Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans passed Flowey to chara and then leaned in, rubbing some dirt off of her face.. He looked at her then smiled wide. "you look great.." Sans then wiped away a stray tear from Asriels face and nodded. "sounds great.." He saw the text message and got a bit worried, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. He was a bit nervous to hear about questions but other than that it should be fine. "alright guys... they're ready.. follow me" Sans took a short cut through his front door to the front of Frisks house. Knocking on the door and looking back at chara and asriel with a warm smile.
Chara wrinkled her face as Sans cleaned something off her face. For a moment she seemed look away bashfully when he said he looked great, then laughed as he wiped a tear from her bothers face. Knowing there was not point when he was just going to start crying again here shortly. Chara walked with Sans, showing up at Frisks door. she knew right away that it was Sans, the door swung open. " Thank goodness your here!" She said stepping aside. Toriel and Asgore were bickering in the living room. They each glanced over, before giving a double take. Chara stepped in timidly with her brother in her arms. It took her parents a minute before one of them spoke up. "...I...I swear you look just like..." Toriel said, shaken a little at the sight. "...Chara?" Chara said finished her mothers sentence. Toriel then just sat down on the couch, followed by Asgore sitting next to her. " Because I am...And this is..." She held up the pot that held her brother. " Asriel...I know he doesn't look like him...but he is..." Chara said, taking a deep breath before walking further in Frisks home. " Sans, he huh, helped a lot, brought us back I guess..." She walked to the tabled, setting Asriel down. Just as she thought, the reason he hasn't said anything was because he was crying. "This cant be..." Asgore said looking between the two, he was speechless, as well as Toriel at this point. " Its me! Mom! Dad!" Asriel chimed in, Chara stayed silent, slowly back away from them.
Sans could see she was starting to back away, so he put a friendly hand on her back slowly pushing and gently nudging her towards her parents. "yeah... heh... its uh... a long story" sans smiled and shrugged. Pushing Chara closer to them and walking next to her for support, leaning into her a bit and giving her a confident smile. "it's all true... they're both back.. heh....." Sans for the first time ever, was at a loss for words. he didn't know what he could say, probably shouldn't say anything. It was a better idea to just let them have their moment. Sans looked over at Frisk and gave a smile, thanking her for keeping them busy.
Chara felt sans start pushing her back to her parents, she fought a little, then just gave in. They were busy asking Asriel about how he became what he was and what happened and where he had been. Seeing Chara approach again Toriel looked up and reached out to her, pulling her in to her arms. " Oh Chara, you grew into such a lovely young lady" She said, hugging Chara gently. Chara tensed up for a moment, then feeling the comfort of her mothers arms around her, she gave in, Wrapping her arms around her mother, she broke down. Because she did miss her, mostly because of guilt. She had a helping hand in killing her so many times. Now here she was, holding her with so much love after so long. Asgore walked over to Sans and place he paw on his shoulder. " If what they say is true, then we owe you a great about of dept. If you ever need anything, let us know." He smiled down at Sans.

Toriel pushed Chara away, and just looked at her. "I cant believe my children have come back to me." She looked to Asriel and Frisk. "Look at us, we are whole again." Toriel was glowing by the about of joy she felt. " I cant wait to have us all under one roof again. Well Frisk has her place. But I have enough space for all of us." She said looking to Chara and Asriel. Asriel was talking to his dad about maybe helping with the florist job with Papyrus. Chara Shrugged. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not staying with you, not just yet." Toriel looked at her confused. " But why? Where will you stay if not with me or your father? " Chara hesitated. " ...Sans..." She said. Toriel looked over to Sans. " But why?"
