Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"go right ahead... be honest chara.. i don't want you to beg.. i want you to be happy.. if you're happy. then.. well.. i think that would be good for the both of us" he smiled and chuckled a little bit "if you're happy.... well.. it would be great for you" sans was being genuine. he didn't want to learn that the only thing that made her happy was hurting and killing..... he... would have to get rid of her.. sans really didn't want that. As mean as she was.. it was probably because of something.. He knew there was a reason.. if she could open up he wouldn't need to get rid of her. He was going to try his hardest to help her too! even if frisk couldn't.. he had to.. he just had too once.
Chara looked at him for a second before sighing." Sans, I Have two emotions, happy, and pissed. And as for being honest, I don't want to reset. "She said before closing her eye again, resting them." After seeing the world move forward. I don't know, guess I lost interest. Plus I don't want to risk going back being a child. So yeah." this was nothing new, Chara and Frisk talked about this a lot. " I don't see myself killing people. I'm not going to promise that I'm be sweet and nice. Or I can...but then I want to make a deal if that's so important."
Sans opened an eye and he wasn't sure if he could trust her.. She seems like the kind of person who would lie about all of this. He looked into her eyes and tried to judge if she was lying.. he really couldn't tell. Her eyes were nice though.. no other human had these red eyes that she had.. he stopped for a moment and tilted his head again. "why do you have red eyes... where you born with them? or did you just change your eyes when you where a ghost." completely ignoring what she said about the deal and just letting what she said simmer. "you say you wouldn't hurt anyone... but you want me to go through hell.. you won't be able to kill me.. but if i gave you the chance you would treat me like dog shit.."
Chara picked her head up and looked at him when he asked about her eyes. Almost finding it rude that he would ask She just smiled " Blood of the innocents...maybe I'm really a demon, you're guess is as good as mine. How can you blink with no eye lids?" She gave a small chuckle as she just looked at him. " I said, I don't was to 'kill' anyone. But yes I do put you through Hell, it amuses me. And I already know I cant kill you. God knows I tied, so I guess just making you sad is the next best thing. If you cant handle it. You know what you can do, right~? a deal?"
she said blood of the innocents and he chuckled, so she was born with it.. Cool. He liked the way her eyes shimmered and danced when light hit them. "what can i do?.. why is torturing me so important to you.. it's cause its the only thing you can do.. right? you know.. you say your a ghost, but i don't think you realize just what you can actually do.. you threw a wrench at me.." he raised an eyebrow, "question.. do you feel bad about anything?" He still ignored her asking about a deal.
Chara shook her head. " Man, I could have sworn I was speaking English. I said it amused me. Nothing is all that 'important' if there is." She pointed to him and grinned. " nothing about you would be it. Though, you should have seen that look on your face when I did that." She laughed, holding her side. "And to answer question. Nope! Not really. Should I?" She stopped laughing and closed her eyes again, smiling to herself.
Sans understood her now.. she was just a sociopath, a psychopath who used and abused people for her own gain.. she couldn't love or truly be happy. He sighed realizing this, pissed or happy.. what a horrible life that must be. He kind of didn't blame her for what she did now, he was pissed. But now he just felt bad for her.. growing up hurting people and not even knowing how she hurt them.. not understanding. he opened his eyes and smiled at her, he had a plan. Sans knew a lot about the soul, and the brain.. He knew he would have to fix her soul. That wouldn't be easy, but it would have to be done. Some people's souls just enjoyed killing, they liked the feeling.. But it was kind of clear that Chara was just doing it out of boredom. Probably like flowey..... Sans stood up and stretched. "welp. lets go do something.. i'm bored. i think i wanna work on some of my projects.. get you a body. i have to believe you.. i mean.. you've been with frisk for so long.. you haven't made her kill anyone.. so lets make you one." he shrugged and started walking to his 'worshop'. He had a plan, he wasn't going to give her a body.. but he was going to try and fix her.
