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Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

He was about to talk and she then said shut up. "I uh..... didn't say anything yet..." He looked at the bottle and she was drinking it straight, just straight vodka. that wouldn't be good.... she would quickly vomit if she had any more. Plus she was clearly drunk and hanging out of a window. there where several pressing affairs that where happening right now. "uh.. listen. Just get on out of that window.. I don't want cha falling out and cracking your skull on the pavement.." He walked closer to her and took her hand, pulling her more of less out of the window. She stumbled into his chest and he caught her with both arms "Heh heh.. woah, easy there... i know walking is hard right now.. but.. you'll need to calm down.." he let go of her hand and helped her stand up. "now.. 'bout that bottle.. i will have some with ya.. here pass it to me" he held his hand out, trying to get it away from her. wanting her to just stop drinking it.. by how much was missing and how tiny she was he knew she was pretty drunk already.. she might throw up too. "i know a human can change in seven years... i'd hope you would change in seven years heh heh.." he smiled and waited for her to pass the bottle to him.
Frisk looked to him, tilting her head she smiled as he approached her, pulling her from the window. She stumbled into him, laughing as she did, thinking it was funny. Out of anyone who could have looked in on her it had to be him. "Do not give that to him he is just-" Chara tried to warn her, but Frisk ignored her. Smiling to him and she leaned in closer to him, holding the bottle up to him. Chara groaned running her hand through her hair. " Are you freaking kidding me?!" Frisk gave the bottle to Sans. " Stars, they are so pretty. So much out there." She narrowed her eyes and pointed to him. " You.....You know?! So much, can do so much! You smart, so smart." She pushed away from him stumbling back. " Tell buzz kill to leave! We don't need him. Mom might though.." Chara grinned "Yeah! You go! Mom needs you!" She waved her hand to him, in a dismissing manner before turning to her bed falling into it. " You like her more than me anyways. So just go tell on me!" she pouted as Chara cringed, but amused but all this, she couldn't help but laugh at her like this was just so funny.
Sans was a little confused and trying not to laugh from her stumbling and confused weird sentences that went no where. "uh... mom needs me? toriel? i think the person who needs me more right now is you.. i'm not letting you go to sleep just yet after the ammount you've drank.." Sans looks at the bottle and sniffs it, it was strong stuff. Turning back to her he sat down on her bed and sighed. "listen frisk.. its.. i know you're under a lot of stress.. you had to fight for us monsters ever since you where just a kid... and.. everyone really appreciates it. everyone. i'm sorry if what i said upset you.. it..... might have been over the line to make flirty jokes with you.. i know you probably look up to me like a brother... or... something.. so i'm sorry. won't happen again, but for god sake.. me making one flirty joke is no reason to hide in your room and get drunk over heh heh heh" he shrugged and put the bottle down under his foot when she wasn't looking. "right?.. i mean.. isn't that a bit much?" he patted her shoulder and turned to her "thanks for calling me smart.. i uh...... thanks. i like everyone, and i don't like toriel more than you.. see it goes like this.. papyrus is at the top. then toriel, you and grillby.. then everyone else heh heh heh.. so don't act like i that.. please.." He stretched out his back and cracked his neck. "one sec.. gotta use the bathroom" he walked over to the bathroom that was in her room and got a glass of water, a tall glass of water. He came back out with it and handed it to her. "drink this.. all of it, or in the morning you'll probably feel like hell.."
Frisk curled herself up as Sans sat on her bed, the room was spinning. She closed her eyes, only making it feel worse. She let out a small groan as he talked about how much she was appreciated. Chara floated over to a chair watching them. Frisk looked up at him. 'He, was flirting with me?' She couldn't help but smile to him, her face warming as she blushed. Now she felt like a fool, and she was sure Sans thought so too. She stayed silent as he talked to her. Feeling awful about how she acted, she wanted to cry but fought back her tears. She watched him get up from her bed and to her bathroom. Confused on if skeletons even did things like that. It was something she never even thought about until now. When he came back with the glass of water, she sat up, slowly so she didn't fall off the bed.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I haven't been a good friend tonight." She reached out taking the glass with both hands taking a few sips, then looking back to him "And your right, I'm being selfish. You have been nothing but kind to me from the moment we met." She laughed to herself looking at glass in her hands. "You know, back then. I had such a silly crush on you, and I-" She wanted to say she still sorta did, but she was cut off as Chara shouted across the room. causing her to jump a little. " Don't you dare! Do you really want to make a bigger ass of yourself?!....Oh wait, that might have been funny..." Chara thought with a small giggle. "I really think you should tell him." Frisk shook her head, quickly going back to drinking her water before she said anything else.
