Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"i'm not sure how long it'll take.. it might take days.. weeks.. months.. probably not that long though.. i imagine about two months at the most. your soul needs to heal and that will take the most amount of time.. but.. if i knew you where around.. i would have helped sooner. but. if i remember correctly.. someone didn't want frisk to tell one of the coolest guys she knew~" he teased her a bit and winked chuckling a little. She then.. started... flirting? was she flirting? he couldn't tell.. so.. he decided to test the waters a little. "well.. your evil ways will get you in a lot of trouble... especially if you try them with me." he didn't sound at all like he was threatening her. more like he was being a little playful, "don't worry.. you can't become all that bad.. you have a bit of my soul inside of yours now. i had to take parts of mine so yours would heal" he smiled, now was a good time to tell her that. Now that she wasn't angry and crying, tell her that he put his own life on the line to save her and help her feel.
"That's not so bad, I'm sure none of this can be easy. And you're alright I guess. I would call you 'cool' just yet. Maybe just less trashy than I thought." Chara smiled to him, seemingly a little bashful, then She frowned a bit." So, my soul was pretty fucked up huh? Hmm, I don't think I ever thanked you. So, thanks..." Hearing him banter back her smile returned. Pointing to him." Hey, I know you don't remember, but you put me in my place enough to not bother trying with you anymore. And umm gross.." Still smiling she wrinkled her nose." I have a part of you inside me. Kinda rude, we haven't even been on a date yet."
Sans laughed a little bit "well.. being less trashy is better than being full on trash" he looked a little concerned "yeah.. your heart looked like it had been run over by a car... if you actually look at your soul now, you can see the white on it. It looks like stitches... heh heh, it's kinda cool" He smiled and looked a little surprised that she thanked him.. he.. wasn't expecting that. The soul fix really did help! He nodded and shrugged "no need to thank me chara.. just doing what anyone would do..." she talked about how he had a little bit of himself inside of her and he laughed, then he stopped and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Haven't been out on a date yet~?" He teased "are you thinking of a date with a pile of trash like me?~" he winked and chuckled again, just trying to fluster her more.
"Its still creepy. You didn't leave anything else in there? Like a watch, gauze?" She smiled, she was enjoying talking to him. It was nice to talk to someone else other than Frisk. She did miss her. But after so many years of being stuck with the only person who can see of hear you, you run out of things to talk about. Shaking her head she laughed." I wouldn't have. But I don't think you need me to tell you that." Her red eye widen and she moved away from him. Her cheek almost the color of her eyes. " Whatever! In your dreams numb-skull! And that's not what I meant! I uhh..." She didn't know what she meant, for once, Chara was at a loss for words. She hated it."
Sans really liked this version of chara, she was still confident and outgoing, she was kind of the opposite of frisk in a cute way. Frisk was more inward and tried to hide her emotions and thoughts, chara didn't seem to mind if people knew what she was like. Her flustered stuttering made him laugh a bit, she seemed to be all confused. Sans chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "i was only teasing chara heh heh heh, no need to freak out.. i know you hate me" he winked at her, like he was saying that wasn't completely true. He thought she was enjoying talking to him, but he didn't think she would be gaining an affinity for him.. like how frisk did. But then again.. they are very similar. Sans took his hand away and laughed a little more "we could do other things.. like play cards, or small games together. now that you can interact with the world there are a lot more things you can do" He smiled.
Chara tried to move from him as he reached for her shoulder. It was such a strange feeling, to be touched again. It brought on so many emotions, leaving her confused. Most the feeling she felt though were good, not because it was him touching, just the fact that soon, she could have a normal life. The strangest thing was that she felt like crying. The last time she did was out of anger, and she knows people cry when they are sad. But she was happy. She looked to his hand on her shoulder, looking to him when he spoke. She tilted her head, did she hate him. Maybe, but maybe not. She didn't have the urge to crush his skull anymore." Yeah, so stop joking like that. Makes me feel sick..." She sounded unsure. There was a moment of sadness when her pulled his hand away. " Umm, Sans...can I try something?"
Sans shrugged and nodded. "go right ahead.. try whatever you want. what do you wanna try? we have nothing but time on our hands..." he smiled and raised an eyebrow kind of confused "You feel.. sick? how.. like.. getting a head ache?" he had the thought that maybe he was stressing her out.. she hadn't been touched for so long, maybe it made her uneasy.
