Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

" We both know better than that Sans." Frisk said in a serous voice. " But that's the past, we have the real good run, no resets, ever again." She smiled to him as they walked into his house, looking around it was about the same from Snowdin. "Whoa, you guys really do have a shine to me." she giggled looking at all the photos of her growing up. she studied them without looking back to Sans she spoke. "I really did change a lot over the years. I hate to bring this up again." She turned looking at him shyly. "I know you said I'm beautiful, but do you think that maybe...nevermind" She shook her head. " Can I use your restroom?"
She said that in an odd way and it put a sour taste in his mouth. he looked away, not exactly sure what she was talking about. He thought about it for a moment then she talked about resets and his face went blank, watching her walk over to the fridge. He put his hands in his pant pockets and just watched her, the atmosphere changed a bit from the light hearted nature to something a little.. weirder. Sans didn't say anything and just listened to her "yeah.. go right ahead, bathrooms upstairs.."
Frisk felt the change in the air. She thought that since so much time has past that it would have been okay to talk about everything. But the look on Sans face made her nervous. "Thanks..." she rushed past him, she really did need to use the toilet. most of all she needed a moment. once in she closed and locked the door. "Chara, I know you're there." Chara popped in, seemingly annoyed. "Now that you need me your going to talk?" Her voice emotionless. "I know, I'm sorry. But you know if I did Sans would have caught on." Chara scoffed "So what! He is going to find out sooner than later! I'm not going anywhere! Oh, let me also add this little fact dumb ass! Do you really think he will EVER like you?! He remembers everything you, I mean 'we' did! You know the saying? 'Keep your friend close. Keep your enemies closer.' That smiley shit bag does not give a crap about you! But, I care. I have been there far more than he has." Frisk fought back her tears, and nodded. " He does know. But he does care about me." Chara rolled her eyes. " You're so stupid. Call me when things go to shit so I can say I told you so!" Chara fades out.

Frisk comes back down the stairs, Sans jacket in hand. "Here, guess you want this back?"
While she was in the toilet he thought about what she said... he didn't remember anything, it seemed like she fell into the underground and then saved them.. There wasn't a way that he wouldn't know if she did something wrong... was there? He squinted his eyes thinking harder and harder, he never thought he gave away how strong he was.. he never faught her.. he never attacked anyone. How would she know? the only time he let his guard down and showed her how powerful he possibly could be was back when he brought her into the mettaton hotel and kind of threatened her.. well it wasn't a threat. More trying to get her to appreciate Toriel if she didn't already. He tried to think more and more.. Nothing really came to mind, maybe she figured some stuff out? Maybe she made it behind the house...... Maybe...

