Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans watched the whole exchange take place and it kind of hurt, he tried to speak out and stop it but he was hurting a bit too much for that to happen. "frisk... its not her fault....." sans mumbled looking at her very concerned. "she didn't do this.... it's my fault.." he said in a wheezy voice, it was clearly hard to speak and talk. "shes... shes changed..." he tried sitting up.
Frisk sighed, and shook her head. " You souldnt be talking, you're only going to make it worse. Now please, just relax." she said, gently pushing him back down. " Now let me get to work and we will deal with Chara later. Then you both can explain what happened.." Frisk when back to work, healing him. She wanted to believe Sans, but she knows Chara, and she love to manipulate people. Sans was a good soul, Chara was just evil. Frisk knew this.

Chara paced outside Sans house, stopping she looked up. Monsters and a few humans walking by, looking at...her. This was when it fully hit her, it worked, she was a monster. She smiled, " My insides finally match my outside...."
Sans waited for Frisk to bandage his ribs and make sure they where all stuck together instead of nearly hanging off of the broken bone before talking again. Sans took a deep breath and it looked like it was a lot easier to do. "whew.." it didn't look like it hurt to talk anymore. His head wasn't bandaged yet though. "frisk. chara didn't do this.. do you really think she could have done this? i mean.. heh.. i wouldn't have let it happen.. and.. she isn't tricking me into thinking that i did it or something dumb.. i did it.. it was my fault.. and chara's a monster now. she's really alive again" sans smiled wide and looked over at the door. "please.. call her in.. tell her to come in here, you can bandage my head in a second.. i uh.. still can't really yell though"
Frisk looked at her work on Sans ribs, it had been sometime since she had to do something like this. But she was pleased with the out come. " I just don't understand, how can you trust her. Healed soul or not, she is still..Chara." Frisk stood, picking up her bag and putting it off to the side, know she will have to look at his head later. "I just don't want to see her hurt anyone else." She walked to the door, for the first time since she met Sans, they were finally alone. Now, he was asking for Chara to be with them. Opening the door Frisk spotted her right away. "You can come back in, Sans is asking for you..."

Chara felt a sense of pride when Frisk said that Sans was asking for her. Following her in, she saw Sans laying on the couch, looking much better than before. Walking to him, she sat on the coffee table next to him. " You look less like shit, crack on the head still looks bad ass. With that heal?" Frisk stood on the other side of the coffee table, looking at Sans from over Charas shoulder.
Sans chuckled from what chara said "eh.. probably will just look very faint. still visible but not this much... and..... chara. is there something.. you want to say to frisk?" he looked over at frisk and then to chara, seeing how much frisk disliked chara. She knew she wouldn't trust her.. but. if chara could open up and show her she's changed at least a little bit. it might make her trust her more. "then we can talk about what happened to me.."
"Yeah...I do" Chara said as she stood back to her feet. Turning to Frisk, the way she looked at her told her that Frisk wasn't happy with her. Chara didn't blame her. Slowly she walked around the table, standing there for a moment before wrapping her arms around Frisk, pulling her into a tight hug. " I'm...sorry..." Chara knew that this was going to make things right, but for now it was a start. She promised Sans that she would make think good between the two. Chara did care about Frisk, just before she had a poor way of showing it.

Frisk was scared for a moment, unsure what Chara was doing. Realizing she hugging her. Frisk was speechless, she looked over at Sans, her brown eyes wide in shock. Slowly, she moved her arms around Chara's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. "...its a start..." She whispered to Chara. Frisk wasn't sure if she was ready to forgive Chara just yet, but she was willing to try.
Sans smiled at Frisk like everything was going to be alright. Sans was happy that the two where trying to come back to eachother, even if they didn't want too. "See.." sans said softly to frisk, referring to how she wasn't a threat. "Chara... what are you sorry for..." He knew if she started explaining why she was sorry she would start crying, and that would at least show Frisk that she wasn't a threat anymore. After that, it would be easy to take control of the situation and have them start liking eachother again. if frisk knew she could trust Chara, she would like her as much as Sans did.
Chara's grip on Frisk tightened when Sans asked her to elaborate further about her apology. Her Face was hidden from the both of their views to see the pain in her eyes. The one emotion Chara hated the most was the ones that made her cry. "I'm sorry I was so cruel to you, to everyone. I made your life harder than it needed to be, I hurt you, and you have been nothing but fair to me." Chara felt her throat tighten, as she fought back her tears. " You have wanted nothing but to be a friend to me, to help me and I pushed you away. I'm so sorry, I could go on all day apologizing for the wrong I have done." Charas body trembled, losing her battle as the tears fell, crying softly into Frisks shoulder.

