Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"yeah, heh heh.. spider-man was the name. anyways see you after that, we should be finished.. but just call when you're done heh heh.." Sans finished his call and then opened the metal door, walking back inside and sitting down. Looking at flowey and sighing, he looked back over at the incubation machine and then back to flowey. "alright... listen here you little weed... i've dealt with your crap for many years.. you want to know why i'm doing this?.. its mostly for a friend...." He was referring to chara, it could be therapeutic for her and him to have someone who's feeling emotions again for the first time in a long time. He also knew it was worthless trying to talk to him in any other way, just like chara he wanted nothing but pain from him.. only when his soul was back could sans try to be nice. "so... sit there and be a good plant. a typical one.. don't say anything or move. just be nice and shut up... I need to work so this soul forms quicker..." Sans turned around and started working on the soul.
"A friend of yours? Or a friend of mine? I only have 2..." he chuckled, the thought of Chara being a possible third never crossed his mind. Sure Sans told him to shut up. But flowey hasn't had anyone to talk to in years. " So, it might be Frisk. But she and you already said it was more your idea, and you would have said if it was her." He thought for a moment, when a wide grin crossed his face. " That would only leave one other who would care enough about me...and someone you care enough to even try...could it be that baby brother of yours?" He tilted his head at him " Papyrus?"
Sans rolled his eyes. "he's fully grown.. not a baby..." Sans muttered at Flowey "and keep talking.. you'll be in the underground soon enough if you do..." Sans wasn't sure what Flowey was getting at, was he going to threaten papyrus's life? probably.. or just try to get him angry by saying mean things about papyrus. "well... i won't say who.. its a surprise.. for you and them... you'll like it.. and so will they... then maybe you won't think i'm complete trash" Sans smirked thinking how shocked flowey would be to see chara again. It would put him into a heart attack, almost laughing at how cute that would be. Sans couldn't see the good in flowey.. but he could see the good in Asriel, and Asriel from what he heard was a sweet kid. "so asriel.. what are you gonna do when you can feel again?"
Now Flowey was very curious, who would Sans want to go this far for. Maybe his parents? That cant be, he made it seem it was more for one person. Clearly is wasn't Frisk, and or Papyrus. Whoever this mystery friend of Sans, they must mean a great deal, and must have meant something to Flowey at some point. He sat there and thought, quite for once, till Sans used his real name. This made Flowey shutter, and hiss softly. " Don't use that name! That monster is dead. And how the hell would I know? That's such a dumb question...not that I would expect better from you..." He said coldly, he was starting to get frustrated, and he wasn't going to get what he wanted from Sans. He was the kind of monster who kept his cards close to his chest. The only thing he could do was wait for Frisk, she knew the person, snf they also must have meant something to her as well.
Sans thought about what Flowey said, it must be horrible to have to say that you're so far from how you used to act that you're dead... your past self. Sans thought about that for a moment and looked back at him. "don't worry.. when you get your soul back.. you'll be yourself again.. more or less.." sans smiled a little bit and shrugged. Actually being nice to flowey for a change instead of just pretending to be. "y'know...." Sans looked over at the incubation. It would take a couple days. "those flowers won't tend themselves.. i'll bring you back.. you can take care of them, then afterwards... i'll come back with frisk and we can give you your soul.. your new soul.."
" You seem so sure that with this new soul that I will return back to that child that every once knew. What makes you so sure that I wont come back as something else? Maybe something worse?" He said, leaning over looking at the incubator. This soul forming inside it was rather impressive. Though he would never admit it to Sans, and he didn't want to believe that this could work. Sans was making look so easy." Speaking of the human, where is she, I thought she would come back with you?" Flowey said, a little disappointed that the only person he though cared about him wasn't here like she said she would.
"i told you.. she's having dinner with tori and asgore.. she'll be back in a bit. it was more of my fault anyways.. needed a good reason why they would come over and frisk was a bad liar.. so i came up with something quick. then i took small parts of their souls.. and uh... i guess you could come back as something worse.. i'm willing to take that risk" Sans knew that with his soul he would be like chara, break down and feel horrible for everything he did. Sans had no worries about that, there was only good things that could come from this. "i'm willing to take the chance.. and you're obviously willing too also.. you're here aren't you?" he smirked, like he had a good point. Flowey clearly wanted to feel things again.
