Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans looked sad and he sighed. "maybe i would.... i dunno... if both of you could just..... get along... maybe there would be a way i wouldn't have to choose one and make the other so miserable.. i know you still like me.... and... you want frisk to be happy.. you're a great friend." sans muttered, clearly there was more to him not wanting to date than he let on. He smiled up at chara very sweetly.
When chara got to the cabinet upstairs there was no medicine, just some 'healing cream' some glue and a couple of bandages from the underground.. it all probably worked on monsters a lot better than normal bandages and medicine, the blood on sans seemed to stop soaking and his blood had clotted.. it was possible it was the head injury and the lack of blood.
Chara took a moment just standing there, looking at herself in the mirror, she didn’t even know what she looked like now. She looked so much older, but she didn’t feel it. She still felt that she should be the 13 year old that fell so many years ago. Not even she knew how many years passed. She looked at her red eyes, wondering why Sans liked them so much. She came in there for a reason, pills. Not finding any she walked down stairs with the healing cream, bandages, and glue." Will this work?" she walked to Sans, laying them out on the table. Glancing back to Sans remembering that he said just before she walked away, and that smile he gave her. Frisk nor Sans know how tempting it was to try and keep him for herself, she really felt she could do it. Even though she had not a clue what goes into dating or being in a relationship. She just knew she didn’t want to share. Then again, she didn’t want to hurt Frisk more. "Have you thought of maybe…having both?" She asked vaguely.
Papyrus looked down at the healing cream and nodded. He took the bandage off of sans's head and applied it, then put the monster bandage on his head. "we don't have much of this stuff.. But! Fixing his head is our number one priority!! I'll run out to the store and get more!! Thank you so much Ruby!! Please watch him a little while longer?" he smiled at her and nodded running upstairs and getting dressed.

Sans looked at her and raised an eyebrow wondering "how?... can't you only date one person.. i mean... i know you can date two, but i think it would hurt your feelings if i lied to the two of you and cheated on you.. its worse than not doing anything at all....." he thought for a moment and scratched his chin "uh... well... if you two where ok with it.. i... could try it.. having two cute girls is better than one~" he winked again and giggled. His head felt so much better "thank you for the heals.. my head is way better now.. heh heh.. and i don't know.. if the resets went away fully i could live my life without fear nightmares... not having to worry all the time and stress about dumb things" he smiled. "ooh~! could i get you as Christmas gifts~? or birthday gifts~? with cute long stockings, little dresses and bows~? that would be adorable!!" he laughed to himself and laid back a bit more. It was obvious now why he wouldn't date.. the resets. Until they where gone. and no one could use them he couldn't live happily or try to either. He tried to explain it before, but he wasn't good at opening up.
Chara nodded to Papyrus, she didn’t mind sticking around with Sans while he ran out. Again she sat om the other side of the couch at his feet, looking down at him. " Well, I mean I wouldn’t tell Frisk, But if I did still like you, and if I didn’t mind sharing. Frisk would be the only one I could see myself sharing you with…In fact, don’t think of it as dating me. Its practice, we both see out of the loop with it come to this shit. We trust each other, right? " In her mind it all made better sense. Then he went on about having them as gifts." What do you mean by that? You know what, don’t even what to know. Can you just chill till your brother gets back?" Chara seemed uneasy, her stomach was starting to feel funny, almost hurting in away.
Talking about practice sans wasn't sure how to take that, practice would be great for him. He didn't have much of it in a long time, but right now he was a bit loopy and couldn't really explain himself too much. "practice... if i had practice i would want everyone to know who was involved. no lies. not about this, if frisk learned that we where 'practicing' and she didn't know before then we would be in a loooot of trouble.. oh. i know, i'll go talk to her about it now" sans went to sit up and than quickly laid back down when he got dizzy and put a hand on his head. "euuuhg.. maybe not...... and what kind of practice???"
Chara watched him blankly, confused on what he was going on about. She didn’t think there would be an issue of him telling Frisk. But then again, it seemed that maybe Sans and her were not on the same page. She made no reaction when he tries to get up off the couch just to lay back down. "Well, my people skills are lacking, and you could use help with Frisk, and I know her very well. I mean, you can tell her, I just don’t think she would like the idea of you and I hanging out one on one. Talking about feelings, and stuff like that. But then again, I could use her help on a few things." Seeing that maybe now was the time to talk about all this Chara stood and looked down at him. "Want me to help you to bed? Or are you going to sleep on the couch?"
