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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Frisk found herself watching Sans as he walked around her house. "Well, truth is. Mom got it for me. But we have a deal. I need to go to college, in return, I have my own place. Of course, I also have to keep my grade up and she will take care of the bills." She followed him into the kitchen, giggling as he looked in the fridge. She give a fake gasp putting the back of her hand on her forehead. " Oh dear! The great Sans is displeased! What shall I ever do~?" Playful she fell back on to the wall as if she was about to faint.
He looked back at her with a smirk "go grocery shopping~ that would please the great almighty sans.. and leave a bunch of junk food at the bottom of my throne~ that would please me" he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, walking deeper into the house and checking out the bathrooms. "going off to college huh? didn't mention that one last night... what are you going for? where are you going? when do you start?... all the basic questions heh heh, will you finally get a boyfriend when in college?" he laughed a little "oh that reminds me.. asgore was talking about that, he asked me if i thought you where too young for boys heh heh heh, he's such a dad.."
Frisk laughed shaking her head as she pushed herself off the wall. "How about I move in first, then you can come over and I will cook for you." She walked with him, looking around wondering how this place will look after she set everything up. She listened to all his questions, the her heart stopped. "B-Boyfriend?! What?!Why would you guys talk about something like that?! I-I mean, I think before I even think about stuff like that I would need to go on a date...or something." It hit her, she was 19, and have never been on a date. It was rather sad. But that's just the way she grew up, she didn't have time for stuff like that." And I'm going to a local school, I want to be a teacher like mom." She turned the corner to go upstairs when Chara seem to jump out of nowhere. Again, her heart stopped as she let out a small yelp and stumbled back "What the hell?!"
"well... i dunno.. cause you're beautiful and will probably have a boyfriend in no time? asgore was worried i think heh heh... thinks you couldn't handle yourself. i think he forgets that you went through the whole underground fighting off everyone that tried to hurt you.. then made them become your friend. there's no way you couldn't handle something silly like dating heh heh." they where about to walk upstairs and frisk jumped out of no where, amost falling down. Sand grabbed her hand and helped her hold her self up. "woah.. whats the matter? did you see a mouse? cockroach?.. snake?" sans looks where Chara is and looks around confused. seeing if there are any bugs or something
Chara fell back laughing on the stairs, hold on to her side. "You should have seen your face!! Hahahaha!!!!" Frisk glared at her before looking at Sans hand taking hers. Her face a deep red. "What?" She looked at him a while in shock as she got back to her feet, mostly about what he said. Now just ignoring Chara's laughter. " think I'm...beautiful?" Her face was blank, making it hard to read. She honestly wasn't sure if she heard him right. She was walking away, and almost peeing herself out of fear. But that's what she though she heard. Chara floated back to her feet, wiping a fake tear from her eye. Stopping when she say them standing there holding hands. She growled softly and stormed up the stairs. Feeling annoyed that she was being ignored.
"Of course your beautiful.." His hand still holding onto hers, even though she was on her feet he didn't let go quite yet. "I.. just look at you heh heh.. you're stunning" He smiled and he seemed genuine. He wasn't just joking around or being goofy he honestly thought that.
"Wow, no one has ever said that to me.." She smiled looking down at their hands, even though his was cold, it still felt nice. She opened her mouth to say something when a knock came from her door. Pulling her hand from his she looked over at it confused. "Who could that be?" She glanced to Sans before walking to the door. opening it slowly. there stood a yellow monster with no arms. Standing a few inches taller than Frisk. "MK?!" He boys face lit up "I thought I saw you walk in here with someone! Wow! Look at you!" Frisk laughed opening the door a little more, standing aside so he could walk in." Yeah, I'm going to be living here soon." MK walked in " NEAT! I live the next street over! This is going to be awesome! We can hang out all the time!" His smile fell slightly looking at Sans. " Oh, hello..." he said to him.
Sans's hand let go of hers and he walked behind her smiling, watching as she opened up the door for MK. Its been a really long time since he's seen MK, he saw him at snowdin every now and again. But never really talked to him, considering he was so young he might have given him a free hot-dog on a couple of occasions. "heyo.. hows it going?" he waved to MK and smiled more. Sans walked up closer to get into the conversation more before leaning on the wall and watching them. "good to know frisk will have familiar faces around.. wouldn't want her getting lonely heh heh" sans winked. "right?"
