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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

"sure thing frisk.. oh. if you want a summer job i could probably set you up with something.. i know a lot of people and i do sell hot-dogs.. i get pretty busy. and a position is always open for someone as talented as you" he smiled and winked before standing up. "so where do you wanna go? i don't mind.. or uh.. what kind of food do you want. i'll bring you to a good restaurant."
Once Frisk won in making Sans stand she let him go. " That would be great. But if you don't mind, I would like to try to find something myself. But if I don't have any luck you will be the first I will call." She smiled, almost skipping to the door opening it and waited for Sans. " And anywhere, I haven't eaten all day so I'm starving! Oh, is Papyrus busy? Maybe he can join us. " She was very much enjoying her time with Sans, but she was missing the rest of her friends. Plus she knew that if Papyrus found out that Sans spent the whole day with her, he might be a little hurt.
"He's working.. he'll be done around six though. so we can spend plenty of time with him after that" Sans smiled and walked over to the door making it out of the house dencently quick and watching her walk out behind him. "and no offence taken.. i get it, you wanna be independent. living with parents for so long would probably make you feel like you're constricted by them heh heh" he started walking making it to the sidewalk and thinking for a moment. Where should they go?... maybe to a burger joint? nah.. he goes there too often anyways. "why don't we go have chines food?.. there's this nice little chines restaurant close by.. you'll need to know about this kind of stuff since you're in college heh heh"
Frisk sighed sadly, she had a feeling he would be working. Somethings never change. " I know, my mom is freaking out about me living by myself. But she understands that I'm an adult, and it time for me to leave the nest." Closing the door behind them she stood there for a moment and watched Sans walk of. She chucked as she stood out side her door as he walked down the side walk. She could hear him talking about a chines place they could go to. " That sounds good and all. But can I please have my house key?" She laughed at him a little, this time remembering that she didn't have her key like when the first there.
"Oh. heh heh, yeah sure" he winked and fished the key out o fished the key out of his pocket tossing it into the air, giving her plenty of time to grab it. He watched her catch it and walk to her front door, locking the door and coming back to him. "now, lets head out to that chines food restaurant.." he turned around and started walking towards the food place. It wasn't far at all, that was half the reason he chose it. Less walking and more eating.
Once her house was all locked and they started walking down the sidewalk. Frisk looked to Sans, using her key to point at him. " This reminds me, you have one rule. No shortcuts in my house with out calling first." After she said that she pulled out her key ring placing it on so she didn't forget or lose it. Sans did pick a good for lunch. It was so close to her house. Once there she found a table near a window. It was beautiful day, and she was so excited to just see her new home. " I know I asked if any humans visit, but do any live here?"
Sans put his hand over his heart, or.. where his heart would be "i promise.. i never use short cuts into peoples houses without letting them know first anyways.. don't wanna see anyone in their underwear.. or worse heh heh" he winked and they made it to the restaurant. They sat next to a window and he picked up the menu, reading through it. "huh? oh.. humans? well there are a couple.. mostly people your age. some have actually married monsters and that's why they live here. i hear its a taboo from some older people for monsters and humans to be together... then again its a taboo for different colored humans to be together.. so who cares heh heh, as long as they're not hurting anyone." He smiled up at frisk, then the waiter came by and Sans ordered, rice, chicken balls and some ribs.
Frisk turned her gaze from the window to him and smiled. "Wow, that great! and if anyone has any issues with it, then they can just get over it. The world is changing, for the better." Frisk order Salt and Pepper chicken and rice. Once the waiter left she thought real hard about how to ask something with out seeming pushy. " So, do you think you could ever marry a human?" And because Chara loves to fluster an already flustered Frisk, she pops up in the seat next to Sans. "Why just you just come out and ask him to marry you?" Chara snickered. Frisk wanted to whine, why did she have to do this?
Sans leaned over and moved inside of chara completely by accident, not to his knowledge smiling at Frisk. "well.... maybe.. if i met someone as cool as you" he winked and laughed a bit. Trying to joke around. He chuckled a little more and put his hands on the table, waiting for his food. "she would have to have a good sense of humor.. be cool and relaxed.. don't take anything too seriously.. well.. i guess i just have to like her heh heh, someone i can talk too" he smiled and shrugged. he wasn't picky, but he didn't date.. hadn't dated for a long long time either.