She came out of the bathroom and passed him his jacket, he grabbed it and put it back on smiling. "thanks frisk.. was starting to feel like half the skeleton without it heh hhe"
"Yeah, I know. Sorry about before. I was just joking. I know you're too lazy to really threat. You're sweet monster, and a good friend." She smiled weakly at him , her eyes almost looked like she had been crying. She walked over to the couch and sat down, the whole time avoiding him. "So, Papyrus will be home soon huh?"
He saw her eyes, they where overly red and he looked a bit confused and sad. "frisk?" she sat down and was kind of avoiding him. he walked over, sitting down next to her. He looked onto her face, she was avoiding eye contact and he looked a bit concerned. "frisk... frisk whats wrong" he asked honestly, not even bothering to ask if there was something wrong. he knew something happened, maybe that creep texted her again.. he frowned at the thought. "did someone text you?" raising an eyebrow and looking suspicious.
With each of his questions she just shook her head, the things Chara said to her echoed in her head. Did he really care? She wanted to run away, go home, fall asleep. She only looked at him when he asked if someone texted her. "No...well yes. MK did, a bunch of times while he were at the movie. But nothing bad. I swear!" She leaned closer to him." Are you still mad at me? For all the resets? If so I'm sorry, I'll never do it again. I promise, just please, don't be mad." She remember everything, all those things Chara made her do. She could have stopped it, but she didn't.
She leaned in and finally started talking about it.. He had to look away, scratching behind his head and sighing. "jeeze.. i.. you know what? i think i've learned... the resets are something you just.... you can't care.. you just can't give a shit.... if you care you only get hurt.. and giving someone. anyone that much power.. it'll be used.. no matter how hard i try to stop it.. no matter how much begging or pleading i do.. no matter what happens... i can't stop it" he looks back at her and gives a clearly fake smile and a shrug, a sad look in his eyes. "you just gotta.......... not care.. caring only hurts.. and i know its not your fault... but tomorow.. or the next day.. or whenever that day comes.. i'm going to wake up in snowdin.. in my old house.. help papyrus try to catch a human.. and the whole thing will start all over again.. i....... i just can't care... it hurts too much." He sighs and looks away shaking his head, his hands go into his pockets. It goes strangely silent.. no jokes or wise cracks even seem like they're on Sans's mind.
As Sans spoke, she felt her mind go blank, shatter. Chara was right, she was right. He didn't care, he just didn't care. It was like no other pain she felt before. 'Keep your friend close. Keep your enemies closer.' She was the enemy. Out of anyone, other than Chara, she thought that Sans would be the only one she could talk to. Chara laughed hysterically laughing in her mind. Suddenly Frisks once blue eyes turned red, her blank face curled up in a wicked evil smirk. " I have to ask. Does your ass get jealous of the shit that come out your mouth?" Then as soon as it happened, it ended. Frisk covered her mouth and fell back off the couch. " I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"
Sans looked pretty confused, he also looked a little offended. He never shared this with anyone, he was opening up to frisk and she just insulted him. He furrowed his brow and looked away frowning a little, thinking it was some bad joke.. some dumb, horrible joke. "i... frisk this isn't the time for jokes. i know i have a bad habit of bad jokes.. but i'm being serious here.. i'm trying to tell you" he looked back at her and went back from being angry to smiling a little bit, just trying to connect to her.. why would she say that?
"I know! I'm sorry! I didn't think it was, it just slipped!" With that she stumbled to her feet, backing away from him. " Just, please don't be mad..." she looked horrified, not just by him. Her eyes darting around, looking for something. Chara was gone, weaken but the short take over, it had been awhile since Frisk gave into her. But she had he moment, to ruin her happiness. " I'll go, I just beg you. Don't. Be. Mad." She acted as if she was ready for an attack, flee, or both. Frisk was scared, and that was not normal.
Sans sighed and looked away, "how do you know..." he finally asked. he gave into his suspicion even if he didn't want too.. "how do you know that i'm not weak.. that i'm.. well.. you said it yourself, right?.. you and i both know it, right?" he then glared at her staring her in the eyes and changing his position. "i want to know frisk. how. do. you. know?.." he took a step forward and started to furrow his brow. he could see she was scared, he didn't want to scare her.. he didn't think he was going too.. but he needed to know, if he suspected right.. if it was all in his head. it wasn't often he was wrong about things like this, he needed to know.
Frisk felt her leg tremble, giving out as she recalled flashback of the times they fought, and he killed her. She held out her hand to him still backing away to the door. She knew that she couldn't get away, no matter how fast she ran " Just please Sans, you need to calm down. I cant remember how far back I can reset. S-so just calm down." she took a deep breath to settle herself. " I know, because we fought before, remember? You killed me...so..so many times." Finial she reached the door, her hand reaching taking ahold of the door knob. " But, I'm not sure if I can. So I might just die, or you all go back under the mountain and start all over. You know all this already, right?"
He saw her back away and grab the door knob, she looked so scared.. he stood there with his hands in his pockets and sighed. He was disappointed.. shaking his head a bit and then looking back up at her. "i'm not going to fight you kiddo.. i wasn't going to try....." he turned his head looking away from her, not wanting to look at her right now. "you can leave now. i'll tell tori it was fun hanging out with you.."
Frisk laughed sadly. "I have one last secret to share, not that it matters anymore. It might have at some point." She looked broken for the first time. "I like you, a lot. And I thought that maybe you felt the same." Her blue eyes filled with tears, she fought them back the best she could. "I don't want to leave, I want...I want to be with you. I always have. But if you want me to go, and leave you alone. I will, what ever makes you happy. Because that's all I ever cared about, and always will care about." She waited for his reply. Her soul feeling like it was being torn apart.
Sans wasn't sure what to make of any of this.. it was confusing and.. just weird. She first mocked him, then feared him, now she was confessing some deep love? what was happening.. he.. didn't have the energy to want to know. He shook his head looking down, not saying anything. His silence was all the answer she needed.. today was fun. but.. he didn't want this. he didn't want to have this weight on his shoulders anymore. he didn't care for it, tried his best not too. it was just another trap that he fell into. "leave frisk." He felt a little sick, wishing that she hadn't of came back from her trip.. he just couldn't anymore.
"...As you wish..." With that she turned and opened the door. Walking out, if ever she wanted to reset, it was now. She shut the door behind her, and rush as fast as she could away. Her heart was broken, Chara got what she wanted. She broke out in to a run, once she felt like she couldn't run anymore, she stopped, hiding herself between some buildings. Finally she broke down, falling to her knees, holding her face in her hands and cried, for the first time in a long time. She felt like giving up. She hated herself. She wish she never came back.
He didn't know what to do from this point forward. He watched her leave and then just stood there, watching the door like something would happen.. He sighed, and stayed silent. He didn't know what the right choice here was.. but.. sometimes the best decision was the hardest one.. he didn't want her worrying about him, and he didn't want to have to worry about her. Sans walked upstairs to his room, falling over onto the bed and staring at the wall.. wondering if he did the right thing. wondering if he would wake back up in snowdin.. Either way, he was exhausted and he wanted to sleep. Closing his eyes slowly he just laid there, waiting for the time to pass.
Frisk cried for what felt like hours. Pulling herself back to her feet she walked back to the side walk, shivering the looked around. Laughing to herself when she realized she didn't know where she was. she pulled out her phone, using it to get to her place. She wanted to be alone. It was a little further than she thought. there she stopped. Spray painted on her door in red was the letters 'H.A.M' along with other slurs. She sighed, knowing this was what she deserved. She was no hero, no one that anyone should care about. She walked in and up to her room. Curling up in the floor, staring at the picture she took of her and Sans before falling asleep.
It felt like hours before he could fall asleep.. Tossing and turning around in his bed, he curled up and finally fell asleep in an uncomfortable way. Waking up many times throughout the night, check the window to see if he was still here.. he was, no resets yet. He would lay back down and get another couple hours of sleep. Not soon after, it was morning. Horrible sleep, stiff back, still felt terrible. He got up and walked downstairs where he sat on the couch, trying to stretch out anything that was stiff.
Frisk woke up to her phone ringing, her mother was calling her. Added guilt to the fact she never told her she wasn't coming home. Se had a short chat, faking how great yesterday was, and how they had a good time. Well, they did before she messed everything up. Sighing she looked at her lock screen. She took a deep breath and started texting Sans. She sat there on her bed room floor for 20 minuets before sending one.

