Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara glanced at the TV when Sans turned it on, reading the title, then back to him with a confused look. She hesitated before slowly floating over, sitting on the floor next to him, a few feet away, pilling her knees to her chest. " I think that's something you need to work out, because like I said, you wont like any of my ideas." She sat silent for a while before looking at him." Is Frisk okay, I hear her. She sounded unset." Chara was going to try, for the first time in a long time she was going to try and be 'nice'.
Sans nodded and smiled at her not saying anything, he moved closer to her. She was a bit far away and he couldn't do what he wanted to do with her being a few feet away. "here..." he took her hand, it was immediately strange that he could touch her.. Being a ghost was.. Just that! a ghost, no touching or anything like that. Sans took her hand very delicately, surprisingly delicate.. he put the controller in her hands.. she.. could actually hold it. "heh.... it worked..." he smiled wide and then looked up at her with a big happy smile, looking into her eyes with excitement. "when i fixed your soul.. you gained a bit more power.. now.. you can actually touch stuff without being so mad you want to burst." he slowly let go of her hand, the controller being held by her. To anyone else, it would look like there was a floating controller. "go on.. give it a shot. now you can play games.. actually do things heh heh.." he looked at the screen and sat back, holding himself up by his arms and looking rather comfortable.
Chara watched him carefully from the corner of her eye as he moved closer. Flicking when she felt him take her hand, she looked surprised that he could do this. She just watched as Sans placed the controller in her hand. There was something nice about this though, to have someone touch her. She started to smile when she realized she was still mad at Sans. " Yeah, guess that cool..." She tried to sound unimpressed. Taking the controller now in both hand she looked at it, then the TV, then to sans and shrugged." Nothings happening...Dumb thing is broken."
He chuckled a little bit and tried not to laugh too hard, she was just pouting and it was kind of adorable.. well, compared to her trying to kill him it was. He leaned over and took her thumb with his right hand and made her press the A button. "you gotta press the buttons.. then when you push them stuff will happen on the screen.. go ahead try it" he smiled and moved away from her again. Sitting next to her and hunching over slightly to watch the TV screen. When sans helped her push the button a little green man appeared on screen. he had a sword and a shield, there where hearts and other weird things. Sans looked over at her and smiled.
When he leaned back over she slightly leaned away, and watched Sans make her press a button. The screen changed. She again fought a smile, clearing her throat she nodded." okay, got it..." She lightly bit her lip watching the TV, pushing a button making the little guy swing his sword. This time there was no fighting it, her face lit up as she started pushing other buttons, making the guy move around and shoot something. She had to admit, this was really cool. Even though she wasn't really going anywhere or doing much, she was having fun. She looked happy, really happy and not in a crazy way.
Sans saw her pouting and trying her hardest not to smile, he held back a laugh and watched as she pretty much just ran in circles. He smiled wide and looked at her chuckling very low "there's a smile.... heh heh.. i'm glad that you finally stopped fighting it.. cause it looks really nice.. wish i could take a picture and send it to frisk, but it wouldn't show up.. she would just see a floating controller heh heh.. actually.." sans took a picture with his phone, it showed up just like he thought. A floating controller, but Frisk would understand. he sent her the photo with a message attached

Guess who's actually having fun and smiling.​

"heh..." Sans put his phone next to him and then sat back all relaxed, giving Chara as much room as she wanted.
Chara's smile faded when Sans said something about it, going back to her annoyed scowl. Looking at him as took the picture. "Shut up! I'm still mad at you.." She huffed and turned back to her game. Her face heating up when he said her smile looked nice. This wasn't the first time he said he liked something about her, he said something about her eyes. " And would you stop saying stuff like that its gross, your gross..."

Frisk giggled looking at the floating controller. She knew if anyone could pull Chara out of her shell, it would be Sans.

Just be careful, she might have gamer rage and you pretty much gave her a weapon.​
Sans looked at the text he got back and chuckled a little bit, shaking his head and looking back at chara. "welp.. easy come, easy go.. heh heh. just cause you're upset with me doesn't mean you need to keep being grumpy.. you don't have to keep being 'evil'.. y'know.. and its true. your smiles nice.. it's a lot better than your frown heh heh.." he laid an arm on his leg and watched the tv for a while, watching her struggle. He found it kind of fun to watch her learn "well.. you get one 'golden ticket'... i guess heh heh, tell me to do something and i'll do it.. no matter what it is. well.. unless you tell me to kill myself, or something that severe.. like hurting someone else.. but you get one. i'll do any favor for you at any time.." he wanted her to trust him, he really meant it. he would do any favor for her.
Again she huffed at him, turning her head. " I think I have every right to be grumpy. And I seen Frisk grumpy and she's a fucking saint. So don't give me that crap." She looked from him, her face getting flushed." And I said stop saying stuff like that. Makes me feel...weird..." She fought back another smile, seemingly starting to learn the game a bit more. Talking to people, killed a few things." You're not going to let this go are you. Fine, I want answers....what are you working on out there in you're workshop?" She looked back at him." You want my trust? I want the truth."
