Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk gave Flowey a small wave." We will be back soon, don't worry." He just have a small huff at them as they left. She followed Sans, she could tell that having Flowey around was bothering him. But if all works out the way he has planned, Flowey will be better, just like Chara. Then again, Frisk still felt uneasy around Chara. She was going to try though, make peace and maybe friends with the other girl. "Oh right! Well, its more for Chara. Just hang on, wait down here for my mom and dad. I will be right back. " With that she ran up stairs. Coming back down about 15 minutes later with a duffle bag, handing it to him. " I uhh...its just some clothes and other things....Maybe here soon I should come over. Take her shopping. Have a girl day. Unless you want to join..." Just then there was a knock on her door. Frisk rushed over and peeked through her window before opening it. Letting her mom and dad in. "Oh! Sans, its so good to see you. I didn't know you were going to be here." Toriel said happily. Asgore gave him a polite nod before looking to Frisk. "So, whats all this about? Is everything okay?" He asked the both of them.
Sans grabbed the duffel bag and it was a bit heavy, he rolled his shoulder so that his arm wouldn't get tired. Putting it down on the floor, he wanted to go through it. But then a knock on the door and sans shifted his attention over to toriel and asgore. Sans waved to toriel smiling warmly and chuckling a little "just was out with frisk.. she had an amazing idea to make dinner for the two of you.. i was just borrowing some blankets.." Sans grabbed the duffel bag and raised it, showing them. It was kind of impressive how quickly he could lie, and how almost second nature it was to him. Then again he did throw frisk under the bus by saying she was making dinner for the two of them.. even if it was a nice thing that he was making her do for her parents, it was something he didn't tell her. "yeah.. i was just leaving.." sans looked over to frisk looking at her, basically trying to tell her to tell him to stay for a while. Sans completely forgot about the mark on the side of his face, when he looked at frisk it was fully visible to Toriel and Asgore.
Frisk stood there like a deer caught in headlights. It was rather impressive just how fast he came up with that lie. Then again, it was a unsettling. Made her wonder if he lied to her the same way. But that was for another time. " I uh. Yeah, I wanted to test my cooking out an who better to try than you guys. Sans, please stay since you're here already." It was Asgore who noticed the mark on Sans face. " Goodness! What happened?!" He blurted out, causing Toriel to turn and look at him." Oh my! Sans!" she rushed over to him, lightly running her fingers over it. "When did this happen." Frisk didn't say anything, knowing Sans was quick on his feet, she figured he could handle it. "I already know the story...so I'm just going to get started on dinner..." She rushed into her kitchen, where she still have a good view of them. But this also gave her time to figure out what to make them all for dinner.
Sans felt Toriels soft finger on his head and he blushed a little bit, she was one of the only people or monsters that could do that to him. "w-well.." he was almost at a loss for words, seeing her care that much for him made him shiver a little. He coughed into his hand and looked her in the eyes. Deciding it would be a good idea to calm her down a little bit before telling her "i got into a fight with this huge biker... i know this looks bad, but you should see what he looks like" sans winks and he told the story in a rather goofy tone to show them he wasn't serious. "i was working on the lawn and the lawn mower exploded.. i'm fine though. i didn't think it would blow like that.. actually, i wouldn't mind if you wanted to look at it tori.. i mean, frisk did a great job fixing it up.. but you've dealt with this kind of thing a lot more." he smiled warmly.
Frisk had to peek over at Sans hearing him say he got into a fight with a biker, seeing he was joking she went back to rummaging though her kitchen for something to make them all for dinner. Toriel giggled at his tall tale, then hearing the real story she nodded. " Frisk fixed you up? She did a good job. Although, I don't think there is much more I can do about your head. Unless its causing any issues?" She looked over him, seeing the way he was holding his arm she frowned. " Is your arm hurt as well? I can take a look at that as well?" She smiled kindly to him, "Come, take a seat so I can get a better looks." Asgore watched the two of them awkwardly, unsure what was going on between the two, he did catch Sans blushing at Toriels attention. He walked into Frisks living room and sat down in a large chair. One he picked out for when he came over.
Sans was practically forced to sit down, not because she forced him but because there was no way he wouldn't sit for her. He slowly pulled his jacket back to reveal his broken arm, still pretty broken and hurt a bit. "got my ribs too... they're a little sore, but its no big deal.. was only really worried about my head getting hit like that." Now that Sans was there with toriel he just needed to convince her to share some of her soul with him... "y'know... i've heard... that uh..... boss monster souls have enormous healing magical properties... y'know? if.. i just got a bit.. i could probably heal right up. my body wouldn't hurt anymore" he said confidently with a warm smile.