"if you become friends with frisk.. really good friends... y'know. she might like the idea of us practicing... she wants whats best for you.. and you want whats best for her! just be a good person.. show her you changed.. show her that when you forced her to hurt people it wasn't your fault.." Sans put his arms up and smiled wide "pick me up!! heh heh... i want to lay down in my bed. its way comfier there than here.. and i'm tired" he yawned "hitting your head makes you sleepy..." he blinked kind of slowly.
Chara nodded slowly " Maybe, but lets just forget I ever brought it up." She could tell that Sans was in no position to discussing such things and he need to heal, because if he is like tomorrow when Frisk comes over. He will just make it worse. She raised a brow as he threw his arms up in a child like manner, requesting her to carry him to bed. " Really? " She sigh. Picking him up bridal style she looked at he blood soaked couch. "Guess im sleeping on the floor till that gets cleaned." She made sure she had a good grip on him before taking him to his room, kicking the door open with her food and laying him softly in his bed." Anything else?"
Sans hugged and held onto her quite tight when she picked him up. Not wanting to fall he laughed a little, nuzzling his face into her neck and closing his eyes. "i could be carried like this forever..." he laughed again and then was put on the bed, he thought for a moment and shook his head. "nah.. i'm super tired. but tomorow we could watch a movie or something if you want" he said smiling, forgetting that she was going to be exploring on her own. "oh by the way, money is in my dresser" he layed down and closed his eyes falling asleep rather quickly. The dresser was old and looked like it was falling apart.
Chara smiled down at him, "Sure Sansy, whatever you want." She said, thinking that he won't really remember any of this in the morning. It didn't take him long to fall asleep. Lightly she caressed the uninjured side of his head. Thinking leaving him alone overnight may not be a good idea. So she sat on the floor next to him with her back against his bed. Smiling to herself she touched her neck where his head nuzzled into her. The thought of him doing that gave her goosebumps. Slowly she drifted off to sleep only to wake up a few hours later in a cold sweat. Chara looked back at Sans, to make sure he will still resting well. Hugging her knees to chest she stayed like that till morning. The nightmare of her childhood before she fell stuck in her head.
Sans was resting fine and he had a big smile on his face, he seemed to have moved his arm over to her shoulder in his sleep though. Gently holding onto her and snoring very slightly, it was kind of cute the way he did. His head was too injured for him to have anything but silly dreams. It also seemed that his bandages where changed, Papyrus must have came back when he was sleeping and changed them. The next morning Sans slowly woke up and saw chara. "oh... uh.. morning.. hows it going? hows my head? and my arm.. yesterdays a bit of a blur if i'm honest" he said will full confidence. Being back to his regular self again. More or less
Feeling Sans around her, she looked over at him. He looked so sweet and peace as he slept. At least one of them was getting a good night's sleep. Sans needed it more thank Chara, so she didn't mind. Thought she couldn't help but think about what happened last time he was a sleep and she was awake. Again she felt her face heat at the thought. Remembering every detail about it. Hours later Chara heard sans tell her good morning. She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. " Morning, you survived the night. So I say you're doing better. And you look less like shit. So, you don't remember anything? Hmm, that's good and bad I guess." She said turning to him laying her head on the bed.
"yeah.. i.. just remember an explosion.. then i was on the couch with you....... then... did frisk come over? i don't know.. if i said anything weird.. i think i remember papyrus waking me up and changing my bandages.. well.. not really waking me up. he didn't mean to. other than that.. i don't remember a thing. was i acting strange last night? heh.. god its like i got black out drunk.." sans felt his head and sat up slowly. He pulled the bandages off and there was no longer a crack.. there was however darker bone where the crack was. It looked like grey on his white skull. It... made him look a bit more menacing, she could only image what he would look like if his eyes went black..
"heh.. how do i look? i've looked better i imagine.." sans grabbed his ribs and he looked like he was in a bit of pain but not much. "my ribs are much better... and my arm is... well still broken.. that one will take a couple days. heh.. that's the upside about being a monster, you heal pretty quickly since you're all magic" Sans's eyes widened and he realized. "Chara!! You're a monster! heh heh! you're alive too.. we have to celebrate. anything you want" Sans still didn't have a shirt on, and he smiled. "wheres frisk?"
"Oh boy…" Chara said picking her head up looking at him. "Wow, where to start? Well, Frisk came over. You said that you were going to take my advice and ask Toriel out on a date, I told you if that’s what you want to do then you need to tell Frisk because I wasn’t. The you did, and you told her that I had feelings for you, and that you weren't boyfriend material. She had a small freak out and ran off. You followed her, you told me she kissed you…ummmm….Oh, and you invited her over today to talk, alone. And I'm going out…to do something. I think that’s about it. So I'm going to have to take a rain check on that 'anything thing I want' for another time." She pulled herself up and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. Looking at his head, tilting hers as she thought. " Just as I thought, you look bad ass…almost scary. In a good way, I like it." She said with a smirk. Her eyes wondered down to his ribs.
