Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Ok. be there soon frisk. i won't be long at all.​

Sans sighed wondering why he was doing this to himself, he walked out of his house and took a shortcut to her house. He knocked on her door and waited, sighing and waiting for her to join. It wasn't that he didn't want to see her.. he was just confused, last night he didn't want to see her. But.. he really wished there was something he could do about the resets.
Frisk jumped up and bolted down the stairs hearing Sans at the door. She looked at him for a moment before stepping to the side, letting him in. "Thank you for coming, I know I'm the last person you want to see right now." She could hear Chara up stairs screaming in a fit of anger. Now too weak to do much other than that. "Have you talked to my mom yet?"
"nah.. i haven't talked to anyone other than you since last night. you know i wasn't saying i hated you... i just... i don't know.." sans stood there oddly and leaned against the door frame one hand in his pocket the other hanging by his side.
Frisk sighed looking off to the side. "Look, if you don't mind, I'm just going to cut to the chase. I want to know what you know about timelines. Because I know you know something, or even, remember. That is, if you don't mind. Then I think I can fill in the gaps."
Sans closed his eyes and then looked away, looking away. "is this what you wanted to talk about?.. listen.. i told you.. i don't care. i don't want to talk about it.. its.. not important.." he wasn't willing to discuss anything about timelines after getting shot down trying to open up to her. He shrugged and looked at her "if that's all.. i'm gonna go home.. and you should too. i bet tori's worried about you. and uh.." Sans looked at her door seeing the tags and spray paint. "y'might wanna get that cleaned up.. i mean.. what does h.a.m even mean? i thought it was just delicious heh heh heh"
"Not caring isn't telling me much." She thought, looking to the door, then back to him confused " Humans Against Monsters. H.A.M. Its stupid and I will clean this up later, not the first time this group tried to get under my skin." she shook it off as if it was nothing. "But you're right, we don't have to talk about that. I wanted to explain something, but I doubt it will make me see less crazy." She sighed " You know the the adoptive human child, of the king and queen?....Chara....?"
He shook his head a little "if they want to be take seriously.. they shouldn't be called ham heh heh.." Looking back to her and listening to her. That name ringed a bell "tori.. might have talked about her once or twice.. i don't know.." he didn't want to say what he knew.. toriel told him about her in secret and never wanted to share these things. so he shrugged "what about her?"
Frisk fought back a smile, he was right. But they were a throne in her side. But they always grew bored and left her alone. "Yeah, I know." Chara stood at the stairs. "I'm warning you, stop...." Frisk looked back, Chara looked like evil its self. She had never seen her like this before. But she had to tell someone. "Sans, I think that she's still here. No, I know she is..." Screaming Chara lashed out, tackling Frisk to the ground, Slamming her head into the hard wood. " You stupid cunt! Why don't you ever fucking listen to me?! Why did you have to drag that twat into this?! WHY?!" Chara yelled trying to wrap her hands around Frisks neck, but only going though her.
"jesus christ frisk!" Sans quickly got down on one knee, seeing her fall face first into the floor and taking her by the shoulders. Helping her up so she was sitting down on the floor, holding her shoulders so she couldn't fall. "what happened? did you just.. you just fell out of no where.." There was a bit of a scratch on her forehead, bleeding a bit. "oh god... what happened" he just watched the small trickle of blood go down her forehead. He kind of forgot whatever she said before the fall, it wasn't at important as her falling and bashing her face. At least in the moment it didn't seem that way.
Frisk reached up to her head, feeling the heat of the blood run down her face. It wasn't much to all that worried about, other than the person that caused it. Over the 7 years, Chara has never been able to touch or cause her harm. But something changed. Frisk looked at Sans, he was so worried. "This is new, she has never been able to..hurt me like this. Chara...she is very mad. Sans, I'm scared, really scared." Last night she was more concerned that things didn't get out of hand, right now she looked pale, her eyes wide with fear. She reached to him, wrapping her arms around him. " She hurt me. She really hurt me this time." Her body was trembling.
