Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans smiled and nodded, he walked into the kitchen and grabbed some bread from the cabinet. Stuffing it into his mouth he then started walking out of the kitchen taking a 'short cut' to the front of Frisks new house. He knocked on the door and waited fro frisk, turning to chara and shrugging. "heh heh, i guess i didn't notice till right now.. sorry. its a cute nickname. now i just need to make one for you................. hmmmmm... how about... ruby. its a cute name.. it might sound a little random.. but your eyes remind me of polished rubies.. ruby red heh heh.." he thought her eyes looked like beautiful jewels. The way they shimmered and shinned, he could look at them forever.
" I really don't think I need a nickname....and you're going to give me one anyways, dork." Chara laughed and shook her head. She really didn't mind the nickname, and no one has ever gave her one. "I have been called worse So, I can if you want to c!llme that then go ahaed. And a you really like using that word about me. Cute...." She smiled leaving close to his face starring right back in his eyes." Sansy~?....do you think...im Cute~?" Chara said teasingly.
She got close and asked if he thought she was cute. He smiled and nodded "yup. You are cute.. it's not a lie. heh heh, good thing you didn't make that your one question.. you know, both you and frisk are cute.. an adorable couple really heh heh. and, now that you're all better.. you're extra cute" He pinched her cheek and chuckled, teasing her. He pulled out his phone and texted frisk.

Heyo. me and chara came to pay you a visit. we're at your door​

He knocked again and waited for her.[/align]
Chara glared at him pulling away rubbing her cheek. " I don't know, I think I would have preferred if you lied. I agree with Frisk being, kind of cute I guess. And what do you mean couple? What the hell id wrong with you?!" She was obviously flustered, her cheek turning a light shade of pink as she looks from him. Just then the door opened. Frisk still in her PJ smiled to Sans " Hey, sorry I was in my back yard eating. Didn't hear the door...." She looked around Sans as if she was looking for Chara."...hows Chara?" She asked " Pff, me? cute?" Chara mumbled to herself, before noticing Frisk at the door. She waved her hand in Frisk face. "Whoa...freaky..." Chara said with a small smile.
Sans chuckled watching chara clearly a little freaked out, it must have been weird! someone who could see you your whole life not being able to recognize that you where right in her face. "i didn't mean it the way you where thinking about it chara... you dork. heh heh, i meant like a couple of friends.. unless you want it to mean like that~ it might be a little romantic~ a girl and her ghost~" Sans clapsed his hands together and stood on one foot, making goo goo eyes and smiling. Frisk could probably clue in on what Sans was talking about. "chara's great... better than great.. i think she's really loving the new emotions.. and she's stronger too. chara. show her what you can do now." Sans walked really close to Frisk, standing next to her and letting chara do something to show Frisk.
Chara looked over her shoulder at him. Frisk looking right though her at Sans, tilting her head." W-what? Why are you guys even out here talking about this!?" Frisks face turning a deep red, her hands quickly over her face. This was not the way she wanted her day to start with her friends like this. Chara just starred at him as he walked next to Frisk. " Really Sans?! " Her nose wrinkling " I take it back, your not gross. Your a fucking perv! " Saying this reminded Chara what she did just that morning. But that wasn't a prevy thing, she just wanted to see. It wasn't as if she liked it. But the more she thought about it, the more she self her stomach flipping. Shaking the image out of her mind she looked to Frisk and thought. Reaching out and lightly touching her shoulder. Just like Sans did to her, and she mimicked back. He said it felt nice. Frisk flinched, then when she realized that it was a kind touch, her face lit up. Looking to Sans." Wow! And she's not even mad? All this because you fixed her soul?"
Sans laughed pretty hard at her, he really wasn't perverted. He just enjoyed making her all flustered and looking adorable. He shrugged and sighed "hey.. you where the one who took it there.." And then she touched frisk and Sans's eyes light up. "yup. shes smiling and everything... all i had to do was.. fix a couple things. don't worry she already said thank you heh heh. hey chara, go and lift that stick up" he smiled and pointed to it. "she's pretty cool too.. sorry you heard that frisk. i uh.. don't mean to make you uncomfortable.." sans still felt a little bad that frisk felt that way about him.. and now chara might too. This was starting to become a shit show that he didn't want anything to do with..
