Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans listened to her, she gave him a reasonable answer.. but.. it seemed like she wasn't processing her past all that well. Like she was repressing things, maybe she was.. Sans shrugged at the idea "well.. if you.. start remembering, and you need someone to talk to. frisk and i are always here for you.. y'know. its not like we will judge you or attack you for it.. just letting you know that." Sans smiled and shrugged, "i guess.. the games a bit dumb. i'll win every time... so i might just... answer a couple questions if you answer mine..." he smiled and waited. "so...... you're turn" this was also a good way to get her to trust him more. he needed to connect with her, mostly cause she was living with him.. but other than that, he wanted to connect to her more.
Chara nodded, it was different talking to someone that knows so little about you, and the same about them. It was refreshing." I don't think that will be an issue, but if it does, you will be the first to know. " Chara perked at the idea of trading questions, she gave a small smile and leaned on to the table with her elbows, her chin in her hands looking at Sans. " Sounds fair, don't worry. I wont ask anything else about your little project." Her eyes focused on his as she thought. " Whats your deal with Frisk?"
Sans leaned back in his chair, getting comfy. He could tell this would be a long day, she would ask a million questions and it would be kinda fun.. more or less. She asked the question about frisk and he tilted his head a little "uh.... what.. do you mean?" he had an idea of what she was talking about but he wanted to know what she meant.
"Well, you know she likes you, and you don't seem to like her the same way. So why are you leading her on? " Chara could be wrong, maybe he did like her. Her eyes still so focused on his, as she waited for an answer.
Sans sighed a little bit thinking, he wasn't sure why he was leading her on.... or chara for that matter.. he knew he was doing it, and he wasn't sure why... "maybe... i'm keeping my options open.. i.. to be honest i'm not exactly sure why. i like flirting.. its a lot of fun, and frisk is a beautiful girl.. like i told you before you had your soul fixed. she'd be a lot happier without me though. plus.. i'm not really into dating anymore.. i uh..... well....." Sans started getting secretive again and snapped out of talking "and.. my turn, what about you? you where flirting with me too.. do you...... feel anything for me?" he smirked, mostly he wanted to make her flustered. But he was actually really wondering. "i mean.. it would be kinda funny, the girl who started off hating me more than anything.. turns 180 and starts having a crush on the trash skeleton? heh heh" he laughed a little bit and cracked his knuckles.
"I doubt that, Frisk is the happiest when she is around you. That whole day you spent together...before I....yeah.." She looked from him " I haven't seen her like that in a long time. You're good for her." Her head shot up when he asked his question, her face going slightly flushed. She should have seen that one coming. " What?! You wish! Just because I find you interesting doesn't mean I'm interested, so get over yourself." She rolled her eyes, seemingly annoyed and flustered. She didn't know if she liked him like that, she didn't think she did. " And what if I did? Like you said, you're into dating anymore so why would any one waste their time?"
Her tiny freak out was all he needed, he knew that she felt something for him. But she didn't probably understand those feelings yet, he chuckled and shook his head. "mostly just wanted to see you blush like that heh heh heh, don't worry.. just teasing you" he smiled and looked away, thinking about what she said earlier. he sighed and shrugged, "ok.. next question then. what else do you want to know?"
" I'm not blushing! Can you not be a complete jack ass for five minutes? Wait, that's not my question! Umm....." She looked from him, she hated how he got under her skin like that, making her lose her focus. " No, I asked mine, what if I did?" She asked, still looking fro him, avoiding his gaze. Her mind racing still, maybe after being connected to Frisk and her strong feelings for Sans, it effected her a little? She wanted to ask Sans, but he would just tease her more.
She asked her question and he kind of went serious for a moment then smiled at her "if you did.. it wouldn't be bad." he smiled at her, reassuring her that she didn't need to hide of fear her feelings. "if you did.. i probably wouldn't go on a date with you.. its not you. not you're fault.. you and frisk are both very charming and beautiful.." he shrugged and sighed a little.
It was always unnerving when Sans got serious, he was always so hard to read. Chara watched his face as he spoke. She didn't understand. If liked Frisk, then why not date, that's what people did when they liked each other, right? Looking from him when he said that she was charming and beautiful, no one has ever said things like that to her. And Sans seemed to tell her these thing a lot. It felt...nice. Clearing her throat she asked " Why not? Why wont you date?"