Feeling and hearing sans get up from the couch, she opened her eyes looking him over, then shook her head. She had no idea what Frisk saw in this monster, he was short, looked like he smelled, wore the same shit clothes, lazy. Sans was a walking talking Halloween prop. But he did have some good jokes. But that was about it. And the way he kept looking at her was starting to creep her out. Chara didn't bother to get up herself, knowing that she would just get pulled once he got far enough away. " okay, whatever. Doctor Frankenstein, make a body for your monster"
He walked to the back of his house, walking inside of his lab. "mwuahahahahahah.." he rung his hands together like doctor Frankenstein smirking and raising an eyebrow.. just being silly and dumb, contrary to popular belief he didn't smell... all that much, not having sweat glands was great. He could wear the same clothes for weeks without them getting dirty. unless he spilled something. "alright chara.. this might uh.. welp. you're used to pain. whatever" He put on the same helmet that made her switch from frisk to him. Then swapped the leaver. She went away really quickly, to her it would be like getting knocked unconscious. Sans stood up and took the helmet off, putting it next to him. this shouldn't take long.. he walked over to a small machine, opening it up. Her soul would be inside held on by magnets and other forces. He just needed to see how her soul was.. someone like her, her soul would be very damaged looking. He opened the machine to see what it looked like.
Chara was pulled behind Sans into his workshop. Hearing him make a fake evil laugh she looked at him and shook her head. "...stupid..." But she still smiled. She took the same seat Frisk sat in earlier, looking around then to Sans when he placed the helmet on her head. She wondered how this was happening. But it had to be magic of some kind. "Uh sure...?" It had been a long time since she felt pain, felt anything really. Once she was out and her soul transferred to the holding chamber, it seemed to be acting erratically. Trying to pull its self Sans. At first glance, Chara soul looked black. But it was suck a deep blood red, with cracks all over it. Oddly it looked so fragile, like it could fall apart at any moment. That's why she needed a host, it was the only thing keeping her a live. Her soul was panicked, franticly trying to get back to the nearest host, Sans.
Sans quickly administered 20 cc's of determination.. it kept human souls alive outside of the body and made sure they wouldn't shatter into a million pieces. "that should do it for now.. gonna have to work quick" her soul so fragile looking.. it was really hanging on by a thread. it was kind of ironic.. how she needed to be with someone so her soul wouldn't get destroyed.. but.. she couldn't feel the finer parts of life. There where cracks that where there that didn't come from her soul nearly shattering.. they where clear signs of her not being able to feel other emotions. she was nearly souless.. lost so much of it. only the bare essentials remained, he wondered if she was born like this or if something happened to her soul.. Shrugging, now not the time for speculation.
Sans took a deep breath and put the helmet on again, pressing the button he felt his own soul getting sucked out, seeing his soul in front of him.. it was so.. uncanny. yet. refreshing. he couldn't feel anything, his emotions and worries just disappeared.. he had to keep on task though, looking over at chara. He started scrapping off non essential parts of his own soul, using those parts to patch hers together. Like white thread on her red soul.. it looked. strange. holding it better together, the soul was starting to look normal. The cracks blending together. "this... sh.. should help..." he used enough to patch charas soul back together. she would probably still need a host. She wasn't fully repaired.. but sans could only wait and see.. see if it helped her feel emotions again.. He had no reason to doubt his craftsmanship though. He quickly shut the machine and put the helmet back on, his soul getting sucked back into his body. he laid his head back in relief.. it was like he took a breath of fresh air after not being able to breath for minutes. sitting back up and pressing some more buttons, Chara's soul went back to him. he rubbed his face and groaned a bit like he was in a little pain.
One the determination was in her soul, it seemed more docile, but was still trying to pull away. Most likely because it still didn't like was Sans was doing. The color looked like a health red color, with darker red spots. As Sans worked he could see Chara face, seeming in discomfort by what he was doing. Even though her soul was out of her body, she could still feel her was doing something. As soon as he was done with his work, putting her soul back with his, Chara's eyes snapped open, she looked around seeing Sans, she glared at him. Vaulting across the room at him, taking him by the collar of his jacket." That the fuck did you do?! You lied! You fucking lied!!" She screamed into his face, though this time, she had tears in her eyes. Feeling the wetness run down her face she pushed away."W-why...?"