Sans looked over to where chara was squinting and confused about what was going on.. frisk was acting strange, and it was clear as day. He wrapped an arm around her and smiled. "hey. don't sweat it.. i'll make sure not to flirt anymore.. and you've been a great friend.. no need to apologize over anything. i'll always be here for ya.. heh heh, what do you keep looking at?.. and what where you going to say? it sounded like you cut yourself off.."
Chara's eyes widen as Sans looked right at his. She held her breath, then letting it once she e she realized that he couldn't see her. "Good thing I'm dead. Or I might have had a heart attack. " She laughed, then stopped seeing Sans wrap his arm around Frisk. She glared at him. Frisk, looked down at her now almost empty glass of water and smiled. Butterflies forming in her stomach. "I don't mind, really." She said leaning her head against him, closing her eyes. " And it was nothing, I honestly forgot what I was going to say." Chara floated over to them. "Lair...You were going to tell him that you looooove him~." Frisk, slowly opened her eyes, narrowing them mouthing to Chara 'Stop.'
"heh.." She said she forgot but he could sort of tell she was lying, but he wasn't going to pressure her into saying anything she didn't want too. "alright kiddo.." she laid against him and he placed his hand on the back of her head, gently playing with her hair. Feeling the hair go through the holes in his skeletal hand. "good thing y'don't mind.. i thought i might have upset you from my jokes.. i didn't want that" he got comfortable and leaned back a little, letting her lay her head on his jacket more and more. It was very soft and comfy. "hey.. i was thinking you and i could hang out soon.. y'know? just you and me eating hot-dogs and telling bad jokes.. like back in the underground. and of course papyrus could join in every now and again too" he laughed a little. "he wouldn't let us go without him.. if he didn't have a job that is"
Slowly her eyes closed again, melting into his touch. Feeling soothed from him playing with her hair. She lowered the glass in her hands on to her lap as they both leaned back into her bed. "Your jokes will never upset me. I missed them, and you." Frisk sighed moving her head to his chest, snuggling into his jacked. He even smelled the same. She could feel herself dozing off. Chara rolled her eyes. " God, you guys are so freaking boring." With that she faded out, seeing enough. Frisk nodded " Yeah, I would like that a lot." She mumbled as she slowly drifted off to sleep. "...I love you..." she whispered in her sleep.
Sans kept playing with her hair and he smiled warmly, he knew that if Toriel found out she was drinking it would freak her out.. Since she wasn't of age yet. Sans let her fall asleep, "good.." she whispered i love you and he chuckled. Her head slowly going onto his lap, drunk people always said they loved people so he didn't think anything of it. "I love you to frisk.." Petting her head slowly he sat her up and then put her on her bed, he took her sweater off and tossed it on the floor so she wouldn't sweat herself to death. wearing a tucked in undershirt, he then put a very thin blanket over her. She would be fine, she was wearing clothes so she wouldn't get cold. He then took the glass of water and re-filled it putting it next to her table. She would want it when she woke up. He put the vodka back in her back pack where he assumed she kept it and walked out of her room. Going downstairs and waving to toriel, "gonna head on out now.. she was tired. practically fell asleep while we were talking heh heh.. keep the cookies. i can only imagine she still wants them" sans smiled and walked out of the house waving at her "see ya soon tori"
Chara was waiting just out side Frisk door, watching as Sans left. "Wow, you had a chance to have some fun, and you didn't? Hmm, guess you're not as big of a creep as I thought." She chucked as she faded through the door, back in to Frisk room, looking down at the sweater on the floor than to Frisk. "Or maybe not?" She shrugged, making her way to the still open window, sitting it the same way Frisk was when Sans walked in, looking up at the night sky.