He was a bit surprised by what she was asking.. he didn't think she cared all that much about what was in his workshop. But he sighed and closed his eyes smiling, "fair enough... i.. am working on a way to try and move to other timelines..." that's all he was really willing to say right now about that. But it was more than he had ever told anyone about his workshop. He was expecting her to tell him to punch himself in the face.. he was willing to do that. But this worked just as well. He chuckled and looked over at her raising an eyebrow. "woah.. you're getting the hang of this game quick aren't you?... especially for someone who hasn't played any other video game before.. that's impressive"
"Hmmm, like our timelines or alternate?" Chara didn't really care, she just knew how secretive he was, so to invade him, like he did to her only seemed fair in her mind. But she wasn't going to let him go with just that. " Guess I'm like you, smarter than I look." She gave him a slight smile before turning back to the TV. She was having fun, and having Sans with her wasn't all that bad anymore. She still hated his stupid face, but she was getting used to it. Didn't bother as much as before, yet. She knew Sans would do or say something again to change all that again. " What do you call a dumb brunette?"
"alternate...." she then said he was smarter than he looked. He wasn't sure if that was a compliment.. or.. whatever it was. It was kind of nice, she gave him a small smile and looked back at the Tv. He couldn't help but smile back at her watching her play. She told him a joke.. on any other circumstance he would respond with 'you' to ruin her joke and hopefully see her get flustered. But.. she was in a happy mood, and he didn't want to go through all the hard work to make her happy again. so he bit his tongue and just went along with it "i don't know... what do you call a dumb brunette?" he shrugged and looked over at her. she seemed to be warming up to him too.. that was nice.
"That's neat. Why?" She didn't understand why he would want to do something like, seeing that they spent countless time reliving this one underground but he did remember, and she was sure how much she believed that. But that wasn't anything she cared about at the moment. Chara groaned as she died, starting to get a little frustrated with the game. But not so much that Sans would thing she would rage out. " ..A dirty blond..." She shook her head and gave a small laugh. " That was a lame one, my bad."
Sans shrugged "uh... i uh... ok. you're questions are up. you already asked two. i gave you a golden ticket that's only good for one heh heh.." He was trying really hard to get out of this conversation about what's in his workshop. He watched her die and get a little frustrated, he chuckled about it. Then the punchline to the joke came and he had a bit of a laugh about it. "that's a good one heh heh.. no no.. it was great. i liked it.. i got one for ya" he thought that maybe now that she could feel different emotions. She would be a bit better with silly and dumb jokes, "what do you call a belt made out of watches?..." sans turned to her and smiled like he was about to say the joke's punchline. "we have other games if you start getting bored of that one"
Chara shrugged, again she didn't really care. She just wanted to know a secret of his. Watching the TV a cocky smirk came on her face."Okay, I can wait for you fuck up again. Then you will feel guilty and have to owe me." She was a little shocked that he laughed at her joke, making her laugh a little more at it. Chara felt the most calm she has felt in a long time. It was nice, much better than the emotions she had an hour ago when she was crying. The last time she cried was when she fell, she forgot how draining it could be. Even though she was a ghost, she could still feel worn out from it." Hmm? What" She looked at him, her red eyes seeming more gentle than before." And, other games? Can I see?"
"yeah i bet you do... i won't mess up again any time soon though heh heh" he looked into her red eyes, seeing they where gentler. He smiled warmly, seeing she was calm he let out a little chuckle. He seemed to loosen up seeing her so docile and nice. "y'know.. when you're eyes aren't filled with rage.. they're amazing looking.. i've never seen a human with red eyes before. they look really nice" he leaned in squinting inspecting them more. He just liked the way they almost shimmered in the light, they brought out this side of her that made her look kind of cute. Complimenting her couldn't be a bad thing, she needed to feel good anyways. He wanted her to know what it felt like to not have constant rage inside her. Getting back to his joke he smiled, "a waste of time...." he shrugged and chuckled a little about it. "sure thing.. here" he pulled out three other games "we got... amazing electrical cousins" there was a picture of two middle aged men, one wearing green the other wearing red. "uh... toadder" a picture of a toad crossing the road while huge cars drove towards him. "and... last one is.. mega-kid" picture of a little blue guy with a weird gun at the end of his hand jumping.
Chara opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but the way Sans looked in her eyes made her stop. As he leaned in she moved away, trying to keep some distance between them." I said knock it of, I don't like it when you say things like that to me!" She was trying to be angry, but it came out sounding more flustered. When ever he said nice things about her, it made her feel, sick? Not sick, Chara couldn't place the feeling, no matter how much she tried to hate it, a part of her wanted to like it. And she hated that. Rlling her eyes as he told her the punch line she looked from him. "Wow, that was bad..."Chara said cracking a smile, trying not to laugh. Looking at the games Sans pulled out for her she reached out and handing him Toader." How about this one? "
She was a bit flustered when he complimented her and moved back a bit, "sorry. don't mean to make you angry.. just saying the truth is all" he looked down at Toadder and shrugged. Grabbing the game and turning the console off, he swapped games quickly then turned it back on. "don't know.. i don't really play video games... i uh..... i don't.... like them.." Sans said in a weird way looking in random locations, trying to find anything to focus on. He turned the game on and the little Toad appeared at the bottom of the screen, cars where driving everywhere. "so.. maybe you need to get across the road without getting squished?.. that makes sense.. right?"