Flowey tilted his head, eyes still on the growing soul " Yeah, I'm sure she is. Unlike us..." He glanced back at Sans with a small smile. " Say, is Frisk also friends with this friend of yours? The one your doing this favor for?" He said, not even hiding that he was up to something by the cocky tone in his voice. " And it wasn't like I was doing anything better. I get pulled from one cave," He looked around the workshop and sighed." To just be put in a smaller one." He was thinking about Sans other question, what was he going to do first if this all goes as planned. He had no idea how the world was today, so he couldn't really answer that, not even for himself.
Flowey talked about how he was a good liar and sans couldn't even disagree.. "ok. what are you up too.. you're planning something i know it.. if i figure it out and its bad i'm locking you in our freezer... got it? what are you talking about.. this is for frisk" he said walking over to the soul and wondering if there was literally any way to make this process speed up so he didn't have to wait, then again.. it might kill the soul if he added to much determination. He sighed at the thought, he wouldn't get another chance at tori and asgores soul if he messed this up. Just had to deal with the psychotic flower for now. "what do you want flowey.. you want something.. tell me and i might get it for ya"
"Easy there buddy." He said laughing, very amused that he was starting to get a rise out of Sans. " How can this be for Frisk if she already knows about it. See, you perked my curiosity. I stayed hidden underground, very few knew about me. So who the Hell, do you think cares so much about a 'weed' like myself that you are will to spend this much time alone with me? Other than a few idle threats, I cant say you scare me much anymore." Again, he laughed. " So if you wont tell me, and Frisk with be....easier to work with?" Flowey grinned up at Sans, he could tell he was get flustered.
Sans flicked a small switch on the incubator and the green glowing stopped. The liquid looking very still and the machines around him humming. It looked like he turned it off, Sans very calmly went back to writing on a small piece of paper and ignoring Flowey. The machine looked like it was off, in reality he just turned the back light off. But he knew Flowey wouldn't know the difference, seeing a big glowing thing stop glowing could mean anything. Sans tapped his chin with his pen and hummed like he was thinking of something. Not acknowledging Flowey in any way, he didn't want to let Flowey get to him.. So he wanted to mess with him back.
Flowey's almost cheerful smile dropped. "What...What did you do? Come on..I was just playing...Sans...?" He started to laugh, very nervously, leaning from his pot to try and see Sans face. " Sans? This isn't funny..." His laughing stopped, his face turning to panic as he looked back to incubator, then back to Sans." SANS!? What are you doing?! You cant do this!" Flowey didn't know what to do, thinking he looked around the workshop. For all he knew, it was only a matter of time before the soul would turn to dust. The looked of worry was written on his face as he tried to get Sans attention. " Sans! I...I take it back! I wont do anything to Frisk! Promise! Just, in do what you did!" He was desperate at this point, if he could cry he would have.
Seeing and hearing Flowey nearly freak out, getting and sounding rather panicked was enough to make sans fall on the floor and laugh. But instead of doing that, he held it in. Tapping his pen faster and smirking at Flowey, raising an eyebrow and listening to his pleas. "oh?... i want to hear from the horrible demon that caused the underground nothing but pain and suffering for what seemed like thousands of years.. i want to hear him say sorry.. sorry for trying to make me frustrated enough to drop some secrets.. it won't happen.. i'll always have the upper hands.. i'll always be one step ahead of you and i'm just smarter than you.. i want you to admit all of that.." sans smirked and put his finger back on the switch that he flicked before, tapping it and just teasing flowey.
"You're really pushing it..." Flowey growled, watching him tap on the switch for a moment. The panic only growing, if he could sweat, he would be drenched. " Okay! Fine! I'm sorry, you're smarter, you have the upper and all that!" He shrieked. " Just turn the damn thing back on! I wont say another word! Just please! " He trembled from being under all that stress Sans was causing. He didn't think Sans had the nerve to do something like this, if so then Flowey would have just kept his mouth shut and waited. He was going to find out why Sans was doing all this in the end anyways. All he has to do now is play nice with the skeleton for a few days, it cant be too hard.
