Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans smirked hearing that "killed you a hundred times huh?.. can only guess you deserved it. i bet i never kept count.. " she appeared in front of his face and he smiled warmly. "sure.. if i killed you hundreds of times.. i can only imagine keeping you away won't be too difficult heh heh" he shrugged and leaned back in his chair wondering what she would do. "how.. would you make my life a living hell?"
"Sansy, the stories I could tell, the delightful fun things Frisk and I did. But when I say killed me....." She chuckled pulling back." I meant 'us' poor Frisk. Its funny how such a lazy sack of shit like yourself can be so...cruel, sadistic. Its a shame you don't remember like we do." She sighed." And Sans, unlike you, I don't need sleep. Say, does your brother still sleep in the room next to yours? Hmmm...? You know, I'm starting to see the potential of this new arrangement. We are going to have..so...much...fun..."
Sans rolled his eyes, he knew about how... well.. how he could be if push came to shove. "well. i can only imagine frisk deserved it too..... i bet i could remember.. if i tried hard enough.. and what did papyrus ever do to you? be my brother.. that's enough i bet.. well. don't think i can't hurt you just cause you're a ghost.. you have another thing coming if you think that" sans smiled. It seemed she only really answered to power.. maybe if you bowed down to her power she would call you her 'friend' only because she could use you.. he wondered about this for a while. "welp. it'll be an experience.. that's for sure heh heh.. seeing just what frisks life it like.
"I'm sure Frisk is just happy to know that you believed her this time. Oh, all the times she cried, and begged for mercy, while you beat the crap out of her! "Chara laughed. "Wow Sans, even then she tried to tell you about me. But, you're an evil, sick devil. Watching you kill her over, and over, and over, and over again. " She sighed" Never seen you look so happy. I can give you all the details. Sure they will make great bedtime stories." She turned from him, looking over the papers on his desk. Humming a song to herself.
Sans kept looking at her with a vacant expression. he only blinked as she spoke "i'm sure they will." he shrugged and walked out of the 'workshop' that he had for himself. Making sure she wouldn't see any of his work, he didn't need that.. Well any of the work he was trying to do at the moment anyways. he didn't want to go where she was pushing him, clearly trying to make him angry and piss him off. "heh. listen. i don't remember.. can't feel bad for something i can't even remember" he winked at Chara. "and if i did remember.. well..." sans shrugs "who knows... i dunno"
Chara had no choice to follow Sans shrugging. "Yeah, but if you did then you can be the only one who can say they know their friend inside and out. Or who know, you might wanna kill her again. I wonder, after killing Frisk, would you go home and touch yourself?" Sans was being a tough one to crack. But the good thing about being dead is you have nothing but time, "You know, I just don't see what she see's in you. I tried telling her that you're trash. Don't worry, she will see it soon." There was something she could do. But she was saving this little trick for later.
She asked if he touched or would touch himself and he erupted into laughter. First time she heard sans laugh that wasn't just some small chuckling, he thought that was the dumbest thing he heard all year. He actually leaned on a wall for a moment to catch his breath. "hah hah! eh heh heh heh heh heh heh.. god.. heh heh.. that was funny.. god you're desperate to make me feel uncomfortable huh?" he stood up and wiped a tear from his eye. "sure.. i'm trash. everyone knows it.. flowey knew it. paps know it.. you know it.. soon frisk will see the trash overflow.. hope so.. i don't want her to focus on me... i want her to find someone that will make her happy" he shrugged and walked past his house down the street. going out for a walk would be nice "honestly.. i don't think you're the one who will do that either.."
Chara watched Sans laugh blankly. Yep, he was going to be tough. Then she smiled. "You liar, You say that you want her to find out, not focus on you. Deep down, I think you like it. That one person who knows all your flaws, and still thinks your Gods gift." She rolled her eyes, and scoffed. "Yet, if that's how you really feel, then why are you so nice to her. Tell her to fuck off, or take a hike.... Yeah, you like it. You sure as hell don't like her. And I don't blame you. That goodie, goodie bullshit gets old. Trust me, I have lived it for seven years." She looked around. " Where are we going?"
"she likes papyrus too much for me to just tell her to fuck off... i like hanging out with her too.. i dunno why she thinks i'm gods gift.. all i do is tell dumb jokes.. maybe people would like you more if you acted less like a jerk.. i dunno.. i can only imagine you where super popular when you where alive.." he looked over at her and shrugged. "i dunno.. was just gonna go for a walk.. got any ideas?"
Chara laughed. "You and me both buddy. She is helpless, I swear." She floated behind him. " I could give a rats ass if anyone likes me. And being dead, its just pointless to even bother." She watched him, thinking what buttons she could push. " The only thing I can do it talk. So just walk, mush Sansy! mush!" She made a motion as if she was cracking a whip at him. "So, how many nights do you think you can go without sleep before you crack?"
Sans shrugs "guess we'll have to see.. but i'm not gonna crack.. heh heh, i've gone through more sleepless nights than you could ever put me through.. i'll be fine.. and there's plenty we can do. if you just.. try. we could have some fun.. so. you could try to have fun with me. or i could ignore you till you crack.. see who cracks first." Sans smirks at her and wonders if she's the kind of person who enjoys being put through hell.. he knew she wasn't.. she seemed overly bitter about the whole, him killing her more than once thing..
"Aww, poor Sansy!" Chara gave him a pat on his head, not that he could feel it." Do you have bad dreams?" She mocked before moving on. "And I have already cracked, so good luck." She thought for a moment. "I know, you like jokes? I got jokes! "She cleared her throat " Whats brown and back for your teeth?"