Toriel took his arm in her paws gently looking it over. " You should have called me Sans, but this can be fixed." She listened to his idea and thought. Asgore looked at them from his seat. "That would work a lot faster than just regular healing magic, that's for sure." Asgore said. Toriel nodded. " Yes it would...though I haven't done anything like that in so long..." Asgore sat up. " I have had to use it not to long ago with Undyne, it wasn't anything major. But I can help if you need me...?" He wanted to be helpful, maybe even empress Toriel. Getting from his seat and took a few step to them. Placing a hand on his chest he focused his soul, pulling it from his chest. The room was flooded with a brilliant white light. "...Sans... you will have to work quickly..."
The bright light was almost blinding, he had to squint his eyes and he smiled. Ever so gently taking Asgores soul into his hands, he wrapped his fingers around it and the light got even brighter. Their souls intertwining for a brief moment, only boss monsters could do this since their soul was more physical. Sans started to glow, Asgore could feel.. something.. something powerful inside of sans, much more powerful than undyne. Something strange and familiar. Sans quickly broke off a tiny tiny piece of asgores soul and held it in his hand, hiding it. Sans's wounds started to heal, but he could feel them not healing fully.. they only healed about half way. Asgores soul was as drained as it could be without Sans exhausting him and possibly hurting him.
He let go and quickly pushed the tiny fragment of soul into his jacket cuff. He smiled at him "thanks big guy.. that feels much better... heh heh" It was clearly not fully healed, which was strange. Usually any monster who would bond souls with a boss monster would be way more than just healed from it.. "still a bit stiff though.. could use.. a little more.." he said looking at his arm and chest.
Asgore let out a deep groan, the power that he felt coming from Sans much have been some sort of mistake, he would have know that this monster held such power. This took a lot out of him, once his soul was returned, he stumbled back a little, falling back in his chair, giving a weak laugh." I should have been sitting before doing that..." She said, laying his head back, closing his eyes. Thinking about Sans, and what he felt coming from him. Toriel frowned looking at the little healing that had been done to Sans. "Well, maybe I can finish the healing. Least I can do, Frisk has been telling me what a great help you have been since she came home." She leaned over whispering to him " And might I add how cute you two are together, I saw that picture she took of you guys. " She chuckled pulling away. She repeated what Asgore did, taking her a little more effort and focus to pull her soul out for Sans. Again, there was a blinding white light that filled the room.
The light once again blasted his eyes and he laughed a little, blushing when toriel leaned in. He took her soul just like he did with Asgore, this time he was ready to catch her if she needed to fall. There wasn't any other seats around and he absorbed a bit of her soul. Once again, she felt his power, she felt an extreme familiar feeling from doing this with him. He healed himself fully, cracking off another piece of her soul and putting it in the other sleeve. He absorbed enough to heal himself fully and watched as he was exhausting her. Letting go of her soul and leaning forward just in case she started falling, he moved his arms so that she would fall onto him instead of on the floor. He chuckled "you guys must have not done this for a while.. i mean.. takes a lot out of ya" he said trying to offer an explanation on why it felt so much different to heal sans than any other monster this way.
This took more out of Toriel than it did Asgore, a small tear fell from her eye as she struggled to keep her soul out for him. Something about him was making her soul want to retreat. There was a flood of emotions when Sans released her soul back to her. Luckily she fell back on to the couch, she felt so weak. Nodding to Sans she agreed. She remembered the last time she used her soul like this to heal, and that was when Chara got sick...something about this reminded her about that. Frisk stood there silently looking at the three of them. She had seen so much in her life, but nothing like this. It was beautiful, and the same time heart breaking. "...Wow..." Was all she could say. Asgore looked over to Frisk, worried that maybe she was frightened. " Child, are you okay," He said sitting up a little from his seat. Toriel also looked over to her, giving her a small smile. " Its okay my child. Everything it okay." Frisk nodded, she was scared, just amazed by how monsters worked. And how easily Sans got what he needed from her parents. " I..Its okay really. Just, dinner will be done soon. I thought I would try my hand at caprese salad...."
Sans heard the words salad and he instantly shuddered.. welp. it was his fault for pushing her into making dinner for them. He chuckled and took Toriels hand, gently helping her up and wiping away the tear from her cheek. "jeeze.. you.. you really didn't need to do that if you where so.. if it took that much out of you. i m-mean.. thank you so much. i feel amazing. i feel new heh heh.. but don't push yourself like that again." he was thankful that he was able to get what he needed so quickly, but he was also kind of worried for Toriels safety. She was looking way worse than asgore, "here.. i'll get you two some water." he sat toriel down again and smiled at her. Walking into the kitchen and got two glasses of water, whispering to frisk "wow... never.. thought it would go like that.. took a lot out of them.. heh.. i uh.. i feel kind of bad now.. didn't know it would hurt them like that" he looked back a little worried and sighed. Walking back he gave Asgore and Toriel their water. "thank you guys once again.. must be exhausting to let someone use your soul like that..."
