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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk smiled down, looking at they hands. She could feel her face warm slightly and butterflies form in her stomach. When she looked back up, they were outside the movie theater. She shook her head and laughed. " You know I cant learn my way around if we take shortcuts. Just a heads up, I know you're lazy. So I just ask Paps to take me around one day soon." She looked up at all the movie listings and thought. "This Spider man is a reboot right, so I wouldn't have to seen the others?" She also watched movies in the hotel rooms or on flights going places. She wasn't aloud really to go while she traveled, out of safety. "Do you have scary movies at home? Because maybe when I move into place I can have you all over and you bring one." She smiled to him.

Chara watched them with a blank look on her face. She didn't like that Frisk has been ignoring her since being with Sans.
"nah.. you don't have to have seen the other spidermans to get this one.. this was a reboot of spiderman and starts from the beginning...... again.. heh heh" He looked at her realizing she was right about never learning her way around if he just cheated his way everywhere. "well.. yeah heh heh.. that's true. i'll try to cut it out from now on.. its just so damn easy to take shortcuts" he winked and then looked back to the selections. "i got plently of movies.. scary.. comedy.. action.. romance movies... those ones are for papyrus, he loves seeing people fall in love heh heh heh.." Sans shrugs and nods "that would be really cool.. everyone would love it too, hanging out with a cool human and watching a spook movie? sounds like a lot of fun" sans put his hand on his chin and hummed for a moment. Thinking about what movie they should watch "well.... we can watch a scary movie if you wanna.."
"Its okay, like I said. I'm sure Paps would love to show me around. We are having our day together, that will be ours. Plus you showed me how to get to that Chines place. " She smiled, she didn't seem upset with him or anything. Just something she pointed out. " Yeah, once I'm settled we can set that up! But since we are doing that, I don't mind seeing Spider-Man. Marvel movies are always pretty funny, and lot of action. So its a winner for me." She said as she pulled him in the Ticket line. Her phone goes off again and she looks at it and smiles, replying to it. " My mom says 'Hi'. I told her that we were going to a movie. Didn't want her trying to get in touch with me and I not answer."
He shrugged and nodded "Marvel movies are alright. and i'm glad we have our day together.. its been plenty of fun so far.. then again, us hanging out has always been a lot of fun. ever since we first met.. heh heh, those where fun days.. gotta admit. and ya, never say i don't do anything for ya. i showed you the chines place.. so no whining." he winked as they went into the ticket booth and got two tickets for spider-man. Right before frisk thought she could pay for once sans pulled out a twenty and popped it on the counter. "one large popcorn too please.. and two drinks.." he looked over at her with a smile, "we can share the popcorn.. its big enough for Andre the giant heh." She then pulled her phone out "cool. tell tori i said hi too, she's such a worry wort.. its expected though, she is a mom"
Frisk puffed her cheeks as she sighed. "...I can whine if I want..." She mumbled to herself. Waiting for Sans to get the tickets, drinks and popcorn. She just let him pay, she learned there was no winning this battle today. She will just have to treat him another time. Frisk looked around, noticing that some humans had been watching them, whispering to each other and pointing. She would have chalked it up to that they recognized her. But the looks on some of their faces made her feel uneasy. She turned her attention back to Sans when he brought up the popcorn sizes. She looked at him with a confused look. " Andre the what? Whos that?" She asked taking her drink filling it wit diet coke. " And yes, she is such a mom. I'm very lucky to have her." She smiled happily to herself.