Sans sighed, he knew that it was his turn to ask a question. But he let his slide.. it was nice to get this stuff off his chest, he held it in for so long. No one else would understand really, so it was good to talk to someone who knew. "well... i... the resets.. they just make it difficult to want to do anything really.. i mean, if it resets right in the middle of me learning about someone and starting to love them.. then it's all gone.. but i can remember.. it just.... it hurts to much to go back to that person.. and they look at you like you're a stranger.. or you're crazy.. i......... i guess that kind of.. put me off dating... the idea that it can be ripped away at any moment. it just. sucks." sans sighed and shrugged. "and, even if i do get to live with them till we break up.. then the timlines reset anyways. they forget who i am.. and i have this horrible choice. i remember everything that happened.. do i go back to them?.. try to make things work this time.. or.... do i just let them live their life. see if they're happier without me.." sans wasn't looking chara in the eyes and he couldn't right now.
Chara leaned back on the table to him, watching him intensely as he spoke, avoiding looking at her. She didn't know what to feel or say. She knew that if she said anything, there was the chance of her saying the wrong thing and making it worse. What would Frisk do? She thought a moment before getting from the table and floating beside him. Taking a deep breath before reaching her arms around him, pulling him into her. She had seen Frisk do this with Sans and other people, it always looked like it made people feel better. " I think your being silly...You know Frisk cares for you, and she understands. Don't you think she has the same fears? She does, but that's not stopping her for trying. Maybe stop worrying about the 'what ifs' and...i don't know..." Chara was started to feel awkward, but holding Sans, wasn't so bad, she kind of liked it. She could see why Frisk did this a lot.
She hugged him and he loosened up a lot more. His arms slowly wrap around her, pulling her in for a hug too. His jacket was nice and comfy like this, and her sweater was very soft. It was kind of surprising how nice the sweater was. "yeah... i.. i guess she might too.. but its much different for her.. she controls the resets.. i just have to live in them." sans rested his chin on her shoulder a bit, holding her closer and thinking more and more. "i..... i think i'd rather sleep..." it was clear that the resets took their tole on sans, he lived through all of floweys resets and then frisks. "its hard to care when you can never make a real change. y'know?.. as powerful as i am.. i'm not powerful enough" his hug started to get weaker as he let go of chara, smiling at her. "thanks... for the hug.. it was nice. ok.. my turn.. was there ever a time when you could feel like this?... or where you always the way you where before i fixed your soul.."
Feeling Sans wrap his arms around her gave her a huge smile, he was so soft and gentle, this was the Sans Frisk always really got to see, and know. But Chara was so blinded by rage and bitter from...something. She never gave anyone the chance to be kind to her. She sighed, leaning her head into his." I know Sans...and I'm...I'm sorry. Its my fault you're like this, I see it now. Maybe, this time I can help you. Chara felt his arms leave from around her, She didn't want to let go just yet. But she did, floating into the seat next to him. Leaning her head back and thought really hard about his question." I think...I was ever given the chance..." Her face looked sad the more the thought." I feel that maybe I turned into this, out of fear? I was a child...I remember most my life being the dark, and cold, feeling unwanted, being called...demon child..." She opened her eyes, looking to Sans with a weak smile. " Do you have any other family? Besides your brother?"
Sans could see the hurt in her eyes as she spoke, he motioned for her to come closer to him. "come on.. lay next to me.. you'll feel better. or lay on me if you want. just come closer.." he sighed when she asked that and he nodded. "i do.. my father, gaster.. he... well... i have no idea where he is.. i don't know if he ever was here." Sans pushed himself into the corner of the couch so chara could sit or lay next to him. "its not your fault about the resets, really.. it isn't anyone's fault. well, i don't think it is. i'm not exactly sure why the resets happen in the first place. its a bit of an anomaly in this timeline.."
It was strange, she did feel better being close to Sans. It might have been because bits of his soul was in her now. Slowly she moved closer to him, resting her head onto his shoulder, she closed her eyes, a small smile on her lips. " Was he a good father to you and your brother? Oh sorry, its your turn to ask something. "Chara rested there against Sans, she felt so warm next to him like this. She started to think, maybe she did like him, but so did Frisk. " It was, I pushed Frisk to die so many times. If I let her be....none of that would have happened. "
Sans's hand moved to chara's head, slowly grabbing and caressing her head and hair. Comforting her and resting his head against hers, smiling warmly. "no no.. i'll answer it.. i don't mind. he was an amazing father.. he was always there for us, helping us grow and develop.. he must have had a really hard time all by himself.. but he was great... and honestly.. it wasn't your fault.. you.. where sick. you couldn't help it.. talking to you now.. i'd trust you around papyrus.. before, i didn't want you near my house heh heh.." he smiled and calmed down a bit, his hand still stroking her hair. "ok. new question, do you remember your parents?.. at all?.. i mean.. i know you probably don't want to think about it.. but... i'll ask another question if you don't want to think about that one.. did you get to kill me.."
