Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"...No, jus wondering." She lied, but maybe she was feeling like this because she never felt so cared for in so long. Then remembering that her and Sans were being honest with each other. She sighed, thinking it was best to pull away from him. She only pushed herself off enough to look at him, still in his arms." I don't know. I feel sick, but I like it, I think maybe I should go for awhile. I know you said you didn't want to deal with any of this. I just now see why Frisk cares about you so much." She laughed softly. Her red eyes looking in to his. Leaning in pushing her mouth to his forehead. " ..I still think you're trash..."
"you... do.." he nodded, if she wanted to go and have some time to herself. Thinking about what she was feeling and figure some things out, it was fine with him. "maybe you should go and take some time for yourself.. i..." sans wasn't sure how he felt about Frisk or Chara.. They where great. But.. he... might just have to be open to getting a little hurt. Choose one of them.. or.... maybe he didn't need to. "whenever you're ready come on out.. i'm just gonna watch a movie.. maybe go into my workshop and try some things.. figure out something..... maybe... i could help your brother one day.. if i focused on him.. like how i helped you" He smiled at chara, helping chara has given him a new found want to help others. He forgot about how nice it felt to help others, he stopped doing it because of the resets.. Maybe.. Maybe he could end the resets. Truly end them! He has Frisk and Chara, they both like him. It was impossible to do anything with flowey. He hated him so much that every time he tried to experiment he would just run. Chara told him he was still trash and he was thrown into a fit of giggles.
Chara nodded, she did need to get away for a while. As away as she could, she was still contacted to him. "Okay, thanks." After that she disappeared from his arms. She couldn't take this feeling she had around him. She shivered now being a lone. She was used to it though. But being that close to Sans she couldn't help but now feel sad about it. Her soul ached, she didn't know what to do. She wanted to be selfish, in the end she would and she knew it. Chara knew deep down that Sans felt something for her, no one ever thought her eyes were pretty, or that she was beautiful. She didn't think she was any of those things. Chara wouldn't be heard from till the next day.
Sans was a little surprised later in that day just how she didn't and wasn't coming out of hiding. He guessed she really needed to think, he just went about his day. Working for a while and then going to bed right after, he woke up and went downstairs fully dressed and wondering what today would be like.. or if chara would come out.
Chara did come back out in the middle of the night, sitting across the room watching Sans as he slept. Wondering how she got dragged in to this, and how she wish she didn't. She wanted so badly to go back to hating him, wanting to cause pain. Anything to make him not look at her the way he did sometimes.

