Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Chara just laughed at Sans, not because of his comment, but the smooth recovery for Frisks sake. She had also noticed that she was getting annoyed by they playful banter. She knew that she was going to have to talk to Frisk. She needed to be more bold, openly flirt more. " I'll get the water, Papyrus doesn't know me. You're his best friend, you can give him the news Frisk." She hopped down from the arm of the couch, her head whipped to the location of the explosion was then to sans wide eye. " Ummm…okay…I think I shouldn’t see her. Not for a while. You can just call me Ruby." She said with a shrug, walking in to the kitchen. Returning a little later with a glass of water.

Frish shyly smiled, looking away from Sans about getting sympathy from her. Never catching that it was an after thought. Her brown eyes looked over to Chara and nodded. "That’s a good idea." Frisk said, seemingly surprised that Chara would have one. Frisk nearly jumped out of her skin, yelping when she heard the explosion outside, more jumpy that Chara acted. "Are you sure?" She asked Chara as she walked into the kitchen not hearing Frisk ask her question. She sighed and pulled out her phone to call Papyrus. Stopping looking to Sans. " Where did Ruby come from?"
Sans chuckled and listened to Frisk "i told her her eyes looked like rubies.. and that it would be a nice nickname for her. ruby red" he smiled and shrugged "i think it fits her.." sans just as he said that realized that the nickname might sound like he was favoring chara over frisk.. but he gave frisk a nickname, even if he didn't think of her as a kid. he loved calling her kiddo. it was like her second name to him, he didn't want her to think it was cause she was childish. "y'know... kiddo. i love your nickname.. its got history between us heh heh.. across multiple timelines.. i always gave ya that nick name.. it just suits you." he gave a sweet smile to show her what it meant to him, it wasn't some throw away name that he just gave her.. well, at the time it was. But now it had actual meaning. He didn't want her getting mad at chara for him being friendly with her.. he didn't want either of them getting jealous. He would either have to get both of them to like him less...... not have this crush on him.. how would he do it?
Frisk thought about what Sans said, looking down at her phone. A sweet small came across her face. He was right, in fact she preferred when he called her 'kiddo' He hasn’t done it much since being back. Feeling his gaze on her she looked from her phone, her brown eyes meeting his. "Yeah, I always liked when you call me that. Sound good coming from you…" Her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Realizing she had to make a phone call she turned her attention back to her phone. Calling Papyrus, explaining what happened, using sans excuse of it was the lawnmower. She hated lying, but she did for Sans, and for Papyrus. She walked around the room talking to him.

As Frisk moved away from Sans, Chara stepped up, she was waiting for their little moment to be over before she approached. " I just call her Frisky sometimes, though I don’t think she likes it as much." She said handing Sans his water, helping if he needed it. " Sorry no snack, I havent dealt with food in for ever, better off Frisky takes care of that."
Frisk called papyrus and told him what happened, he took it as she thought he would. Screaming and terrified. He said he would close the store and be over right away, that work could come second to this! sounded like he really needed some calming down.

Sans chuckled, "i bet she could get a bit frisky.. but heh heh kiddo works much better for now.. y'know.. i was thinking of taking tori on a date... y'know.. how you said i should try to do things and open up.. even if they're scary" sans was trying to make them hate him for not choosing one of them.. He didn't want them to worry about this kind of thing, he knew that chara would tell frisk and then tell her about her feelings for him. the plan would probably work out, they would get pissed off.. maybe attack him... he could handle it though. even in this state he can still use his short cuts.
Chara glanced at Frisk before looking back to Sans. Shrugging, she seemed rather indifferent about the idea. " Not going to lie, saw that coming. Remember, I was around when you couldn’t see me. Might have giving mom goo-goo eyes behind her back, but I was always watching. " Keeping her voice low so Frick couldn’t hear them. "You're going to be the one to tell her. I want no part in that shit show. Speaking of….Your brother single?" She asked just as Frisk walked up.

