Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara did hear him, her only response was a flashing an image of a young, broken Frisk. Crying weakly at his feet. Her eye missing, her arm broken, bones pushed out of her skin. She looked as if she was gutted, her innards sprawled across the ground. "Sans?" A young males voice called from behind. MK stood there looking at him, head slightly tilted. "Who are you talking to?"
Seeing that image pop into his mind made his body go cold. He didn't let any signs that he was seeing it affect him get through though.. Then he heard monster kid, he turned and looked up at him. "a ghost. she's really annoying too.. she thinks she ca-" sans thought for a second. "are you following me?"
" A ghost?" He looked around, not seeing anything." Riiiiight. And don't flatter yourself. I'm on my way to Frisks, she asked me to come over and help out around her house. I'm shocked you're not there. Since she's been back you two have been jointed at the hip."
Sans shrugs and scratches his cheek. "ghosts can turn invisible.. and we've been together too long.. i'm helping her in another way. and have fun with frisk.. try anything and i'll just tell her that you're a creep.. so be polite" sans winks at MK and smiles wide. "have fun cleaning... you're really doing me a service.. i don't wanna clean her house heh heh."
Mk rolled his eyes and started past Sans " Right, I'm the creep...And don't worry. I'm always super nice to Frisk. Maybe after today, she will be so thankful that she'll give me a little treat. " He waved his tail to Sans." See you around bone boy."
Sans rolled his eyes thinking about what treat he wanted.... It made him shiver to think that weirdo will be near frisk all day. "alright chara.. you can come out now.. we should go and do something.. unless you want to be invisible all day. in which case.. i'll just go take a nap.. cause this is boring me to sleep" he fake yawned and put his hand over his mouth. "y'know.. you don't need to be so mean. honestly. i know you blame me.. but.. i'm a cool guy.. i try to be nice." shrugging he looked around again, seeing if chara was any wheres. "hmmmm.. y'think i should try to go and stop that armless weirdo? or text frisk... or something.."
There was a slight tug on his soul in response to his question. Chara wasn't going to come back out just yet. She was still angry about the whole situation, and still plotting. Chara would never admit it, but he did have some good points. But not that would change anything, this was just how she was. If Sans thinks that that they had been together all those years and Frisk didn't do her best to help Chara. Because she did, she still was.
He felt it and shrugged. She was pouting.. and he planned and waiting around till she wanted to talk, or do anything. So he just walked inside of his house and turned the TV on, plopping down on the couch and zoning out. Just waiting till she decided it was her time to come on out and play.
After about an hour, Chara plopped down next to him on the couch. "And to answer your question. Since my soul was attached to Frisk. I grew with her. I was a child when I died. I don't know all the details on how or why, just know that it happened. You seemed disappointed. "
" oh no.. chara. Don't lie to me. I know how you died, I know a decent amount about you... i can only imagine I know more things about you than frisk.. I know the state you where in when you fell.. I know that you where a rather quiet child. Ans i know how you..." sans pulled his fingers up to make air quoted as he talked "'got sick'...: he just stared at her and didn't smile. If she wanted she wanted the mean sans he was showing her a little bit of how mean he could be. He didn't go to far or say too much. "So." He just stared at her to see how she would react.
Chara tilting her head and smiled to him. "Sansy~ If you have crush on me then come out and say it. Is that the reason you kidnapped? You know you cant fuck a ghost..." She laughed leaning back on the couch. "And that happened so long ago, guess it slipped my mind. On might say 'I don't remember'." She mimicked his air quotes, smiling to herself. "...So..."
Sans smirked and chuckled laying back and resting his eyes. "see.. no point in even trying.. when i do it just doesn't work... i dunno.. you shouldn't go after crazy.. even if they do have nice eyes.." sans stretched more and cracked his neck. "so.. you done pouting? wanna actually do something.."
"Yup, you should just give up or something. And flattery will get you nowhere with me Sansy, save that gross shit for someone who give a fuck." Sighing Chara looked at him with an annoyed look" And I don't pout, I get revenge." She floated up over him, smiling getting in his face. "Do something? Again, I'm dead. This is me doing something, you like rubbing that in don't you?"
