Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans was a bit apprehensive to hear her say she would go by herself, then again she was the one who defeated him many many times. Sans thought it might be a good idea, he nodded and took a deep breath. Sans wasn't someone who was scared or shocked easily, but flowey was causing his nerves to tense up a bit. ".... alright.... just..... be careful kiddo.. don't want both of us being hurt heh heh" Sans sunk into the shadows, only his white eyes visible. Then they disappeared without a trace. He was watching, this kind of reminding him of when he watched frisk for the first time through the woods.
Frisk nodded. "I always am. Plus I have you watching my back." she watched as her friend fade into the shadow. Taking a deep breath, she turned and walked to where she fell. Pausing, she saw him. Flowey's head was hanging, he looked almost asleep. Unmoving, he was just sitting there among the other yellow flowers. Slowly, Frisk started to walk towards him, His head picking up, then turning his head to Frisk. "Whos there?!" He said softly, but with warning. Narrowing his eyes looked over Frisk, still walking to him. He was surprised that this person didn’t stop. " Who the hell are yo-…No….Cant be…" Flowey straighten himself as a grin formed on his face." Frisk…? My, my. I almost gave up to think you would have the guts to show your face around here again. But here you are, all grown up." Flowey hissed.

Frisk carefully walked to him. "I know, its been awhile. I just thought that maybe you were ready to have your happy ending like everyone else…" Ash she talked she got right before him, getting to her knees so she was more level with him. " I should have come sooner, and I'm sorry. If you are willing to give me a chance to help you, then I'm willing to help." Flowey was shocked by Frisk, she was so grown up, and still so naive. For her to come see him all by herself, she must have been begging for a reset. "You?! Help me?! Ha! Still such an idiot! No one can help me, and if I could have been helped then someone would have tried long before you!" Frisk sighed, shaking her head. " I know, I just got back not to long ago. I just thought that maybe you would like the comp-"

Frisk was cut off by vines wrapping around her body and throat, squeezing her. Not enough to cause her too much harm, just a warning." DON'T LIE TO ME! You came here because you go bored! You came here to….start over…" Floweys face contorted in, as he pulled her face to his. "You came here by yourself, what did you think was going to happen?!" He said, vines tighten a little around Frisk. "Asriel! Please, I just want to help!" Frisk cried out. Hearing his name, he withdrew his vines." Don’t call me that…That monster is gone.." Frisk gasped, relieved that released her. " No, he's not. I saw him inside you before. Don’t you want to be free? To be with you family and not alone down here?"

Flowey thought for a moment " How can you help me? I know you don’t have that kind of power..or skill.." Frisk glanced over to where Sans was, then back to Flowey. " I don’t, but I know someone who does. I believe in them. You know I wouldn’t be here telling you any of this if I didn’t know deep down it was true." She paused…" If it doesn’t work…then I will reset…but you have to give it a fair shot! And I will only hold my end if I agree that you cant be helped. " Flowey gave her a wide demonic grin."…Deal…"
Sans ever so slowly walked out of the shadows, right behind frisk. His big goofy smile and expression, he was pretty nervous though. But he had to try, especially after that speech frisk gave him. "y'know you little weed. it's not nice to choke someone who's trying to help you.." Sans muttered a bit, his eyes black and the crack making him look even worse. The second frisk turned to look at sans his eyes came back, before she could realize what he looked like. "heh.." Sans didn't mean to call him a weed, it was almost second nature at this point. Him and flowey had a rather long history and he didn't enjoy any of it.
" Oh great, should have know that you would have brought along you little trash bag friend..." Flowey said rolling his eyes. " Is this the friend you say id going to help me? This is a joke, right?! You know damn well he would rather see me turned to dust than 'help' me!" He hissed at Sans, though he was talking more to Frisk. She stood and looked at the both of them." Okay, this isn't going to work if you guys keep up with the name calling. Flowey, for one. This was his idea! Not mine, I was against it honestly!" She looked to Sans." Could you just calm down, if I thought I was in any real danger I would have called you." she took a deep breath." Now, lets just all of us just remember that this is the time for moving forward. Its been seven years since I broke the barrier. If Sans says he can help, and I believe he can. Then just give him a chance. I would allow him to try and hurt you." Frisk wanted Flowey to trust Sans just as much as she did, knowing that he could do this. He saved Chara, he could save Asriel.