"y'don't know Andre the giant? he was a super cool wrestler.. He was about........ 7 and a half feet tall. and weighed about 500 pounds of muscle.. heh heh, he could pick up a car like it was nothing.. here, one second" Sans handed her the pop corn and pulled out his phone searching up Andre the Giant. he looked for a moment then showed her a picture. Sans looked back at his phone and chuckled, "here's one of him holding a can of beer.. normal sized one, and him sitting on a plane" sliding to the next photo. "he was also in a movie called the princess bride.. a lotta people love that movie. you ever seen it?" he raised his eyebrow and nodded when Frisk talked about Toriel, grabbing the popcorn and filling his drink with root beer. "yeah. shes a great mom.. glad shes the one taking care of you"
Frisk shrugged as she took the popcorn, having to wrap her arm around the bag to hold it. Leaving over looking at his phone, she didn't seem to recognize the first photo he showed her. But the second one she had an idea who he was. Before she could bring up the movie, Sans said something about it. " Yeah, I think everyone has seen that movie. Its timeless. I just never knew he was a wrestler, and I just thought they used movie trick to make him look that big. Wow, I would have loved to see him next to dad. " She laughed as Sans took back the popcorn. " I'll miss her when I move out. Even though I'm not moving that far." They walked in the theater, luckily, it was somewhat empty. Since it was in the middle of the day during the week. Most people at work or else where enjoying the weather. Finding a seat she pulls out her phone. Noticing she had another text from MK.

Hey, just wanted to say you looked nice today.​

Not bothering to show Sans this time she just sighed and turned off her phone. Waiting to the movie to start.
Sans walked into the movie theater with her and sat down somewhere in the middle of the theater. It was the best spot for anyone, good viewing of the screen. "yeah. she'll miss you too.. obviously, i'm sure its harder on her to let you got live by yourself.." They sat down and the commercials started. Sans pulled the arm wrest that was in between them up so that he could put the popcorn there. Placing it so both of them could grab the popcorn easily. Sans obviously took a hand full and scarfed it down smiling warmly and waiting for the commercials to end. He took a sip of his drink and looked back at frisk, smiling. "y'know.. its fun going out with you. this was a great day.. and it'll only get better when papyrus is off work heh heh"
Frisk leaned back in her seat. Bringing her feet up, resting them on the back of the seat in front of her. Pulling her dress down making, thinking that maybe she wasn't wearing the right thing to do something like this. But it was long enough to not worry about it. After Sans took some popcorn, she reach over and took a hand full for herself, eating a piece at a time from her hand. "Yeah, I cant wait. And this will kill a lot of time. And today has been fun. Thank you, Sans. I didn't mean for me to take up your whole day like this." She glanced to him, giving him a shy smile. She wondered what he thought about her. Or if he knew about what she was feeling. But the way he looked at her when he said she was beautiful, and when she almost chocked on her food at lunch. Frisk sigh some what sadly, feeling maybe she was reading too much into those. Looking for something that's not there.
"ah, no problem.. taking up my whole day when its you is more than ok" he smiled at her and then went back to watching the movie. The movie went by decently quick and was really good for a spider-man movie. But about half way into the movie sans reached down for some popcorn at the same time Frisk was, there hands touched each other and Sans pulled way chuckling and looking at her. "whoops.. sorry, you go. take as much as you want" he shrugged and wanted her to take some before him.
Again she blushed, luckily the place was dark so she didn't feel the need to hid it. As far as reboots go, this one was very good. Reaching for the popcorn at the same time Frisk quickly pulled her hand back as well. "No, you paid for it. You go first. I mean I can wait two seconds." She said laughing a little.
Sans shook his head "nah.. come on, you deserve it. You where the one who saved us from the underground" He winked "I can wait for you to have some popcorn heh heh heh.." He started to notice that this was becoming a larger issue out of nowhere, getting a little flustered. "heh.. go on, enjoy"
"Okay, thank you." She said, letting him have it his way. She didn't mind, he has always been this way. It was almost spoiling the way he treated her. Frisk reached over, taking her hand of popcorn, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but smile. Wishing that she asked to see something scary, so she would have a reason to get closer.
Sans scratched the back of his head and chuckled, letting her take the popcorn. He smiled at her then took his fair share of popcorn, chuckling. He was really enjoying the film and almost didn't notice his drink was empty. He leaned over and whispered to Frisk. "heyo.. i'm kind of out of pop over here.. you mind if i have a sip of yours? too much popcorn too little pop heh heh"
Frisk shivered feeling Sans whispering in her ear. Trying to hold back a giggle when he calls he drink 'pop'. thinking it was rather cute. Just another thing to add to the list of reason she liked this monster so much. "Sure." She hands him her cup, just a littler over half way full. " Its diet, hope you don't mind."