Sans was a bit confused listening to her talk to him, she seemed like she was going off about nothing.. Going crazy. But.. There's no way Toriel with how much she worried wouldn't have told him about weird behavior. Maybe this was new? Frisk looked terrified, horrified.. her face and body trembling, she hugged Sans and he blinked a couple times. Looking down at her and wondering what Chara had to do with any of this.. what was all of this?? He slowly hugged back. Wrapping his arms around her and squeezing a bit protectively, "... chara? she.. hurt you? how? why?.. what's going on frisk" he mumbled the last part, wondering if he would need to check her into the insane asylum after this.. he didn't want too. he really didn't want too.
Feeling Sans hold her, she felt a since of calm come over her. No longer trembling, but still she curled up against him, holding his tighter. "Sans, I'm crazy. I do need help. But not the kind to think. Chara soul is like mine, she was determined to not die, so when she did, her soul roamed till I fell. Now we are attached and I cant make her stop. She told me that" Frisk screamed as she was yanked from his arms, seeming like someone tossed her across the room. Chara looked at him, then to Frisk. "Shut up, you stupid bitch!" Chara looked so weak at this point, Frisk could hardly see her. "I swear, when I come back. You will suffer...he..will..." Chara faded out. Frisk looked to Sans, "...Sans...? Please help me."
Seeing her dragged across the room like she was in the exorcist made him fully believe her straight away. He stood up and walked closer to her with a confused look in his eyes, "h-how? how can i help.. say the word and i'll help." he looked serious, not wanting frisk to get hurt. Then another idea popped in his head... if Frisk controlled the resets, and Chara was appart of her.. then Chara could do massive damages to the timeline and everyone else. he couldn't let that happen..
Frisk could feel that Chara was gone, for the moment. " She really doesn't want you to know about her." She looked up at him, slowly getting to her feet, feeling a bit better knowing she is gone. " Or maybe its anyone. It's my fault, I have been ignoring her a lot lately." Frisk said with a sigh, hugging her arms around herself. "That's why I want to know what you do, you're the smart one...."
Sans looked as lost as she did, "I.. don't know frisk, sorry. i've dealt with a lot of things, but i've never dealt with a ghost that's only attached to your soul demanding attention and then hurting you over it.. never had anyone who had to deal with something like this.. i..." he thought for a bit and scratched his chin, looking around and sighing. "i could maybe think of something though.. are you ok? are you hurt? well... any more hurt than you look?" he walked closer to her, really trying to think of something he could do.
The blood from her head still poured down her face, using her hand to wipe it from her eye. "No, well yes. But complaining about isn't going to help." She was trying so hard to be brave, and strong. Because that's how the world and monsters needed her to be. "Sans, I'm sorry about last night. Chara said those things to you last night. And I was more freaked out that I hurt you again, that you would be mad and not care about me anymore. Everything else I said was true. I do...like you. And I know that a monster like you would never feel same about me. But that's okay...If felt good to get it off my chest."
"its not that i couldn't like you frisk.. i could bu-" sans realized what he was saying, there where more pressing issues to talk about right now. he shook his head and focused on the issue at hand, "she can touch you right? can you touch her.. can you maybe.. pin her down? get on top of her. i can then get on top of you? help you hold her down, give you the strength to do it.." sans was making a plan and started thinking about how he would do it. then his eyes widened "wait. she has her own soul right? that's connected to yours.. maybe if i use my blue magic, i could feel where she is.. and help you pin her that way.." he knew she knew about his magic and strength so he just gave up trying to hide it..
Frisk waved him off as she limped to the kitchen" It fine, really. Sorry I even brought it up." She didn't seem upset, just trying to ignore the subject. "All this is new, she normally talks to me. But she did get really mad. The most mad I ever seen her." She pulled out a dish towel and held it to her head. leaning back on the counter." And what Sans, keep her there? No, she is hurting. Look, she is gone right now. I know I asked for help, but...I was scared. I just didn't want you to think I was crazy, telling my mom. I just wanted you to understand." She smiled to him, though it was forced. " You don't have to stay if you don't want to, I will be fine. I always am." She pulled the towel from her head and looked at it.