"Soooo, Papyrus is on his way. Do you want us to stay…Wait…Is Chara going to live with?" It wasn’t like she didn’t want her around….maybe just a little…But Frisk finally has complete freedom away from Chara. Now she was going to still have to share he space with the girl. She tried to keep her face from showing her emotions about this possible living arrangement.
Sans rolled his eyes when she said if his brother was single. "you can try all you want... he's not gonna date you heh heh" sans chuckled at the thought. Then frisk came over and he was realizing just how bad this plan was.. he looked away, he didn't want to hurt the sweet girl who was helping him heal.. "hey frisk.. i..... she can stay here if you'd like.." sans smiled "i lied chara.. i was just... i wanted to tell you two that so you might... stop thinking i was such great boyfriend material.. but to be honest... i couldn't do that to you guys... i'm sorry." he shrugged and chuckled a little "especially you frisk... chara took the news rather well, she probably got over me.. but.. i don't want to hurt you frisk.. i was going to tell you i was gonna date your mom.. but..." he squinted and looked away. Surprised how quickly chara stopped caring about him, suppose its to be expected though.
Chara eyes widened, not believing that Sans said all that in one go, to a girl who nearly choked on her food because she heard the work penis. Then to add that Chara could stay with him, after announcing how she was handling the news very well, because she got over him. She wanted no part of this. Slowly she started to inch away, everything about the living room now seem so much more interesting than them right now. Yup, this was not good, Chara wondered if maybe she could just flea town…

Frisk just starred at Sans, blank faced, internally screaming. "Well, umm….." She was at a loss for words. By time she was able to speak a complete, Chara was in the kitchen. " S-sure, I understand! I will just be going, P-papyrus should be here soon, tell him I said 'Hello'! I had s-some stuff I want to g-get for the house anyways, so no big deal, right?" The while she was talking she was gathering her things, making her way to the door. Twice has she been to Sans house, twice she is leaving feeling broken. " Just, let me know if you need anything else, oh wait, Chara will be here. So uhh yeah…Bye!" With that she slammed the door behind her.

"I think you broke her…." Chara said from the kitchen…not ready to come out…
Sans's eyes where wide and he blinked a couple times. She was clearly not ok. Sans looked over to the kitchen then got up off of the couch. Grunting slightly and hobbling over to a short cut as fast as he could. he really fucked that up, getting through the door he made his way right in front of frisk. Didn't even tell chara where he was going or when, he was clearly in pain from standing. When frisk turned the corner, he was trying to stand there looking comfy and how he always did. but it was a lot more difficult to pull it off. Holding himself up with one arm and closing one eye. She walked right in front of him "frisk.... listen... i............." he sighed not sure what to say. maybe he shouldn't say anything, maybe he should listen.. he opened his one eye that was closed and looked at her "you seemed like you wanted to say something... go on.. your allowed to yell at me.. tell me how you feel.. if you're frustrated."
Frisk couldn’t even bring herself to cry, it was almost some kind of shock. She just had to get out of there, away from both of them right now. She nearly ran into Sans as she turned the corner. She did think that he would be well enough to chase after her like this. She just looked at him for a minute. " You shouldn’t be out like this Sans, you're just going to make it worse." She started past them, then sighed. Stopping and turning back to him." Look, I am hurt. But mostly because if you could see what I see, then you would understand just how great you really are. I'm not going to yell at you, I want to. But…maybe I'm wrong. You wont even give yourself a chance, why would I ever think that you would give me one? I wasted so many years…" She shook her head, leaning to him, gently kissing him, holding it for a moment before pulling away. " Go home, Papyrus is going to lose his mind if you're not there when he gets home." She turned and started to walk away.

Chara heard a faint sound before peeking out, not seeing Sans. " Fuck…." She had an idea that he went after Frisk. Pondering wither if she should go after him, let them have a minute to talk. But what if something happened to him, and Frisk can get him back. They couldn’t have gone far. But what if Papyrus come him and see her and no Sans. " Damn it!" Chara shouted before running out the door. The idea of running away was now a little more tempting.
Sans looked away maybe a little ashamed when she said he didn't even give himself a chance. "i did... bu-" She kissed him and his eyes widened his face turning red and his body stiffening up like a plank of wood. Her lips where so soft and gentle on him, she then turned and started to walk away. Sans pushed himself off of the wall and looked a bit confused. It had been way too long since he ever even tried to do anything like that. "f-frisk... wait.... its not that i don't give myself a chance.. i know that... you.... well..... you'd just end up hurt... you'd try to help me.. i know you.. you wouldn't be able too and it would break your heart... i... i'm trying not to break your heart before it even starts.. i know.. i've made ya feel like shit... but...... you just... please..... f-find another guy.. it's not that i don't want you.. its that you'd be better without me....."
Stopping when he asked her, she didn’t want to. With out turning she listened to what he had to say. "I have hundreds of timelines where all I knew was hurt and pain, all because of….it doesn't matter. Point is, I was willing to give it a chance. When I look at you I don’t see a monster that need my help, or to be fixed. I see my friend, A monster I care a lot about. I don’t see anything I need to change. I just hope when you see that for yourself it wont be too late. Go home Sans, I’m leaving." She walked away again, she had to get away from him before she broke down. Worse of all, she loved him, she wanted to tell him. But it hurt to much right now. She needed time to be by herself, to think about everything.

