Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk nodded, the looked confused, wondering what Chara asked for him to say something like that. Even though seemed he was looking at nothing, the way he looked and talked to Chara left her feeling a little jealous." What? What does that mean?"

Chara crossed her arms, her red eyes looking him up and down." Don't think I need to, the fact you didn't answer, gave me one. You and your secrets, I can tell when your trying to hide them." Chara smirked at him and winked.
Sans laughed and shrugged. "eh.. how do you know i wasn't just trying to get you too use your one question~ how do you know i'm still not~?" his eyebrows bounced a bit like he had an innuendo. "oooh~ its going to be fun.. every time you ask a question i'll just ask you if that is going to be your one question~ heh heh. you'll get so confused. i love it" sans looked like he was having a lot of fun and turned to frisk with that big goofy smile. "she has the privilege of asking one question to me about anything. i won't lie or go around the question.. now she just has to think of the perfect question~ heh heh, sorry frisk.. don't mean to leave you out of the fun" he shrugged and looked back at chara.
"What did she ask?" Frisk was feeling like a third wheel. Felt like the short time they spent together, they clicked some how. She didn't like this, now she hoped Chara became more alive so she could make sure there was nothing between them. Then again, Sans seemed happy talking to her, and she wanted him to be happy more than anything.

"Please, I have been asking you questions all day. And now you want to be a dick? I got my answer, nice try though~. Can't out play the player~!" Chara laughed. Sans thought he had the upper hand, but he didn't. She had already fought him so many times. Chara already knew, she just wanted to see if he would admit it. There was no way she was going to give up her question now over something so pointless.
Sans shrugged "if that's what you wanna believe heh heh" he turned to frisk and smiled "she asked if i was a boss monster.. buuuut, she refused to fall into my trap of wasting her one question heh heh.." Sans leaned in and whispered to frisk, "she's so wrong.. heh heh. but she can believe it if she wants too.." sans laughed a little bit and smiled, pulling away from frisks ear. He knew if frisk knew something that chara didn't it would drive her crazy. "anyways.. we should get back to important matters.." this was really just a big game to him. plus there would probably be other ties she could grab another question from him, no need to hold onto that one forever. right???
Frisk was not surprised that Chara would try and manipulate something into her favor. She knew that out of all the monsters Sans was the biggest conquest she had. She giggled when Sans whispered in her ear. " Oh really now? Thanks for sharing that with me." She said playing as if Sans said something Chara's question to her. Though he did, but she was going to play if off as if he said something important to her.

Chara watched Sans whisper in Frisks ear. " Whatever! Maybe I should become a monster so I can kick your sorry ass! Then I will know the truth!" She said, not trying to sound bothered, but she was. " Right, I thought we came here to help Frisk unpack or some dumb shit."
Sans giggled a little bit and looked over at Chara, it worked! exactly how he thought it would too, she fell for the bate too hard. "awww~ don't be like that little ruby~ " he pinched her cheek and shook her face a little, being very gentle. "you've already fought me.. right? then you should know you wouldn't be able too~ heh heh.." he gave her a wink and a smile. "maybe if you're good... i'll tell you what i told frisk.. just... maybe" he looked over and saw that everything was pretty much unpacked. "eh.. we were gonna.. but it seems like frisk is alright here.. maybe we should go do something else then.. let frisk have her quiet time. how does that sound?" he was talking to both frisk and chara in that moment.
Frisk laughed softly as Sans teased Chara. Even if she was jealous, it was nice to see that Sans have her more under control than she ever have. She felt silly about how she felt about them. Frisk knew that Sans would never like her like that, he was a good, nice guy. Nodding she had to agree, she was enjoying her time, finally alone. she didn't want Sans to leave, but the fact that Chara seemed to be taking all his attention, she didn't se a point having them around like this. " Yeah, I fine. Its kind of nice just being a lone. Maybe I could finish a bowl of cereal..."