Sans watched her limp around like a bit of a stubborn child, he shook his head and walked over to her. Grabbing her arm and helping her stand up against the counter. Seeing the dish towel with blood on it then looking back up at her. He frowned a little "don't be an idiot... I'm helping you. You're not going to deal with some psycho ghost by yourself. If.. you didn't say that the other day... then.... i forgive you. It was a little hard... trying to open up in such a long time and getting shot down.. so I forgive you frisk." He purposefully didn't mention what she said about how she loved him.. not wanting to hurt her feelings. Maybe he would try explaining it again later..
Frisk allowed him to help, she didn't want to fight him. He was trying to make things right with her. " I do understand, I have wanted to open up for so long. But what I had to endure, I'm surprised I haven't cracked. I have the incredible burden of living with the knowledge that my universe can be manipulated on a whim. That I can never be able to confide in anyone. Because doing so would either mean burdening them with this nightmare, or being treated as if I lost my mind." Frisk looked to Sans, trying smile, to seem okay." I wish I was like you, to not care anymore. I gave everyone their happy endings, their peace. In return, I can never have those things. Be honest, if Chara didn't attack me, you would have thought I was crazy, you did. And all I ever wanted was for someone else to understand. I'm sorry, I thought you did, I thought you...remembered. But I guess that's a blessing. Because if you did, you wouldn't be here now, with me."
Sans looked away still holding her up and being a bit defensive. "What. Don't I remember... i remember a lot... i remember too much.. and... i get it frisk. Heh heh, you understand how the world works... sucks.. doesn't it?" Sans looked away ans shrugged "whatever... what I don't remember would probably only hurt more than not knowing... right?" Sans raises an eyebrow and looks at her. "Y'know frisk... i thought you where crazy cause you never told me... if... you had told me earlier.. I coulda helped.. or something.." sans thought about what she said, about not caring anymore.... he just kind of let that thought linger at the back of his mind... not able to let it go
"Sans, if it okay with you. I think I would like to just this run, timeline, be it. I hate stressing about all the others. I want this one to be set in stone, no do overs, this is it. If....if I die...then I die." Frisk wet her rag in the sink, cleaning her head wound a little more. The bleeding seemed to have almost stopped. " Like I said, I'm just feel so much better telling someone. I'm sorry I didn't say this sooner, guess I was scared I would lose you. That maybe you wouldn't want to be my friend." she pulled the rag from her head, and looked to him." Umm, how bad is it, you think I'll need stiches?"
He looked at her forehead and sighed. "No... it won't need stitched frisk... probably a bandaid would help though." He shrugged and cracked his neck. He didn't believe her... not that he didn't want too.. just that he's heard this before. He knew that resets were natural and when someone died.. it kind of forced their hand to automatically reset. " frisk.... i don't know... just... let's figure this one out first.." he needed some kind of closure.. some proof. He looked into her eyes, she could tell he was... well.. he didn't believe her. And that he didn't trust her, a hint of sadness.
Frisk gave him a gentle smile, reaching out to him, placing a hand on to his face. "Sans, I know I might still seem like a child to you, but I'm a big girl. And its been years since the last reset. I can fight it, for you I will give up if I have to." she pulled him into a hug. She was calm, so as ease even after all that happened." But I will never be like you, I will always care, about you, about everyone. That why I have done all this, even if it does hurt me in the end. I will always put you first. I sorry, but I want you to understand how far my determination goes. I'm fine, because I have to be." She lets him go, pushing herself away. She trusted him, with her whole being and soul, though the lack of trust he had in her stung. "Tell me, was Chara right? Keep your friends close, you enemies closer?" her smile weaken." Please Sans, I need you to trust me."
Sans watched her and sighed a little, he knew she was determined and strong.. she had to be. He looked at her and blinked a couple times. She asked him if it was true, about keeping your enimies closer... he knew what she meant. "no. It's not true... not gonna lie.. for a time it was. before you saved everyone and let all the monsters go to the over world... yeah. I was keeping you close to learn about you... even if I did have fun talking to ya.. I was always on alert. Not trusting you... but.. heh... i don't feel that way now. And plase. Let's just deal with chara.. we don't..... need to talk about this stuff." Clearly trying to get away from it he shrugged a bit.
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