Toriel was just finishing cleaning when Sans walked in. She smiled to him " Oh the poor dear. Thank you for looking in on her. She is so lucky to have a friend like you." She waved him off and turned in for the night.

The next morning Frisk groaned as she rolled over in her bed. She felt like she got hit by a bus. Whining she slowly sat up, rubbing her pounding head. Once her eyes adjusted, she looked at the clock on her bedside table. " 1:36 PM?!" She jumped up rushing across her room, stumbling over the sweater Sans tossed on the floor. She looked at confused she remember Sans pulling her from the window...but anything after that was a blur. " Oh No..." She wondered if she should call Sans, maybe text him. Did she even still have his number? But first, she ran into her bathroom, getting sick in the toilet. She whined, feeling awful. " My child? Are you okay?" She heard her mother just outside her bathroom. "Yeah, just. Not feeling well..." Toriel gasped" Oh my, you don't have a fever do you?"

Toriel got Frisk all cleaned up and back in bed. Walking out of the room to fix Frisk some soup. Frisk sighed, pulling out her phone. " Maybe a text..." She took a deep breath before looking up his name.


Hey, um. About last night. I'm sorry you saw me like that.​
"no prob tori.. and i like to think so heh heh" he made it home alright. Falling asleep on his bed, the next morning he woke up around 12. Going downstairs and making himself some dry toast and eating it, Papyrus was already at work and sans had some stuff to do. but he would probably push it off till the next day.. then the next day.

He sat down and watched some TV before getting a text from Frisk, he laughed a little from what she sent. Clearly she felt some drinking remorse.


not a problem frisk. we all do dumb stuff every now and again, just next time you're going to start drinking. invite me :p. so how do you feel? drink your water i left for you on the table?​

He sent the message to her and it was clearly on the nose, teasing a little bit.
Frisk smiled and shook her head. She cant get mad at him picking on her. She deserved it. Looking over she saw the water, feeling a little sad that she missed it.

I don't think I'm ever going to drink again. I feel awful, I even got threw up. :( Mom walked in and now she thinks I have a bug or something.


Thank you for not telling her...​

She hit send, setting her phone down and picked up the water. Drinking it halfway down while she waited for Sans to reply. She really wanted to see him again, this time she would do better at not making herself look like a fool.
Sans was only really half watching the show. Mostly just waiting for her to text back, his phone buzzing he picked it up and read it. "heh heh..." Starting to respond.

Toriel doesn't need to know everything.. she would just worry overly. i know she constantly messaged me while you were travelling about silly things. its kind of cute how much she cares. if i told her she would honestly ask me if we should preform an intervention lol.


Also, that's what happens when you drink half a bottle of vodka in the span of 20 minutes... its not fun at all. i'll bring you out drinking and we can have actual fun instead of lonely throwing up in the toilet when you wake up fun lol.

Sans put his phone in his pocket and changed the channel, standing up and putting his slippers on.
Setting her glass down she picked back up her phone. Reading it then bursting into a giggle as she started to reply. " What got you so happy all of the sudden?" Toriel walk in to her room hold a tray with a bowl of soup. Quickly Frisk set her phone down. " Nothing! Just, talking to Sans..." Her face turning red, feeling oddly embarrassed. " Oh? That makes sense." She said with a laugh setting the tray down on her lap. " He can be very funny." Frisk nodded " Yeah, a real funny bone that guy." They both laughed, sighing Toriel started out of the room. " Oh, can you ask him if he can go with you tomorrow to look at your new place? I'm afraid You father and I will be busy." Frisk had almost forgotten, her own place. It was shocking how her mother was just going to let her go out on her own. Frisk would miss her. But after 7 years living day in and out with her. I was going to be nice to have her own space. " Uh, yeah sure. If he isn't busy..." With that Toriel walked out, Frisk picking up her phone going back to her message.