Chara was coming up to the corner they were around when she heard Frisk telling Sans to go home. She sounded so hurt. Chara waited, she wanted to make sure everything was okay, that Sans could get home alright. The later she would go see Frisk..maybe…Chara didn’t want to be in the middle of this.
Sans heard what she had to say and he sighed looking away. He didn't know what to say, he was glad she didn't think he needed fixing. The other timelines whenever he told papyrus what was wrong he always tried his hardest to help his brother, it was expected. "i..." Sans shook his head, she needed to leave and think. he knew that, walking through the alley way he limped a little bit, he almost bumped right into chara. Knowing she saw at least some of it "so.. how much you hear?.." sans started feeling... angry for some reason. he didn't feel anger all that much, it took a lot. He shook his head, "i'm heading home....... chara, i don't need you to look after me.. i'll be fine.. papyrus is a good bro. he'll figure something out.. you can stay at my house if you want.. i dunno.." sans shrugged and hobbled away. Trying not to hurt frisk only made him hurt her so much more.
Chara was about to answer his question after bumping into her. Then he had an attitude with her as if she did something wrong. "Look, I just got here. And really? For once I try and be the good guy, and yet I’m still going to be treating as a villain?!" Now she was starting to get angry. Taking a deep breath. Letting him walk away for a few steps before turning and following him " I'm getting the feeling I'm not wanted around by anyone now. Fair enough. But I'm going to make sure you get home safely, then I will be out of everyone's hair." She glanced at him" …or lack there of…Maybe my brother will want to have me around…" She sighed. " Frisk will be fine, I swear you could kick a puppy in front of her and she would still love you."
sans shook his head a bit and sighed "i'm sorry. i shouldn't be getting angry at you... it's just that.. i don't want frisk caring about me.. and i'm not treating you like the villain.. i'm just grumpy is all................... man...." sans shook his head wondering why he had to say that and mess this up. "i'm sorry chara. i want you taking care of me.. well. if you still wanna. but. could you got see frisk? tell her to come see me. tell her there's no rush.. i gotta lie down. and uh.. while shes talking to me would you mind.. not being around? i think she wants to talk to me in private.. i'm sorry chara. i can make it home, i got short cuts. so no need to worry about me" he waved and turned a corner, he was gone instantly. laying back on the couch and papyrus came home as soon as possible. He was screaming and frantic, wondering what the hell happened and.. where frisk was? she did call him didn't she? maybe it was the neighbor, he kind of forgot at this point. He was too worried.
Before Chara could reply, Sans was gone. She gave a long groan, and she turned and started to Frisks. " When did I turn into a phone? What make him think that she wants to see me? I swear I'm about over there little pity party over each other and them self's." Chara grumbled to herself as she walked, earning some off looks from others around her. Once at Frisk she knocked on the door, she did this for a while before Frisk answered. " What….I just really want to be alone right now Chara…" Frisk said sadly through her cracked door. Not really wanting to invite Chara in. " I know of all people you don’t want to see me. But Sans asked me to tell you to go see him, no rush…or something." Frisk looked at her thinking " Why couldn’t he just call or text me?"
Chara laughed and shrugged." Hell if I know, I thought the same thing. I think he doesn’t want you to be alone?" Frisk slowly opened the door a little more." What did he mean you got over him?" Frisk asked. " Well, when he healed my soul, I got a little…emotional. So I was a little attached to him for a little while. But it passed" Chara lied, she still had strong feelings for Sans. But she didn’t want to get caught up in this love triangle. Even if Chara had a funny way of showing it, she cared for Frisk, and didn’t want to see her hurt." I know Sans was a bit of an asshole the way he unloaded all that on you like that. If he wasn’t already hurt I would have punched him." Chara said leaning against the door frame. Frisk smiled, she would never admit it, but she agreed, it was a jerk thing to do. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Since I'm y'alls messenger, want me to give him one from you?" Frisk nodded. " Tell him I'll see him tomorrow. Thanks Chara." Chara pushed herself off the door and walked off, waving." What are friends for?"