Sans closed his eyes and nodded, it probably wasn't a good idea to start off with calling him a weed and looking threatening. "listen... i wanna help you flowey." He opened his eyes and walked closer to him "i know.. we've had our differences in the past... and.. we both don't want to trust each other, but i'm going to try and bring back your emotions. i think its possible. if i can do it.. you won't have to live alone anymore" sans smiled at him, 'this little weed. why am i even smiling at him. he doesn't care!' sans thought to himself. But he pushed these negative thoughts away from his mind, he needed to be good and nice with him. "so.. what do ya say? are you willing to let me help you turn over a new leaf" sans winked and held back laughter from his dumb plant pun. "well.. i'll do my best heh heh.. but you have to trust me. what do you have to lose?"
Frisk was pleased to see that sans was trying to be nice, giving him a gentle smile she then looked to Flowey giving him the same friendly smile. " Ugh, don't look at me like that! Just...let me think about it...I'm not sure what I want. " Flowey huffed looking from them. He didn't want to give up what little hope on a monster that he didn't trust. Though he knew that Frisk wouldn't have brought him there knowing their history. Again Frisk knelt down to Flowey, lightly placing her hand on his head." I know this is sudden, I have seen Sans help others just as worse off at you. and they are doing wonderfully. Just know, I plan on keeping my promise. Every monster gets their happy ending. I never forgot about you, I just know you needed time. And I gave that to you, so it time to move on. Its over, its time fore a knew beginning." Flowey looked into Frisk soft brown eyes, then looked away." It pointless....I know why your bothering with helping me. But the comedian over there...why him?" Flowey gave a small glare at sans, having a feeling that this was more about him than just playing the good guy for Frisk's sake.
Sans waved at him slowly when he checked over frisks shoulder to see him. Sans walked over to the two of them and he knelt down "listen flowey.. i uh.. i know i haven't always been the nicest.. but y'know.. live and let live.. or something like that. i'm not exactly sure what to say if i'm being honest. if we just head back to my place, we can conduct some small tests.. and i can see what needs fixing." Sans pulled out a small flower pot from behind his back, like he had it there the whole time. he put it on the ground and smiled, "so.. what do you say?"
"Live and let live....?" Flowey chuckled, that only grew into a manic laughter. " No. ItS KiLlEd Or Be KiLlEd!!" Hearing this Frisk stood and looked down at the crazed monster. "That’s enough! This is a one time offer, you come now, get the help you know you need and get your life back. Or we walk out and I will make sure this place is sealed. No one can come see you and you lose your chance to leave!" Flowey looked at her arching a brow. "….you wouldn’t….do that…?" Frisk turned on her heel and started to walk away, taking ahold of Sans hand pulling him with her." Wait!! D-don’t go…I was just playing..haha, just a joke….don't leave me…" He tried to not sound scarred, Flowey didn’t want to risk the chance of being locked down there by himself. Frisk stopped and glanced at Sans, giving him a sly grin, and winked. Turing to Flowey, her face was serious once more. " So you do want our help? You have to do everything Sans says…" Flowey groaned and nodded. " …Fiiine…whatever…."
They started to walk away and saw Frisk giving the sly grin, Flowey was obviously a bit lonely. Years of him staying in the underground by himself would do that, then they turned back to him and sans walked right back to him. "alright then.. i'll help you into the pot flowey" Sans got down on one knee and pushed his fingers deep into the soil around flowey going under his roots and pulling him out. Making sure there was still some nice soil for him to stay inside. Sans put the soil inside of his pot, before kind of scooping most of the original soil out. Sans had some nice smooth dirt with fertilizer inside of it, kind of a gift for Flowey. Putting a decent amount of thought into this for him. "alright.. now no complaining.. that's the first rule heh heh" sans picked the pot up and looked at frisk. "lets take a short cut back to my lab.. i have an idea for what i could do to make his new soul" sans smiled and walked through the doorway that lead to Toriels old house. Opening the door and letting Frisk walk through he followed and they appeared in his 'workshop'
"This is so demeaning...." Flowey groaned as Sans uprooted him, placing him in the pot. Frisk fought back a giggle, she felt proud of herself, though this was easer than what she thought, and with out too much of a fight between the two males. This was the last soul that needed their help, finally Frisk felt that she could rest. "How do you think this will take? " Frisk asked as they took Sans shortcut, knowing that at some point Chara would be back. There was a chance that she wouldn't go looking for them in his workshop. "And can you do this safely this time?" She whispered this to him so Flowey wouldn't hear. Flowey perked up and looked at then. "Hey, whats with the whispering?"