Again, Frisk was speechless. What could she say? The ghost of a once dead child, that had done and said the most horrible, terrible things was now crying, begging for forgiven. Chara felt so fragile in her arms, like she would fall apart any moment. Frisk swallowed hard, tring to gain her voice again. "…I forgive you… " She said so softly that even Chara could hardly hear them. Frisk still had her doubts, but this was proving Sans point. That maybe she did change, her soul was so broken that she couldn’t feel anything but hate. This was a good start, finally Frisk and Chara could be real friends.
Sans slowly grabbed the couch and sat up, even if it hurt he smiled at frisk and nodded. "good job.. you're doing an amazing job chara... see.. she forgave you.." Sans smiled and looked like he was straining himself, his face went into a really painfull expression and he let out a slight yelp under his breath. "geh" he looked like he pushed himself way too hard, even though he didn't do anything too extreme.
Chara picked her head up hearing Sans make a strange noise. Seeing he was struggling to sit up. Gently she pushed away from Frisk. "Sans?" She asked as she quickly moved to him. "What are you trying to do?" She asked, starting to reach out to help him, then pulling back a little. "Do you need help?"

Frisk also looked over as Sans and rush to the other side of Chara. " You shouldn’t be moving yet." Frisk gently placed her hand on his shoulders, pushing him back down. He was already in pain, she didn’t want him to make it worse.
"god damn it...." sans muttered, he didn't think that he would be able to move so soon.. but it was worth a shot. "shit.. i've really gone and messed myself up now. haven't i?" sans quickly got an idea "god... tori will be busy with work.. papyrus owns a flower shop........ the monster hospital will basically just tell me to go back home.. these bandages are enough. i just need to wait.. but how will i move??.... what am i gonna do.." Sans knew full well he could set something up for himself that was like a wheel chair and probably be fine. even if it hurt to move he wasn't willing to give up. but he knew that if him and frisk worked together on helping him get better, they would trust each other again. Frisk would see how kind and gentle chara could be, how she wouldn't hurt him. Even though he's a sitting duck right now, So was Sans trying to trick them into taking care of him? Yup! That's his plan, so they can become actual friends. "what am i gonna do..." sans looked down and looked like his heart was broken.
Chara spent most her life manipulating everyone around her, she saw right through his little act. But then again she understood what he was trying to do. So she was just going to have to go with it. " You know Frisk and I can stay. I know I don’t have anything better to do." She said, her voice full of worry. She sat back down on the coffee table, watching Frisk try and push him back down. She looked to Frisk, who looked so worried about the monster she cared most for, it was so cute. "What do you think, Frisk? Can you stay?"