Hey, I am really sorry, I know I'm the last person you ever want to see or hear from again. I just don't think I can say sorry enough, if I have to for the rest of my life I will. I hate myself for what I did last night, and I will understand if you do too.​
Sans gets the text and he sighs looking over at the Tv. He gives it a minute then decides to respond.

I'm just confused. you acted more than strange last night frisk, you insulted me.. then you treated me like i was some beast you should fear. then you acted like i was the love of your life. i think i'm going to tell toriel you need to go to therapy, that's not a threat. i'm being honest, i think there may be something wrong with you frisk. and i want to see you get better​
Frisk was unpacking from one of the few boxes she had at her place when she heard her phone go off. Seeing it was Sans she took a deep breath. What he said stung, but what he thought she said last night was far worse. Wondering if she would come clean to him, that this wasn't an issue that can be fixed by therapy. Plus what if this got out that she was seeing one, how would that look on all the work she had done over the years for monsters.

Can we talk, in person. There is something I need to tell you. I will explain everything.​

"You cant tell him! He will Hate you!"
Chara screamed from across the room causing Frisk to flinch. "Haven't you done enough damage, just leave me along..." She said turning back to box was unloading. " He wont believe! You're just make yourself look more crazy!" Frisk ignored her, causing Chara into a fit of desperate rage. She knew that Sans would try to get rid of her. "STOP IGNORING ME!!!" This caused Frisk to turn around just as Chara charged at her. Slamming her to the ground. They both looked shocked, Chara has never been able to do anything like that before.
Sans thought about it and shrugged, what was the worst that could happen by seeing her again. He texted back
Frisk: sure. I'll be over soon. are you home? or at your new home?​
Frisk and Chara both glance at the phone as it went off. "Don't you dare..." Chars threaten, now that Frisk knew that Chars could harm her. She hesitated, unsure if this was a one-time thing. Frisk grabed her phone, Chara tries to snatch It, but her hand went through it. Frisk was relieved

Yes, my place.​
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