Sans was just enjoying the view, hearing Toriel so happy made him melt inside. He was so happy that she was the happiest he'd ever seen her. Then he was brought back to reality by Asgore putting his paw on his shoulder, looking up at him. "course what i'm saying is true... i mean.... well......." Sans wanted to take credit for it, of course he did. But at the same time he was not sure if he should still hide or not. Maybe it was time to come out of the shadows... well..... maybe not yet.... "i uh... yeah.... heh heh.. i mean... whatever.. it's not a big deal.. you really don't have to do anything for me.. i'm good" He smiled and shrugged. Toriel then asked why she would stay with him and he turned to her "uh.. well, she was brought back from the dead... i should probably just.. keep an eye on her for a while.. not saying you're not good at healing.. but this is a bit...... delicate" Sans smiles and shrugs
Asgore laughed at Sans. "Come now, no need to be so modest. Well, in any case my offer will always be open. Anything at all, just ask." He walked back over to the couch, talking to Asriel. Toriel frowned at Sans reply, then smiled again. "All that matters it they are alive. wither its with me or with you, or anywhere. Jus knowing that they are here means the world to me. thank you Sans." She smiled before pulling Chara back in for a hug. She didn't fully understand why Chara could stay with her, but she trusted Sans on this. He was the one that brought her children back, she could wait. Chara chimed in. "I can still see you when ever you want, just sans need to keep an eye on me." Chara tried to sound optimistic about the whole thing. Though this whole day was starting to become draining. She tried to hide a small yawn. She was really enjoying being able to talk to everyone, but at the same time it has been a rather over simulating day. Asriel on the other hand had no problem giving a big yawn for all to see. "Today has been pretty crazy huh? Sans says its okay for me to go home though!" He said cheerfully.
Sans smiled and shrugged, he didn't need anything that they could give him and he didn't want anything. Sans looked at Toriel and nodded "it won't be for long tori.. trust me heh.. i'm not trying to steal her away from ya" he winked and shrugged "i just need to make sure her soul is adjusting to being a.. oh. i guess you don't really know all the stuff i did... i really should explain it.. heh.. well. i'll explain later, i'm sure these two really wanna get some sleep.. i can tell they're both pretty exhausted." sans smiled to flowey and patted his head "Asriel will be fine here.. just.. uh... if he starts acting strange, i need to know.. anything weird.. or well.. out of the ordinary, starts talking to himself or something like that... and asriel, don't be afraid to tell me if there is anything wrong.. i'll help ya heh heh" sans smiled down at him and then turned to chara "chara is a different case all together.. she's... well.... she might look human, but shes actually a monster now.. she has a monsters soul. oh, we never checked to see if you where a boss monster or just a normal monster" Sans looked at chara wondering what she would be, looking back to Toriel and Asgore. "why don't we set up some beds for these guys.. and i can explain any questions you have... i know its uh.... a.. lot to go over.. but frisk can help me explain. she was there for most of it"
Toriel, Asgore and Asriel looked at Sans when he said that Chara had a monster soul. Chara was more curious about the fact that she could be a monster boss. She didn’t feel like she could, then again she liked the idea of having that kind of power. A small smile came to her face at that idea. " Alright, we can do that tomorrow. " Chara said, though it also depended if she was able to get any sleep, but she had a feeling having a full nights rest wouldn’t happened for a while. Plus she also almost forgot that she had questions for Sans, though that could wait. "Well, that makes her a very special case." Toriel said happily. She didn’t seem to mind the idea. " But, we need to keep this between us. She needs to say she is a monster that just so happens to look human, or else we will have humans trying to do the same." Asgore added. Asriel looked to Chara" Can you use magic? " Chara shrugged. " Don’t know, haven't even tried to be honest. That’s why I'm staying with Sans." Asriel question made her wonder if she could have some of Sans magic powers, since he used some of his to heal hers. She looked to him, her face showing that she had questions for him now, but wasn’t going to ask them now.

Toriel gave Chara one last squeeze before letting her go and standing, picking Asriel up, holding him close. " It really has been a long day, but I fear we must go. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon for a few days. Diplomatic things and such that need to be attended to." Toriel saying this made Frisk perk up from her silence. " Oh, shoot! We are going to have to fill out papers for them. It can wait, it will take me a few days to get them ready anyways." Chara and Asriel frowned, nether of them liking the idea of filling out a bunch of papers. Toriel nodded. " Yes, they are. But there is no rush. Just as long as they stay out of trouble. But for now, Asriel will be under our care. And Chara will be under yours and Frisks." Asgore stood with a large stretch. "I hate to leave so soon after having our children back. But I trust one will be in good hands." Toriel, Asriel, and Asgore, walked to the door, Toriel turned and looked to Sans and Frisk. " Please look after Chara, and call me if there is anything I can do." Frisk nodded. " Yes ma'am." She said walking over hugging the three of them before they left.
