Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans landed on his butt, sitting comfortably next to Frisk. He just watched the sun slowly go down, it really was a breath taking sight. "i........ thank you so much frisk.. without you.. non of us would have seen this.. this amazing sight. this is really all because of you." he turned to her and his eyes looked deep into hers. "thank you. honesty."
Once Sans was sitting next to her, Frisk pulled her knee to her chest hugging them with her arms, resting her chin on them. She felt what made all this so wonderful was having Sans with her. When she was little, she wanted to do this everyday. But after leaving the mountain, everything happened so fast and she never got the chance. Better late the never. She looked to him, her cheek now on her knees. She just smiled to him. He seemed so at peace, she could look at him just like this for hours. That thought gave her an idea. now sitting cross legged she pulled out her phone. turning it back on. " Humor me for a minute. " She said as she leaned into him. placing her head on his shoulder holding her phone out and taking their photo.
"i'll humor you all day and all night frisk.." he looked into the camera and lightly placed his head against hers. closing one eye and making a peace sign with his hand towards the camera, he then started pulling some goofy faces. Making his eyes really big and biting his lips in a weird way to make silly faces. Trying his hardest to make Frisk laugh before the picture, right before the picture was taken though he just went back to a normal nice smile.
As much as she fought it, she broke and started to giggle, snapping a photo as her body shook. She pulled away and looked at it, thinking it was going to come out bad. To her surprise, it was perfect. She held her phone to him." Not bad huh?" once he saw it, she set the photo as her lock screen. she stared it for a while, smiling to herself. It felt as if her heart was going to swell out of her chest. Is this what love felt like? If so, then she didn't want to know how a broken heart felt like. Because as much as she enjoyed the feeling, it was almost painful to think that maybe he didn't feel the same.
he finally laughed a bit when she laughed. Seeing the photo and giving a thumbs up, "you took a great photo.. looks really nice with the light of the setting sun." he smiled at her phone, "mind sending me that photo? i wouldn't mind taking it.. it would be cool to have, show it to toriel" he smiled warmly and pulled a knee up, putting his arm on his knee and looking super relaxed and nice.
"I know, that's why I thought it would be a good time to take one." She messed with her phone pulling up her messages, tilting her head she saw that she had 11 texts from MK. It was a bunch of asking her what she was doing, where she was going. Ideas of what to do and where to got together. The last message asking. '...are you still with Sans....' she found it odd, but she replied saying she was sorry, that they just left and movie and forgot to turn on phone. He replied in seconds.'...ok...'. She just let it go, going back to what she opened it for to start with. "There you go, sent! and I'll send one to mom and dad."
"sounds good frisk heh heh" He looked off into the sunset some more and sighed happily. "well.. we should probably get going." he said as the sunset ended. "Papyrus should be home soon. wouldn't want to miss out on him, right? heh heh" Looking back to her and winking, standing up and offering his hand to help her stand up.
Frisk didn't want to leave yet, she was the happiest she has been in a long time. But Sans was right, she missed Papyrus just as mush. She looked at her lock screen of them on last time before putting it away. "Nope, lets go see my best friend." She smiled reaching up taking his hand as he pulled her up. "plus, I would love to see your place. Pick out a movie for my sleep over."
"oh ho ho. you're sleeping over now are ya? that wasn't apart of the deal.. but, i'll allow it heh heh." he winked at her like he was saying he was just joking around the whole time. "not like i don't like havin ya around.. and i'm sure papyrus will be over the moon that you're staying at our house today heh heh" Sans started walking the way they came, getting to his 'short cut' then he stopped. "oh yea.. you wanted to figure out the layout. sorry 'bout that, this way then" he walked in the completely opposite direction and put his hands in his pockets.
Frisk rolled her eyes and laughed. " I said 'my' sleep over. You know, when I have you all over to my place and we watch scary movies? You didn't forget already?" She followed him till he stopped "You don't have to, Plus its getting dark." Frisk watched him as he walked past her walking the other way. She shrugged " But then again, I don't know how far we are from your place. Either way, walking doesn't bother me as much as it does you." Catching up to him she slowed down she would walk next to him. "Anyways, I kind of wanted to stop at my moms place so I can get a jacket." She said as she wrapped her arms around herself. Not that the sun was going down, she was getting just a little chilly.
Sans saw her starting to shiver and he thought for a moment, "no need." Taking his own jacket off and wrapping it around her arms he held his hands there for a moment. "good think y'got me around huh?" he laughed slightly and let go still walking with her. "and sorry 'bout that, miss understood you. thought you where gonna sleep over at our house tonight heh heh" he shrugged and kept walking. "i don't mind the night time anyways.. its nice and relaxing. then again, i can see why people don't like it much. muggers and criminals.. gonna take your wallet"
" Oh Sans you really don't need to..." She said as he placed the jacket over her shoulders. She pushed her arms through the sleeve, wrapping it tightly around herself. She could smell him, to her he smelt nice, it made feel safe. "Yeah, your idea about getting me mace is a good idea. And its not the worry about having something stolen , don't know about everyone else, but I can handle that. Its the idea of getting killed or worse for me. I wish I had your shortcut thing. That way if I did get mugged, I would have to hurt anyone by using mace." She smiled to him, pulling the hood of his jacket over her head. Looking at him, she noticed this was the first time she has seen him with out it on, he still looked good. Just different.