Chara hissed at Sans and he went through her. " Oh gross! he was inside me!" Chara screeched, causing Frisk to snicker some. Chara Glared her. "Oh, you think that's funny?!" Frisk coughed, nodding to sans, and in away to Chara. " Well I think any girl would be lucky to have you." The waiter walked by and dropped off some water for them while they waited for their food. Chara smirked wickedly, making Frisk feel a little uneasy. "I wonder if monsters and humans can have babies?" Chara floated over to Frisk leaning into her ear as she was lifting her glass to take a drink of her water. "If so, I wonder...does Sans even have a penis?" Frisk nearly choked on her water, spitting in across the table. Her face a deep red and she started to cough. "I'!!" At this point Chara was on the floor rolling in laugher.
Getting sprayed a little bit by the water she just spat out all over the table he quickly took her wrist, leaning close to her and looking concerned "woah woah woah... are you ok? are you choking?? i know the foods good.. you don't need to literally inhale it heh heh.." he held her wrist a little tighter, "... you.. ok there frisk?" he was a bit shocked at how she just coughed out all her water right away with almost nothing looking like it was going wrong.
Next think Frisk knew Sans had ahold of her wrist leaning in close to her. She went from coughing uncontrollably to holding her breath. She nodded to him. "Um, yeah. just went down the wrong, or something." His face was so close, her face some how going a deeper shade of red. "I'm sorry. I'm sure that was really gross." She laughed nervously. Chara peeking around at him. " should kiss him, he's close enough too." Chara said, making Frisk feel more awkward.
He was happy that she wasn't chocking to death on some cheek trashy chines food that he suggested. That would make him feel horrible, he let out a sigh of relief and chuckled a little, his hand starting to loosen. He nodded, "good.. really don't wanna have to explain to tori that you died on some chines food heh heh.. made it all the way through the underground. But some chines food finished you off.." he saw that she had some rice on her cheek from the coughing fit. he laughed and took a napkin, "you got some.. here just let me get it.." he moved his hand close to her face and gently rubbed the rice off.. his eyes interlocked with hers, his warm smile enough to melt ice. "nah nah.. it wasn't gross.. promise"
Hearing him chuckle slowly brought a smile to her face. "Yeah, the irony in that would have been pretty bad." She squirmed a little as Sans wiped the food off her face. Her heart feeling as if it was about to beat out of her chest, why was he still so close? Why hasn't he let her go yet? Not that she minded any of this. But at the same time it was making her light headed. The waiter cleared his throat causing Frisk to pull her hand from his grasp and push away from Sans " Nothing was happening!!" she shouted looking up at the man who just looked at her confused.
The whole exchange couldn't have lasted more than 3 seconds, even if to Frisk it felt like it lasted hours. The waiter walked up to them and cleared his throat. Sans laughed at how Frisk reacted. "heh heh heh heh! Jeeze Frisk.. y'ok?" He looked at the waiter and smiled. "sup?" he asked pretty casually, probably wanting to give them their bill.
"I'm fine!" She shouted again, looking out the window feeling extremely embarrassed by everything that took place. " Just wanted to let you know that I was dropping this off." Even the man couldn't help but laugh at the girl as he placed the check on the table. Sans was always so calm, and she just seemingly freaked out for no reason. Even after he explained what he looked for in a girl. One thing Frisk felt she wasn't was 'cool'.
He laughed again shaking his head a bit, looking down at the check. He slowly slid his hand over it and then grabbed the paper, looking at the bill and whistling like he was a bit impressed. "wow. you ate you're fair shares worth of food... i'll cover the bill this time.. but you owe me" he winked and pointed at her, pulling his wallet out just getting it ready for when they leave. "heh heh heh.. you're acting a bit strange there frisk.. y'ok? you seem.. tense.... very tense.. like 'i'm going to die in a car crash' tense.."