Sans so wanted to burst out laughing and rub it in floweys face that he tricked him. That it was all just a joke to make him behave, but.. seeing how stressed he was.. and how he wanted to have a decent time with him afterwards sans swallowed his gloating and turned the light back on. Closing his eyes and taking a deep deep breath so that he wouldn't lose it. "it was just a light flowey.. heh heh.. i didn't turn the machine off. if i did the soul would instantly be destroyed" sans opened one eye and smirked at flowey "but you gotta admit.. i tricked you pretty hard... heh....." Seeing Flowey so stressed and scared, sans felt a bit sad for him.. Only a tiny bit, about a grain of sand worth of sadness. "hey... i got an idea, why don't we play a game?" Sans was a whole lot looser than before, not angry or annoyed. He flexed his arm and showed Flowey he was willing to turn it off, or trick him at the very least. "I mean.. we don't have to sit inside this lab all day.. and its possible... well.. its possible to give you your soul early.. you have enough determination inside of you that it would help it grow on its own.. well... maybe, wanna take a quick test? see if its possible?"
Flowey gave a deep sigh of relief as the light came back on, his eyes glued to the soul inside, making sure that it still looked alight. Slowly he looked to Sans blankly when he told him that it was just the light, a joke. Flowey could feel his rage start to grow inside him as he looked at the smiley skeleton. Frowning he glared at Sans, not think any of what he did was at all funny. In a way he was thankful that it was just the light, but he didn't want to push Sans anymore, just incase next time it wasn't a joke. " How early? Anything to get my soul and away from you the better..." He said coldly. Flowey couldn't remember the last time he felt this much anger. " Just do the test..." He said looking away from Sans, he couldn't stand the sight of him right now. He didn't know what he would do if he lost control of his anger right now.
Sans saw Floweys anger building and Sans frowned a little, keeping his smile. "whats the matter flowey... can't take a joke?... think about all the monsters you've ruined and played with.. all the rage and anger you've caused.. you really think you should even feel angry right now. i mean, i'm doing all the work.. wh-" sans was about to go off on flowey and tell him how dumb he was.. then he realized that was what he wanted, and also that was worthless... it didn't mean anything, he was going to be different when he got his soul. the sooner he could get it into him the better.. maybe his words and actions would have an effect on him after this. Sans took another deep breath and then pulled what seemed like a Geiger counter and pushed two pins inside the dirt of Floweys pot. Sans raised his eyebrows, but his bored expression in his eyes didn't change. "heh... you got a lot of determination...... i can only imagine what frisk has..." sans chuckled a little and put it down next to flowey, It was easy enough to use. touch both pins to the monster and you're able to measure their determination. Sans sat down and started typing on a computer. looking into somthing, leaving the Geiger counter for flowey, not intentionally. But just not thinking about what he could do with it.
Flowey didn't even bother to look at Sans as he started to go off on him. His only reply was a low growl. Sure it was so easy for Sans right now to be all tough while he was stuck in a pot, there wasn't much he could do, and they both knew this. The only thing Flowey could hope for was that all this was done, that he could have his body back. Though there was the chance he would just come back as a child. Not that it mattered, anything was better than this. He made no movement when Sans placed the pins in the dirt, it did feel a little strange. He just huffed when Sans spoke about his determination. His head did perk hearing Sans start typing, looking over he saw that his back was to him. Noticing the pins still in his pot, he smiled. Ever so slowly he used a vines and pulled them out, his eyes never leaning Sans. Then he stopped looking at the incubator. Realizing that if he tried to kill Sans now, then there would be no one to finish the work. Placing the pins back he groaned to himself. "So...what happened to your head there, looks like that might have been painful..." He asked, not really caring. But staying silent was killing him.
Sans could feel the lingering of floweys imminent attack. But it never came, it just went away. Sans was surprised for a moment, then thought he probably did it so that he could get his soul. "its a secret..." sans mumbled, focused on his work. After all the calculations where finished he smirked and turned around. "alrighty.. so you have enough to keep the soul alive and very healthy.. it will grow on its own and you'll have emotions again.. you won't have full power of a fully developed soul for the next couple of days.. but you'll have what you need" sans was talking about emotions, the extra power will come later, which was probably a really good thing. He didn't need Flowey learning emotions and then just having extreme power. Picking him up he placed him in the seat and put the helmet on his little head. "now.. i'm uh... not sure how this will feel.. might hurt.. here" Sans grabbed a ruler that was on the table and put it next to Floweys mouth. "hold this in your mouth.. you can bite it if theres any abnormal pain.." Sans let flowey take it then flipped the switch. The small underdeveloped soul going into the souless flower.