Frisk nodded to Sans and smiled. " Yeah, maybe when I move in I can throw a house warming party." She looked over to MK. "I'll keep in touch and let you know." The boy smiled happily" Cool! I cant wait. Its going to be great having my buddy again. Hey how ab-" Frisk phone started to ring, she looked at then to the guys at her door. " Its mom, I'll be right back." She walked to the back of her home answering her phone. MK face grew as he looked at sans. " Dude, you're old enough to be her grandfather. The hell you doin man?" He said in a low voice.
Frisk walked back and started talking to Toriel. Sans watched and then turned to MK, MK started talking to him and acting all tough. Sans laughed a little, "what?.. how old do you think i am.. just cause i'm a skeleton doesn't mean i'm as old as one.." Sans raised an eyebrow and is still being super nice with MK, not quite sure what he's getting at. "and whats your point exactly?..." Sans tilted his head and looked at him confused.
Mk rolled his eyes. "Point is you're too old for her. I saw you and her holding hands." His head motioning to a front window. "The way you look and wink at her. Its gross!" He glanced to make sure Frisk was still across the room, then back to Sans. The boy had been following Frisk online, watching her as she grew up. The moment he found out that she was back in town he knew he finally had a chance. So when he saw them go in the house, he thought he would wait to come back out. Until he saw the two of them holding hands, that's when he knew he had to put a stop to this. He was taller than Sans, so he felt he could take him easily.
Sans laughed again and shook his head, "alright kiddo.. you got the wrong idea.. way wrong. i wink at everyone.. its just the way i am.. and you might wanna keep your voice down.. someone's on the phone" sans said pointing over to where frisk was with his thumb. Sans put his hands back in his pockets and just stared at him, he was starting to lose his patience and his smile was fading more and more.. Getting less jokey as time went on. This kid had a problem with him for no real reason.. "listen.. if you have a problem, go take it somewhere else... i don't care, and i'm not letting you ruin frisks day.. she's stressed and needs to relax. so leave, and i'll just say your mom called you home for dinner" sans was mocking him a little, a smirk came on his face after that comment.
"Oh! Haha! You're soooo funny. I know what I saw. I'm not an idiot like your brother." MK also growing more frustrated. "Maybe you should leave. Because if I'm so wrong, then that means I can have her? Riiiight?" He gave a sly grin peering over to Frisk, looking her up and down. " I have waited to long for her. She grew into such a...lady." Knowing that she may not be on the phone for much longer, he had to get rid of this guy soon.
Sans's face turned to disgust, he was acting so possessive over someone he hadn't even seen in seven years.. how desperate do you have to be? Sans opened his mouth to say something then stopped for a moment, trying to think of the right thing to say. Him talking ill of Papyrus was expected, he was trying to make Sans angry so obviously he would say some things that weren't true. "ok.. listen here you weirdo.. she won't like you.." He noticed her ogling her and it made him a little angry. "stay here and it will be way worse for you.. leave and you might just have a chance to keep being her friend..." That was the most the no armed little weirdo could be with frisk, just a friend. Sans hopped at the very least, this guy was a creep.
"You don't know that! She might like me a lot." MK said in almost a whine the poor boys tough act faulted for a moment. "You know what! Fine, just remember. She is right around the corner from me and you wont always be around. I'll be her best friend!" Just then Frisk walked up. It was like a switch on MK's face, he was back to being happy, and innocent. " Oh good! But hey, I was just tell Sans that I have to get going. So, I'll see ya around! Real soon!" He smiled to the both of them. " Oh, okay. Well it was really good to see you again. Can't wait to catch up." Frisk smiled kindly to the boy as they said their goodbyes. He walked out, Frisk turned to Sans, shutting the door behind her. "That was nice of him. Right Sans?"
Sans listened to the whine and almost laughed right in his face, his smile came back even if he didn't laugh he looked happy again. It was so obvious that he had a weird obsession with frisk, "that's not true... papyrus is her best friend" Sans winked and put his hands in his pockets, no longer feeling threatened or any sense of anger from MK. He was so clearly just an awkward 18 year old who wanted to be tough. But it would fall apart at the smallest amount of scrutiny, probably really insecure too.. Sans chuckled a little as he went back to being nice and happy. Closing the door and looking up at frisk, "weird that he knew we where here.. right? i mean.. we ran inside this house.. y'think he just sits at his window all day long? waiting to see if he knows anyone that passes? heh heh heh.." making fun of the kid was all he had to do right now, and he wanted to see Frisk smile.