Chara shook her head. "No, its hard to explain. I don't think I can get 'really' sick. Just does something to my soul I guess. Again, have to relearn all these 'feelings' and 'emotions'." She lean into him tilting her head as she looked him over. She started to reach out to him then stopping. Chewing on the inside of her lip she reached out again, placing her hand on his shoulder like he just did to her. Her hand moving slightly, feeling the fabric of his hoodie. Her eyes watched her hand doe this, the looked to Sans." And this is...?" She couldn't come up with the word. But she wanted to know if this hurt him, or if this was good.
"ok.. i make you feel weird when i compliment you..." sans almost smirked and let out a giggle, thinking that big mean chara! might have a little crush on him.. just like Frisk, she felt his shoulder and rubbed pretty gently. He smiled looking into her eyes "its fine.. you're not hurting me at all.. your touch is very gentle chara... heh heh" sans smiled and his hand moved on top of hers smiling at her, looking deep into her eyes. "how does this feel?" he had an idea.. if she said sick and got flustered, he knew.
Chara nodded, then narrowed her eyes when he laughed, not understanding what was so funny. She gave him a small smile when he said that her touch was gentle. Since Sans healed her soul, she was able to touch and be touched with out effort. She watched as he placed his hand on hers, then back to him. The way her looked at her, she started to get flustered again. Pulling her face away from him a little." It feels..." Her fingers lightly gripped on to his jacket." Soft, and...warm..."
Sans knew exactly what she was feeling, she was kind of getting a small crush for him. He would let her realize that on her own.. Frisk would explain it to her if she didn't get it. "that sounds nice... i bet its because your soul is all fixed.. that's all" he smiled and looked happy.
"It is nice. And, maybe I don't hate you... I don't like you either! Its just...interesting..." She said looking over him, pull her hand from under his, running it timidly down his arm till she reached his hand. Picking it up she held it to her face, using both hands as she studied it. Moving a little closer, sitting next to him " Funny even. I felt these hands crush and break every bone in my...Frisks... body. Looking at them now, they seem so harmless. How do you fool everyone so easily? " She didn't sound bitter, or angry, just curious. Being able to see him up close like this. To touch him, and him touch her and not cause harm.
His hands where rather soft and delicate looking, he smiled at how nice she was being.. he stopped and listened to her talk about how he crushed frisks bones and he looked away for a minute. He then looked back at her and looked a little serious "cause most of the time.. i am harmless... i can only imagine you and frisk.. must have made me really angry.. and... desperate to attack you guys.. i don't want to hurt anyone... it.. doesn't do anything.. no point in even fighting.." he shrugged and smiled a little, his eyes told another story though.
Chara looked in his eyes as he spoke. His hand still in hers. She tried to make an honest compliment. But the look in Sans eyes, didn't seem as if he like it. She couldn't understand what she did wrong. Licking her lips she looked back to his hand." Their look nice?" She said before running her fingers down his palm to his wrist. Thinking that maybe he may not like her being that close after bringing up their past. She lightly placed his hand back down and moved back away. " Yeah, I did...so you know...i feel..." She shrugged. Before talking about it made her laugh, she thought it was funny. Now, not so much. " So, don't you have a job, or something?" Chara said changing the subject.
"heh.. i got a job... its late at night though.. and you'd just get bored.. i sell food out of food trucks too.. y'know just a bunch of stuff to make money.. i hate working for other people, rather be my own boss.." he shrugged and kind of appreciated that she was changing the subject for him. He was starting to get uncomfortable, but he knew she didn't mean anything by it. She wasn't trying to bring up any unwelcome feelings so he let it pass with a smile. "thanks... my hands are pretty nice aren't they? heh heh.. as a ghost do you ever cut your hair? or does it just stay the way you want it to look.. cause it looks like it's super short..." he looked a bit curious and smirked at the thought of being able to control your hair growth. not that Sans had to worry about hair.