Sans looked up looking at her look at his scar, he moved his hand up and dragged his hand across where his scar was. He felt it and it was a bit numb, "huh..... welp. i'll explain that yesterday.. was uh.... wait.. she kissed me?" Sand raised an eyebrow and then looked at chara, catching her staring at his ribs. He rolled his eyes with a bit of a smirk, "chara. Frisk kissed me yesterday?.. i.. don't remember doing that.. any of that.. i must have been in a really weird state of mind... i mean, i did get my skull nearly caved in." he sighed and shrugged a bit. "anyways. go and do your thing. explore, get some energy out.. you deserve it heh heh. no need to look over an old skeleton like me right" he winked and stretched his arms a bit, very slowly getting out of bed and picking up a random shirt from his dresser. It was orange, he grabbed some money and gave it to chara, it was enough for some food for the day or anything like that. "oh, and if you get lost.." He picked up a cellphone, it was a flip phone. But he put his number in it and gave it to her "don't hesitate to text or call.."
Chara only seem to acknowledge him when she heard her name. Snapping out of her daze she looked at him. " Well that's what you told me. And you are very much out of it it was very funny, just wish I had it on tape." Chara smiled. " I'm pretty sure I'm much older than you. Because I don't think any of this was at the bottom of the mountain when I was still alive. " she watched him get out of the bed, taking the money she looked at it and then back at him. " Right it might be best for me to not be here when Frisk does." Deep down she didn't like the idea of leaving them to alone like this. The knowing Sans chances are they would only be talking unless Frisk decides to try and kiss him again even then Chara didn't like that either. Picking the phone she Shrugged rolling it over in her hand as she thought. " Well good luck...." jumping from the bed she left Sans room, down the stairs and out of the brother's house.

About an hour later there was a knock at the front door. Frisk was standing there with his blue jacket over her arm. Even after everything that happened she took the time to fix the rip in his jacket. She was definitely in a better mood than when she left yesterday. Though also nervous about talking to him.
Sans nodded and let chara leave without much of a fuss. He trusted she would be fine alone in the city, probably like a kid on christmas! Being able to shop and look at things without asking, she was a real adult now. "heh.. good luck. and don't eat too much stuff, i wanna show you a couple snacks and candies you can try now" he smiled and watched her close the door. Papyrus was up and he ran to Sans asking him how he was and if he was still loopy!? Sans told his brother that he's fine now and his head felt all healed up thanks to papyrus. Papyrus chuckled and told sans what he did to fix him up so quickly, sans was impressed to say the least. He was extremely dedicated, if that wasn't obvious. Papyrus left pretty early to get back to work, now that sans wasn't going to kill himself by accident he felt he could leave him there.

There was a knock at the door and Sans opened it up. "ah. kiddo.. heh heh, hows it- my jacket. i was looking for that thing heh heh" he put his hand out to take it from her "i uh.. left it at your house, right?" he said trying to remember just why she had it.
Frisk gave him an odd look. " No. You ripped it and I offered to sew it." She held out the sleeve and showed him the stitched up rip before handing it over. "Are you okay?" She asked, starting to get a little worried. He was so worried about his jacket yesterday, now he forgot what happened. Frisk moved past him and looked around for any sign of Chara, glancing at the couch, turning around back to him. " You look a lot better, though you still have a mark on your head. Will that go away?" She really didn’t even know were to start, she did before he questioned why she had his jacket. That threw her off a little. Frisk felt bad about how they left things off yesterday. What he said hurt, and the thought that Chara had feelings for him just a short while ago, made her wonder what they were doing a lone.
