Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara never planned on snooping around, that was something she can do. But now with her healed soul, it didn't seem right. She had this whole smart ass story she was going to tell him. But now, after what she saw, her mind was blank. Now here was, her face in a corner not wanting to look at him, maybe not for a while. She missed Frisk right now. " Morning...No I don't, and no I didn't...and could you please put some clothes on!?"
He looked down and chuckled a little bit. "what.. you've never seen a skeleton before? heh heh.. you uh.... you ok?" he wondered a bit and got out of his bed. Standing up and stretching his arms and back, bending over and putting his pants on. He then put on a white shirt and cracked his neck a little bit, "i know i know.. my rooms a mess.. but you don't have to hide because of it heh heh.. and uh.. i was thinking. i could probably give you back to frisk if you wanted.. i know she would love to see you after your new change, and i think you want to see her.. right?"
" Not living ones with no clothes on. "Hearing him get out of his bed she slowly look over her shoulder, catching herself watching as he stretched and got dressed. Now seeing Sans move like that without clothes was alluring. Quickly she shook her head looking from him again." The room I can handle, you on the other hand right now. Not so much." Hearing him say that maybe she could go back to Frisk she found herself a little, hesitant. Yes she missed Frisk, but now that she had someone else new to talk to." You really want to get rid of me already?!" Even she caught herself off guard of how needy she sounded." I mean I did pretty much call it, cant handle having me around anymore. That's fine. She laughed floating over to him" What are you going to do today?"
He chuckled at how she almost exploded at him.. clearly she didn't want to leave him just yet.. it made him really happy. She was changing and it was super nice, at the beginning of this.. she would have done anything to be with frisk over him. But now she was starting to enjoy his company, "well... i wasn't going to do much.. what do you want to do?.. i'll probably go take a shower.. then its up to you" he shrugged and looked around.
Hearing that he that he was going to take a shower she slowly floated back a little." You mean, right now?" The image of what she saw came back to her mind. She groaned softly covering her face with her hands, feeling her face color again. She knows that if she had to she could go back into her soul, and wait for him to call her. Still, she wished never got that curious and looked.
"nah.. tomorow.. heh heh, yea i'm going to go and take a shower right now.. go and.. i don't know.. look around the house.. see whats up. I'll be back.." he didn't know what she saw and he wasn't sure why she was acting so strange. Probably because she was learning about her crush on him.. well.. that's what he thought anyways. He walked out of his room and went to the bathroom, "do whatever you want.. i'll be done in like ten minutes..." He started taking his shirt off tossing it on the floor. "heh.. shouldn't have gotten dressed.. shoulda just walked over to the bathroom.. that would have been better heh heh"
There was a moment of relief when he said tomorrow, that was short lived when Chara heard he was just joking." Well I can only but be so far from you...so not sure how much looking around I can do...and come the fuck on! What, you think because I'm a ghost that you can just strip and be...gross around me?! " She huffed turning her back to him. waiting for him to leave. When she heard he was in the shower she wondered out into the hall. Looking down it to Papyrus room. She wondered if he came home. Knowing how protective Sans was of his little brother he would have been worried, or said something. Feeling a little bored, she floated over to it and knocked on his door hard.
Papyrus opened the door and looked around. "... Hello!? Who's there!?..... Sans??" Papyrus heard the shower running so he knew it wasn't him. "Uh... Welp! I'm going to go and... Hope it was just my imagination!!" He closed the door again and then a few minutes later came out walking downstairs and thinking about what he should have for breakfast. Thinking there where so many options..
Chara giggled floating right in front of him, studying him for a moment before he returned to his room. When he came back out she followed him in to the kitchen. She thought about what she could do to further entertain herself until Sans was done. She grinned as an idea came to her mind, it was an innocent enough prank. Every time Papyrus would turn his back she would move something, open a cabinet door.
Getting ready in the morning, he was grabbing cereal and putting it in a bowel. Then turning back to see there was a weird object on the cabinet door, "uh.." He sighed grabbing it and putting it away. It didn't even weird him out at this point, he knew Sans and Sans would do something exactly like this. Turning around again he filled his bowel with milk and then saw there was another thing, "Ok. Ha Ha Ha Sans.. Very funny! The prank is one of your bests!" Papyrus rolled his eyes and put the other stuff back looking kind of grumpy. "Honestly... Are you running out of ideas? This is the laziest prank you've ever pulled..." The shower turned off and Sans walked downstairs with his clothes on, his face a little wet. he saw chara and winked at her to acknowledge her, then he looked at Papyrus. "morning bro.. you say something?"
Honestly Chara was a little disappointed of papyrus lack of reaction, of her placing something random on the cabinet. But she did something else and Papyrus blamed Sans, she rolled her eye. She should have known that Papyrus would think it was Sans. Still she continued with her messing around the kitchen. She was just about to place a bowl in to Papyrus's head, when Sans walked it. Seeing him wink at her the bowl slipped from her fingers, and when crashing on the ground behind Papyrus. Chara gave Sans a wide grin, putting her hands behind her back a slowly floated away from Papyrus.