"Of course! Sans you silly if you think I would ever leave you like this!" She said getting to her knees next to him. He looked so sad and hurt. She wanted nothing more that to stay by his side till he was healthy and no longer in pain. "You wouldn’t mind, would you?" She asked Sans, taking a hold of his hand. Her soft kind eye looking into his, she looked so pitiful.
Sans didn't see her as pitiful, he saw her like that of a caring mother. Almost like Toriel, it was nice to see that Toriel had that effect on her, made her a cute caring girl. Her hand gripping his he smiled and nodded, "of course.. having two great friends helping me get better... what more could i ask for?" he closed both his eyes and smiled wider, then he quickly opened his eye that had a crack on it. He looked shocked and a bit surprised like he got shocked or stabbed. "ouch!" he twitched a little, not realizing how much his head actually hurt. "god.. didn't think it hit my head that hard....." he moved his left arm to his face then made an even more painful expression. "ah!!" He grabbed his left arm wincing a bit. It seemed that sans's didn't actually realize how badly he was hurt. "g.. get this jacket off me will ya guys? sit me up.. i don't wanna rui-" he stopped noticing something on his left arm. he showed them his arm. It had a huge gash in it and a shattered bone was sticking out, his arm broken. "oh.. g-god. no..." he said a little scared.
"What did you even do to get all banged up like that?" Chara asked looking at the crack over his eye. Even though he looked somewhat better, and he might have been acting a little dramatic before for whatever reason. She could still see that he was in some pain. Chara sat and watched as Frisk help Sans take off his jacket. Her soft smile fell seeing his arm. "How did you not feel not notice that before?" Her voice full of surprise and worry. It truly looked awful, and painful. As much as Chara wanted to help, she didn’t know much about healing, in fact she just knew the opposite. Slowly she stood, stepping off to the side. " Frisk, what can I do?"

Frisk nodded to Chara's question. Her attention being brought back to his head. " I need to work on that…" She stopped when she saw the pain in his face, asking for help with his Jacket. A small gasp escaped her lungs seeing him arm. Her mind going blank, not even hearing Chara ask him how he didn’t feel it before. Her hands covering her mouth. Snapping back when she hears Chara say her name. " Umm, Hot water and towels!" She said and she reached for her bag, pulling the things she needs, placing them out on the table. "How much pain are you in?" She asked pulling out a vials of clear liquid.
Sans shrugged to chara, "i guess i was in shock.. when you get hurt really really bad your body just kind of goes numb and makes you forget about it for a while..." he got his jacket and the only thing he was wearing was his white t-shirt that was cut down the middle. It looked like you could zip it up, but you couldn't, Sans looked at frisk and looked sad. "i'm in a lot of pain... that was my favorite jacket. now theres a hole in the arm" he pointed to the big hole in the arm and how there was stuffing falling out of it, he seemed more worried about his jacket being cut then his arm. The way he was acting about seeing his arm became painfully obvious that he wasn't worried about his arm but his jacket. "i uh... the pains fine though.. i'm not in that much pain to be honest.. but i can only imagine it will get a lot worse with this open wound." When she took the jacket off she noticed blood stains on the inside of the jacket and where his arm was. His broken arm was bleeding, slightly.. some blood pouring out of the cracks. Now that she noticed that blood she stared noticing blood all over him, of of the crack on the side of his head, his white shirt the broken ribs. It seemed he was bleeding a decent amount.
Chara didn’t quite understand what he meant when he talked about being in shock, she wanted to know what happened, and what he did to cause this time of damage to himself. She had always imagined him being pretty much bullet prof. But now wasn’t the time to ask questions, she wanted him to get better. Chara groaned and rolled her eyes when he started to whine about his jacket. I was at this time did she leave to get the things Frisk asked for.

Frisked gave a soft smile as Chara groaned and walked away, knowing what caused her to leave then. "You know, I can fix it, that’s not problem." Taking his jacket, looking closely at the hole and nodded. " Easy fix, not you…" She set his jacket aside and turned her attention back to his arm. So gently she looked over it, her brown eyes focused in thought she worked out in her mind the best way to fix him. "..This, needs my attention more. I'm sure I can heal this, if not I will have to call my mother. She is probably better for this…" She then started her work on his arm. " Just let me know if you need anything for the pain…"
Sans chuckled "nah.. the pains fine.. if not i'll just go to sleep. y'sure you can fix it? its my favorite.. you'd be doing me a real favor. but, no rush frisk." she took his arm and started bandaging him up, he shrugged and laughed thinking about how chara rolled her eyes and scoffed a bit. "yeah.. i'll wait for chara to come back to explain what happened... sorry for the scare, i know you've never seen me like this before. i uh.. god i'm gonna get the couch all bloody.. not a good thing.. this couch was expensive. eh.. papyrus will forgive me.." sans shrugged. "if tori found me like this she'd freak out.. just.... maybe you take care of it? you and chara will do a fine job.. i believe in you two heh heh" he smiled reassuring he trusted her with this.
Frisk nodded to him, she was so fixated on her work on Sans arm. "I know the jacket means a lot to you, but you mean more. So let me fix you then that. No problem." She sighed, hearing him worry about the couch and how her mother would freak out if she saw him like this. Did he not understand how bad he looked? But she just let him talk, she was going to make sure he was alright before fussing at him about all this. She self so out of the loop, that maybe he should have called or text her about what was going on with Chara, then she could have been here right after. She glanced over her shoulder hearing Chara walk back in. "Can you start cleaning the blood?"