I don't see that happening anytime soon. Might take me a while to get over last nights fun.

Speaking of my mom. She wants me to ask if you can look at my new place with me tomorrow. I mean if you cant or busy I understand!

I can always ask Papyrus, or some one else!

I know this is last minute, I'm sorry...​

Frisk groaned, setting her phone next to her in bed. "Why am I so damn awkard?"
A bit of time passed and then he got the message from her. he thought about it, he had things to do... nah, they didn't matter.

Ya. Of course I can help you look at your new place. I'm not busy, you really think I would pass up an opportunity to hang out with my favorite human? Tough chance!

Sans chuckled to himself and went upstairs, he was starting to get bored. Probably a good time to go to his work, walking through the door he had a 'short cut' to his hot-dog stand. Sitting down at the stool and looking around, it was a really nice day. Sun was shining bright and he had to squint for a couple of minutes to let his eyes adjust.
Frisk blushed, him calling her his favorite. She read it over a few times. A small smile on her lips.

Thanks, you're the best. Meet me at moms at 11:00am. Maybe we can have some lunch?​

She smiled as she finished eating her lunch, still feeling hung over she slept on and off for the rest of the day. The next day she woke up feeling back to normal. Saying goodbye to her mother she rushed back to her room and showering, it was only 8:30 and she was already panicking about what to wear. After trying on everything she had she settled for just a simple dress and flats. Finishing up her hair she looked at the time. " Oh my God!" seeing it was fifteen till she snatched up her phone and bag, and ran down stairs to wait from him.
Getting her text he replied

Sounds good. See you tomorow at 11

Sans then got comfy in his chair at the hot-dog stand and fell asleep, no customers today for some odd reason.