"eh.. seems like you're pouting... and if you get revenge. then get revenge already.. i'm bored.. you're boring me... i thought this would be hard. trying to control you.. but you've been as tame as a goldfish so far... heh heh.. you've been dead your whole life. you're used to it.." sans smiled at the oxymoron. "why did you waste your life.. poison yourself... it was a dumb plan" sans was kind of done with jokes and just wanted to tease her.. see how far he could push her. "you kill yourself.. you made your brother miserable.. you hurt your mom, your dad.. the only people that seemed to like you.. and even now. you're a dick to frisk...... so whats your deal?.. if you ask me, we're perfect for each other.. trash belongs with trash heh heh"
"Not all plans are golden. I'll admit, it was dumb. But you cant change the past. " She studied his face more a moment before floating away from him. " And if you're so bored the put me back where you found me. Its not my job to entertain you. Don't you have 'friends' or something? And I told you my deal, I swear you memory sucks ass." She gives a small cringe and looks from him" You wish...Really, why am I even here? For your sick pleasure? Creep..."
"chara the little gold fish..." sans whispered. she wasn't easy to annoy like Papyrus, he closed his eyes and started resting. Not sleeping just resting, "my memory is just fine... yours seems to be worse than mine"
"At least I would remember gutting my 'friend' and watching them slowly bleed out. Oh yeah, how did you like that little flash back? Yup, didn't even bother with a swift death that time. I have more, wanna see?" She floated off the couch, slowly flipping herself upside down in front of Sans, her arms crossed over her chest." Or, better yet. I could be a real monster, show all the things Frisk and I did underground. All the fun we had?"
Sans opened one eye. "i would have remembered all of this.. you guys did something when you reset.. a more powerful reset. didn't you? something that makes people forget completely....." he smirked, he figured it out. "if you wanna see how much i care.... go right ahead" this was important. if he showed weakness with her.. he knew that she would jump on him like a vulture on dead meat.. this stuff did really bother him. But he just had to sit through it, make it seem like it didn't bother him.. he's seen worse. He could handle it. "chara.. if i could get rid of you... which i can.. don't get me wrong. i can erase you.. properly kill you and make you never come back.. what would you do if i tried?.. would you just.... laugh like a madman.. shrug. or try to stop me?... cause i know you're very jealous that we're alive and you're not.. so...... if i gave you a choice. kill you. or give you a body.. which one would you choose?"
Chara almost seemed giddy at Sans, acting like he did care." Determination...thats how. Oh? Hmmm, let me think. What a bad memory I can share..." She lightly tapped her chin as she thought. The only down fall about showing him the flash backs where she would have to into their attached souls. She can never see a reaction. She listened to him, turning back to him." What? Look, if you could kill me you would have done it. And why would you want to give me a body? You're an idiot.."
Sans looks at her and raises and eyebrow. "well.. i only knew you existed the other day.. i have the power to kill you.. how do you think i put you in my body... i know your soul" he smirked and watched her. "now.. what would you say? what would you choose.. i asked a question."
Chara's face softened as she thought. There was no way Sans was doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He knew Chara, why would he risk putting her in a body, know the things she can do. Slowly, that smile came back to her face. Sitting back next to him and laughed." Oh yeah? Well yeah I would love to have a body back. But what do you get out of this. I mean, if I was in your shoes I would just kill me. "She shrugged.
"i know you would... you would just kill anyone you didn't like... right?" sans looked at her very seriously. he wasn't trying to be funny anymore, he had something.. now he had the upper hand. "what i want... i want you and frisk to be happy..... especially frisk. she deserves it. i don't know what you deserve yet... i need to know why you're the way you are.. if you can actually change.. and if you can't. then i'll just get rid of you.. work on frisks happiness.."
"You're so cute when you're being all serious." Chara smirked at him, she didn't believe that he can do what he says he could. Sans was just trying to get a rise out of her. Chara knew it. " Yeah, I would. But Like always, I would save you for last. So sure Sansy, give me a body. Then we can do what you been bugging me about all day. We can go 'do something'."
Sans frowned a little "I'm not just going to give you a body... I'm going to see if you deserve it... why should you be brought back to life? Why should you be able to do what you want... i don't know if you'll just go around hurting people."
Chara gave an uncaring shrug and leaned back closing her eyes." I'm not going to beg. You asked what I want and I told you. I mean, I could just give you my word. But we both know that's not going fly." She opened on eye and looked over at him with that never fading smirk." Can I be honest with you for a second?"
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