Sans thought about the paper work they would need to fill out and even he yawned a little at the idea, that would be boring. Horribly boring, but he didn't need to be there for that so he smiled. "you guys better learn how to use a pen.. and quick too heh heh" sans winked at them as Asriel was taken out of the house with his family. Sans walked over to the couch and then fell butt first into the center of it. Resting his arms on the top head rest and his legs nice and spread out. "blllleeeeeehhhhh.... long day.. can't wait to take a nap... or....." He yawned again "sleep.." Sans smiled warmly though closing his eyes and leaning his head, he was happy that they had a better ending now. "so... what ya guys up too now?.." Sans opened one eye, looking at Frisk and Chara. It was a bit odd seeing chara wearing different clothes, but he would get used to it. They did look so similar though, wearing the same kind of clothes you wouldn't be able tell they weren't related. Or maybe it was just cause it was harder for monsters to identify humans.. "uh.. any plans? i think sleep is a great plan.. if we're taking suggestions" chuckling a little bit he shrugged and smiled. Sans didn't expect a reward or anything for doing all of this, he just looked like it was another day.
Asriel groaned at the thought of having to use a pen and fill out papers. " Aww man." He said with a pout and hung his head. Frisk laughed. " Don’t worry, I will help you both write out what you need. Plus it will be a few days and it wouldn’t hurt for you guys to get some practice." Asriel gave one last whine before he and his parents left frisk, leaving Frisk, Sans and Chara. Frisk walked over to Chara. " What do you think of the clothes I gave you? I wasn’t sure what would fit, you are just a little taller than me so." Chara looked down at the gray shirt she was wearing and pulled the bottom of it a little." This one it nice, its really soft." Frisk and Chara both looked at Sans when he asked what they were up to. Frisk looked over at the kitchen then back to Sans. " Well I still need to clean up, didn’t get a chance to yet." Chara shrugged, " I would like to be doing a lot of nothing really." She said as she plopped down on the couch next to Sans. " Frisk laughed and shook her head. " Wow, you both are so lazy…" Chara smirked." Well I have an excuse, I'm not used to having a body that uses up energy." Frisk sighed and walked over and sat now on the other side of Sans. " Well, it has been a crazy few day. I think we all could use a rest."
Sans had Frisk and Chara on either side of him, he pulled his head up and smiled at the both of them one at a time. "well...... i think we could have a great night.. if we just.. got popcorn, watched a movie... maybe played some games... just relax and enjoy the rest of the day.. what do you guys think 'bout that?" He was pretty happy with the idea. "maybe.. if you guys really wanted...... a little bit of celebration drinking~" Sans smirked and chuckled at the thought of them getting a little buzzed and maybe drunk playing video games. Just enjoying the night together "a few 'quiet' drinks, you could say heh heh" Sans stretched his back out and then pushed his hands into his pockets. "i mean.... could be a lot of fun.. plus, not every day that you bring two people back from the dead.. right?" he smirks and opens his eye looking over at frisk, pretty much giving her the decision if she wants too.
Frisk nodded. "Sure, I don't have many movies though. Maybe there is something on TV." Then the idea of drinking turned her stomach. Even though it felt as if the night she first got drunk happened a long time ago, it was only less than a week. " Not sure about the idea of drinking..." This caused Chara to laugh. "Yeah, remember she is a light weight. But then again, to be honest I may have encouraged her to act so reckless. Though we have 'adult' supervision this time." She looked over at Frisk and Sans. Frisks face turning red with embarrassment. "C'mon Frisky. We can have a normal night, doing what normal people do." Chara added to try and lighten her up a little. Frisk smiled and nodded. "Alright, I will get the popcorn. Sans, maybe you can pick a movie, or game? " She said as she stood up. " What can I do?" Chara asked, not that she wanted to help, but thought she would ask anyways. "Get my backpack, you know the one. Its up in my room in my closet." Frisk said, Chara nodded, it was an easy job. Chara got up from the couch and went up the stairs.
Sans got up and walked over to the tv, a small dvd player. Sans put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a DVD of some comedy movie with romantic overtones. It wasn't a romantic comedy, but the idea was that a girl was trying to get a guy. Sans hadn't seen it yet and didn't really think about how it could be applicable to the situation at all..... It went over his head and he didn't think. "i got this movie.. it's supposed to be pretty funny heh heh.. i'll put it on and we can start the 'party'" Sans put air quotes around when he said party, chuckling a little and putting the DVD In. He set up the game console too, putting a party game next to it for later. He sat back down on the couch and smiled.