"Yeah. This time i'll be fine frisk.. heh.." sans puts floweys flower pot on the table. "Flowey if you don't mind.. I'll need to check something. I know you're souless but I need to know for sure." Sans puts the helmet on floweys head that's disconnects the soul from their body ans he turns it on. Nothing happens, sans turns it up more and nothing happens still. "Huh.... i always thought it... hmmm... completely true. I thought there might have been small traces of a soul.. but there's nothing there.." sans scratches his chin and looks back at frisk "I need your help.. I need you to get asgore and toriel in the same room. I need to get.. small portions of their souls
Frisk placed a hand over her mouth to cover her smile as Sans put the helmet on Flowey's head. Thinking how cute he looked right now with his grumpy face in the flower pot and the helmet on his head. Watching as Sans worked, then seeing that nothing was happening, this wasn't good. Her smile faded, turning to Sans. " I sure I can...I just don't know how you can explain that you need a parts of their soul." Flowey groaned under the helmet. " See! I told you this is pointless...wait...no one knows youre doing this? Oh boy...." He started to chuckle as if this was amusing him. Frisk looked to him, not finding none of this funny right now. " Just give me a minute, do you want them to come here? Or should I tell them to meet at my place?" She asked pulling out her phone.
Sans looked over at flowey then back to frisk "eh.. doesn't matter, i need to take small parts of their souls.. we're basically going to make a new soul using theirs. Then we can grow it and give it to flowey, or.. Asriel.. whatever he wants to go by." Sans looks back to flowey and smiles "sounds good huh? but... this will take some time and uh.. to be honest, we just need you here so we can give you your soul.. we uh.. don't really need you other than that. i guess you'll need to answer some personal questions though. about before you became a flower."
" It doesn't matter what you call me because this isn't going to work!" Flowey laughed, Frisk just looked at him. He made Chara seem a lot less annoying. " My place...Because of the couch. Plus I'm not expecting anyone to come home soon." She said to Sans, hinting at Chara. She walked away from them as she started to text her mom and dad to meet at her house in about an hour. Flowey looked at Sans coldly. " Why are you even doing this? Trying to empress Frisk? Trying to look like the hero that we both know you're not? And why is this such a secret?" He rolled out question after question, not fully trusting Sans or what he was trying to do. He knew Frisk was the goodie-goodie type, so he could understand why she would. But not Sans...
sans nodded, the plan was fine right now and once he saw asgore and toriel he could extract some of their soul. Looking back to flowey, he really was annoying. He was probably trying to be annoying though, just bored of whats happening. "heh.. the worlds got a bunch a heroes flowey.. i'm not trying to be one, i'm just trying to help.. frisk is a hero.. you.. where a hero.. i think heroes deserve better endings is all.. heh.. is that so hard to believe?" sans shrugged and tilted his head. "now. we gotta go and get ready for tori and asgore.. now." Sans sat down and put his hands on his face, resting a bit and looking at flowey. "i have a few personal questions about you... what was your favorite food? favorite color, best memory from before you where a flower. how much did you love your parents? any stuffed animals you really loved? and last.. maybe least.. did you cry a lot?" sans knew the answer to the last one. He was just teasing a bit.
Flowey rolled his eyes when said that he was a hero, he was such an idiot. He watched as Sans sat down, he looked so drained and...hurt, injured even." What's the matter trash-bag? Seems you seen better days..."He laughed to himself, the sighed" Hmmm let me think" He used one of this leaves, tapping it lightly on his chin. He didn't see a point in the questions, so he didn't have an issue answering them." Anything my mom cooked, yellow and green, anything other than being...this... was better. Duh, I loved them...and Chara..." He groaned getting a little frustrated, mostly by Sans last question. " What the heck if the point of all these question?! Don't you have anything better to do?!" He hissed, stopping when Frisk walked back to them. " Okay, everything is all set up. They will be at my house in an hour. What do we do till then?" She gave Flowey a quick glance.
Sans thought for a couple of seconds and almost laughed from how angry Flowey got. "welp. i do have another question.. why don't you trust me all that much? what did i ever do to you?" sans was kind of curious, timeline to timeline with true resets sans couldn't remember. Neither could Flowey and it was a bit frustrating for the both of them "why don't you try to walk around inside the pot flowey.. you'll need to learn soon anyways.. right?" he smirked. "and why do you not believe i'll get you your soul back?" Raising an eyebrow he looked over at frisk and smiled. "i guess we could play a card game.. or something like that. flowey, wanna just go back to the underground? wait till we're finished with your soul?.. oh.. i'll need.. this.." Sans took one of his petals into His hand and took a very small chunk out of it. So small it wasn't even visible, but he still had to yank it a little. Probably hurt.