She grabbed his collar and he was a little shocked. Thinking he might be in for a really difficult fight.. then he saw it. tears. Sans smiled, he could tell it worked.. he was almost giddy, knowing what he did actually worked.. she backed away from him and he stood up very slowly, smiling sympathetically.. "listen chara.. you're ok.. you're going to be ok.. you're soul was hurt, badly.. very badly.. i needed to fix it chara.. how.. do you feel?" Sans kept his hands up, just incase she decided to attack. But also to show her that everything was alright and that he didn't have any weapons.
The way Sans looked at her fed her rage more. She reached back and slapped him. "Don't look at me like that prick! Like hell I'm okay! Nothing about this is okay! You said....you said..." Chara fell to her knees, placing her hands in her hand and cried. She felt awful, all because she felt Sans lied to her. Normally she wouldn't care, might have gotten a little mad. But these feeling, it was all so sudden after not feeling much of anything for so long." Why did you tell me that you were going to do this?! Shouldn't I had a say?! Fuck you! I hate you!" She gritted her teeth and glared at him. If he had a throat she would have ripped it out. But snapping his neck would have worked. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't stop crying long enough to try.
Sans grabbed his cheek, it kind of hurt. But it was more of a shock that she could hit him. He rubbed it a little bit "you wouldn't have let me do this if i told you.. right? if i said 'i want to mess around with your soul' you woulda screamed at me... i know i lied.. i'm sorry. i shouldn't lie to you.." He got down on one knee to look her in the eyes, he looked down to the floor. Then back up to her "i know you're probably feeling a lot of weird stuff right now.. that's normal.. i'm here to help.. listen chara." he didn't think it would be a good idea to tell her exactly what he did till later.. when she wasn't so emotional. "you're safe now.. and.. i promise.... i promise that i will give you a body. i know you don't think i will... but i promise. i just.. need time. it takes time to get a body prepared and i have an idea. but you need a fully functioning soul to do that.. your soul was so weak and nearly shattered.. it looked like it could explode at any minute. i'll do whatever i can right now to make it up to you.. but..... we need to.. watch you for now.. make sure you heal properly.. then i'll get you a body" at least the part about her soul nearly exploding was true.
"At least I would have had a choice" Chara said watching him get down to a knee in front of her. She couldn't remember the last time she was this angry, most of all hurt. It wasn't like she trusted him. But he was 'good guy'. "You know what Sans, take your sorry and promises and shove them up you non-existing ass! And then you can rot in Hell! You wanna watch me?! Good luck!" Like that she was gone, although her soul was oddly still. Chara couldn't understand why she had this reaction. The thought of having a more whole soul crossed her mind, to feel things other than dark, unkind things. Even a heads up on Sans part would have been somewhat nice. She hated they came back home. After some time a phone call came through on Sans phone. It was Frisk, and it sound like she was crying.
Sans sighed and walked inside, he knew she would slowly get over it.. she would be nice after a while. Sans got the call and answered it right away "heyo ki-" She was crying and his eyes went black, he was beyond pissed and he knew who to blame.. it was MK "w.. whats going on kiddo.. calm down.. ok? please.. now.. tell me what happened"
Fifteen minutes ago. Frisk was home alone, she ever invited MK over to help. When he saw Sans he thought he would try. Frisk kindly asked him to leave, that she was fine and wanted to spend time by herself, but she would hang out with him soon. Few minutes later she feel something awful in her soul, as if she was betrayed, she could tell that it was Chara, even though she was there, after so many years with their souls together, the formed a bond. She broke down and cried, feeling Chara's pain.

Sitting on her stairs she wiped her eyes. "I'm fine really, I was just calling to...Is Chara okay? I just have the bad feeling...and I cant stop crying and I don't know why."
