Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"She never tells me anything…" Frisk said almost whining. It was true. Even she said she didn’t remember what made her fall. She was so sure that Chara would had said something to Sans. But right now she wouldn’t know. When he asked what it has been like without Chara she perked back up. " You know, it been really nice. I can finally be alone, and just be by myself. Its been so long since I have had that. Has she honestly been no trouble?" In a way Frisk was worried about this, know how Chara can be at times, though she knew Sans could handle her. But she felt guilty leaving Sans to 'babysit' Chara. Deep down, Frisk need a break from her. "Maybe later we can meet up with her. I'm sure she is over that sweater and pants. I always wished there was a way I could change her..clothes…" Not she felt she was being vain and judgmental. She had caught Chara watching her change and do her hair and the other normal thing girl their age would do.
Sans thought about it and nodded slowly "well, i gave her enough money that she could buy new clothes with it.. but i kind of like the green sweater, it fits her well and makes her look cuddly heh heh" Sans loved comfy clothes, they never seemed to be a bad time to wear comfortable clothing. "i'm glad you can be by yourself and alone, it must be so refreshing. nope. no trouble at all, if anything she's been nothing but help.." sans got the feeling frisk was really didn't trust Chara at all. From what she knew it was to be expected, so he slowly reached over and grabbed her hand smiling. "frisk.. if their are any problems at all.. any with chara about her being bad... or manipulating.. or whatever.. i'll come to you right away.. i want her to behave as much as you do" He nodded slowly "chara's changed for the better... and i'll tell you if i think there needs to be something done.. but hey, lets not worry about her right now. shes off doing her own thing. this is frisk and sans time. not frisk and sans talk about chara time heh heh heh.. wanna do something fun?" he smiled
Frisk nodded, Sans was right. They were a lone without Chara talking in her ear. " I know, just still feels so strange. " She looked down at his hand on hers. It felt as is her heart was going burst from her chest. Her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Clearing her throat she spoke, her soft brown eyes meeting his. " What did you have in mind? Are you feeling well enough to do anything?" Frisk truly worried to much about him. After yesterday, all she wanted was for him to be safe, and not get hurt any more. Their past was already filled with such horrible things. "Maybe I can take you out to find a new couch? Least I can do, you have gone above and beyond for me since I came back. So let me do this for you."
Sans looked over at his couch and shrugged. "if that's what you really wanna do.. i mean heh heh. we don't have to go out looking for a new couch just yet. we could do anything you wanna do.. i uh.. i actually wanna go see flowey. i think that would be nice. y'know? i think i might be able to.. give him some emotions back.. i... heh heh.. sorry i'm talking too much.." Sans seemed really nervous when he brought up flowey. Kind of trying to change the topic quickly, even though he brought it up.
"Don't you think you have done enough already? I mean, you're still healing." Frisks eyes widened at the thought of him helping Flowey. she had nothing against Sans wanting to help. But so soon after he was so horribly injured. "We can go see him if you want...but just to talk. He may not even want to be helped. I don't even know how he will react to seeing any of us." Frisk slowly pulled her hand from under his. She was worried, she wanted to hope for the best. "Is that something you really want to do?"
Sans thought about it for a moment, he thought for about a minute of dead silence. His nerves calming down and his face going blank. ".... yeah...... i think i do..." he said with a small smile, his hand pulling away from hers and he sat up tall. "i'll be fine kiddo.. i might be hurt.. but you know my style of fighting. just don't get hit, you won't get hurt. heh heh heh.. yeah, i think i do wanna help that little guy.. lets.. keep it secret from chara and chara secret from flowey.. i know they where brother and sister when they where young. i uh.. want them to see each other again when they're both healed up and ready to care for each other" Sans smiled, he didn't like the idea of going to see flowey.. but. he did want to help.
" I know, but you didn't almost blow you're self up the day before when I saw you flight." Frisk smiled as she stood from the table." It going to be tough to keep that from her, and her from him. But I see what you're getting at, and I like it. I want him to have his happy ending like everyone else. " Frisk was starting to get excited about the idea, but not to excited. There is still the chance he may not want the help. If Sans talked Chara into having his help, the he should be able to do the same for Flowey." You know, keeping Chara from mom should be easy, but we cant not tell her about Asriel..."
Sans nodded and shrugged. "i know.. i know..... we can never tell toriel... and everyone getting their happy ending would be nice heh heh and uh.... yeah. maybe we can help him, if we can help him. heh... well.." Sans still seemed a bit uncomfortable thinking about flowey. Sans stood up and started walking towards the door, "lets go.. or uh.. do you want me to do this on my own time? i think it would be a better idea.. heh... i'll go and do that on my own time. right now is frisk time. lets go couch shopping" sans smiled at her and shrugged.