Frisk smiled seeing Sans shudder the way he did, she had a feeling he wouldn't be much of a fan of a salad. But this was all she really had to work with, and she made it for herself yesterday before she got the call from Chara about Sans. Toriel smiled and closed her eyes. " No need to worry old friend, I'm sure it will pass. Just be more carful next time you plan of fixing anything. Will you?" Asgore sighed. " A water would be nice, thank you. And you are family Sans. We were more than happy to help you." When Sans walked into the kitchen, Frisk was drizzling a balsamic glaze over a bed of mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil on four plates. she shrugged. She didn't really like how all this played out, mostly the lying. But this was a conversation for a later time. Toriel and Asgore took their glasses. Neither of them really able to shake the feeling and power that came from Sans. Asgore was going to talk to Toriel about this when they were on their way home. Maybe there was a chance it was just him.
Sans sat down and cracked his neck, he felt some power from the both of them.. he had never done that kind of thing before. Never needed too, he always jumped away from danger and almost never got hurt. But this was the one time he was more than happy to take some damages, each fragment of their soul went into his pocket and he smiled at them. Not letting them notice his hands doing that, more just like he was scratching his leg. "feels so much better guys.. thank you heh heh.. i uh.. yeah, you guys are my family too" he winked at them and leaned back. "enjoy that water.. its free.. for now" he winked again and chuckled. "you guys must be strong.. i could feel it, pretty powerful stuff huh?" he didn't have a grasp of how much they could gauge his power.. he didn't know that's how it worked. His arms resting behind his head and his eyes closing, looking totally and utterly relaxed. "i could owe you guys a favor for this.. if ya want.. anything for you two" he opened one eye and smiled, he was being nice. But if they had a thing they needed doing it could come handy for later. Sans seemed to be getting looser with promises, he usually hated making them.. but now they didn't seem so bad.
Asgore grunted. " Yes, surprisingly powerful..." He said, not looking to Sans, but making sure that he made sure that his hint was loud and clear. After this, she wasn't sure about him being around his daughter. Even though they never spoke, Toriel also felt a little uneasy about Sans. But she felt different, she was glad that Frisk became friends with Sans, he would be a good protector for her. This would end up turning into a little spat between Asgore and Toriel later when they left. " There is no need for any favors Sans." Toriel said softly to Sans. Frisk walked in. " Dinner is ready, if you guys are okay to eat?" She felt rather uncomfortable about everything that had taken place tonight. But it was over, and now they could take the next step. Frisk also wanted to rush the dinner, know that Sans had work to do now, plus there was the issue with Chara, who has been left unattended all day. Thinking she walked back into the kitchen pulled out her phone and sent Sans a text.

Maybe you should go and take care of Flowey. We don't want to leave him alone to long. I will be over later. Just tell them that this was Paps and you have to go...?​

Frisk hated feeding more lies to her parents. But she also knew Sans would like the dinner she made so this was also an easy way out for him.
Sans checked his phone and read what frisk wrote. "ah jeeze.. heh heh.. i feel like a goof ball... papyrus just messaged me all worried, wondering where i was.. i gotta go.. he was even more worried about me getting hurt than you where tori" he smiled at her and stood up "so sorry about leaving so soon.. but we can meet up later.. tori, asgore. Thank you for healing me again.. much appreciated.." sans walked over and hugged toriel, it was so strange. Feeling his hug now you'd swear he was as fragile as glass, his arms so delicately wrapping around her and hugging her. Sans then went over to Asgore and gave him a hug, patting him on the back. Again.. very gentle and almost fragile, like he was weak. But there was no way by how his soul was. "i'll catch ya guys later.. don't be a stranger" he smiled and waved to frisk, walking out of the house and popping into his workshop. "ooooh flowey.. got what i needed. wanna see?" Sans smiled looking around for flowey.
Frisk sighed in relief, so glad that Sans took her out. Then again, the rest of her night was being asked questions about Sans, Toriel and Asgore talked about how strange he was acting then he left. As dinner went on, Frisk wished that Sans stayed, only because they wouldn't be asking about him like this if he was still there. But it was for the greater good, or that's what she kept telling herself.

Flowey picked his head up hearing Sans, he looked around not seeing Frisk with him. A heavy feeling of dread loomed over him. But he had to keep up his image, he laughed. " Well you work fast, how did you get them so easily? Wait I forgot, they are fools." Again he looked around. " Where's Frisk? I thought she was going to come back with you?"