Chara thought Sans was being extra right now. Maybe because he was trying to empress Frisk. That was making him annoying. She yanked away from him rubbing her cheek. " Fuck you Sans! And I said calling me ruby is okay, but don't add 'little' to it! I swear, i think you're trying to piss me off! "
Sans was trying to make her a little angry, it was kind of fun. But maybe he went over the line "ok ok.. i'm sorry.. i'll quit it out... you're just trying to act like a bit of a smart ass is all.. thinking you got me all figured out" he winked and laughed a little. He wasn't trying to impress Frisk, he would act like this if they where alone. It just probably stung a bit more cause she was in public, "don't act so pouty.. well.. serves you right for thinking you can trick me into giving you an answer" he held back laughter and looked at frisk "alright.. well then, we should get going. you're cereal is calling you, i hear it.. hopefully it isn't too soggy and you can still enjoy it heh heh" sans waved as he walked towards the door.
Frisk could tell that was Sans said mad Chara angry. she found it funny how he went out of his way do this. She was always scared to do or say anything that could upset her. " Thanks for dropping by. Remember, when I'm done moving in we are going to have a movie night. Bring a scary one!" Frisk called out to Sans as he walked across her place.

"I already know you're sorry. And I'm the smart ass? Really?!" Chara said as she followed him. " Tell Frisk I said bye!" Chara blurted out as they made it to the door, waving to Frisk even though she knew she couldn't see her. Then she turned to Sans. " And I almost have you figured out...I think..."
"seeya frisk, chara says 'bye'" sans waves and closes the door behind him chuckling. "you do, do you? you have me all figured out.." sans looked like he was having a really good time messing with chara and leading her on. "cause from my position.. it looks like you're just super confused and grasping at straws.. hey.. how about this.. you like asking me questions? how about we play games for them.. you win i give you another question.. you lose.. you lose a question. sound good? and if you lose when you don't have any questions.. well....... hmmm.. either you have to do something embarassing then you can play again, or you have to wait the whole day before you can play me again.. deal? i think its pretty fair..."
Frisk waved to them, even if she only saw one. Sighing she cleaned out her bowl of soggy cereal and made another, taking it back outside so she can enjoy her morning alone and in peace. She like that Sans stopped by. But she liked the fact that she could be along for once.