The next day Sans woke up at 10:39 Yawned, stretched. Took a shower, put some deodorant on, what little of it he had anyways. Getting nice and clean, he then put on the same stuff he always wore, a hoodie with some cargo shorts and flip flops. He walked out of the house at 10:59 and because of his short cut made it to Toriels house at 11 sharp! Knocking on the door and waiting for frisk, he blew into his hand and sniffed it. His breath smelled fine, he ran his hand over his scalp. His head was fine too.. no accidental ketchup or dirt anywhere.
Frisk jumped at the knocking on the door. Taking a deep breath she swung open the seeing Sans standing there rubbing his head. "HI!....ahem...hi...." She realized just how loud she was then she first opened the door. Yup, this was off to a great start. She stepped out shutting and locking the door behind her. Pulling out her phone she looked up the address. " So, looks like its this way." She said pointing down the sidewalk off to their left. Looking back to Sans she couldn't help but wonder, does he wear the same thing all the time, or does he just have a lot of the same clothes. Either way, she liked him just as he was. She would never want him to change. " Thanks again, for the other night, and doing this with me."
He put his hand down and then it slid into his pocket, smiling at her and watching her close the door. "heya." She told him where they needed to walk and he started following her with both hands in his pockets smiling at her. "yeah.. like i said, its no problem at all. its not like i didn't get up to parties and bad stuff when i was 19.. i still do" he winked and laughed a little bit. "oh and uh, nice dress.. looks good on you" he smiled and walked along side her looking off at the sky. "heh.. y'know.. without you're help.. non of us would be able to look at that big beautiful blue sky.. we all owe you an enormous thanks for that.. so helping you look at this apartments the least i could do"
As they walked she looked over at him. Trying to imagine Sans as a 19 year old. " Riiiiiight, I would have though you would have out grown that a long time ago." she laughed as she playfully teased him, then blushing looking away. " Thank you." She muttered under breath, smiling to herself. She slowed down also looking up in to the blue sky. " I guess with me back you're going to have less time for naps, I'll make sure of that. So don't thank me just yet." She laughed " You know, I remember before going underground, I never appreciated the sky as much as I do now. Now, I cant imagine what it would have been like to grow up never seeing it." She looked over to him and smiled. "C'mon, almost there." She said reaching over lightly pulling on the sleeve of his jacket.
Sans looked up at her and smirked "heh heh heh heh, yeah.. i was once shorter than i am now.. its hard to believe right?" he smiled and listened to her talk about how it would have been horrible growing up without the sky. he nodded to that, noticing her look away when he complimented her dress. Thinking it was kind of cute. Then she grabbed his jacket and pulled him, he was forced to run and he chuckled a little. "woah frisk.. its not like the house is going to up and move away if we don't get there soon" he said smiling, not really minding this. "but uh.. how about a little race?" he smirked while they ran. "i'll even give you a 10 second head start.."
Frisk laughed, the thought of him being shorter, a teen, partying. It was all too much. She could see a line of townhouse just up the street. Hers was 115, " You cant blame me for being just a little excited!" She stopped dropping his sleeve when he asked for them to have a race. She was beyond confused. " I mean I guess so. Just as long you don't mom I was running in a dress. 'Its not lady like'." Frisk say the last part as if she was trying to sound like Toriel. She readied herself to run, counting down from 3. the sprinting down the sidewalk.
"i really don't care what's lady like or not heh heh.. run, skip, jump.. do whatever you wanna 10 second head start" he winked and stood still. Seeing her start to run down the sidewalk, she was in her own little world and he smiled watching her. Just as he remembered her.. so full of life and sweet.. she really was an amazing girl, even if he had his suspicions about her.. about.. the timelines and if she was the cause of it all, her and that flower. he shrugged the thought away and waited for her to look forward. She made it to the front of her house, Sans was standing there leaned up against the door and yawning. "well.... that was... exciting" he opened one eye and looked at her with a huge smile "wasn't it? heh heh" He pushed himself off the door to stand up, seeing her huffing and puffing he chuckled a little. "you got your key?" he pulled his hand out of his pocket to show that he was holding the key to her apartment "of course you'd forget it.. heh heh. you just had to make me go back and get it for ya.. didn't you?" he unlocked the door and opened it.
Once Frisk reached her front for she laughed, leaning over placing her hand on her knees as she caught her breath. " How could I forget." she paused taking time to breathe." Your 'short cut', well I cant say you cheated because you never said a foot race huh. Cheeky Sans, real cheeky." She shook her head smiling reaching in her bag for the key, just as she realized that she left it on the table at home she looked up and saw it in his hands. Frisk sighed. "Well like I said, now that my back, you're lazy days are over." She smiled at him as they made their way in her new home.

They walked in to a open area, able to see the kitchen in the back on the home, off to their right stairs leading to the two bedrooms. It was a simple home, there was nothing fancy about it. But this didn't stop Frisk face lighting up. The home smelled freshly painted, some furniture sat in the middle of the room with a tarp over it. "Wow, how cool it this?!" she turned around the room, stopping to look to Sans. " What do you think?"
He walked inside and inspected everything, seeing the walls. Reading the age of the wood on the stares, he smiled looking around. "I think this is an amazing first place to live.. great location, the house looks really good.. i think you got an amazing deal, from whoever got you this house" He smiled wide and then walked into the kitchen, it was pretty normal and empty. The only thing in this kitchen was the stove and the fridge when it came to electronics.. also there was an old broken clock on the wall.

Sans walked over to the fridge and opened it up, "man.. you knew you'd have guests over.. would it have killed you to go grocery shopping? heh heh heh" he closed to fridge door and kept walking down the hall, just checking out the house and everything about it.
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