Sans shrugged and pulled out each fragment, almost like little grains of sand in each of his hands. "they're not fools... they're just ignorant to whats going on.. doesn't make someone a fool.. just blind" sans shrugged. He glared at flowey, he hated being alone with him.. But he had to try and keep this up for a while. "now.." He walked over to a weird incubation looking machine, filled with green liquid. Sans sat down and started working, he grabbed each of the fragments and put them in a test tube, that and he ground up the flower petal he took. Pushing them all together and adding some determination. They quickly melted and mended to the petal goo, they all became one shape and started to shift and change. He then dropped the small white stuff into the incubator. "now.. it'll start growing.. it should start to form a soul.. soon enough. probably take a day or two to grow fully.. its being pumped determination to help its growth.. since you're smaller it won't need as much time.. how does that sound?" Sans didn't even look at flowey, didn't look him in the eyes, didn't look anywhere near him. Just stared at the incubator. He wished it was cause he was so focused on his work.. but truth of the matter was, he just hated flowey so much. Trying to do this for him was a strange feeling.. he wanted to do it for what he knew about Asriel. He knew Asriel was still in there, and that he was a sweet nice kind soul. But flowey was such a dispicable and disgusting creature.. Sans... hated flowey for many reasons.. some of them where reasons that flowey couldn't even control.
Flowey was a little shocked to hear Sans say those things about his friends. Then he just laughed, sounding a little manic. " Tell me about it, its not just them. Frisk is the same way. Always looking for the good, even in trash like you. I think that's the worst. You know, speaking of. Since we are alone, maybe you can tell me the real reason you're doing this. I can tell you hate me, you cant even look at me. Yet, you are going though all this trouble. I don't get it. Wouldn't it be easier to just kill me?" He asked, leaning over trying to get a good look at Sans face. He was very expressed by what Sans has done, it was almost giving him hope that this could work. But right now, he wanted to play with his head. He has been so bored for so long. And he knew that Sans would harm him, Frisk wouldn't allow it. Then again, he knew he couldn't press to many buttons. Still, this was fun for him. The same it was for Chara when they met.
Sans could tell flowey was messing with him, it was the same way that chara tried to mess with him when she was a ghost and all he could do was talk to her. Sans shrugged, "eh.. good point... maybe i shouldn't be doing this..." sans said sounding a little discouraged. He wasn't he just wanted to mess back with flowey, "i mean.. i'll just put you back in the underground and seal it off... this is a lot of work" Unlike chara, Sans was having a difficult time holding his anger even when he said this he wasn't showing he was angry just mainly sounding bored and unfocused. He mainly wanted to make flowey behave, if he threatened not giving him the soul and putting him back in the underground it would hopefully straighten him up.
Flowey gave a nervous laugh. "Hey, no need to get all touchy. You have to admit you would have the same questions if the tables were turned. I mean, you had seven years to offer your help, why only now when that brat comes back to town, you want to be mister do-gooder?" He shrugged the best way a flower could. He didn't think Sans would really do something like that. Then again, they share the same dislike for each other so any chance Sans could just be rid of him, he would put past the skeleton to take it. " And if you stop now, what would you tell Frisk? She would soooo disappointed in you." Flowey was about to continue talking when Sans phone started ringing. It was Chara. Flowey leaned over to see who was calling Sans.
Sans shrugged when he said frisk would be disapointed. "I could easily just say it isn't possible.. sure she would be disapointed, but she would understand... heh.. basically.. you're in no possition to argue or be an annoying weed.." sans sighed and recompensed himself... he sighed and took a deep breath. He was loosing his temper, his phone went off ans he picked it up seeing it was chara. "One second flowey.." sans walked out of his workshop and answered the call "heyo ruby... you alright?"
Sans walked away to fast for Flowey to get a good look to see who was calling. He was pretty sure it was Frisk by the way he walked out of his workshop. As Sans left, he would hear Flowey mumble to himself, not hear much he said, but Sans could have made out that it was something about him, catching a few words such as 'idiot' and 'trash-bag'. Chara was happy that Sans answered, and finding it funny that he thought something was wrong, or that how she took it. " Hey, nothing wrong or anything. Just getting a little bored. Just wondering if it was cool for me to come back? Or are you guys still busy?"
Sans thought for a moment and looked over at the door, "we are still kind of busy.. hey i have an idea, there should be a movie theater around where you are.. you're just down town right? why don't you get a ticket and a bunch of popcorn, a soda.. i know you've seen films with frisk. But by yourself and with food its much much different.. its way more fun too" Sans smiled at the thought of her in the movies enjoying it all "maybe you could see a 3d movie? it should be a lot of fun.. and we'll be finished soon heh heh" sans chuckled and waited for her to respond, staring at the door and starting to get angry.
Chara perked up at the idea. Yes she was there during the movie, but at the time she found her and Sans being rather gross so she hid away. " Oh yeah! That's a great idea! What was it...'Spider-Man?'. She asked looking around, " Sure I can do that! See you later Sansy! " She hung up the phone and started her way to the theater. She was honestly excited about the idea of all of it. The popcorn, candy and soda.
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