Chara rolled her eyes" Right, a game?" she thought about it, she knew that this was some sort of trick. But she thought she would just go with it. She shrugged" I guess that depends on the game. If its you know I suck at then, no. And will this go both ways? Is there any questions you want to ask me?"
Sans shook his head "nope.. the game will just be... well, anything really. chess.. checkers.. go fish.. i don't know, doesn't need to be an exciting game or something stupid i made up.. just a regular game.. could help pass the time, and actually... yeah. that would be cool. heh, i know some things about you.. but if you can't remember then there's no point in me asking them.." sans shrugged, seeing no real point in learning things about someone who has no secrets.. "so i guess i'll have to pass.. but if you did.. then we could have this cool dynamic of putting up questions as money.. winner takes all kind of scenario.."
" What if I used my question now? I mean I'm all for getting more. I just don't understand what you have to gain from all this other than being a total dick. " Chara smirk to him, being cocky. " And how do you know what I do and don't remember. I could have been bull shitting you. I mean you do seem so...intrigued by my eyes. Surly there is something else you want to know about me other than that." She floated in front of him as he walked. " But, because its you idea, you pick the game."
"you can go ahead and use your question now if you really wanna.. i don't mind~ the quicker you get that question out of your system the faster i can relax.. being this on edge isn't good for my health y'know heh heh" he shrugged and thought of a game he was good at. "hmmmmm... oh, i know. lets play boggle.." Sans smirked, he could play boggle like it was no ones business.. easy to do. just needed to line up words. He smiled and took a short cut home, getting into his livingroom and pulling out a boggle shaker from under the table, along with some paper and two pencils. "now.. you know how to play boggle?"
Chara smirk grew wider as he took his shortcut ending back up in his living room. " Funny, you don't seem on edge. If you are, then maybe I should hang on to my question, make you....squirm~?" Chara floated so she was across the table, watching him pull the game boggle out. Chara didn't do much game playing over the years, but she wasn't going to let Sans beat her, eve if she didn't know how to play. " Nope...been kind of dead so no one taught me."
Sans shook his head and looked at her "you can try to make me squirm.. i haven't 'squirmed' in years.. heh heh. ok, so its easy.. you just shake this little box." Sans grabbed it and shook the box all nice and quick, putting it down. "inside are letters.. if they connect from the left, right, up, or down.. then you can connect them to make a word. so right here.." he pointed to 'Is' "that's is.. now how long the word is, is how many points you get.. so that's a 2 point word.. understand? you need to make as many words as you can before the timer runs out.... so grab your pencil and paper and we can get started." he smiled and raised an eyebrow, this would be easy. "you suuuure you don't want to waste your question before we start~? maybe you could ask if i'm a boss monster again heh heh heh heh" he winked and chuckled to himself.
Chara really thought herself a pretty smart girl, but she could see that this was a game that Sans knew pretty well. She wasn't willing to lose her one question, but the idea of gaining more was tempting. Then again, there was one question that she wanted ask. " I know you haven't, I would be surprised if you 'squirmed' at all. What do you get if you win?" She was really unsure about this. She could just wait again for him to offer a choice like the two time before. But then again he has caught on to this. She looked into his eyes, he wanted her to use her question so badly." Yes, I'm sure. lets play."
"well then... lets boggle." sans grabbed the boggle box and shook it a decent amount, slamming it onto the table and pessing the side of it. a slight ticking could be heard, "two minutes... think quickly" sans quickly started writing down words and focusing on what he should do, he hid his paper from chara so she couldn't cheat. The two minutes went by in a flash, sans had about 28 points and he sat back with a smile on his face. "sooo~ how many points did you score? huh... and i'm not answering that question heh heh" he laughed, just toying with her.
watching Sans set the game up, the quickly writing words down...this was when she realized she mess up. She scrambled to write what she could. Struggling, because she hasn't written or had to spell in, well not even she remembers how long. She thought she was smart, and in her way she way. But in a game like this she was slacking. Once the time was up, and announced his score, she hung her head, counting hers. " ....14...." She mumbled.
Sans saw how her head sank and how she looked defeated, he had to admit. Even thought he wanted this to happen so he could keep his secrets secret.. he did kind of feel bad for her. It felt like if you where an expert playing against someone who was new, sans sighed a little and crossed his arms. "well.. good thing that was the practice round.. no way i would play a game without you fully understanding the rules first heh heh" he did take pitty on her, even though he knew he would win. he didn't want to win like this, its not like she deserved it.. "so. you still have your question, either ask it now. or we play again." He gave her a quick moment to choose, if she was going to use her question. This was the only time to do it.
Chara could tell that Sans was taking pity on her. She didn't like it, she agreed to play this silly game with him for questions. But she knew that if she continued, she would lose hers. Looking up at him, " Really?" She asked, knowing full well this wasn't a practice round. Chara sighed, as she straightened herself back up " Why do I need to ask it now?
sans smirked "because i'll kick your ass next round and i'm giving you one last chance before i do that..." he laughed a little bit and looked away "soooo.. you should probably just get it out of your system now. cause if i win.. i'm not gonna say it was a 'practice round' again.. understand?" he looked back at her, one eye closed and his hands behind his head. Huge smile on his face, if she didn't know he was taking pitty on her, she would know now.
Again she hung her head and groaned " You're such an ass..." He was right, he was going to beat her, in away he was showing her mercy. " Fine, you win. I'll ask my question now. "Chara thought for a moment before looking back at him. Her question wasn't going to be a deep one. But would satisfy her curiosity for the moment. " What were you going to ask for if I did play and you took the win?"
Sans straightened up a little and looked a bit confused "huh.. wasn't expecting that question.. heh heh, i was going to ask you just how much you actually remembered... so then when i got another question i wouldn't have wasted it heh heh.. surprised you didn't ask if i was a boss monster" he winked at her and chuckled to himself. "but... that probably wasn't a good answer. i was going to ask you why you fell into the underground........ appearently you refused to talk about it..." maybe the game wasn't a good idea.. chara probably wouldn't beat Sans any time soon, but she might be able to trade questions for questions. if she asked one and then he could ask one. as long as both of them answered.
"Well, you being or not being doesn't really matter any more does it?" It was true, when she asked it was more of a passing thought. All she knew was he was strong, not sure if he was the strongest. But he was up there. " And maybe I do remember, but...it was so long ago that my life before I fell feels more like a dream. Like I can remember bits and parts. " she shrugged " So it wasn't as if I was trying to hide anything or my past is some huge mystery. I do know for a fact, my life wasn't good." She didn't seem sad, or bothered to tell him all this. Just neutral.
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