Sans had a couple ideas of what he could do to try and break her.. just in case. of course he didn't want to try and break her.. but if he had too. he had a couple ideas. he listened to her set up for the joke.. he had an idea of where it was headed. "what?"
Chara smile seeing him take the bait. " A baseball bat" She chuckled. "I’d tell you a joke about rape, but you weren’t asking for it." She laughed a little harder. "Wait I have another one! How do we know which shampoo Princess Diana used?" She grinned happily.
Sans chuckled a little from her jokes.. they actually weren't that bad. He thought the brown joke was going to turn into an insult about him eating shit or something. This was a pleasant surprise. the rape joke made him laugh a little harder and he closed his eyes chuckling about it. "how?.. after this one.. i got a good one.. i think you'll like it.."
"Because we found her head and shoulders all over the car." Again, Chara snickered, then sighed." Okay, give it to me short shit." She floats up next to him and waits for the joke. She was shocked he liked them although Frisk like then too, but then would feel bad about laughing. Chara missed Frisk.
sans got a good laugh from the princess diana one. " did you know a weird statistic shows that 4 out of 5 people enjoy gang rape.. heh" he smirked and shook his head at how stupid the joke was. "well i have some 9/11 jokes.. but the two i know always fall flat.." he winked and kept walking chuckling a little. "here's one you might like.. how many dead babies does it take to change a light bulb?"
Chara hated that she laughed at his jokes. But she was right about him, he was sicko. Just like her, that's why she hated him. "How many?" She asked as she start floating behind him, being pulled as he walked.
"i dunno.. sure as hell not 20. cause my basement is pitch black" he shrugged and laughed to himself a little hard. It was hard trying to find someone who enjoyed dark humor.. many people he hung around liked it light and kind of silly, so being able to talk to someone who enjoyed this darker stuff was a bit of a breath of fresh air. "see.. we don't have to hate each other. we can get along.. we can be.. well.. don't know if we can be friends. but we can at least not hate each other.. now... why do you hate me? cause i killed you so many times... cause i don't really care about any of this? is it cause.. nothing gets under my skin~" he winked and laughed a little bit.
Chara laughed a little, then shrugged. " Nah, I like hating you. Its funny, and I have a list. I hate your fake ass smile. I hate that we are both killers and yet you get to live in peace. And I was already dead, I hate that you killed Frisk, and you don't care. You're a shit friend, and brother. Oh right, let me add that I care more about Frisk than you do. I'm dead why should I care. But you...HA! 'Oh boo-hoo, I'm sans and I don't care because I'm trash~ And I have a girl that thinks I'm cool even though she know I'm trash. Whaaaa' Fuck you, and your whiney ass bullshit. I'm pissed that I'm dead and you get to live! And your not even thankful! Don't you dare say that you are because that mean you would have to care. You know what, just kill yourself. Then everyone can just move on and for get you like they forgot me!"
Sans stopped dead in his track and his smiled faded. He looked down slowly, "heh." he looked back up at her raising an eyebrow very slightly "you're jealous of me..... you wish you where me.. don't you?" it kind of went quiet and the wind started to blow. leaves skittering across the pavement.
Chara watched as his smile faded. She would have been happy to have gotten this reaction. But she was so frustrated, she just wanted to get away from him. "Call it what you want, you know I'm right." She stared at him, her once red eyes slowly turning black. "Take me back to Frisk....I don't want to play with you anymore.."
Sans shook his head and shrugged. He walked closer to her very slowly "you know why.. i'm a much better person than you?.. i might not care.. i might not get in peoples way.. i might have killed frisk... i know why i did it. i don't remember. but i have a good idea of why i did it.." he closed his eyes as he walked, his hands in his pockets. getting closer and closer "see. i don't hurt anyone because i want too.. i don't go through life thinking that hurting people is the answer. you though. you said you forced frisk to fight me.. you might think i was doing it cause i could.. i bet i was doing it because i had to.. frisk was fighting me because she had too.... you where forcing her. the only person.. who wasn't forced.. was you. you killed frisk.. every time you pushed her back to fight me.. you where the hand that was killing her.." He got really close and opened his eyes looking into hers. "you hate me. because you know this.. you know its your fault frisk got so hurt... and you never stopped her.. you never gave up, your determination.. right? you kept on throwing her into the fire.. till she finally beat it.......... you're the monster.." Sans didn't have a smug look on his face like he cracked the code. He had more of a sympathetic look on his face.
An unnatural grin crept on Chara's face as Sans spoke to her. "Sans, I will break away from you." Her features grew darker, a black aura flowed around her. Sans could feel her soul pulling against his. Not enough to feel that was going to, just enough to prove her point, that maybe she can," And when I do, and I'm back with Frisk. That reset, that you fear. That keeps up at night. "She chuckled, shaking her head." You think I'm a monster now, you haven't seen anything yet BITCH. In fact, I think I might help you out. Lets see what's in that soul of yours? Maybe I can...rewire." Just like that, the pulling of her soul from his stopped and she fades out.
Sans took a deep breath and sighed. Looking down "you're really something chara.. if you could break away you would have done it long ago.. i can only imagine. you hate me because you like frisk.. you hurt frisk so you're blaming me for her getting hurt... aren't you?.. dare i say...... you.. love frisk?" he felt like he was just talking to the air at this point. But he knew she could hear him. He wasn't afraid of what she would do to his soul.. if she killed him she dies too. Plus frisk would just reset.
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