Frisk knew she was only hearing one side of his conversation wish Chara. But she couldn't help but what she could have been talking about to make Sans say those things." No its okay, really. Just caught of guard its all." She gave a nervous laugh. Chara looked over at the stick and slowly floated over to it, picking up easily. She looked to Sans and gave her playful grin, not normally a good face for her to have. Floating over and pointed the sick about a foot from his eye. " I always wondered if those were real holes, if they just look like they are." It was something she wondered, but she didn't want really find out this way. "Whoa, that so neat! But..what is she doing with it?" Frisk asked just seeing the stick floating, not having a good feeling about it.
Sans watched Chara and saw her put the stick about an inch away from his eyes. he didn't feel nervous, it wouldn't hurt anyways. Not having traditional eyes, but.. it would feel really really weird, he could read her like a book though. Seeing she wasn't going to poke him he pushed the stick away and laughed "oh don't be so weird chara... they're just eye sockets.. so no fear to poke my eye out" he winked and chuckled. "frisk, hows your packing going? need any help.. four extra hands? heh heh"
Chara laughed with him, letting the stick drop on the ground before someone saw. " The kind of cool, and gross." Frisk sighed, relieved that Chara wasn't going to try and hurt Sans, not that she could, with a stick. Frisk turned and walked in the house letting them in behind her before shutting and locking the door. The place was starting to look more like a real home. A few boxes left. She didn't really have much due to all the traveling. " Its going good, Dad hung out for a while and helped a lot, so there isn't much...uh oh..." Just then Frisk ran out her back door where she was eating a bowl of Cereal at a small table with four chairs. The cereal now soggy. Chara looked at Sans when she ran off and shrugged before following her. Looking at her now soggy cereal and laughed lightly. Frisk sighed and pouted. " Aww man...."
Sans followed her and saw the soggy cereal and laughed a decent amount. "sorry kiddo....... tough break huh?" Sans patted her back and sighed, "well.. i'm sure we can get more cereal. oh, hows your time away from chara? is it weird?.." Sans raised an eyebrow and wondered how it was exactly. If Sans didn't see Papyrus for a while he would feel very strange and horrible..
"Yeah, I was almost done anyways." She sighed setting the bowl in the sink, the turned to Sans. Looking around thinking about his question. " Well it is. But, its...kind of nice to be really alone." She seemed nervous knowing that Chara was there, and how attached she was to Frisk " I do miss her though, it would be nice to see her though..." Frisk said, feeling guilty about what she said before. " Yeah, I have to agree, Having someone self to talk to doesn't suck, even when its you." Chara said lightly tapping the back of his skull. Frisk looked at sans and smiled " So, how goes getting her body back?"
Sans gets a light tap and holds a laugh, "no need to feel nervous frisk.. she's cool with it. she said she's happy to be able to talk to someone different..... even if its a trash bag like me" he winked and laughed a little bit. "but yeah, her body is on the bucket list.. probably work on that today.. i didn't get a chance yesterday, and she will be healing for a while. who knows how long" sans shrugs and smiles. "i mean.. as weak as her heart is, i can only imagine will all the amount she's been smiling and laughing.. she'll get healed up really soon." he turned to chara and smiled warmly.
" Determination is a hell of a trait. So of course I will heal soon." Chara said, thinking about what Sans said about her smiling a lot now, she now made it a point to try not too, even though it was easy to see that she was fighting it. "Yeah, she is very determined. She will be heal before we know it." Frisk said with a warm smile. It was almost as if Frisk hear Chara, even though there was no way she could. I do wish I could see her smile and laugh the way you say she does. But I'm sure I will." Frisk paused " So Sans, I know you're super smart and all, but how can you even do that anyways, get her body back? And do you know if she will look the same?"