Frisked sighed "Are you sure? I don't want you to do this by yourself, and you know I'm just going to be worried sick about you. So you might as well let me go with you." In a way she was relieved to hear him say that they should go couch shopping. Sans was in no shape to be talking with Flowey. She followed him to the door, wrapping her arms around his left arm. "Okay, couch now, Flowey later. But please Sans, don't go by yourself...." She hugged softly, so not to hurt him. " You don't have to do this alone. I want to help..."
Sans heard her pleas and how worried she was. He finally gave in and chuckled a little, shaking his head and smiling up at her. Her hug so soft and warm, it was like a cloud was hugging him. "yea. ok, you've convinced me heh heh.. I'll go with you then. but don't go thinking it's cause i like you" He closed one eye winking at her and shaking his finger, making an obvious joke and being sarcastic. "us monsters gotta stick together against you big bad humans.. heh heh.. especially when i'm so.. fragile" He put the back of his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes like a helpless princess. "heh heh heh.. i'll only go with you" he started walking with her holding onto him, walking towards the door.
" Oh no, never. I think you're letting me go because you know I'm right." She said sticking her tongue out at him. Then laughing at him as he asked so dramatic. " Really? Since when did you get so sassy? Back to the reason I'm right, we have a better chance of Flowey talking to me over you. Though, if it looks like we're not going anywhere with him, maybe we should ask Chara. I know you want it to be a surprise, but if we want this to work....." She thought as Sans lead her to the door. " So are we going couch shopping? Or going to see him?" Either worked for her. couch shopping was more a better idea for now.
"no... we're not getting chara involved till he's better.. if he won't try without her then we will leave him.. i.. i don't want chara to get involved only to learn her brother isn't savable.... y'know.. i.. i don't want that hope to boil up only to be crushed." sans looked away, it seemed he was talking about something different on top of chara.. he shrugged and walked out the door. "couch shopping... flowey will still be there no matter how long we take heh heh"
Frisk never really though about Chara having any sort of hope. If what Sans said about her soul was true, then one that broken wouldn't, not that its heal, its made sense. Nodding she looked down sadly. " I guess you're right. I wont say anything, no matter how it all plays out. " She also wanted to drop it. But if they told Flowy about what Sans did for Chara, then maybe he would be willing to give it all a chance. " I'm thinking some time next week I was to throw that get together at my place. Have you, Papyrus, Alyphs, and Undyne over for dinner and a movie. My house is starting to look like home, I cant wait to everyone to see it. " She looked over to him and smiled.
Sans listened to her thinking about what they could do for flowey, trying to think about what he could do and how he could do it.. it was possible.. that... he had to think for a bit, but he had a couple theories on what he could do. He smiled at Frisk and nodded "heh, that sounds like a lot of fun. count me in heh heh.. maybe... chara too?.. i mean, i know most of us don't know her. but heh heh, she might get upset hearing that we're all going to your party and she wasn't invited" sans looked up at her and they made it to the furniture store pretty quickly. It wasn't that far away and Sans didn't even teleport.
"Yes, of course. We cant keep her away from everyone. I just need to remember to call her Ruby. " Frisk said as they walked into the store, letting his arm go. She was happy that he never tried to pull away from her, "Her getting out and socializing is best thing we can do. I swear, It feels like we have a puppy or something." She laughed, it was sad but true. Sans gave her a phone to call if there was any issues. Though she had a feeling if anyone called them it would be the cops. Looking around the store, she spots a couch similar to their old one. Walking over to is she called out to Sans. " What do you think about this one, of did you want something different?" Again her eyes scanned the store for another option just incase.
Sans saw the couch that almost looked identical to the blood stained one in his appartment. Usually sans would want the same everything, but they had that couch since they got to the underground. It was time for a bit of a change "Its nice.. but uh, I think I wanna find a different one. Something as comfy and easy to lay on as my jacket.. y'know? Heh.. let's keep looking" sans kept walking and just looked around, wanting to find something new and different. "Heh heh, but yeah.. we have out lost little ruby trying to figure out life by herself.. God. I just hope some homeless guy doesn't follow and bother her heh heh..." walking through the store they saw many different couches, then while they where walking sans quickly put his arm out so that frisk had to stop walking. " woah..." he said seeing this amazing looking couch, it was green and the pillows looked they where fluffed by angels. Sans walked over to it and very slowly sat down on it, looking instantly relaxed.
Frisk was a little shocked that Sans wanted something different. But she was also pleased to see this little change in him. Smiling she nodded. "Sounds good." She followed him around the store, her head tilting in confusion and worry. " Does that happen a lot around here, homeless people following people like that?" Though she didn't have to be concern about Chara, if anything she would be worried about anyone who tried to harass her in anyway. Frisk was stopped by Sans, pulling her out of her thoughts, looking to the couch he seemed to have found. Watching him sink down in to it, she walked over, sitting down next to him. She also melting into the cushions, she sighed. " Yeah, think you have a winner here." She closed her eye, relaxing next to him. An older male that worked there approached them, clearing his throat. " Can I help you two?" Frisk opened her eyes and looked over to Sans. "So, is this the one?"