It didn't take long for the down stairs to start to smell like popcorn. Chara came down stairs with a backpack over her shoulder, she walked by Sans to the kitchen to where Frisk was. " Wanna come see what we got?" She asked Sans. Frisk was cleaning up just a little while the popcorn was popping, mostly just putting the dirty dishes in the sink to do tomorrow. Tonight she was just going to take it I still don't understand why people gave you these as gift knowing you're underage." Chara said as she started to pull bottles out and lining them up on the counter. " In some places I wasn't to them." Frisk added, pulling down 3 glasses. " So...what do we do with them" Chara looked over to Sans.
Sans held a laugh, hearing them ask him and look at him like confused children made him almost burst out laughing. "well... uh.. heh.. Here" Sans went into the fridge to see what drinks frisk had, he pulled out a big jug of orange juice. He pulled out some pop "usually i drink cider... tastes delicious, but hard stuff is great too.. just need to mix it properly. about ten percent of the alcohol to juice... so it doesn't taste horrible." Sans poured a bit of the vodka into each of the drinks then put orange juice in it. Bringing both bottles to the coffee table in front of the TV. "then we can mix pop and scotch.. wow... you weren't kidding. they gave you some good stuff." Sans said impressed, looking at the bottle.
"I wouldn't know if it was good or not." Frisk laughed, pouring the popcorn into a large bowl. Bringing it in the living room and putting it on the coffee table. Chara followed, taking a hand full of popcorn and eating it. " I swear, I cant believe I'm eating more of this crap today." She didn't say it as if she didn't like it, in fact she did. Frisk looked at Chara " What does that mean?" Chara picked up on of the glassed and smelled it. " Oh, went to a movie why you guys hung out." She said taking a small sip, and shrugged. Didn't taste bad at all. Chara sat on the couch where she was before. Frisk picked up her glass and looked at it. Remembering the taste of the vodka from the last time. But this time it smelled alright. Taking a sip, she smiled. " Hey, not bad!" She also found her old spot on the couch and sat, leaving the middle for Sans. Chara looked over at Frisk and grinned. " So, we learned to not just drink right out of the bottle anymore. Right?" She picked a little at Frisk, who again was turning red.
Sans chuckled hearing her tease frisk, he sat down in between the two of them and grabbed his drink, taking a decent drink of it. "yeah.. y'don't drink straight from the bottle.. unless you're an alcoholic... if you don't have anything to mix it with you just take shots out of a small shot glass.. Its much easier to know how much you've taken then heh heh" Sans leaned back and got comfy between the two of them smiling and sinking into the couch a bit. "now you chara... you're gonna have a bit too, don't be the only sober person.. you'll hate it" Sans grabbed some popcorn and at it, filling his mouth and smiling wide. The movie slowly started and showed some guy at a fashion shop. The girl was staring at him from across the room, blushing a bit and looking awkward.
Chara laughed a little more as Sans went on talking about how to properly drink. " Sansy, you're such a great roll model. Teaching the underage girls out to drink like the big kids~" Chara chuckled.This even made Frisk giggle some and she took about sip of her drink. Chara hardly ever made Frisk laugh, in the past it was always the opposite. It felt nice to make her smile like that. " Alright, I'm drinking Sans. Chill." Leaning back she took some of her drink and sighed. Thinking that this was nice, hanging out like this with Frisk and Sans. Then again, she kind of want to stay sober a little, just to see what a drunk Sans was like. Frisk on the other hand was more curios about what Chara was like after a few drinks. " Thank you guys for hanging out with me tonight. " Frisk said as the movie started. Chara looked over and held up her glass to her. "Its pretty cool of you to let us." She smiled.
Sans chuckled at the banter, it was fun. "yeah, thanks frisk. mostly for letting us drink your booze" Sans winked and laughed a bit more putting his drink in the air and smiling. "to frisk.. without her, non of us would be here.. we would all be.. well.. i'd rather not think about it" He smiled wider and drank a little more of his 'juice' and sat up. "listen.. i'm a bad influence... you'll need to learn that about me heh heh.. not too bad.. i mean i did bring you back from the dead" Sans shrugged "but, you girls are gonna learn how to drink some day.. better to learn it from me, right?" He smirked and laughed. The movie kept going, the main character slipped on a banana peel and embarrassed herself in front of the hot guy.