He wore a white t-shirt underneath and he was obviously a skeleton. The Jacket made him look a little bigger and thicker than he actually was. "y'know.. if its ever late, and you gotta walk home alone.. just call me or text me. i wouldn't mind picking you up and using my short cuts to help.. all ya gotta do is text me." It started getting dark fast and the night lights looked nice as they lit the roads. "You're fine.. you won't get hurt"
Frisk gave a somewhat bashful laugh. " Sans, you're making me feel helpless. Though, you have been more than helpful today. So maybe I am." She shrugged putting her hand in his jacket pockets. "You know, when I fell. I don't remember being all that scared of you all. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I do remember some of you being scared of me." She frowned, looking down at her feet as the walked. " You always make me feel safe, I guess that's why I'm helpless around you because I know I can let my guard down."
Sans put his hand on her back and smiled, "really? no one in the underground scared you?... not even me when i was sneaking up behind you in the forest" laughing a little he kept walking with her. "but ya... i think the same goes for you. i feel like i can let my guard down around you.. not many people make me feel that way.. y'know?.. sorry to say this.. it might sound a little rude.. but i'm glad you fell down that hole heh heh" he got a little closer to her and looked around. "and you're not helpless.. you're pretty strong... you had to be"
Frisk smirked and rolled her eyes. "Oooookay, fine. I did get a little scared. But I did find out that you guys are kind. Though there are a few that met down there that, I just couldn't get a feel for, you know?" she gave a small shiver, not really wanting to talk about those times. " Don't be sorry, I also happy I fell. I happy that I fought for your rights up here, and if I have to spend the rest of my life doing that, I will." Frisk sighed. " Humans are, real jerk. The most of them. Anyone who isn't like them are below them. And that's not right..." Looking as he moved closer she smiled to him. "Its nice to take a break from being the strong one and just relax." She chuckled wrapping an arm around him, pulling him close." So, when are we going to talk about how I'm taller than you?" She said teasingly.
He looked up at her "Some monsters scared you?.. like who?" raising and eyebrow and wondering just what she meant.. he had a good idea of who freaked her out but didn't want to assume anything. "and hey... one of my best friends is a human. so don't talk bad about them heh heh heh" he shook his head at the dumb joke. She then pulled him into a side hug and he looked up at her with a smirk. "that's not much of a surprise.. you where almost taller than me when you where 12. heh heh. not surprising that you where bigger than me.. most every one is bigger than me heh heh"
"The ones under the lab, they really creeped me out. And I feel bad now for feeling that way. But then again, caterpillars and gooses scare me. A lot of dumb stuff scare me!" Frisk said letting him go putting her hand back in the pockets. "I have a list of things that creep me out. Most humans can be creeps. Like the ones in the theater lobby." She looked down at him, she was just a few inches taller than him, for a human she was still very short. " I'm only brave because I have to, otherwise I would be a mess."
"humans in the theater lobby?... you saw some creeps? i didn't see anyone that looked overly creepy.. and i can see how you thought the amalgamites where creepy.. most monster thought they looked weird too.. so you're definetly not alone there. maybe you should find some..... monsters creepy.." he said looking away with a bit of a strange look on his face. "yeah, you had to be brave. and you where good at it too.. so no need to sweat it"
"I'm sure it was nothing. I know I have been all over TV since coming down the mountain with you all. But for the most the time I have been seen with mom. Guess maybe no one has really seen me with any other monster since." She said with a shrug, not all that convinced with what she said. But she didn't want to upset Sans, though he never really showed he was bothered with something. Frisk knew that he was a secretive kind of monster, not as open book as most. But Frisk didn't mind, she knew deep down that if there was something she needed to know, he would tell her. "So, what creeps you out?" she wanted to talk about something else.
She kind of threw him a curve ball, making him think. He immediately had an idea but didn't really want to tell her.. he shrugged, "not much i guess... nothing really scares me heh heh.. don't know if you could say one thing that would get on my nerves.. mainly cause i don't have any" winking at her and keeps walking "hmmm... i actually have to think about that one.." Sans puts his hand to his chin and slowly rubs and scratches, thinking long and hard about what would freak him out. He couldn't really say any of the things that really scared him so he just shrugged. "guess i'm just fearless..."
Frisk gave him a judging grin "Mmmmhmmm~ everyone and thing has something that scares them. But I see how it is. I pour my heart out to you and tell you my deepest darkest secrets, and I get nothing. That's fine.." She said waving a hand at him. "...I'll let you think you're a badass." She gives him a playful smirk putting her hand back in the pocket. "I could be wrong, I wouldn't put it past you to be fearless, guess that's why I feel safe with you."
"of course i'm fearless.. i'm so cool heh heh, look at me. y'think anything can scare a skeleton? well.. yeah, papyrus gets pretty scared over some things heh heh, but he's a special case. hes more 'cool dude' than skeleton." they started getting closer and closer to Sans's house and he looked over seeing it. "you're right to be fearless with me here though.. who would attack when they see someone as tough as me" sans pointed to himself with his thumbs and smirked.
Frisk smiled at the thought of Papyrus. "Yeah, he is the coolest. But your cool in your own way." She nudged him a little playfully. "And I know first hand just how tough you are..." she started to laugh a little then stop. Biting her bottom lip, there were so many bad timelines that she wish she could forget. But in the end, she gave everyone their happy endings. " Cant wait to see how suspired Paps will be when we get to your place. Unless you already told him with out me knowing?
"tough? i'm not tough frisk.. just kind of lazy heh heh.. and no i didn't tell him. it should be a surprise for him when we get home. he'll be so excited to see you. he talked about you all the time and always enjoys your company." They make it home and the first thing frisk notices is how the fridge is completely covered in photos of her.. it doesn't even look like a fridge anymore. Just a big rectangle of pictures of Frisk.
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