Chara took her time getting back to Sans, she enjoyed her own alone time. It was later afternoon before she got back to Sans, just walking in. "Hey, I'm back. Frisk said she will be back tomorrow!" she blurted out shutting the door behind her. "How you feeling?"
When she walked inside Papyrus was there, practically force feeding sans some soup. It would be funny to watch if she wasn't totally visible right now. Papyrus quickly turned to Chara "OH! FRI-.... Wait a moment.. You're not Frisk!? Who are you!! I don't have time for company right now, or business! My brother is hurt! I'm terribly sorry" Sans waved his hand and waved at chara "nah nah... papyrus she's my friend. her names ruby." Papyrus squinted and looked confused. "What an.... Odd Name!! Then again, most human names sound weird. Like Jeff! Such a strange name!? Where does it even come from!!" Papyrus clearly didn't hear the thing about frisk and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "OK! I'm going to go and.... take a shower. I'm all disgusting!! Coated in sweat. Y-you'll be f-fine.. right Sans?" Sans nodded "don't worry about me paps.. i'll be right here." Papyrus nodded and walked upstairs. Sans sighed "tomorow.. huh?.... y'know..... she... kissed me... it had been a long time since... well.... that..." Sans thought it was fine to tell her this, not thinking she cared about him like that anymore. Thinking she was treating him more as a friend now. "i uh...... i don't know what to feel....... heh... kind of ironic that i'm talking to you about this.. the person who just got their feelings back.. what did i say? how did i say it?... wha... what did i do? honestly.. i was just being honest with her.." sans still wasn't exactly sure what he did. The first time he understood what he said and why she was hurt but this time was a bit different.
All Chara could do was wavy at them as Papyrus went on his tangent before rushing up stairs to shower. "Whoa…." she said as she walked over to Sans, taking a seat on the couch at his feet. "No shit?!" She smiled, she was honestly sort of proud of Frisk for being so bold like that. Then again, she was a little bitter. "Maybe tomorrow you kiss her, you know? But yeah, I don’t know either, I'm new to all the 'feeling's' thing. Buuuuut, I think it was more of a 'how you said it' and 'how much you said'. You unloaded on her pretty hard. When I said that you needed to tell her about mom..Toriel..whatever. I meant, more gently? Funny though, I thought you were smarter than that. That crack on your head must have rattled something. " She leaned back and closed her eye. Think about Frisk kissing him, what would happen if she did, would that be okay? Chara wasn’t sure if she wanted to find out. " And don’t worry about tomorrow, I'll be gone all day if you need me too. I'm sure I can find something to do."
"yeah... what about toriel? i talked about toriel?" sans tilted his head and looked a bit confused wondering if he actually talked about toriel or not. "didn't i tell her you had feeling for me... and.. then i said that..." Sans put his palm on his forehead and shook his head a little trying to think "eugh... i said i wasn't good boyfriend material. yeah, i said that.. then.. didn't i make a flirty joke about you guys on my bones? oh. wait. that was you, you made that joke.. i wanted to say something.. but i held back didn't i?" sans looked at her a bit more confused. pulling his hand away from his head. "where are you headed to tomorow? just wanna get out?" he smiled "maybe just uh. take some money y'know. you'll get hungry" sans tried to sit up, then scraped his broken arm on the couch "o-ouch! god... that hurt.. hmmm..." sans looked at his arm for a moment like he was trying to remember then his eyes widened and he nodded like he understood what happened looking back to chara smiling.
Chara stayed with her head back and her eyes closed, listening to sans. " You said a lot of stuff, I cant remember it all. I was busy trying to get the hell out of dodge." She opened her eyes when he brought up money. "Right, I guess I will. I'm going to have to get used to all this 'being alive' stuff. Maybe I should live with Frisk, or hang out with her more. I know I'm a monster an all now…but…" She heard him move and hurt himself. She waited for him to say something else. Slowly she turned to him, he was just looking at her smiling. Chara was a little unsettled but this." Ummm, why are you looking at me like that? Its creepy…" She asked sitting herself up looking at him confused. " You need help or something?" Her eyes narrowed trying to understand what his deal was. Maybe his head was messed up. He was having a hard time remembering what he said.
