Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"You're right, we are friends now and that all that's matters." She said then groaned rubbing her head. " I know. How about we deal with that tomorrow. I don't want to take up all your day again, and plus..."She gestured to herself." If you haven't noticed, still wearing what I had on yesterday, and I'm sure mom is freaking out, I have that mess on my door and I want to try and move in. Chara is not here, I don't think I will see her for a while, doing what she did seemed to weaken her. I'm sure I have a longer list of things I need to take care of. But right now, I need a shower and a change of clothes."
Sans shook his head ans sighed. "Nope. I'm sticking around. By the looks of it, I'm the only one who will believe you and help you.. so don't be stupid. And hey.. look at it like this, after helping you with this, I won't owe you anything anymore.. this will have payed off my debt for you letting us out of the underground heh heh" Sans tried to keep it a bit light hearted even if they both did seem like they where in a very awkward situation.. both of them tired, angry and a bit disappointed.
Frisk laughed and crossed her arms. "Wow, I'm and idiot and stupid. I'm starting to rethink about our friendship here." She said jokingly "Fine, you win. But I don't want to hear any complaining about me smelling. And you're right. I'm sure now that she knows she can hurt me.." She pulled herself up, sitting on the counter. "What do you want do?"
"you can go and take a shower if you need too.. i'm sure if you take a quick one and change she won't appear i the middle of it.. well...... i hope anyways.." sans said scratching his face and looking away. "yeah.. welp. heh heh, sorry.. just stressed.. don't mean to insult you frisk."
"Sans, do you really think she hasn't popped in on me when in the shower in the past seven years?" She said easing herself back down. "And don't worry, I already forgave you the moment you said it." Frisk smiled patting his shoulder as she walked past him. She made her way to the stairs " I wont take long. Just, make yourself at home I guess." About thirty minutes later she come back down, dressed in a simple purple t-shirt and jean shorts. Her wet hair braided hanging over her shoulder. "So, what are we going to do about Chara? "
He nodded, watching her walk upstairs. He walked up to a small chair and sat down on it, waiting for her. Putting his hands behind his head and stretching his back.. tried to relax, even if he couldn't. Thinking about chara trying to attack frisk put him on edge and made him want to be near her.. his mind going all over the place. Thinking about if chara was able to control the resets, he didn't know much about her.. but by the way she attacked her he didn't think she would be pretty nice.

Frisk came back downstairs and saw her hair was wet, he heard the water flow throughout the house and stood up. "i wasn't saying chara seeing you shower would be bad.. its just if you got attacked while in the shower.. you could break your neck." he smiled. "good to know your neck is fine.."
"oh yeah. I see what you mean now. Maybe I should have asked you to stand guard or something." Frisk smiled and walked up to him."So, I was thinking while I was up there, and I'm sure you don't want to drag anyone else into this. But, maybe we could as Aphys to build a body, you know. Like what she did for Metta?" She shrugged a little. She knew its wasn't the best idea, but it was a start.
Sans thought about it and smiled, "That's a good idea.. hmmm.. but. i don't know.. do we really want a crazy evil robot?.. or uh.. i mean, we don't need a psycho robot. we already have mettaton heh heh.." he smiled and looked around thinking about what they should do about this. "i guess i could ask her. maybe she could.. what if i found out a way to split your guy's soul.. so she can live her own life.. she attacked you ignored her for too long?.. she sounds.. i don't know.. she sounds like shes hurt more than you are.. i mean, if i couldn't talk to anyone other than papyrus. i would get really frustrated." i'll look into it.."
Frisk rolled her eyes." You guys still not getting a long, huh? I don't think she is evil...But I do think you're right. But...splitting our souls, sounds like it would be painful. And we still have the issue of her still trying to hurt me, or anyone really. " Frisk thought, playing with the end of her braid. "Maybe I should talk to her, see if maybe if this something she would even want to do. " Frisk looked around." And she's still not back..."