"Yeah, how it going by the way?" She ask, setting the bowl and towels down. Getting down to the floor next to Frisk, she looked to Sans giving him a little smile before dibbing the towel in the water and gently cleaning the blood from his ribs while Frisk worked on his arm. She chuckled at a thought, wondering if she should say what was on her mind, knowing that it was a little inappropriate. But she couldn’t help it. "So, you have two girls all over your bones and you want to bitch about a jacket?" She glanced at him smirking, then going back to her job Frisk gave her. She could feel Frisk uneasiness. It amused her, then again, she couldn’t help but blush slightly at her own comment.
Sans nodded a little, he kind of didn't seem to care about his own self and how hurt he was. "yeah.. should probably be a bit more careful in the future.. and if you can fix up the jacket then i really shouldn't fuss heh heh.." Chara ever so lightly touched his bloodied cracks and he winced a little bit. The towels where hot and his wounds where sensitive but he didn't show that he was in much pain, he was obviously holding it in for Frisks sake. Then chara made a kind of funny joke, he cheered right up and chuckled at it. Seeing her blush and feeling Frisks bashfulness he smirked and decided to go a little farther with it, "yup.. didn't get just one but two beautiful nurses.. what did i ever do to deserve this heh heh.. maybe i really did die in that explosion and went to heaven.. what do you two think?" he smirked more, knowing they would both get rather flustered from his comments. He didn't want to go too dirty with it.. but he had some ideas for jokes that would make them both blush.
Seeing Sans wince while Chara tried to clean him she looked to him and mouthed 'sorry…' trying harder to be softer with her touch. She still couldn’t believe the sight of him right now. All the times she fought him, some random explosion caused this much damage. Hearing Sans add on to her comment she just laughed and shook her head. Trying to stay somewhat cool in front of Frisk, know she was losing her mind. " Or…this is really Hell. And we are here to trick you in to joining the dark side? " She looked at him, the Frisk the fighting back a harder laugh.

Frisk wanted the floor to just swallow her. She was trying to be serious right now and help Sans, and they are making jokes. " Okay! Please stop you two! Trying to do something important here!" She was very bothered, plus she was so close t being done, now her mind was all over the place. Soon she was wrapping a bandage around his arm. " Okay, so almost done…I think I did alright. I still think my mom would have done better."
Sans was about to laugh along with Chara but then Frisk kind of snapped. Shouting at them both out of frustration, Sans never really saw this side of Frisk before, she must have been very worried. He cut the laughter and looked at her, she was finishing up the bandage and he waited for her to be completely done. He moved his none broken arm and grabbed her shoulder, looking into her eyes and being serious for a moment. They had a moment to do this, the patched up arm was great and the rest of his body could wait for just a minute. "thank you frisk.. chara and i are both just worried.. we're trying to lighten up the mood and take our minds off of how serious this situation is... i don't like thinking about this any more than you do..." his hand moved off of her shoulder and he moved his head closer to Frisk smiling. "here i'll help a little.. give you more room to fix my head" he was trying his hardest to calm Frisk down, not wanting her to be so upset or scared for him.
Frisk felt guilty from snapping at them as Sans explained what was going on. She understood, but still, Chara and him have only been together for such a short time and they act like they have been friends for just as long as her and sans had. But maybe she was over thinking things, the fear and worry about Sans injuries. She smiled to him, her brown eyes meeting his. " I know, and I'm sorry. " Watching as Sans adjusted himself for her. Frisk pulled herself up onto the couch with him. Working on his head, though there wasn’t much she could do other than put some medicine on it and wrap it up.