" I'm not...mad?" She said as if that even surprised her, maybe even a little confused. " But I don't think I like it either." She sighed as she watched him switch out the games. He was being so nice to her, even after everything she had done. Him and frisk were a lot a like. Frisk knows how cruel Sans could be, yet she see's the best in him. Just like it seemed Sans was doing for Chara. Maybe, she can do the same, or maybe this was all an act on Sans part. To let her guard down. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, though Frisk said she could." I think they are fun? I haven't been able to do much, so maybe its just different..." She thought. Was she having fun. Chara was happy, so this was what real, normal fun was like. Not as exciting as she was used to. But oddly Chara didn't mind. Nodding she went back to her game. It sounded easy enough, though she was struggling with it." I have a theory on why my eyes are they way they are...wanna hear it smart guy?"
"good... i'm trying to make you happy heh heh.. and everyone likes compliments. But i'll keep them to a minimum, for you..." he was being nice even when he said he wouldn't compliment her anymore. "nah.. games are fun. i just don't really like them all that much.. they're weird.. give me weird feelings." he shrugged and sighed. "sure thing.. go on, i'd love to hear your theory.. i mean. you'd know more than anyone, right?" he smiled at her and then back to the Tv, taking his focus away from her. "and uh.. now that your souls not hurt.. i'm sure there are plenty of fun things we can do"
Chara placed the controller on the floor and turned her body so she was facing him. " Thanks. So, my theory. I don't know if I was born with them, I just always remember them being this way. And I have a feeling that they were the reason I ran up the mountain, though I don't remember much of my childhood, or I just blocked it. But, after meeting Frisk, I think it has something to do with soul colors I think. Now, I only woke up when she fell. So I didn't see the other humans that fell. That's why I need your help on clearing this up. What color were their eyes?" Chara tilted her head looking at Sans, studying his face as she spoke, trying to read him. " And like what? I'm still a ghost, I'm still limited on stuff I can do.
She turned to him, he shifted his focus to her. Turning and watching her face as she spoke, she explained her theory to him and he thought for a moment. Looking to the left and thinking about why her eyes could be like that. "well... gonna be honest, frisk was the frisk human i saw in the underground.. i uh.. i could ask toriel for you. frisks soul is red.. and her eyes are brown.. so i don't know. i think maybe you where born with them, and if you brought up that they might be the reason you went to the underground..... i think that's probably true. if it helps. i've been all over.. seen millions of humans, and i've never once seen one with red eyes. it could be a random mutation. you could have had something spill in your eyes when you where young....... or who knows, maybe its the blood of the innocents" Sans shrugged and chuckled about his dumb joke.
Chara smiled, leaning lack on her hands. " Next time you see her, look closer. She has some red in there. Trust me, I know every inch of that girl inside and out. But I think the blood is what fed mine to be so dark like they are. " She laughed lightly, then sighed." So, if you can get my body back, are we going to tell mom? Like, how are you going to explain all this? Or are we just going to hide me away, maybe just pretend I'm someone else, that just so happens to look like their daughter. You said it yourself. I'm the only human to have red eyes. So?" Chara was really starting to enjoy talking with Sans, he wasn't that bad of a guy. She still thought he was a huge dork, a small part of her still wanted to hate him. Damn having real emotions again, they are so confusing. At lease before she knew how she felt, even if it was all hate, rage, and anger.
"you're your own person.. i'll help you do whatever you want to do.. if you want to go and see tori and asgore.. i won't stop you. if you want to hide away and not talk to them.. i'll help you.. whatever will make you happy chara, and that's the truth.. if you need me and frisk helping explain how you came back.. we don't need to talk about the resets, or how you didn't have emotions.. or.. whatever. its fully up to you" he smiled and this time he was giving her all the options she could ever want. "so. you have as much time as you like to think it over... how does that sound?" he shrugged and smiled a little wider. "i guess i never noticed.. maybe your soul color does affect your eyes a bit.. very very slightly.. but in your case, it must have had an extreme effect"
Chara looked to the floor between them and thought." How long do you think it will take to get my body back? So I know how long I have to think about this. I'm surprised none of us thought about this. Well you could have and just haven't said anything. You are smart like that so..." Slowly she looked up to him, her red eyes meeting his again. Giving him a playful smile." Well, I'm a very extreme person. Maybe I shouldn't give up my dark evil ways. I know you would hate for them to go away." This almost seemed like she was trying to...flirt. She pushed herself back up leaning forward to him." Hmmm?"
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