Sans blinked a couple of times, his eyes going back to normal. "shes.. fine. But, she is really hurt.. i.. lied to her. frisk, she was.. well her soul was in horrible shape. i told her she would get a new body, but i was fixing it.. i know i should have asked.. but she's fine. she was actually crying.. i.. i gave her her emotions back. her soul looked like it was falling apart, so i'm helping it heal.. you don't need to worry.. how was cleaning? and uh.. one second" Sans put his hand over the phone and looked around "chara?.. chara please come out.. frisk is worried.. she would like to hear from you.. would you like to hear her?" he uncovered the phone and put in on speaker. "i put you on speaker phone frisk.. chara can hear you"
Frisk sighed and nodded as Sans explained their situation. "I see, I know you mean well Sans, and Thank you for trying to help her. I know if anyone can fix this its you. I knew her soul was bad, I just didn't think it was that bad. I should have noticed. Um, cleaning is alright, my front door is back to normal, and I have just been unpacking. Dad is coming by later to move the heavy stuff later." She waited and heard Sans call for Chara. Hearing she was on speaker she took a deep breath." Hey Chara, I know your hurting, but you need to trust Sans, if not him, trust me. We are only trying to help. And sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. You need to come out, talk to Sans. He is, my best friend, just like you. Just, take some more time, then talk to Sans, he cant help you if you don't talk. " She could feel Chara Calming down, but still hurting" Um, Sans? Just give her sometime, okay...if she does come out or talk. Then just come to my house. And thank you again."
Sans nodded, then thought why he was nodding.. it was a call. "uh, sure thing frisk... thank you so much for talking to her.. i know she doesn't trust me much.. well... for good reason.. i did just lie to her.. i'll keep you updated on the situation frisk.. you don't need to worry about a thing. bye" he hung up the phone and sighed, this was going to be a little difficult. He looked around and put his phone away "chara. i just want to say.. i'm honestly here to help.. i know it doesn't feel like it.. but i am.. you don't need to come out yet.. just.. when you're comfortable.. okay? take as much time as you need. then i can show you how sorry i am for lying. i'll make it up to you.. somehow." he looked around and waited for a small response. Seeing if she would respond just yet.
It was about twenty minutes before Chara would show up, seeming slightly calmer. She stood across the room as far as could. She was so angry with him, wanting to beat the crap out of him. "So, I'm here..." Her voice was cold, and bitter." Before you start talking, let me say that I might be a bitch, and kinda evil. But damn it! You should have said something! Then...then...maybe I would know it would hurt." She looked as if she was still fighting back tears.
Sans had moved in that 20 minutes, he moved to the living room. He was setting up a video game, it seemed to be pretty old. She talked to him and was clearly hurt.. but there was no way that he hurt her physically. souls don't feel pain, they just make you feel emotion. That means that she's hurt emotionally. he really didn't know what to say to her, he should have told her.. but. if he was honest with himself, there was nothing he could really say that would have prepared her for what would happen without her knowing he was doing something odd. He looked over at her and looked actually genuine, no jokes.. no goofy smile, just a serious face. "i know.. i'm sorry.. can i make it up to you somehow? something you want?.. i uh.. do have a surprise for you.." he said getting the game set up more. He got it from toriel a long time ago, she said it was a present for frisk when she was a kid and they where traveling.
She gave him a weak laugh as she wiped a tear from her cheek. She heard what Frisk said, and even though she didn't like Sans, she did like Frisk, and knew that Sans had the skills to make any of this work. Rolling her eyes." Yeah, I know your sorry. I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me, wont like any of them so I wont bother. "She gave him a thumbs up. For the first time she was feeling, sort of bad for talking to him that way. She hated it." Whats your stupid surprise? I don't even want to be out right now. I'm only out now because for some reason thinks the world of you and thinks I should too. Pff."
Sans smiled a bit and turned the TV on, then the game, seeing the start menu 'ADVENTURES OF TELDA!' the screen lit up. she never.. really got to experience being a kid, she died young. plus who knows how long her souls been messed up.. "here sit down next to me... just.. trust me, k? and.. if there really is something you want me to do to show you can trust me. just say so.." he patted the ground next to him, motioning for her to sit next to him. He held the controller and smiled, he looked kind of sweet.. and he was trying his hardest to help her too.
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