As Sans played with her hair and felt herself melting. His kind touches were so comforting, she really think aside from the Dreemurr family, He was the only one who has ever treated her like this. She like it, more than what she think she should. She buried her self closer to him and sighed." That mush have been nice. To bad he isn't around anymore." She thought hard, trying to see if she could remember hers. " Just flashes, they hated me....And no Sans, I never could. You are truly a bad ass." She laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. " Easy one, how old are you?"
"heh heh.. i know i am.. i'm a complete badass." he chuckled as she pushed into him closer and he felt her cuddling up against him more and more. He smiled, his arm starting to wrap around her and hug her a bit closely. "easy one? well.... actually its a bit harder than that heh heh, if it wasn't for papyrus i wouldn't remember at all.. i'm about 28. i was 21 when i met you and frisk.. then you two went away for so long.. kinda forgot about ya heh heh... before you ask, papyrus is 25" sans sighed and shrugged. "time goes by fast doesn't it... well if i could tell you how old i was with resets...... i really couldn't heh heh.. probably like 200 years old.. or something dumb like that.. and apparently i can't remember everything. so the numbers even higher. so.. your turn. what did you and frisk do to make me so angry.."
Chara laughed, enjoying the feeling of comfort as Sans wrapped his arm around her. If she were able to, she could see herself falling asleep like this. " Wow, your ancient Sansy~." Hearing his question she felt her smile drop, cringing a little against him. She didn't want to tell him, she was surprised that he would ask something like that. She now felt guilty, letting this monster comfort her like this. " Frisk didn't do anything, it was me. Anything bad she has done has been because of me. Do you really want to know? I..." She let her words trail off.
Sans saw how her face changed from great joy to just horrible guilt, you couldn't fake something like that.. Cry that quickly on command. That was the last nail in the coffin, he knew that her soul was honestly and really repaired.. If he had any doubts in his mind about her they all disappeared instantly from seeing her cry that quickly. "shhhhh.. shhh... it was stupid to ask.. it doesn't matter.. really it doesn't.." he wrapped his other arm around her as she naturally pushed her face into his chest. Caressing her back and resting his chin on her head. "i'm sorry i even asked.. you're not the same chara.. you're not the same.." he sighed a little empathetic for her. "you and frisk.. i can't hate you two.. heh.. you don't have to answer."
Chara cried softly into his chest. She remember when she wanted to brag about the things she done, all the torment she caused Sans and everyone else. Now, it hurt. She has never felt a pain like this before, it was as if she was being stabbed from the inside. "Thank you, Sans. " She laid against him, slowly her tears stopped, feeling so weak and fragile in his arms. She didn't think she liked it, but she couldn't bring herself to pull away. Feeling his hand rub her back she let out a light moan, reaching up and taking a hold of his jacket, pulling him closer. She wished that someone treated her like this sooner. Because now she couldn't get enough. "You can ask something else if you want."
He bent over a bit and held her closer, his body practically enveloping hers and holding her closer. He moved himself so that he was facing her more, he pushed his mouth into her hair and was forced to breath through his nose. "i gotcha.. no need to hold back tears.. it.. must feel awful. knowing what you did. i don't blame you one bit for needing to cry" his right hand on the back of her neck, pushing her more into him. His left hand on her back, moving up and down slowly feeling her tension go away with his touch. "ok.. ok... i have a question.. do...... you want to see your brother? when you get your body back.."
Chara sighed." I'm okay now, really." She said as Sans pulled her closer into him, his hand on the back of her neck, his other rubbing her back. Chara melted, she did like him, a lot. And it wasn't fair, a part of her wanted to keep him for herself. But, Frisk. Could she really try and take Sans from her. Chara nodded to his question. " Yeah, I think we both would like that. Is he still under ground? And Sans...what does love feel like? Because I think i might feel it now." She didn't know why she asked that. Sans was breaking her walls, making it seem that she could be more open to him. But she wanted to know, needed someone to explain these emotions.
"yeah. He never broke his promise to frisk.. he's been waiting there, just tending to the flowers and.. he seems almost like a monk. so calm and collected.. it was strange to see him so relaxed. L... love? i.. its like, butterflies in your stomach.. you feel like you're going to be sick.. in a good way. when you see that person you just.. feel all warm and happy, too happy. like they are water in the middle of an endless desert.. you..... you feel.. like that?" he asked a little worried
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