Sans was a little surprised how they both said the same thing at the same time practically.. then again.. they lived together for so so long. There was no way that they didn't know what the other was thinking at any given moment. Sans thought for a second. "well..... i would need to do some testing... but uh.. i had a thought, that if i kept healing her soul enough.. i don't think theres any way her soul will ever be fully recovered.. i... i'm really sorry about that chara..." he looked at her a little sad. but then shrugged and smiled, "but. if we heal your soul enough. we can give you enough power to be visible to other people.. and if you can touch things and be touched.. it'll be like you're alive again. and uh.. i'm sure we can do something to make it so you can go a lot farther away from the person your soul is attached too.. no promises.. but maybe something like......... 10,000 feet? so.. you could basically live your own life.. if you stayed in the same city as frisk. and you'd have all the powers of a ghost still.. turn invisible.. go through walls.. fly.. i don't think you mind that all that much though heh heh"
Chara fought back a smile, also hearing that Frisk almost said the same thing she did. She had mixed emotions about what said about testing. " You mean more testing on my soul? " She wanted to be more bitter about the idea. But he was helping, plus they seemed to be a little more trusting of each other. Frisk nodded as she listened to Sans explain how things may work. "So Chara will always need some sort of host?" Frisk said sadly. Chara sunk down to the ground between them looking disappointed "So I might not be really alive?" Chara said looking up to Sans. I was better than nothing, but the thought that she may not enjoy the things she told Sans that she missed. " No, I'm already used to those things, so."
Sans looked a little disappointed and sighed, looking down at chara. She was looking up at him with slight worry in her eyes, her eyes big and only growing wider. "yeah.. chara will always need a host... so much of her soul is missing that.. if we fixed it fully she wouldn't even be the same person.. we would need many different souls.. and... that could just damage it more.. its risky.. this is the easiest and safest way for chara. don't worry chara" Sans knelt down and looked her in the eyes, being eye level with her and smiling wide and confidently. Warmly, he looked like he cared and he looked like he was being genuine. "if we can get you to the point where people can see you and you can touch stuff.... i have no doubt you'll be able to eat again. you just won't get hungry ever.. or need to eat. heh heh, but you'll be able to do it" he smiled and his hand moved to her forearm, he looked like he was serious. giving off this glow about him, looking up to frisk not letting go of chara. "theres a very small chance... that.... well.... it's never been done before.. but its possible to do.. and.. uh... there is a way to get her back to normal. well... more or less.... but she won't be a ghost and she won't need to be connected to a host. but i'll leave that up to chara, she could.. get killed in the process, like i said. never been done before." Sans said this in such a weird way, the anticipation of what he was going to reveal could kill someone!!
Frisk noticed how Sans seemed disappointed. Feeling for him, and that maybe she came off ungrateful for what he has done. He offered to help, even know what kind of person Chara was. Although Chara was much better than she was, Frisk couldn't help but wonder is maybe a completely different Chara wouldn't be a bad thing...Watching Sans lower himself talking to Chara, the way he looked at her, she could only assume that she was not taking the news very well. Smiling to Sans she walked behind him. Placing a hand on his shoulder. " Sans, you have already done so much. And I am so thankful for you. I know the situation isn't ideal, but its better. I couldn't even dream that Chara could ever be happy. And from what you say, she is."

Chara's scarlet eyes watched as Sans got down to the floor with her. What bothered her the most is that she may not ever be her own person. She would always be on a leash, no matter how long the line. She smiled to Sans as he spoke. He looked at her with suck kindness, that she didn't deserve. It was a good thing he didn't remember. The progress that Sans has done for her was far better than she could ever imagine. " Stop looking at me like that." She laughed softly, looking from him. She has never know anyone who like looking in her eyes the way he did. Even Frisk had a hard time looking at them." Its fine, really. One step at a time, right?"
Sans was getting consoled by the both of them, telling him he did a good job and that he didn't need to worry anymore. He chuckled "god.. by the way you two are treating me.. you'd think you where trying to break bad news to me." he winked at frisk and then smiled at chara. Standing up and putting his hands in his pockets, "chara.. there is a way to make it so you have your own body. the amount of your soul that you have left is more than enough to be converted into a monsters soul maybe even a boss monster. the thing about that is.. you won't have the power of determination anymore.. you'll lose it.. and.. you'll be as fragile as me or papyrus.. but you probably won't have ghost powers. since monsters do use magic, that might be your magic. turning invisible.... maybe.. i've never done this before. plus, you'll look like you.. you won't change. you'll just be a monster now.. but.... like i said. its risky.. i'll let you decide if you want to or not.." sans smiled at the two of them and shrugged. "thanks frisk.. but i will worry till the jobs done.. then i can lay back and sleep heh heh... right now i'm working" he gave a thumbs up to the two of them, never seeing this side of Sans before. the non-lazy side, working and actually being responsible.