"That's why I hung on to them and not tell my mom I had them." Frisk smiled and also lifted her glass. " And to reconnecting to old friends and making new ones." Frisk took a sip of her drink and Chara did the same. They all went back to the movie and drank their drinks. Chara looked over to Sans " Still trying to figure out if you're like a really cool big brother, or a creepy uncle." She said laughing, half of her drink was gone, the good and back thing about the drinks was it tasted just like normal juice. It was easy to drink with out realizing how much you had. Frisk was drinking hers a little slower than Chara. Frisk laughed as the scene played out, Chara also chuckling a little. " I don't know, when we first met I thought him being more of the creepy uncle. Stalking me in the woods...that's creepy." Frisk said smiling to herself, earning a laugh from Chara.
He was enjoying this a lot, their little conversation drowning out the movie. It was more eye candy than anything "heh heh.. i'm the coolest older brother actually... just ask papyrus.. he'll vouch for me" Sans smiled finishing his drink pretty quickly and putting in on the table. Pouring himself another glass, this time sipping it slowly. He wanted to get a buzz then slowly ease into getting drunk. "and i guess that all depends on your thoughts of me... yeah. me stalking you in the woods was creepy. but now you wouldn't want anyone else stalking you through the creepy woods.. riiight?" he smirked and raised an eyebrow laughing a little bit. sipping his drink a little more and seeing their drinks about half empty.

The girl got up and accidentally fell into the hot guys arms, her face fully red as she pushed away and stumbled over her words. Not sure what to say or do in this situation. Sans got a small chuckled out of it.
"Well if we are throwing Papyrus in to this then he would be the cool brother, not you." Frisk said before taking more of her drink. Chara laughed. "Yup, you are creepy uncle Sansy." Frisk giggled and nodded. Chara watched as Sans finished his drink. Her mindset of taking it easy was replaced with wanting to keep up with Sans. She finished hers and made refilled her glass the way Sans showed them. Frisk saw this and shook her head, "No Sans, I wouldn't. I guess I got lucky that my stalker turned out to be an all right guy." She smiled to him kindly before going back to the movie when Chara started to laugh a littler harder now. " Oh my god! We are watching a movie about Frisk and her awkwardness!" She threw her head back and laughed. Frisk not really finding it all that funny, but she still couldn't help but smile at Chara.
Sans chuckled a bit and nodded "i said coolest older brother.. papyrus wins coolest brother award, but i'm at least a contender for coolest brother.. and neither of you seem to mind that i'm a creepy uncle" He smirked and winked at them laughing a little. "you're lucky it was me.. could have been a weirdo... heh heh. papyrus would have protected you though." He smiles and drinks a little more of his alcohol, it started to hit him and he was a little buzzed. He didn't notice how Frisk was trying to keep up with him, it wasn't all that good of an idea though. Sans chuckled and laughed when chara started laughing uncontrollably, he couldn't help it. "shes not that awkward.... she's way smoother than this girl" Sans nudged frisk "isn't that right?"

The girl just ran away covering her face, the guy holding up her purse and shouting for her.
"I'm a glutton for punishment. " Chara said with a shrug in reply to the fact that they didn't mind hanging out with the 'creepy uncle'. Frisk and Chara exchanged an awkward look when Sans mentioned Papyrus protecting Frisk. Chara starting to drink a littler more of her drink, Frisk laughed softly. " Yeah, he sure would. And really Chara, I got Papyrus to go on a date with me when I was like 12. I'm smooth!" Frisk said with a proud grin. Chara rolled her eyes. " Oh I'm so sorry! And how many dates have you been on since? Hmmmm~" Chara leaned over looking past Sans at Frisk. Frisk opened and closed her mouth a few times before turning red and sunk down further in the couch, sipping her drink. Chara laughed and leaned back again. " That's what I thought..." Chara was feeling rather good right now, getting a little buzzed herself. Frisk was still lagging behind them on her drink, though she was almost done with her first glass.
Sans laughed a bit and wrapped his arm around frisks neck. "don't worry about dates frisk.. you'll have guys all over you now that you're going to college.. heh heh, like uh..... MK. he seems to like you a little bit....... yeah... i guess you could say that" Sans frowned looking away thinking about how MK was being a gross perv the last time he talked to him. "and uh.. course you're smooth. papyrus couldn't resist your charm~" he smiled and let go of her getting back into position and watching more of the movie. "and hey.. she might have only been on one date.. but how many have you been on chara~?" Sans smirked and raised his eyebrows. "somethings telling me you've been on less dates than frisk~ no room to judge or tease huh?"

The guy follows her and she won't listen to him. Hes just too HANDSOME!!!
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