"Of course it is..." Flowey said annoyed by Sans reply about his head. Flowey didn't know what to expect when he asked. He just sat silently waiting for Sans to finish whatever he was working on. His head tilting looking at him confused as he explained things to him "I don't know what any of that means, but I'm going to assume its good?" He asked as Sans moved him back to the seat, placing the helmet on to his head. Hearing that it might hurt, Flowey just smiled. " Thanks for the heads up this time...pal..." Taking the ruler in his mouth, he waited for a count down or another heads up that he was going to turn it on. Sans was right, it hurt. Biting down on the ruler hard. It was as expected, it was a soul that wasn't his, being forced into him. His 'body' fighting between rejecting it, and also pull it in. Due to it being starved with out a soul, the pull won the battle. He could feel tears roll down his face as the new soul found its place.
Sans saw the tears start to roll down his cheeks, the soul wasn't his true. But since it had some of his own plant fiber in it, it wasn't fully rejected. The soul settling and finally accepting its new home and host, Forming with Flowey and becoming his actual soul now. Sans looked flowey up and down to see how Flowey was fairing, he looked like he was in a lot of pain. But it was over and he had the soul, so it was a bit different now. Sans took the helmet off of Flowey slowly and picked up his pot. Holding him close and taking the ruler out of his mouth, the ruler had hard indentations from the biting. Sans wiped the tears away from Floweys cheeks smiling a bit, "how do you feel?" He felt super relieved and not getting angry from flowey again.
Flowey didn’t move or say anything as Sans removed the helmet and ruler. For a moment, he thought that maybe it all went wrong and he was dead. But if he was he wouldn’t be feeling Sans right now, touching his face as he wiping his tears, or hear him asking how he was feeling. His eyes were closed, thinking, wondering how to answer when he wasn’t sure how he felt in the moment. He felt awful and at the same time wonderful. Finally, he opened his eyes looking up at Sans. He remembered the last thing he felt before he died underground as a child. Tears started to pout from his eyes. " …I want my mom and dad…" Flowey cried softly, he seemed so much like a child right now. Scared, wanting their parents for comfort. "They must hate me so much, everyone must." His reaction was different from Chara. She was frustrated, blamed Sans for what he did. Flowey was just sad, but there was still a small smile on his face. " I didn’t think this was going to work, I never thought you could do it. But you did, thank you Sans. I know I did such terrible things. And I'm so sorry." His smile faded as he hung his head and started to sob. " When can I see my parent? I want to go home…" He choked out between sobs.
Sans sat down and pulled Flowey into a hug, his hand caressing the back of his head and smiling. "shhh shh... its ok flowey.. its ok......." Sans waited for a moment and kept hugging him "its ok asriel." he muttered. His hand still caressing and holding him against his chest so he could cry. "You can see your parents right now.. i'm sure they're still having dinner with frisk.. and don't worry.. most monsters.. well... eveyrone other than me, seemed to forget that you attacked them.. it was more of a... flash of light, then they just woke up.. they won't remember anything you did.. promise" Sans loosened up a lot more. He didn't see him as flowey and.. it.... was really nice. All of sans's anxiety and anger he felt around him was gone. He was only holding a hurt monster right now. "its your choice.. you can explain to them if you want.. who you are and what happened.. i mean....." Sans sighed and leaned back in his chair. "i don't think i want to keep holding secrets.. stupid secrets that don't have any weight anymore... old secrets... tell them i did it if you want"
Asriel calmed down after awhile, needless to say, he was still a bit of a cry baby. But he was also living up to him being a kind monster. " I don't want to lie to them Sans. You didn't do anything wrong. Though...I cant remember who did, I just remember dying, then waking up as this. Feeling nothing. I hated it..." He thought for a moment, he wanted to see his parents. But at the same time, he didn't want to see them like this. " Sans? What should I do? I know they will be so happy to have me, but I look nothing like their son anymore." He really was at a loss, and Sans was the only one around to give any advice. " I don't want to keep any secrets either. But I think not telling the truth is also keeping secrets." He looked up to him and smiled kindly to him. " You helped me, when I didn't deserved it."
Sans looked down at him and smiled at him, caresssing his head still. "i.. heh.. i can't make that choice for you.. i'm sorry. but, i can tell you your options.. and probably the results of those.. if you tell them, they'll accept you and love you... uh... ehh.. that's pretty much it, frisk will accept you and.. i.. won't be able to hide anymore.. if you don't see them, then you'll be hidden.. you can live here with me and.. well.. heh heh.. that's pretty much it too, you can still see your parents but keeping that information from them will hurt you a lot.. they'll see you as a new monster... so.. and also.. i uh... have someone you have to meet too, meet them before you see your parents." Sans smiled and walked out of his workshop. Holding Asriel to his chest.
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