" I'm used to being bored, so that no problem. Plus if I'm going to be stuck with you for the next few months...maybe." She leaned over looking past him out the window then back to him. "Wow, the day flew by didnt it?" She tilting her head so her hair fell in to her face, shrugged and brushed it back." I just think it stayed the same length from when I died. Honesty, this is pretty much the same clothes I wore. I know I have been dead for a while. But I don't know how all this works really." She smiled thinking." You know, its going to be nice to have a body again. Get to change my clothes, and eat...I miss eating, I miss candy." Chara hasn't thought about those things in awhile. So she was excited to have them again.
Sans smiled and nodded "candy's awsome.. so heh, maybe you'll be able to open up your own candy shop.." sans winked and smiled at her "i'd go there. buy a bunch of candy and hang out with you.. you seem nice." Sans looked over at the window and yawned a little "yeah... the day just flew by.. i guess i should go to bed soon.. probably like right now.. having your soul outside of you really makes you exhausted"
When Sans winked and said Chara 'seemed nice', she got that sick feeling, it even showed on her face when she wrinkled her noes." Yeah, I don't think I want to job. I'll just keep living off Frisk. Or the both of you." She said with a wide grin. "But yeah, I'm pretty drained..." She opened her mouth about to make a comment about them sleeping together, but thought best not know. Not wanting Sans to tease her again. " Plus, I have some poking around todo. Because you didn't answer all my questions. G'night Sansy~" She giggled as she faded out.
Sans chuckled and shook his head as she blushed. She then disappeared and he thought for a moment.. she wouldn't be able to read any of the writing in his workshop. she would just see a bunch of confusing pictures and some weird things.. then again.. he din't remember everything that was in his workshop. he shrugged and doubted there was anything. Walking up to his room and taking off his clothes, only in his boxers he got into his bed and threw the blankets over him not caring if they where properly on him.
The sun was just coming up when Chara reappeared. Looking around Sans room, her eyes widen at its state. Almost confirming that this skeleton must smell. She even made it a point to made sure she floated around the room. Even dead she was afraid to let anything touch her. The strangest think she was a trash tornado in the corner of the room, she started to move closer when she heard Sans behind her. She glanced over to see if her was away, seeing that he was still sleeping. He was so she turned back to the tornado, just to whip her head back to him noticing him only in his boxers. Chara felt her whole face turn red. Slowly she moved her way to him, curious about him. He wasn't as big-boned as she thought. Ever so slowly she reached to him, lightly touching his rib cage with her finger tips.
Snoring a little bit, sans actually slept rather well.. he had a bit on his mind from having to take care of chara to care about his normal issues. She moved over to him and ever so lightly touched his ribs, it tickled and he giggled in his sleep. putting one of his hands on his chest and the other hand behind his head. rolling over, his blankets just kind of fell off of him and onto the floor. He was just laying there, his legs spread a little bit and his deep breath before going back into a deep sleep. He was so.. vulnerable right now, deep sleep. way deeper than usual.
Chara jumped back hearing him giggle then move. Waiting a to see if he woke up. When he didn't she couldn't help but laugh softly. Finding it funny that he was ticklish. Again she slowing moved over him, looking at his frame closely, finding him very interesting. She only had a good look at his hand last night. Chara has seen many monster, but nothing like Sans. He was truly unique. Her eyes kept glancing to his face, making sure she was waking him. After a few minutes, Chara saw that he was really sleeping hard. So she got brave, she wanted Frisk to ask if he had any man parts...so she saw this a good time to answer that. Biting her lip she moved down, slowly lifting his boxers.
Sans was deep asleep and she got.. overly curious. She lifted the underwear and she saw it. A decently large cock, it was blue and glowing a bit. Laying on his thigh, and of course his balls hanging there under his thick slumbering cock. It was slightly translucent and looked almost like hard candy. Sans didn't move from her moving the fabric, there was almost no movement for him.
Chara only looked for a few second before letting the waist band of his boxers snap back down. Her whole body felt hot as she slowly floated from him, her hand covering her mouth. That was not what she thought she was going to see. She was so sure that he had nothing, how could he, how could have...that. At this point she was looking everywhere but him. Now she was getting that sick feeling again in the pit of her gut.
He slowly waked up after she did that, the snap on his waist making him wake up. although, he didn't know what woke him up, he just did. he sat up slowly, holding himself up by his arms and yawning. "eh... morning chara... how did you.. you don't sleep right? how was sooping around.. find anything interesting?" He asked kind of curiously and honestly. Wondering if she found anything Sans might have forgotten about.
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