Sans picked something out of his teeth and thought for a moment. "I don't know if we would be able to split your soul..... but.... we.. might be able to.. put her soul with someone else" sans looked up at frisk with wide eyes and he shook his head a little bit. "but... i....... i know who could take her. defend themselves from her... you.. you could put her with me. i'll entertain her.. give you some time to think. it must be awful having someone who tries to hurt you and.. i can imagine isn't the nicest constantly pestering you.. i'll take it. i.. well, what do you think about it? i don't mind. i already have a lot on my plate anyways.. i can do it." sans looked up at her. he looked serious, and he didn't want frisk to feel bad. "its not fair. you've lived with this your whole life.. you don't need to have it for the rest of it. what do you think?" he looked like he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Frisk just stared at him for while, thinking. "Well, that's an idea, yes. But not a very good one. Sans, she hates you. Put it to you this way, she likes me, imagine how she would be stuck with someone she hates. "She almost wanted to laugh at the thought. She knew Sans could take care of himself, but the thought of Chara's reaction would be priceless. "I mean, if that is something you can do. Maybe we use it as a threat, you know. If she acts out again, she will have to stay with Uncle Sans for a while." Frisk smiled, wishing Chara was around to hear all this.
Sans laughed a little at the idea of him being the threat, but he didn't want that.. "i know.. she can hate me all she wants.. i'll get her to come around.. and if i don't.. well.... she'll need to talk to me some time, if she doesn't then she'll just be alone and ignored... please. i'll take her on.. then i'll try and find some way that she can disconnect from anyone's soul.. make an artificial soul or something for her.. help her out a bit. maybe i could teach her how to not be so bad... i mean.. not to toot my own horn. but i know a decent amount about...... stuff... if i do make an artificial soul. i want to know she will be able to control her anger and bad intentions.. i don't need people getting hurt because of my dumb ideas. so take my hand and we can go behind my house.. to my....... uh.. my 'workshop' " once again not wanting to explain to much about himself.
Frisk shrugged, if Sans wanted to be stuck with Chara, then he can have her. "Alright, you win. Just remember, I warned you." She took a hold of his hand. She was feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing. But she trusted Sans. " Ummm, Sans, is this going to hurt?" She could handle pain, but to have something pulled from her soul, well it didn't sound like it would feel good.
"i don't think it will hurt..... much... it'll probably make you feel a little empty for a while. but you'll get over it... don't worry. you'll be better than new" he smiled and then walked through her front door. They appeared behind His house in the 'workshop' there was a weird machine and Sans fished through the drawer. He looked and grabbed a bunch of stuff, like screwdrivers and other things. He grabbed some metal helmets and put one on himself, screwing in a couple of things. "now.. this machine.. changes souls with another person.. you could become papyrus and he could become you.. like uh.. that movie.... freaky friday?.. but you can just put two souls inside of one person.. if you have two souls in you already. then i can take your extra soul and it would be inside of me.... so.. are you ready? just sit down and i'll throw the switch.. and.. maybe we can hangout after this.." he felt bad for telling her that he didn't feel how she felt.. he hadn't seen her for so long, and.. many other reasons... he wanted it to make it up to her.
His response about if it was going to be painful was not very reassuring. Frisk shot him a worried glance before walking through her door, coming out on the other side into Sans's workshop. She looked around at all the papers and things he had been working on. Know he was a privet monster she didn't let her eyes linger for too long. " That's pretty cool..But, why would even have something like this laying around?" She said taking a seat, her knee's bouncing nervously. " I would love too, but I have a lot of work to do at home. Sleeping on the floor last night was not fun. So, unless you want to help. But you might have your hand full with Chara."
Sans smiles and picks up a small computer and types a few things. He looks at her and smiles "i'll be fine kiddo.. don't worry about me. honest." sans smiled and pressed a big button on the computer then flipped a switch. Everything started to go blurry and then she could smell a weird burning.. then it stopped, and there was smoke coming out of sans's eyes.. He coughed hard and a bunch of black smoke came out of his mouth. "eugh.. didn't hurt.. but uh.. doesn't feel good" Frisks hair is standing on end. "heh.. heh... now i uh.. have chara inside me.. whenever she wants to wake up"
" Right, but that's not something I want to ever do again." She looked to Sans, and cracked a giggle at him seeing the smoke coming from his eyes and mouth." I do feel...empty, not sure I like it." Frisk said trying to flatten her hair again. "And I know I could use all the help I can get. I'll leave that up to you Sans." It was going to be strange not having Chara around, anymore. Oddly Frisk felt alone with out her. Sure Chara wasn't the nicest soul, but Frisk did like knowing that Chara was always there. Not that she wasn't, and the idea of maybe seeing her again, left Frisk feeling, a little sad.