"What?" Frisk looked over at him, then the bill in his hand. " Oh! No, let me get this, if anything I owe you more! She said reaching out to take it from him. "I mean, you took care of me the first night I got back, then came out with me and got my key, I spit all over you!" She laughed a little " Plus, if I keep owning you...I'm going to be in I.O.U dept. Then you'll have to cut of my fingers or something!" she added jokily as if Sans was in the Mob.
She grabbed for it and he pulled the check away from her. "ah ah ah.. i insist.. i got plenty of money, nothing wrong with me spending it every now and again heh heh" He looked around with a serious look before looking back at her. "oh come on.. i wouldn't take that many fingers.. i'd give you a finger discount. 50% off. so instead of taking one finger i take half a finger" he winked and smiled again laughing a bit. "you'll just have to owe me one big favor. i wouldn't make it a million little favors" he smiled and stood up. "don't worry.. i got the check"
Frisk plopped down in her seat and pouted a little, her face flushed a little as she looked away from him. " Why do I have a feeling that's not any better." She sighed as she cleaned the food she spit out on the table back on her plate. The waiter came back taking the check from Sans." Thank you, have a good day." Frisk got from her seat, keeping her sour look as they walked out. She was more in deep thought than upset. What favor could she ever to for Sans, who can do anything? Clean his room?
Sans cheerfully payed for the bill and walked out of the restaurant with Frisk, noticing her sour expression. "you.. ok kiddo? you seem to be a bit grumpy.. c'mon you don't really need to repay me.. it was just a joke heh heh. not that you could anyways" he winked teasing her a bit, almost like he was challenging her to think of something that would repay him. But it was all in good fun, just trying to tease her before they went and did anything else. "so.. where should we head too next?"
Frisks face softened as she looked over at him. She smiled, looking him over." Oh I cant? " She shrugged a little crossing her arm looking away from him as the walked. " That seems a little rude to say to the girl that saved you all. If anything, if we really want to tally who owes who more. I Think I would win by a mile." She smirked to herself feeling as if she won. Though she sort of hated using that against him, even if it was a joke. She looked at her phone. " Its still early, Papyrus wont get off work for a few more hours. And I'm not sure when mom and dad are homing home. so I-" She stopped and narrowed her eyes as a text came through her phone, reading it she held so Sans could see it. " Huh...So I'm not sure what more strange. How did MK get my number? And how the heck can he text with no arms?"

Hey Frisk!!! Its MK!!! It was good seeing you. Wanna go see a movie tonight or something? :)
Sans rolled his eyes when she used that with a big smile and chuckled, "i never asked for you to save me~ but fair enough.. i guess i do still owe you.." He then got an idea "so then don't feel bad about me paying for stuff today.. i still owe you a whole lot more heh heh" he shrugged and winked. Then she talked to him about how everyone was still away, getting cut off by her phone and the weird text that she got. Sans instantly furrowed his brow and walked next to her peeking his head next to her looking at the text. "creep.." he murders under his breath low enough that Frisk can't hear what he said. "heh heh, good point.. you think he used his nose? Hey and that's a good point.. why don't we go see a movie right now? i'm sure something interesting is playing" Sans smiled thinking how funny it would be to show up to the movies and get MK annoyed that he was there on their 'date' even though it wasn't close to a date.
"True, you didn't. But that's what hero's do~" She said sticking her tongue out at him. Locking her phone she put it back in her bag. "I'll talk to MK later." Her face lit up and she jumped a little. " Yes! You know, I haven't gone to see a movie in a theater since before I fell." She thought for a moment " And I'm pretty sure that was Tangled. Which I still love that movie by the way." She started to walk with him back down the sidewalk. " I don't even know what's out. But I would love to see something funny. Or scary...lets just see what's out." She pulled out her phone sending a text to her mother, then putting it away again.
Sans nodded and smiled at her excitement, he mostly watched movies at home. But the big screen was fun too. Sans took her hand and walked down an alley way, when they where out of the alley there where on the other side of town. Right nest to the movie theater, "always have a short cut ready heh heh. so, lets see what they have.." he walked up to the front of the movie theater where all the big pictures are, "pirates of the Caribbean... Baby driver... spiderman? take your pick frisk.. i don't know about scary movies though.. they're always horrible.. we need to go home if we want to watch a good one" he smiled at her and shrugged.
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