Papyrus jumped far into the air and quickly looked behind him with wide eyes. Seeing the shattered plate and the way that it was sitting there. "S-... Sans? do.. do ghosts infest houses like how mice do? c-cause if it does.. I.. think we have an INFESTATION!!!" Papyrus looked around and shivered a little bit, the only ghost he knew was napstablook and he would reveal himself if he was there. "M.. Maybe we should look around for a gh-ghost?"
Sans chuckled and shook his head, "nah.. shes my friend.. she's just trying to spook you."
Papyrus frowned and looked around "Well that's not very nice!! Where is she!?" Sans shrugged. "y'gotta look around.. i dunno.." Papyrus looked around "Whats her name???" Sans shrugged like he didn't know. Looking at chara and smirking, he made a motion like she should come over to him and leave papyrus alone. "W-W-Well.. I'm going to go to my job!! Any more ghost activity and I'll call an exorcist!!"
Chara giggled as she listened to them. Now pretty please with how things worked out. She was a little shocked how Sans admitted that there was ghost and called her his friend. She wondered if he really meant that. She gave Sans a playful pout and slowly floated over next him. Looking to Papyrus when he said he would call an exorcist, then to Sans, leaning over to him. "Umm, can he really do that? I mean, should I be worried about exorcists?" It was something that she never really thought about. Frisk and her saw a few movies about them, but she never thought about on being used on her like that.
Sans watched her come over to him then she looked a little worried and Sans chuckled. "papyrus... exorcists don't actually work... they just think they can get rid of ghosts..." he said answering Chara in a non suspicious way and also correcting papyrus. "look.. i'll tell her to calm down.. and not to bother you anymore.." Sans did a quick look at chara only moving his eyes to look at her, then looked back at Papyrus and smiled. "Sounds good?" Papyrus crossed his arms and pouted slightly "Oh alright! I guess that's fine!!"
Chara nodded, happy about is answer." Good, didn't really think so anyways. But I just wanted to make sure." She rolled her eyes while he talked about her like she wasn't there. Finding a little annoying, but she understood. She gave Sans a small shrug and a playful grin." I don't know, she seemed like she was having fun. Maybe if you ask her very nicely... she might consider it." She said looking around as if she was looking for the ghost herself, then back to him, with a knowing she was being a smart ass smirk.
Sans listened to her and chuckled, Papyrus seemed to think he was laughing at him. Papyrus rolled his eyes and sighed, "Alright, maybe I was being a bit silly... I need to go to work! I'll talk to you again later! Bye Sans" Papyrus walked past him and patted his head before leaving the house. Sans walked in circles and put his hands to his mouth to make himself a bit louder. "oh misses ghost?.. could you please not bother my brother?? pretty please with sugar on top.. i'll be extra nice to you if you do" he smiled and then slowly looked over at chara with a smirk. "you think the ghost will listen?.. she might get rewarded if she does.. not that you care.. you don't know her" he winked
Chara fought back not looking amused by Sans. Thinking dumb he looked right now doing that. When he looked at her shrugged. " Oh, I know her better than you think. So, tell me what the reward might...and I will tell her your offer. Think of me as the middle man." She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled." And depending on what it is, and I'm sure it will be lame like you, I could suggest some ideas.
Sans smirked and shrugged. "true... and if you know her better than anyone, i'll take your word for it.. go ahead. what should i give her as a reward? give me a few suggestions heh heh" he smiled and put his hands in his pockets getting nice and relaxed.
Her smile widen" Hmmm, I think what she wants is~" She leaned in close, very close, her cheek lightly touching his " Answers...~" Chara whispered softly. Staying as she is till he replied. Her moment came soon than she thought. Even though she wasn't 'evil' she still gets pleasure of getting what she wants.
Sans rolled his eyes with a smile and looked at her "alright... 1 answer.. you get one... so make it count." he leaned against the wall waiting to see what she would ask him about what.
Chara pulled away from him, almost giddy. "Oh, so are we talking to now? And don't worry, I could honestly care less about what your working on. You have more secrets, that I wanna pull from you. Soooo~" She looked around, tapping her finger on her chin in thought. Then back to him." Hmmmm...I might need some time to think about this. Needs to be a good one. I will let you know when I'm asking it. So you don't take a normal question and try and use it as 'the' one." She held her hand out to him.
Sans nodded and took her hand "yeah.. sure. but you gotta say 'i wanna use my one question now..' or i'm not answering it. got it?" he started shaking her hand, turning it into an official deal. "now we're all set.. don't take too long though..."
"Fair enough" after thier shake she pulled her hand away. She was so please that she was able to make this deal with him. Though she had a feeling he wont giver the choice of letting her pick what she wants forever. " So, what's the plan for today Sansy?"
Sans waited for a moment "sansy???.... heh heh, nice nickname for me. heh heh" he looked around and picked up a pencil that was on the table. "i don't really have a plan for today.. but.. we can think of something. want to go see frisk? that could kill a couple hours heh heh"
"I have been calling you that since....yesterday!....or as far as you know... You never listen to me! " Even though she was yelling, she was still laughing. Finding it strangely funny." I swear Sans....Yeah, lets see how Frisky's house is coming along. Its going to weird having her now see or hear me...Not sure how I feel about that." Chara felt alright about it. She always had fun messing with her when she was talking to Sans, she wondered if Sans would have the same reaction. Most likely not, but it will still be fun to try.
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