"heh heh.. yeah.... yeah..." Sans heard the mans voice and he just kind of sat there a bit more relaxing and enjoying the couch. Sans put his hand on the arm rest of the couch and slowly got up, making sure not to hurt himself. "i was just perusing your couches and found this fine looking.. piece of art heh. if you wouldn't mind, i'd love to buy this couch. Sans pulled his wallet out and then looked back to frisk "well.. if she stays in the town next to all the houses she'll be alright.. but when she starts going deeper into the city she might have to worry about the homeless people... i doubt it though.." Sans looked back at the man and pulled out a couple hundred dollar bills. "so.. how much i owe ya?"
Frisk giggled at Sans when he called the couch a 'piece of art' as she got back to her feet a little faster than him. Digging in her bag she pulled out a card handing it over to the man. " I got this, and don't listen to him if he start whining about him paying for it." She looked over to Sans and smiled. " Put that a way, and relax. You deserve it, you been working too hard lately." The man looked at the two of them and shrugged before walking off. " I don't think she will wonder to far, if it mean being away from either of us. We both have a deep connection with her. But that's good to know incase I need to go to the city." She walked back over to the couch, plopping back down on it. "Your job will be figuring out to get the old one out."
Sans watched the man take her card and going to go get the debit machine, Sans rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. He didn't want her to pay but.. He was going too. She clearly wanted to thank him in some way, even if this was a bit much. "well. thank you kiddo.. heh, and that's super easy.. just gotta tell papyrus to do it heh heh. he doesn't want a gross bloody couch either, so he'll do it. i think the real quesion is how are we gonna get this sucker home?... the couch is pretty big.. and uh.. whatever i'll just use a short cut. then we can go see flowey, or i bet there are people here who are payed to drive furniture if you pay a little extra
Frisk waited for him to finish talking about how they would get the couch home. Once he was done she pointed to a sign that read 'Free next day delivery' She smiled to him proudly" My job here is done." She laughed, once more picking herself up off the couch, seeing the man coming back with her card and some paper work. Frisk signed her name and some other info on the paper. Placing her card away the sales man walked off. " So it will be at your door between 8-11. " Frisk started to the door of the store. " So, Fowey is next huh...not going to lie, I'm a little nervous..."
Sans smiled and nodded, "well.. you where really using your noggin when we got here. i'm still a bit unfocused i guess heh heh, it should pass soon." sans followed her to the door and then opened it for her, when they walked out they should have walked out into the sunny street. But they walked out of the front of Toriels house in the ruins underground. "..... yeah..." was all sans could say, he didn't even say it in his normal way. most of it was almost anxious sighing, he was clearly uncomfortable. "it'll be much easier with you though" he smiled up at her.
"To be honest, I only noticed that as you were just talking just then." Frisk said laughing as they walked though the door. Her laughter stopped once she saw where they were. Its been 7 years since seen this place, some good memories, mostly bad ones. Frisk felt a hard chill run through her body, standing there looking at the ruins. She wondered when the last time anyone had been here, or if her mother thought about visiting. " I remember this place being a lot bigger..." It was true, but she was much smaller when she fell. Again she reached out to Sans, hugging onto his arm. " Same, I don't think I could ever come back here by myself...Do you know where we are going?" Frisk felt herself getting cold feet. She hope that they wouldn't find Flowey. She gave Sans a weary smile.
Sans smiled at her and chuckled "who's the one who needs actual protecting here huh? i'm getting mixed messages.. and... he should be.. right? i saw him here once. he was tending to the flowers near where you fell.. he uh.. he didn't see me, i just watched him for what seemed like hours.. i left pretty quickly.. but. i'm sure he'll be... well.. he'll be surprised for sure. i was about to say he would be happy to see you.. but.. we both know he can't be happy" Sans started walking with frisk attached to his arm, looking around and making it closer and closer to where frisk fell.. it wasn't far now.. they could see the large doorway that lead to the sunlight.
"You and I have very different memories here...well, I have many memories..." She gave him one last small smile, turning her head to where he was leading." Tending the flowers? Hmm, I'm sure he must be lonely, maybe after all this time a lone he had time to think." She chuckled. " How about we just say he will be less annoyed to see me over you." Her grip loosened on his arm, still feeling a little scared about what they were about to do. Frisk had to be brave. Everything seemed so different, yet still the same from when she was a young child. As they made there way to where she fell, where she first met Flowey, where she first met Chara. She could see the golden flowers ahead, pulling Sans arm to stop a moment. "Sans...Let me go first. I want to try and talk to him. Maybe if he doesn't see you just yet, it will be easier."
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