Sans takes the cup and sips a bit of it, making a satisfied sigh. "nah, don't mind one bit.. why are you drinking diet? like the taste more? or do you think you need too..?" he passed her the pop back "i think diet pop is a mistake.. or an evil plot made by the devil himself" he held back laughter. His face being lit up rather perfectly by the movie, looking into her eyes. He turned back to the movie and spider-man webbed some guy to a wall.
Frisk snorted, holding back a laugh. Taking back her drink taking a small sup before putting it back in the cup holder. " I just like the taste better, and don't you think your being a little dramatic?" She looked over at him, still holding back a laugh." The devil himself? Really?" She held his gave for just a second before quickly looking away. Why does he have to be so great? She wondered.
Watching the rest of the movie, everything was normal some laughs from sans at the dumb jokes. He sat still in his chair though the whole time, even at the ending when most of the people where on the edge of their seats Sans just sat there looking how he normally does. The credits started to roll up and Sans stood up smiling down at her, "Good movie huh?.. i thought it was pretty fun" he stretched and rolled up the rest of the popcorn that they didn't eat, putting it under his arm.
As the movie went on, she had forgotten just how exciting movies the big screen could be. By the end of the movie she was one of those on the edge of her seat. So much so, her arms where not draped over back of the seat in front of her. Feeling Sans move behind her she stood up as well, stretching regretting the way she ended by the end. Her back aching a little. She gave a soft moan as she stretched and yawn, nodding to him. "Very good!" She reached down and picked up her cup. " Ready to go?"
"yup, sure am." Sans had a weird thought pop up in his head and Frisk could tell he thought of something. "oh. y'know what would be cool? if we went back to the underground.. just to go and see how it looks now. that could be super cool right? a little walk down memory lane.. we would need to plan it in advance though. not something we can do half way through the day" he smiled at her and let her walk ahead of him out of the movie theater.
"Hmm?" She hummed to him as she threw her cup away, her eyes squinting as they walk out in the bright lit hall of the theater. She stopped suddenly turning around, stepping closer to him. She had the biggest smile on her face, and her eyes almost sparkled. "Really?! Can we?! Oh wow! That would be the coolest! Have you been back since? I mean to visit?"
She turned and looked at him like a child being told santa came and delivered presents. It warmed his soul and he stuffed the popcorn into his jacket pocket, "nah.. never went back. never had a reason too until now" looking up at her and smiling he chuckled. "going to the underground again could be a lotta fun.. i doubt anyone has gone there since, so.. maybe it's all old and falling apart. that would be super cool to see"
Still glowing she spun back around and started to walk again. " So it will be a first for both of us? That's cool." Once back out side she could see the sun was setting, the day was almost over. But it was a great one. She honestly thought Sans would have left her hours ago. Maybe he felt bad. It didn't matter, she always wanted a day like this with her dear friend. " What if its not falling apart because humans moved it? That would be kind neat, in an ironic way. "
Sans thought about it and looked up nodding. "well.. there are plenty of really nice locations in the underground. I guess its not completely out of the realm of possibility that someone would want to move in. Especially in waterfall, with all those beautiful glowing rocks.." Seeing the sun starting to set Sans quickly grabbed her hand. "Hey! Quickly, this way!" he ran through an alley way and when they exited they where on the top of a giant hill in the middle of a park. It was the perfect place to see the sunset in its full glory. Sans stood there, his hand going looser and letting go of her hand. Just staring into the sun and smilling wide.. It was beautiful.
Frisk nodded to Sans as they walked. " But I hope not, I do hope humans did visit. Just to see what you all had to-" Frisk felt Sans taking her hand jerking her down an ally, her stumbling behind him. In a blink, she was left breathless. The view was truly beautiful. As Sans let go of her hand she let it drop down to her side. Slowly she sat down, reaching up pulling the bottom of his jacket to get him to sit next to her.
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