The sudden switch to Sans soul did in fact wake Chara and she was not happy. She stood behind the sitting skeleton her scarlet eyes looked to the back of his skull, her face blank head tilted slightly.
Sans took the helmet off and wondered if she was appearing again. He stood up and looked around, seeing Chara was behind him.. he smirked, finally seeing her for the first time. All he had seen was photos before, she looked a bit different. He tilted his head a little and pointed at her. "chara.. right? heh heh, how's it going ghost girl~ i didn't know ghosts grew.. thought they where like vampires. They stayed the same look from when they where bitten.. but apparently not." sans said to tease her a bit. Sans looked back to Frisk and raised an eyebrow smirking. "y'think Napstablook used to be tiny? when he was younger heh heh" sans winked.
Chara's glare darkened the more Sans talked to her, her face that was blank started to scowl at the short skeleton. Frisk looked to where Sans pointed and started talking. For the first time in years she couldn't see or hear Chara. But the thought of a tiny Napstablook was such an adorable thought, "Aww! I sure hope so. I bet he was the cutest!" Chara glanced at Frisk before looking back to Sans. She was beyond pissed. How dare they, Chara thought.
Sans looked back to chara and raised an eyebrow. "so.. do you wanna do something fun?" he looked back to frisk. "heh heh, that's true.. he would have huge black eyes with cute little cheeks that you want to pinch heh heh.. anyways frisk.. i'm gonna go. give you some peace and quiet. go and try to relax, don't think of anything.. just... do whatever i'll let you get too it. i have things to do today.. i'll hang with you later." he smiled and opened the door letting Frisk leave. "i'll be fine.. so don't worry about it.."
" Um, okay." Frisk seemed a little uneasy, leaving the two of them alone. But she did have things to do. And she had a feeling her mom was losing her mind right now. " Bye Sans, let me know if you need anything. And thanks. For everything." She started out the door then looked back and around the room."Bye...Chara..." Then frisk left.

There was such fury in Chara's eyes as Frisk left her. She just stood there, refusing to entertain Sans. She had nothing to say to him, but at the same time she had lot. But right now she was too angry to speak. And she knew the more he talk, the more her rage would grow.
Sans turned to Chara and just watched her shivering with anger.. He wasn't sure what he should do to make her less angry so he just shrugged and sat down. She would talk to him when she wanted too.. he did have an idea though, "hey.. just a heads up. i'm willing to do whatever you want.. i know frisk is a busy girl.. she can't let you.. stretch your legs, so to speak.. you probably get really bored and all pent up. so if you want to do anything, just ask. i got plenty of time and i don't mind.. honest. so uh.. you can either take this time to pout and pretend like i'm not here.. or we can do some fun stuff" he looked back at her with a kind smile, trying to show her some compassion. "and uh.. maybe you can see i'm not such a bad guy"
"You wanna do something?! Put me the fuck back! How dare you used the fact Frisk is all goo-goo over your sorry ass to manipulate her into pulling me out! Fuck you Sans!" Chara screamed grabbing the nearest thing and throwing it at him. This was a nice trick she learned, shame she did know that if she got mad enough she could do this." The last thing I ever want to do is have 'Fun' with you! Damn it! I feel so fucking gross! Being stuck with you of all monsters! We were fine before you!"
Sans quickly dodged the wrench she threw, it bounced off of the table and he turned around in his chair. Staring at her and raising an eyebrow, "oh?... was she?.. you're not going back. no matter how big of a temper tantrum you throw chara... heh heh, so throw as many things as you like. why am i the worst monster you could be put with?.." he really wondered why she was so irate about this. "i get it. you know how to manipulate frisk i bet. getting put with me.. will probably be really difficult. you need to learn a whole new person and how to manipulate them into doing what you want.."
" Oh I'm soooo sorry. How could I not like a fat smug grinning skeleton who killed me...ooooh...hundreds of time. I guess Frisk is easier to forgive than I am. Oh! And you think you're good friend? The lies you tell!" Chara threw her head back and laughed. "You know what, fine. I'll just make every moment of your sad life a living hell! So Sansy~ I have a question for you..." She faded out and appeared inches from his face, with a huge smirk. "...do you wanna have a time?" Her voice was low, dark, and distorted.
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