Frisk laughed and shook her head as she headed back to the stairs. "You're terrible Sans. I mean, I do kinda stick out like a sore thumb around here. Also, I am the ambassador of monsters. So I guess you could say I'm pretty famous." She gave him a playful smirk as she went up the stairs. Once at the top she turned and looked down at him. "Plus, MK is harmless, yes he may also be a little strange. But its going to be nice to have a friend living so close." She turned to walk down the short hall.
He rolled his eyes a little bit, "yeah yeah... famous heh heh, if you're famous then i'm Beyonce" Walking up the stairs and smiling up at her while he walked. "I dunno if hes harmless...... no ones really harmless.. right? just if you're gonna be going to school, maybe buy a can of mace.. just in case y'know.. i don't wanna learn you got attacked on the way home from school. that would break everyone's heart to learn that."
Frisk bursts out in a laugh, almost snorting. " You should have said that, Now I'm going to have to call you Diva." She turns to him as she opens the one of the bed room door, sticking her tongue out at him. Walking in she looks out the window, a nice view of the front of the house, there was a walk-in closet and nice size bathroom. "You maybe right. I'm going to be a lone a lot more then what I'm used to. Maybe we can look for one while we are out." Her face lights up and she points to him. " I lied! I have been on one date my whole life!" She say with a smirk, wondering if Sans remembers.
Sans laughed and shook his head, "diva sans.. me-oooow" he batted a hand at her and winked with his other hand on his hip with a sassy hip swing. He laughed a little harder and walked into the bedroom, looking around and looking impressed. "woah. tori really didn't skimp out on anything... guess those grants from the government are really going to use huh?.. wait. did you get paid from doing all those ambassador missions and stuff?" he looked confused and wondered if she ever got any money for that.. she must have right? There's no way her whole child hood went by without getting any money..

She asked him about her date and he chuckled. "Oh yeah.. Papyrus.. right? he told me once.. and i might have been spying on you guys while you were in his room heh heh. it was a nice date~" he nudged her shoulder and chuckled.
" Lets make a deal, I wont call you Diva, if you never do that again." She laughed as she made her way to the other room, the room slightly smaller, a normal closet, and a slightly smaller bathroom. She looked over to him. " Yes and no. The press conference, and meetings with the important people, I didn't get anything for. But Showing up on the local news, talk shows, and things like that. I got paid, right now mom have control on that money till I finish. She always makes sure I have some. But if I want anything big, like this. I have to ask." She looked out the window, it was a view of the small back yard with a little deck. "

Her face turned a deep red as talked about her date with Papyrus. " Really?! Wow! Now whos the one being a creeper. Weren't you just making fun on MK for just that?" Frisk smiled at him, feeling rather proud for calling him out.
Sans laughed a little hard and rolled his eyes. "I wanted to make sure nothing weird was happening.. and i was told to watch after you by toriel.. what would i have told her if you had gotten hurt on your date with my bro? heh heh.." he walked over to the window and looked over to the lawn smiling. "well.. this place ain't half bad.. i might move in here if papyrus ever has a party heh heh.." he looked over at her "tori uses all the money huh?.. i guess that's responsible of her, she probably didn't want a 14 year old using all their money before they could save any of it heh heh.. bet you got quite a lot of money stored up now.."
"Suuure you did~" She winked at him, then looked around the room. " And sure, I though about just getting one bedroom place. But then I couldn't have sleep overs, and plus I know my mom will want to stay over once and a while." She walked to the door and motion for him to follow. " To be honest, I don't know how much I have. I bet its a lot, but I rather not know. I just want to be a normal 19 year old. I might even get a part-time job." She added as she started down stairs.
"That would be good for you.. you might get really bored if you don't have one.. don't turn into alphys heh heh, staying home all day watching anime" he chuckled a little bit and sat down on the floor. "so.. wanna go get food, we could cook some food in this nice new house if you wanna. have fun cooking and stuff.. or we could go to a restaurant. up to you"
Frisk nodded. " Yeah, and school wont start till fall, so I have all summer. Thing is, never had a job. So I don't even know where to start." She reach down to him and started pulling at his arm. "C'mon, let go out. You already pointed out I don't have any food...or dishes...And I still haven't seen much the town. So You have to show me around."
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