going to stay there with you Asriel, not yet at least. If that's alright with you Sans?"
"yeah.. that's ok. stay here as long as you want chara, i don't mind.. and i can honestly say.. i will never let you hurt anyone ever again.. but you need to promise to meet me half way.. you need to message me if you ever feel like... you're going to go ballistic and hurt people. you need to call me and i'll come to calm you down.. or stop you from hurting people.." Sans smiles and leans back "i can tell your parents that i'll need to keep you over so that i can check on you.. cause i know toriel will want you to live with her no matter what.. same with asriel. they love you guys so much.. heh...." sans put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, he believed she could go and live among humans without wanting every one of them dead.
Chara crossed her arms on the table and laid her head in them. Even though her day had been better than she could expect, there was still this nagging feeling deep down that something wasn't right. She didn't want to worry anyone with those feeling right now, but she did think that it was something she needed to keep an eye on. Asriel finished his chocolate, looking at Chara he frowned a little. " Chara, you okay?" She nodded. " Just didn't sleep well, not used to having to I guess. Dreaming is strange now." Chara said, she did look lethargic. Looking back at Sans she smiled. " So, are we going to see them now?" She really didn't mind, she knew Asriel wanted to see their parents, and she reall felt up to the trip. But it would have to be a short one.
Sans kept an eye on her while she laid her head on the table and talked about her dreams.. He had an idea of what she was going through, but it would be better to keep quiet just for now. Smiling, he looked over to Asriel "what'ya say? wanna go see your parents asriel?" Sans knew the answer, standing up and getting ready to leave. Pulling his phone out and texting frisk, telling her they would be there soon and for her not to let her parents leave, and that flowey had a soul now.
Heyo kiddo. Fixed Asriel and we're heading over to your house. make sure your parents don't leave just yet. Both Asriel and Chara are coming over.. they'll want to see their kids again​
Sans smiled and walked over to Asriel, getting ready to pick him up.
Asriel perked up at the idea of seeing his parents. " Yeah!" he said in reply to Sans. Chara smiled and picked her head up from her arms and pushed herself up to her feet. Seeing Sans reach for Asriel she picked him up before he could." Maybe I should carry him, you know..." Asriel smiled up to her, she was a lot kinder than he remembered, but at the same time, she still gave off an uneasy vibe. He would ever hate to admit it, but it was those red eyes. Not other human had them that he knew of, or seen. It just didn't seem natural. " Thanks Chara..." He said giving her a bright smile. Chara nodded.

Great! Hurry because they have been asking questions about you.​

Asriel and Chara looked at Sans. " So, how do we look?" Chara asked, wondering if she should put back on her sweater, but at the same time she was happy to have that off. For the first time she was able to feel temperature and it was getting rather warm to wear. At the same time, she knew that how her parents remembered her.
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