Frisk blushed and looked from Sans when her winked at her, she pulled her hand from his shoulder and took a few steps away. "What I'm saying is that everything it already better. Thanks to you. So, maybe it would be okay just to relax for a while..." Frisk was conflicted. Sans options had both their pro and cons. It was all up to Chara and what she wanted. She wanted her to be happy, but she has spent so lone with Chara, she wasn't sure if she could be fully trusted. She did trust Sans, so if he offered these ideas than maybe they weren't so bad. Maybe Chars has made a change for the better.

Chara stood when he did, her eyes on him. Seeing him wink to Frisk and her reaction she smiled. She was going to have to talk to Sans about this tension between the two later. Her healed soul was making her feel as if she didn't want to cause any drama. She hated it. " We need to talk about this.." She pointed to Frisk than him," ..later. I will say, being a monster doesn't see so bad. But I do think that this is something that can wait. Unless there is a deadline I don't know bout?" Chara didn't like the way the mood of the room changed, it was too...emotional. Chara had a lot to think about, and questions. Questions that she didn't think he would have any issues answering.
Sans chuckled and focused his attention on chara, his eyebrow raised and a smile cocked. She pointed to frisk and he kind of knew what she was talking about, he nodded then listened to her air her complaints and concerns. "no deadline.. none at all.. being a monster you would be as weak as one... which isn't all that weak. but its weaker than a normal human. i mean, frisk was a child and she could defeat the king of all monsters.. what does that tell you about human strength?" he smirked and looked over to frisk. "so yeah.. got any complaints of concerns.. ask and i'll give you the best answer i can. and don't you complain about me working frisk heh heh.. i do it cause i want too.. you both need to be happy."
Frisk seemed nervous as Sans talked about her defeating monsters. She remember all the times she has done worse than that." I don't know, having that kind of power seems kind of pointless now and days. Everything is pretty peaceful now." Not hearing what Chara had to say was hard to wrap her mind around. Now it was Sans that could hear her, Frisk was left in the dark. She felt guilty for having him take all this on, but she was finally had peace in her life, and she liked it.

"Well, if there is no rush, then I would like some time to think about it." Chara said, her face blank in thought, She now had much to think about. That was a perk about being attached to Sans. With out him, none of this would have happened. " And as of right now, I'm not unhappy. So that's something."
Sans turned to Frisk and nodded. "listen.. it can mean a lot.. i mean.. if there ever happens to be some guy who goes around targeting monsters.. trying to kill them or hurt them. it could really make the world of difference.. what was that group called?... pork? or.. uh... no pig? they hate monsters right? they might get angry if they learn a human is now a monster.. y'know.. stupid can really take hold if they try hard enough." Sans shrugs and looks over at chara "y'don't have to make it now.. so take as much time as you need.. really, theres no rush." He patted her head and messed her hair up a little bit smiling.
"H.A.M? And they been around since the start. As far as I know they haven't done anything to hurt monsters. They just try and scare them." Frisk really didn't like the idea fighting anymore. She has done so much of that already. She just wanted peace, and thus far it seemed to have been working.

Chara made a playful hiss at Sans and pulled away from him as he messed up her hair. Fixing it she sighed. " Frisk is right, aside from some shouting matches and vandalism, they are harmless. Even you said I maybe as strong as a boss monster." Chara thought for a moment, the idea of that kind of power seemed pretty nice. " Sansy? Are you a boss monster?"
Sans shrugged. "well.. if that's the case then whatever.. i guess there's no real danger in it..." Chara then asked sans that and he turned to her with a smirk. "That sounds like a big question.. are you using your one question on that~?" he said with a bit of a smirk and an eyebrow cocked, he was a bit curious to know if she would use up her one question for this.
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