Chara followed him down stairs. " Morning Sansy!" she said trying to sound up beat. "Um..been thinking. About what I said yesterday...maybe I shouldn't have?"
He slept rather soundly, he didn't wake up once.
Walking down the stairs he smiled at chara "morning ruby.." she then said how she shouldn't say things like that and sans shook his head "no no.. its.. only natural, you couldn't feel anything for so long.. now you're able too.. and.. its fine. i'm not mad" thinking she might have upset him somehow he wanted to erase all traces that he was upset or angry.
"No, its not fair to Frisk. She cared for you a lot longer than I have. Till a few days ago I wanted nothing more than to see you turned to dust." Chara shrugged, brushing it off." And i have don't some thinking. Maybe i will be a monster, no one can move on if attached to them in some way. But I know the risks. It will be best for everyone if I just go away. I know i need more time to heal." Red eyes watches Sans. " I'm willing to risk my life to move on, maybe you should do the same, take a chance. I know you can because you opened up to me so much."
Sans watched her as she gave her suggestion and he frowned a little bit hearing what she said. "you want to become a monster.. you're sure about that, and.. chara, i gotta say. you're being very mature. i appreciate how much you've thought about this and how nice you're being.. i really do... but.. i think the last thing you can do. and the healthiest thing you can do.. for you.. and for frisk. is to apologize, explain how you feel now. i know it'll be hard.. it'll be more than hard.. it'll feel like your soul will explode.. but please do this.. you'll thank me and frisk will really really appreciate it.. she'll see that you've changed.. like how i have. anything you feel guilty about you need to tell her and just... hug her. show her you've changed." Sans smiled and laughed a little bit. "then talk to her.. show her you care about her. cause... i.. kinda get the impression that she hates you.. that she only gives you smiles because she lived with you for so long.. and, it won't be healthy if you just leave." sans smiled a little and looked around. "plus. if you become a monster.. we can pretty much do the procedure now. i mean, the ghost one was going to take the most time. cause you needed to wait for your soul to heal so you can gain more power.. but monster souls are a thousand times weaker than humans souls.. so even with your soul not fully recovered. you could probably become a monster"
"Sans, I have thought about this, and what I have done. To you, Frisk, so many others. I'm not going to lie, I like you, I'm not sure how much. But enough to think of ways to keep you for myself. I felt something similar with Frisk. I think I'm still a danger, as long as I have a host, I will always be...selfish. And I don't want to be. " She floated to him, her ruby eyes looking him over with such affection. Chara smiled to him, starting to reach for him, then pulling her hand away. " You showed me what it was like to have someone care them. and I like that, a lot. I just want....you." she shook her head." I think this is best."
"chara.. the feelings you're feeling are normal. they won't go away when you become a monster. you will still want me, you'll still want to be selfish.. do you want to become a monster now? and.. when you do.. you have to tell frisk you're sorry.. that's the only way i'll do it.. you have to say you'll tell her.." sans smiled and was ready to go to his workshop. All that night he was working on the soul machine, fixing it up so that it could transfer and change her soul.
" What do you mean it wont go away?!" Chara said, seemingly distraught. " I only feel these...feelings because your my host, right? I don't want them anymore. I don't want to feel like this around you! Why cant you make them go away?! I can't deal with this, I want so badly to be like we were last night, in your arms. That felt so good, and warm. I have nothing against telling Frisk I'm sorry, but I want the same thing she does. And...I don't know! I feel like I might hurt her if she tries!"
Sans's eyes widen and he walks closer to her, putting his hands on her shoulder. "hey hey hey.. just.. calm down.. i know you're getting stressed.. you're not used to these emotions.. they're making you a bit confused. i get that, no need to say things like that.. if you hurt frisk you would feel horrible. it won't help anything." sans thought about it, he was just trying to help and now some extreme bond with chara was connecting with her overnight. Sans thought for a moment and scratched his nose. "just calm down.. i'll think of something.. but these feelings.. they're not going to go away.. well.. maybe with a lot of time.. but.." sans was thinking about how her getting her heart broken so soon after her soul being fixed could break it again.. maybe make her want to go back to feeling nothing. "how about... just.. i'll do the procedure. call frisk.. you can talk to her and.. we can see what we can come up with.. does that sound good?" he tilted his head a little and was honest.
Chara felt herself clam down the moment Sans placed his hand on her shoulder. Nodding to him, she felt that he also didn't want her to have these feeling for him. So if there was something he could do he would. She wanted to hold him again, she couldn't get the feelings she had last night out of her head. But she trusted him, these other emotions she had couldn't be healthy, only because the more she pushed then down, the worse it seemed to hurt. " It hurts Sans...I don't like it. " She said, pushing his hand off her shoulder, and moving away. " I will apologize to Frisk, if you think that will help."
Sans thought about it and nodded. "Talking to her will help.. like how you did to me last night.." Sans started walking over to his workshop, he went inside and there was a whole new machine there. The machine looked like something out of a science fiction movie, a huge pod that would freeze bodies. At the other end was a helmet, he could tell she wanted her freedom and the want too move away from people and think. He took her hand and made her sit down slowly. "Now.. wear this.." He put the helmet on her and placed it on her head. He smiled. "Next time you see this face.. you'll be alive again.. promise heh heh" nodded and walked over to the machine. Pressing some buttons and looking over at her "Alright.. have a nice trip." he said in a joking kind of way.

Everything went black as soon as he hit the button.

When light entered her eyes, she couldn't focus.. she could barely see. Then it started to focus again, the room was black though. She was inside of the freezing tube she saw before, it looked like Sans turned the light off. there where tubes that she could see, they where busted and leaking steam. When she went up to the glass she saw Sans laying there face down on the ground. he looked unconscious or hurt.
Chara knew Sans was right, she felt better around him when she opened up to him. Maybe things would be better with Frisk once she was able to talk to her again. Once in the lab she could see just how busy he was. She was placed in the chair, the helmet placed on her head. She was nervous about all this, but she was sure it as for the best. Before she could say anything, darkness.

Slowly her eyes fluttered open, at first it was still so dark, then the light started to flood into her eyes. IT took her a moment to gain focus of her surrounding, It was so cold, she didn't like it, she was remembering, being a child, her father locking her in a room. Telling her she needed to pray more, that she was a devil, worthless. She cried out, begging to be let out, screaming she did nothing wrong. Chara shook her head, that's when she saw Sans, something was wrong. She pounded her fists on the glass, calling out for him from the top of her lungs.
The door opened up and released a bunch of fog along with it. Sans grumbled on the floor and moved himself slightly, he was shaking and tried to look around. He looked very very weak. Not able to pick himself up.
Chara coughed, rushing though the fog to get to Sans. She got to her knees next to him. Pulling his head to her lap. "Damn it! What did you do?!" she screamed at him, holding his head in her hands. "Come on Sansy, Tell me what I need to do to help you out here!" She was doing her best to keep her cool, even though all she wanted break down. But all she wanted to do is protect him, keep him with her. "this isn't funny..." She whispered, leaning down, pushing her forehead to his.
Sans opened his eyes weakly and smiled, he didn't seem to care at all that he was laying on the floor looking like he might die. "it worked.... heh... heh heh...... guess i'm a little better than i thought.. huh?" he raised an eyebrow and smiled warmly. He was clearly very weak, when Chara's eyesight started adjusting to the darkness she could see a large crack in the side of his skull, connecting to his eye a little bit. "i.. thought.. i might have lost you... the machine went haywire... i.... heh... so happy it worked..." he smiled and his eyes closed, he went limp in her arms. He was far too weak to do anything right now, he couldn't even tell her what to do. The only person who could help was frisk. Sans wasn't dust.. so that was good.
Chara held him close, pulling away when she heard him speak. "W-what?" She looked down at her hands, they were more solid, but looking past them she saw the crack in his skull. Every so gently she ran her thumb across it. " I thought you sais I would be at risk...I never would have...if I know you would get hurt." Chara wasn't going to lose him, not now, not ever. She reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. She had seen people used these all the time, calling Frisk.

