Welcome to New,New Home. (Undertale) Vail/Spud

Sans smiled and watched Chara acting extremely silly. It was a lot of fun to be here with them and now that pizza was involved, how could he not enjoy it. He grabbed a slice of pizza and smiled wide, pushing it into his mouth and letting his taste buds bask in the wonder that was pepperoni pizza. "mmmmm~" he moaned and hummed a little bit. His taste buds swirling, even if he was drunk and going numb. It was amazing right now, "heh.. how about we go out on the porch.. you guys wanna play truth or dare??? lots of fun to play while drunk heh heh heh"
Frisk smiled at the two of them and picked up and piece and handed it to Chara. " Here, I have to see your face when you take your first bite!" She said, Chara taking the slice from her, looking at it for a moment before taking a descent bite. Chewing it, her face lighting up. Sans and Frisk were right, pizza was delish. Soon she was stuffing her face, moaning as she ate. Frisk giggled at the both of them. " Wow guys, its just pizza...." She said picking up her own slice and eating it, making it a point not to moan, though she wanted to. The pizza was that yummy. Chara washed down her pizza with her drink, before replying to Sans. " Truth or dare?" Frisk perked up. " Yeah, its like a game. You ask someone ' truth or dare' they pick one. The you either ask them a question and they have to tell the truth, or you tell them to do something and they have to do it." Frisk explained. "Oh, Sans and I played that." Chara said, Frisk gave Sans and concerned and amused look. " Oh really?"
Sans chuckled at Chara's reaction to pizza and frisks too. It really was that good. Sans laughed and shook his head reassuring frisk that she wasn't telling the truth. "we didn't play truth or dare... we played... truth or truth heh heh heh heh, i was asking her quetions that she had to answer.. and in good faith i would answer her questions.. no matter how personal. but she had to answer my personal questions too.. so that's what we played." Sans smiled "truth or dare is a lot of fun though.... here, chara doesn't know so she can ask.. lets say frisk first. heh heh, then frisk gets to ask someone and then i get to ask someone." Sans smiles
"Oh right. My bad..." Chara said, she really didn't mean to lie. She just got confused by the two. Her head was feeling a little out of sorts. Chara when back to her pizza, and Frisk laughed as she took a bite of hers. "Well to be honest I never really played myself. So I think it will be fun to pay with you guys." Frisk smiled. By this time Chara was reaching for her next slice. " Man, this stuff it awesome! I thought popcorn was pretty good. But this is better! What other foods should I try." Chara asked them. "Tacos are really good, so are hot dogs!" Frisk replied.
Sans laughed a bit and shook his head. "alright... chara used her question i guess... its your turn frisk.. who do you want to ask a question too? and truth or dare?" Sans sat back and chuckled at how chara wasted her turn on a question about food. She didn't know the rules of the game, but it was just funny. She would soon get another chance to ask someone else or make them do something. Sans smiled and waited for Frisk to think about what she should ask to one of them, or the dare she should make one of them do.
Chara eyes widened. " What?! We are playing, like now?! I didn't know! That's not fair! Sans you cheated!" Chara shouted. Frisk laughed along with Sans, she did feel a little bad for Chara, but she would get another chance later. " Okay, I'll just ask you something Sans, then you can go. After that we should go out back and finish the game." She thought about her question "What's something you wanted to do up here that you haven't done yet?" There was a lot of things she wanted to ask. But she wanted to keep everything light and fun.
Sans shrugged at the question "nothing.. i'm with papyrus.. what more do i really need? heh heh.. i know it sounds like a cop out.. but i'm honest. i don't know what else i could want... i..... y'know.. i'm not vain, i never really wanted much growing up.. i don't want anything now.. y'know? heh" sans smiled and shrugged again, he didn't really care if he was in the underground, the surface, the moon.. he didn't care where he was, and he didn't care what he did where he was. He didn't have plans about the surface like every other monster that wanted to go. "alright.. my turn.. hmmmm... i choose truth. and i say.. frisk, did you ever meet a cute boy on your travels?" Sans was keeping it light hearted as best as he could right now too. He chuckled and wanted to see if she would start blushing.
Frisk shugged, she figured that would have been his answer. He was always good at hiding things from everyone. So she just wondered if there was something deep down he wanted to do with his few freedom. Chara though just gave a raspberry. " Damn that's so freaking lame Sans. " Chara said playfully. It was Frisk turn to answer a question, and Sans got the reaction he wanted, her face became flushed and she look looked at the slice of pizza in her hand. " I...well yeah maybe. I met a few that were alright. But, you know. I had to come home and I was never anywhere long enough to even bother trying. So..." Chara smiled at Frisks reply, she was being so cute right now. " So yeah...lets finish eating and we can go out back." Frisk said, thinking this truth or dare was going to be trouble. But it was all in good fun, and she didn't want to back out. "Well I'm done, I cant take another bite. Though I do feel I could have one more drink." Chara said.