Chara placed the towel off to the side as Frisk moved to work on his head. " I'm sorry too, I know you best and I should have know that would get you all flustered. " She said, still amused by all that just happened. She looked to Sans. " So, are you going to explain what the hell happened?" She really wanted to know, because he looked like shit.
"oh, heh. yeah. sorry. kinda forgot with all the comotion.. so, while your soul was stuck inside the device your molecules started being transferred into the extraction part.. and.. well.. the machine just kind of started malfunctioning. It was a freak accident, a small power surge caused the machine to reset. But because it was in the middle of its process.. it started overheating. It was either i got out of there and let it explode with you trapped inside.. nearly a monster.. or i manually finished it and let it explode while i was still there.. so.. i had to stay. make sure you where alright.. make sure you didn't get destroyed.. i uh. then it exploded. you can't dodge an explosion that big.. so i just took the hit.. made sure you where fine then collapsed on the floor.. i knew you'd save me." he smiled to her and then looked at frisk "and i knew she would call you.. then i'd have the both of you all to myself" sans winked at her and laughed a little. The bandage going over his eye and head so it could heal.
Chara sat on the arm of the couch, her red eyes looking over his broken body. He was brushing this off as if it was no big deal. He almost died for her, so much faith in the fact that she would to the right thing and not take advantage of his weaken state. Sure, she had been harmless, but she never kept from Sans all the bad she had done. Aside from telling him what she did to piss him off so badly underground that caused him to kill Frisk hundreds of time. Chara wondered if she did tell him, if he would have just let her die, save himself. Honestly, it was just those two that knew she still existed, so no one would have really missed her. "If you wanted attention all you had to do was ask, getting yourself almost killed could have been plan B." She laughed at him, thinking how he was starting to look like a mummy.

Deep down Frisk wouldn’t have minded if Chara died, and Sans came out without injury. She felt selfish, she did forgive Chara, she see's that she has perhaps really changed. But if given the choice, she would choose Sans every time. It was still eating her that Chara and Sans has gotten so close, Chara knowing how she feels about him. Maybe she was trying to take him from her…she looked over to Chara as looked at Sans, wondering what she was up too. She shook her head and gave a light sad smile at her comment. Once he was better, she wants to have another chance of being alone with him. "Well, I done what I could, now you need to rest. We will be right here if you need anything. Speaking of, do you?" She moved off the couch, loading her things back in the bag she brought.
Sans thought about what he could use or need, his mind going straight to a tall glass of water. He was pretty thirsty, it was a good thing he didn't have skin, cause the explosion was really hot. Could have caused a lot of burns, "yeah, would one of you get me a glass of water please? maybe.. a small snack?" he chuckled at charas joke and shrugged "maybe i was trying to impress you~" he said coyly, not yet noticing Frisks jealousy and anger. "yeah.... that's it.. i was trying to impress you.. and then i was trying to get sympathy from frisk.. best of both worlds" he smiled wide and closing his eyes laughing a little bit. "oh... and while one of you is getting water.... could... the other please call papyrus.. he'll be worrying about me.. and i'd get yelled at if i didn't tell him right away. and.. don't mention how i have a top secret lab.. just uh... i don't know.. say i was working on the lawnmower when it exploded... that'll be fine.." sans looked up and then closed his eyes snapping his fingers. The two heard a rather loud explosion from outside "yup.. now the lawnmowers broken... he heh.. and uh.. chara? have you figured out if you'll see toriel?.. or where you thinking of just letting her live her life.. she... already moved passed it... and.. i would help you keep your secret.. maybe you could just pretend you're not chara? if you want.. get a new name... or you could keep calling yourself chara. i'm sure toriel will just think its very strange but.. she won't ask questions about it... probably talk to me about it....... probably...." sans shrugged "or.. you could go and tell her everything... that works too.. apologize... and maybe its time to talk and tell her about flowey.. y'know?.. tell her that flowey.. is asriel... right?" he smiled and shrugged.
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