"y.. yeah.. oh yea. heh, thanks kiddo. this jackets my favorite y'know" he took the jacket and put it on excitedly. Looking at the patch work and smirking, he thought that she did a great job and he nodded to her. "i uh.. don't really remember anything from last nigh.. or much of yesterday. come on in." he chuckled and closed the door behind her "apparently me hitting my head made me say some weird stuff...... papyrus said i was all loopy and saying things that either didn't make sense, or where kind of questionable.. whatever that means. heh heh, so sorry if i hurt your feelings.. i didn't really have control over what i said. just a bad hit on the head" sans knocked on his skull and winked smiling. "well.. it'll probably fade with time.. but i don't think it's gonna ever fully go away"
" So you don't remember much, huh? You were being really strange, I guess I cant be mad at you for not being yourself. You were really hurt. I wasn't sure how much help I could have been. But, as you know, I'm determined. " She smiled to him kindly. She didn't look hurt. Knowing now that he said those thing because of his injuries, it all made more sense. "So, in that case...I forgive you. Though I already did a while ago...." Seeing the couch was still bloody, she walked to the kitchen table and took a seat. The fact that he didn't remember anything means he didn't remember the kiss, and she was thankful for that. She would do it again, one day. "So, seems you and Chara have gotten close...that good. She needs more friends. Where is she by the way?"
Sans walked past the couch and shook his head at it, seeing all the blood stains. "gonna have to get a new couch... hopefully people at the junk yard don't call the police heh heh, thinking i killed someone." he walked into the kitchen and sat down with frisk. "chara went out.. she was really excited to try and see what she could do on her own. so i gave her some money and a cellphone. heh, yeah. we're getting close. it's hard not too when some of my soul is inside of her" he shrugged and looked over at the fridge. The pictures of frisk still there "heh.. god.. thanks for forgiving me.. i didn't want to have to make it up to ya" looking back he gave a smile "y'know i'm pretty lazy.. don't wanna have to do all that heh heh. i uh.. i probably said something really dumb to make you run out with my jacket like that.. heh.. and.. i'm feeling better.. ribs still hurt a bunch. not sure when i'll be able to use this arm again.. but y'know. we'll see"
Frisk laughed at his comment about the couch. " Well, if you need anyone to vouch for your innocents, I'll have your back." She watched him sit with her at the table. " "Yeah, I cant imagine always having to tied to someone all the time, then just over night, being able to wonder free. But why…why is some of your soul in her? In fact, what brought on all this? One she is a ghost, and the next, she is her own person." Seeing Sans look off to the fridge, with all her photos of her growing up over the years. " you would have to do something pretty awful for me not too. You're one of my best friends. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t forgive you. And it wasn’t your fault. Then again, if I knew you were going to do something to make it to me…I might still be a little upset." She looked at him, giving him a playful smile. " I'm sure you will be fine, just try and take it easy. I know things haven't been great since I been back, but its getting better, right?" She asked, leaning an elbow on the table, her chin in her palm.
"yeah.. i'm doing a lot better than yesterday because of you.. i remember you patching me up at least.. or uh... a little bit of you patching me up. heh.." now that he thought about it a bit harder, he was able to remember her wrapping bandages on him. "if you want an explination.. you deserve one. so when i took her soul out of my body.. i used a machine that kept her detached from mine.. her soul was almost... it looked like it was cracking on the sides.. it was almost black too.. a bit.. rotten looking. usually that means they're sociopaths.. but, that's not how sociopaths work. they're born with a black soul entirely.. it... makes it really hard to fight them if you're attack their soul.. pretty much invisible and.. anyways. if she was born one, she would be completely black.. but she still had some red in her, some determination but a lot of it was damaged.. i used parts of my soul.. to patch up her soul.. since you can't use needles and threads, you need to use threads made from souls to patch up other souls and help them grow... i uh....... used mine. but don't worry i'm fine"
Frisk nodded as Sans talked to her about Chara soul. She always had an idea her soul was dark, then again she knew that they were a lot alike. She could never be a sociopath, so what he said made sense. Knowing that Sans soul was apart of Chara was comforting, because he was a good soul." So something caused her to become the way she is…or was…how much. I don’t know much about her passed before she fell. Has she said anything to you?" Chara never opened up to Frisk, anytime she asked, Chara would just say she didn’t remember. Then again, Frisk didn’t remember either. It always came in flashes. Though, maybe she would have opened up to him, he was someone knew to listen her, and with their his soul mixed with hers.
Sans thought about it, "i'm not exactly sure.. and.... what she told me is uh... i'm really sorry to say this frisk, but its private.. i don't want to lie to you. i'd tell chara the exact same thing if she asked me about you.. i won't give up someones secret" Sans hopped she understood. He didn't want to go behind anyones back and tell the other secrets. "if she wants you to know.. she'll tell ya. but uh... hows it been by yourself? i can tell you're super relieved you don't have to drag chara everywhere.. it must have been hell to have someone who tried to hurt you unable to stop following you.." Sans scratched the back of his neck and looked away a little bit. "i uh.... feel like something else happened yesterday...." Sans was thinking that maybe he did something else.. said something over the line or something like that.
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