Sans chuckled seeing her response. Hearing charas jeers made him shrug and smirk "what ever.. you're not my mom heh heh heh, what do you care what i do with my freedom.." Sans looked at chara with a grin "ok. its your turn.. y'know the thing you where so upset that you got skipped last time.. choose a truth or a dare and then tell them to do something or ask a question... nothings off the table, or off limits." Sans was a bit drunk so he wasn't really thinking too properly at this moment about what nothing's off the table really meant.
Chara rolled her eyes. " Okay Sansy, since you're feeling all sassy. Truth or Dare~?" Chara smirked, leaning her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. Sure he said nothing off, but she wasn't going to be the one to go to far with the question and or dares. She was going to wait to see if he or Frisk were going to cross any lines. Frisk sighed and leaned back on her hands, wondering why Sans had to say that. But Chara put her aim at him and not her. So she was glad that she was off the hook for the moment.
"oh, heh heh.. i like that evil look in your eye~ you're thinking of something devious... i can tell" He smirked and shrugged. "Y'know what.. this will be fun.. you decide. i don't care about either.. truths.. dares.. they're all the same.. will all end with me winning anyways." He winked and smiled wide, not paying attention to frisk at all right now.
Chara gasped and acted as if she was offended " What? Sans, you really think I'm up to something? Little me? Really?" Although her voice sounded innocent, her smirk only grew. " I can play nice, and since I'm picking for you...I choose...Dare..." She laughed and thought, though she already knew what she was going to dare him to do. and it wasn't all that bad. But it was going to be funny. " I dare you, to take of you jacket and not wear again for the next twenty four hours."
Sans laughs a little and takes his jacket off putting it on the floor. "yeah? that's super easy... heh heh heh, i'll get to put it on again tomorow.. whatever.. and here i was a little nervous, thinking you might make me do something bad heh heh heh" Sans just laughed more and shook his head, he looked over at frisk and smiled wide. "your turn you silly girl... heh heh, if you're gonna choose me. From now on you get to choose truth or dare on my behalf.. if its as boring as chara's dare.. i have nothing to worry about."
Chara shrugged "Hey, we are just getting started. Why waste all the good dares so soon. I mean I could have said to burn that shit...but I didn't. But I guess its not to late to use that option~" She chuckled, she wouldn't do that to him. But it was more of a reminder that she could have been a little more mean, if she really wanted too. "Sans, do you really have to egg her on..." Even though she was annoyed by the fact Sans opened a can of warms when it came to Chara, she could help but find watching them tease each other rather funny. "Okay, Chara. Truth or dare?" Chara smiled. " Dare, give me your best Frisky." Frisk laughed, she wanted to keep things light hearted " Okay, I dare you to wear Sans jacket till he can have it back." Chara just looked at her. "Umm, okay...." Chara held her hand out to Sans. " Alrighty bone boy, hand it over. I'll take real good care of it, promise~"
"heh heh, you better.. i'll keep an eye socket on ya" sans smirked and handed Chara the jacket. He smiled watching her put it on, it was very soft and smelled like sans. Very comfy.. Sans smiled and looked at her "i know its gonna be hard giving it back.. but you'll need too heh heh.. ok.. Truth for chara, I say....... have you... hmmmmm.." Sans tried really hard to think of something that could embarrass her. "i know. chara, i want you to tell us.. how much did you like that little kiss frisk gave you~" Sans's smile grew really wide and his eyebrows raised high. He had the perfect question to make her blush.
Chara laughed as she slipped her arms though the sleeves. "Oh no, trust me I'm already counting down till you can have this smelly thing back." Honestly, she didn't mind the smell. In fact she really liked it, it reminded her of when he hugged her the other night when she got her emotions back. It was comforting. She pushed up the sleeve and looked at Sans wide eyed. "What? Oh, yeah. It was nice I guess. I didn't hate it." She said with a shrug. "I never been kissed like that, so I don't really have anything to compare it too. I liked it..." She smiled, happy now that she had the jacket because she was able to sink down in it. Frisk on the other hand, her face was red and she let out a small groan. She had almost forgotten about. And she didn't know how she felt about the fact that Chara said she liked it. It felt nice, she didn't even know what came over her when she did it. "My turn again huh? Guess I'll ask Frisk something. Though I know pretty much everything about you. So cant really ask you much...hmmm..I'll be nice, sorta. I dare you to hold Sans hand until my next turn." It was another lame dare, and Chara knew that. Frisk looked over to Sans, her face now really red. She scooted over to him and held out her hand to him. Now avoiding eye contact with him.
Sans was super disapointed when she just said she enjoyed it. He sighed, thinking it would get to her, but he was wrong. It always sucked when that happened. Then Frisk took his hand and he smiled at her, she didn't look at him and he shook his head a little and giggled. "alrighty frisk.. your turn.. you get to choose one of our punishments... you gonna ask chara another one? or me this time" Sans smiled and looked back to chara. She seemed to like his jacket.