"yea.. pretty sure heh heh.. i mean," he stopped smiling "should i not be smiling ruby?.. er........." he snapped his fingers and put his hand over his wound, snapping a couple times "chara. heh....." sans looked down and started thinking "did uh... you can't remember either?" he looked back up at her and squinted like he was trying hard to focus. Almost like she was pretty far away, "i uh.. i'm a bit hungry. i'll go get a snack or something..." he looked down at his chest and raised an eyebrow "uh.... oh yeah. explosion heh heh... m... my head hurts a bit. chara, do you have an aspirin? maybe a Tylenol? i think i'm getting a head ache"
Sans was acting very strange, nothing he was saying was making any sense. Carefully Chara got from the couch. " Are you okay? Its okay to smile, I'm just not sure why you were." Slowly she got to the floor next to him, trying to follow what he was saying and asking for." Sans, you know I have nothing. Where do you keep those, I'll got get them. But I really think you need to stay still." Her relax demeanor fading, her chest started to hurt seeing him in pain, and struggling like this. " Please just lay down, I'm going tot take care of you. " She said pushing him back down on the couch.
Sans laid down and nodded, "probably a good idea to lay down y'know... don't wanna hurt my chest more.. its already covered in bandages heh heh.. like a mummy, i'm like a mummy" sans closed his eyes and stretched his neck a bit. "y'know i like you chara.. you're a lot nicer now then when you where a ghost.. you we're threatening to make me suffer and force me to stay awake.. i was a little nervous and kind of scared of you heh heh.. but now you're just like a cuddly monster, like the rest of us." He looked her in the face and winked, but it was under his bandage and he shuttered a bit "o-ouch... what... oh yeah.. heh heh.. my eyes all covered." he seemed to have less of a filter than before.. saying things he wouldn't normally admit. It was possible he was experiencing, these symptoms before but no one really noticed. not even himself, would make sense why he said those things to frisk.
Chara snickered, sitting on the edge of the couch next to him. " I know, I like you too Sansy. But I really need you to relax, and rest." she tried not to think to much on him saying that he like her. She would agree that she maybe a little easier to deal with, thanks to him. But to call her a cuddle monster like them was laughable. But she went with it. " I know, I will cuddle you all you want later after, after I find you something for the pain…" She said looking up the stairs, normally people will put thinks like that in bathrooms, and Papyrus was in the shower. " Can you hang on till your brother come back. I'm still not that good at being the 'nurturing' type."
Sans slowly nodded so he wouldn't hurt himself. "for someone as cute as you, i'll do anything~" he winked and giggled a little bit. "you or frisk.. hell.. i'd do anything for the both of you at the same time~" he chuckled again and didn't even blush, yup this head injury was a bit more than just something that could go away with time and rest.. well, maybe. he was a monster and a skeleton after all, he probably just needed healing items. "where is kiddo anyways?.. why did she leave?" he tilted his head a little and looked sad. "i wanna see her..." The shower turned off and papyrus walked downstairs with his towel on around his waist. "Hows he holding up!? Is he alright Ruby??"
Chara wondered if he would remember any of this in the morning. And as amusing as he was being, he was being really off and Chara had no idea how to help him. " I know Sans, You say that now. But if I were to hold it against you…" She laughed and shook her head. " You couldn’t handle. Frisk will be here tomorrow, I'm going out. But, I best she would like some cuddles. " She smile, not really liking the idea of that. But she had to remain neutral. Just the Papyrus came down in just a towel. " oh, for fucks sake!" She stood up from the couch looked to the ceiling. " He is talking crazy…crazier then normal that is. He has a pretty good size crack on his head. Frisk did what she could but she didn’t seem confident about her work." She glanced at him she walked off past him up stairs to get the pills he asked for.
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