Frisk seeing it was Sans calling her, she answered right away. "Hey Sans!" She was caught off guard when she heard Chara. She didn't understand what was happening. Chara explained that happened and that Sans was hurt. Frisk hated it, but she blamed Chara.

Chara hung up the phone and leaned down to him. "Frisk is on her way. I'm sorry..."
Sans opened his eyes and looked up at Chara. "heh.. don't blame yourself.... I'll be fine... just a bit banged up is all.... no need to say sorry..... and good.. mind.. carrying me to the living room?.. put me on the couch.. that'll help.." he closed his eyes again, not having the strength to really keep them open for too long. "but.. don't blame yourself.. it was either i get a little scratched up.... or you died...... i chose the better decision.. heh.... heh..."
Chara gave him a sad smile and nodded. Picking him up, he was much lighter than she thought. walking him out side his workshop" Whatever you did was stupid, my life isn't worth saving. Now rest would ya? I'm taking you home." With a little struggle she was able to make it inside. I would be a while before Frisk got there. so she had to make sure she kept him comfortable. softly laying him on the couch. " Okay, here we are." She sat on the floor next to him. Her head resting next to his. She looked at the crack on his skull again." That's going to make one bad ass scar." she said, trying to lighten the mood." I'm going to keep saying I'm sorry till your better, so get used to it."
she put him on the couch and got him all comfy and helped him rest there, he looked over at her slowly when she was on the floor next to him. While she did this he looked very uncomfortable, like he was in pain from moving at all, but when he was placed on the couch he looked much better. He smiled faintly and happily "thank you so much chara.. you're an angel.." he then looked back up at the ceiling and closed his eye. Hearing the comment about the bad ass scar made him laugh a little harder than he probably should, coughing a bit and wheezing. "alright.. i'll get used to it.... heh heh, funny..." he took a deep breath, it sounded like it was a bit difficult for him to breath and he started moving very uncomfortably. "chara..... very important... frisk knows first aid.... but.. i need you to go and grab some scissors for me.. cut off my white T-shirt and expose my ribs... then just wait for frisk.. i... think a couple of my r-ribs are broken... its hard to talk..." he mumbled to her.
"I'm far from an angel Sansy, but thanks." She said with a smile as she stood up. " Alright, enough talking I'll be right back." She ran off into the kitchen, she could find the scissors, but she did find a knife, she looked at it, her hand shook as she looked at it. She ran back, unzipping his jacket, then using the knife to cut his shirt open. Placing the knife on the coffee table. Then back to him, he was right, a few ribs where broken. She knelt down next to him again. " Yeah, you look like shit. See, I'm bad luck. Its a good thing your getting rid of me. Now don't speak. Frisk will be here soon, she is the hero of this story."
For some reason seeing her with that knife made him nervous too, even if he couldn't remember it. But.. he put it aside. He trusted her a lot. She wasn't kidding either, the ribs where snapped in two, cracked they looked horrible. He laid his head as comfortable as he could on the pillow and sighed. He then looked at her and his hand moved to hers. Holding it weakly, "there can always be more than one hero in a story..." he said with a warm smile, trying to not discourage her. "and you're not going anywhere... heh.." he let go of her hand and moved it next to him closing his eyes again, hoping Frisk would come sooner rather than later.
Chara smiled to him. "I know, and I'm looking at the other right now. Shhh. Fri-"Just then Frisk busted through the door. She was shocked to see Chara, then her eyes looked to the table seeing the knife. Frisk rushed over, yanking Chara away. " I think you done enough! Wait outside!" Chara opened her mouth to explain. But the way Frisk looked at her said that she should go, plus this was no time to fight. Frisk looked down at the damage and sighed. " What happened, you loo awful." She said as she pulled out her first aid bag and started working on Sans.

Chara waited outside, the way Frisk looked at her...it stung...and pissed her off.
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