Chara looked up the two of them and giggled. " Damn you guys are so cute...its gross..." Frisk sighed at Chara's comment, and forgot that it was her turn. But since Sans asked about her kissing Chara.. " Oh, right. Sans, have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?" Frisk asked, then added. "Family doesn't count!" That was when it hit her, technically Chara was her sister. Not blood of course, but still she kissed her, in a rather romantic way. Even though she was having fun with them, the night was getting more awkward, she needed to make another drink once it was Chara's turn again and she had her hand back.
Frisk got a little frisky with her next question and decided to try and go for what sans was going for, sans and chara. She asked that and could tell right away from the way that his hand kind of twitched and tensed up that it caught him off guard. "w-... well... uh........ heh.. i uh... yeah.. maybe.. like. once.. or... twice.. heh heh heh... maybe" he looked away a bit and shrugged, trying to play it off cool. But he looked a bit shaken up by the question in complete honesty.
The room fell silent for a minute. "Whoa, didn't see that one coming..." Chara was the first to break the silence, but seeing Sans reaction Chara laughed softly. " You okay there buddy. Its your turn by the way." Chara smiled. Frisk thought her question was innocent enough, her hand lightly gripped ahold of Sans a little tighter feeling his hand twitch a little. "I'm sorry...I didn't think..." Frisk said now feeling more awkward. Thinking that they should have just gone for a walk or something else other than playing this, she had a feeling it was only going to go badly.
Sans laughed pretty hard, breaking the awkward silence and put his arm around Frisks neck and laughed. "Don't worry about it kiddo.. you didn't mean anything by it heh heh heh. that guys long gone heh heh.." Sans does a dismissive shake with his hand, waving away the weird feeling in the air. "its uh.. it was a long long time ago anyways.. i'm over it" Sans shrugs and looks to chara with a wide smile. "ok then~ If that's the case... how about... hmmm.. truth. and your question is... man, its hard to ask question to chara... she's just.. hasn't had a body for long enough to have that many secrets heh heh.. alright then. dare. my dare, i dare you to eat a bunch of wasabi or anything super spicy.." Sans smirked. "don't worry.. i got some right here~" he pulled out a bottle of wasabi and hot sauce from his pocket putting down in front of her.
Frisk gave a sigh of relief hearing Sans laugh it off, though she didn't fully believe that he was fully okay with her asking him that. But then again, Frisk wanted to think he would be honest with her. Chara regretted bring up that it was Sans turn since all that did was put the focus on her. She watched him confused. " What the hell is wasabi?" Chara asked, Frisk shook her head and laughed. " Oh Sans...that's so mean..." She said still laughing, the weight had been lifted by this random turn of events. " And why the hell are you carrying bottle of...this?" Chara still very confused. "Hang on, let me get a spoon." Frisk stood, letting go of Sans hand and went off to the kitchen. Coming back with a spoon and handing it to Chara. Chara looked at the two bottles and picked the red one, the hot sauce. Fill the spoon she brought it to her nose and sniffed it and looked to Frisk and Sans. Frisk sat there watching Chara smiling, biting her lip to help fight back her giggles. Chara counted to three in her head and took the spoon of hot sauce in her mouth. She waiting..."this isn't..so..." It took a moment to hit her, her eyes watered and she started to cough, reaching her drink she chugged what was left before slamming it down on the table. "Fuck! What the hell?! " She reached over and got the orange juice and poured some in her glass and drank that down. Frisk busted out laughing, still feeling bad for Chara, but it was so funny. "That was fucked up Sans! My turn in next and now it war!" Chara smirked looking to him.
Sans obviously couldn't help but burst out laughing. The whole time he was holding it together, but seeing her eyes water up and her face turn to shock and terror, made him laugh way harder than he wanted. He laughed so hard he started coughing a bit, his smile wide and ready for whatever she was about to tell him to do. "alright.... go on, what you got~?" He said egging her on a bit more and leaning in a bit.
Frisk layed her head on the table, laughing harder now as Sans and Chara started their teasing again, on top of the fact that Sans was laughing so hard that he was coughing. Chara couldn't help but start laughing herself, even though she now had a burning pain in her mouth and chest. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. " Sure, but not yet. Need to think of the perfect revenge. But first truth. What else do you have in your pockets?! I mean really, who the hell carries this around with them?" She chucked.
Sans chuckled and looked down "huh???? things in my pockets?.. what the heck are you talking about???" Sans pulls his pant pockets out to show theres nothing inside them. "i don't keep anything in my pockets... well... these pockets heh heh" Sans reaches into his jacket pocket that chara's wearing and he pulls out a party hat and puts it on, then pulls out an air horn. He aims it into the air and blasts it pretty loud. he laughs then shakes his head. "i don't keep anything in any of my pockets... to tell you the truth, i just take a short cut through my pockets.. and grab whatevers in my room.. or house heh heh heh"
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