"Because you...I....hmmm" Flowey had to stop and think, he was so sure that there was a good reason. He could feel this utter hate when Sans was around, even though he couldn't place a reason. He just ignored Sans comment about walking around in his pot. Frisk had an idea why, it was the same for Chara, he was always the road block to get what they wanted. She just kept that to herself, she was about to agree on a card game when Flowy shrieked out. " Like Hell I do! No, you drug me up here saying that you were going to fix my soul and now you-GAH!!" He was cut short by Sans plucking a small part of his petal. " What the Hell! Maybe this is why I hate you! You're a jack-ass!" Frisk looked to Flowey. " Language!" She said, causing Flowey to just turn from them and pout.
Sans sighed, "i need it flowey.. and i took the smallest part i possibly could have.. we are going to fix your soul.. well. kind of, you don't have a soul.. it would be a lot faster if you had one to fix. we need to make you one, and in order to do that we need a bit of toriels and asgores soul.. mix them together along with your dust" holding up the bit of petal "we can re-create your boss monster soul.. put it in you and you'll be able to feel.. so.. maybe be a bit more greatful? i don't know.. i'm not doing any of this to be mean. so what do you want to do? just.. sit around.. go home? or what?" sans decided to explain everything about it to flowey so that he could understand without complaining or getting angry
" I guess a little head up before you go manhandling me would have been better...like ' oh hey! imma gonna pluck a part of you heh heh'" Flowley said mockingly trying to sound like Sans. Frisk had to turn her face to hide her smile from them, not wanting either of them seeing her, knowing this wasn't the time to be laughing. " And I can just stay here, I don't want to go back. What if you forget about me again?! Nope, not going to take that chance, I'm staying right here!" Flowey said crossing his leaves over his stem. After composing herself Frisk looked at Sans, and shrugged. " Well, I mean what harm can he do? He is kind of stuck in the pot...and he will safe in here. Only we know about this place. "
Sans would have chuckled when flowey made fun of him if he was any other person, flowey making the joke made him uneasy. "yeah.. ill remember for next time.." sans shrugged and nodded to frisk "yeah. i guess, we won't be long at all either. just stay here and you can watch your soul grow over time.. uh.. question. you want water? fertilizer?...... something like that" sans thought that flowey looked cute, but he never wanted to get to close to the little weed. He made him uneasy.
Flowey just starred at Sans for a moment before looking to Frisk. " How can you stand to be around this guy? I mean really. I'm sure you have better, less annoying friends..."He said, not even bother to talk to Sans anymore at the moment." Oh come on. He isn't so bad. You're just being a little grumpy and that understandable. This was all his idea you know. So maybe you can try a little harder to get along?" She smiled down to him. Flowey just sighed. "Yeah, doubt that will ever happen, and its not like he is really trying. Making those stupid joke. I have an excuse, you know...soulless. Trash-bag here he just being a jerk just because he thinks I'm some kind of joke." Frisk shook her head. " No, no one thinks your a joke. Right Sans?" She looked to him.
Sans looked over at frisk and thought it would be a pretty pathetic joke if he was. "I was being serious... if you need something I can get it for you.." sans shrugs "I understand though. I don't think your a joke.. and if I thought this was one big joke I wouldn't be here."
Flowey sighed." The only thing I need from you is to hold up your end of...whatever this is." He looked to Frisk again, her kind smile making him feel a little at ease. One thing he knew what he didn't want to be alone with Sans, out of the two of them he trusted her the most. And knew that Sans would try anything with Frisk around. Flowey gazed over Frisk, she has changed so much since he last saw her. Humans seem to age up rather fast. Looking away from them he just hung his head. " I just want to be left alone. Just go and do what you need." Frisk lightly touched the top on his head. " Its going to be okay Asriel, I know its hard to believe in any sort of hope right now, but everything will work out." He said nothing. Frisk withdrew her hand and looked to Sans. "Come on, lets leave him be. I want to head back to my place now. There is something I want to give you."
Sans sighs. Seeing flowey again really was messing with him, he needed to be away from this little demon and quickly too. "sure.. sure.. we'll be there faster than you can say. welcome home heh heh" Sans walked out of his workshop and let frisk follow, they took a quick short cut to her house. Sans had a horrible feeling about leaving flowey alone inside of his workshop, not because he thought that chara would find him.. he locked the door anyways. He was more afraid that flowey would start snooping, finding things that sans hid very well... but hopefully it didn't happen. Sans looked at frisk, worried about flowey and not able to shake the feeling that he's plotting something. "sup frisk.. shouldn't take long for tori and asgore to get here.. what did you wanna give me?"
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